[llvm] [VPlan] Update scalar induction resume values in VPlan. (PR #110577)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 4 09:02:12 PST 2024

@@ -7803,10 +7823,37 @@ EpilogueVectorizerMainLoop::createEpilogueVectorizedLoopSkeleton(
   // Generate the induction variable.
   EPI.VectorTripCount = getOrCreateVectorTripCount(LoopVectorPreHeader);
-  // Skip induction resume value creation here because they will be created in
-  // the second pass for the scalar loop. The induction resume values for the
-  // inductions in the epilogue loop are created before executing the plan for
-  // the epilogue loop.
+  // Create induction resume values and ResumePhis for the inductions in the
+  // epilogue loop in the VPlan for the epilogue vector loop.
ayalz wrote:

Are there still more bypass values created than needed, leading to test changes?


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