[clang] [llvm] Call setup_host_tools for more tools. (PR #118635)

Harald van Dijk via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 4 06:35:51 PST 2024

hvdijk wrote:

> I don't know what others would think about this, but without the subsequent changes that make use of this, I don't think this should be landed in LLVM. After all, plans might change, the community might refuse the subsequent PRs etc, resulting in dead code lying around.

I'm not going to argue strongly -- after all, in the upstream PR, I did say I considered submitting this, decided against it, and was asked to submit this anyway -- but if plans change, if DPC++ either never submits its libsycl or LLVM rejects it, LLVM will still have to come up with some other SYCL runtime and that will still need this PR.


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