[libc] [llvm] [libc] delete hdrgen (PR #117220)

Nick Desaulniers via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Dec 3 09:50:21 PST 2024

https://github.com/nickdesaulniers updated https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/117220

>From 9c0e2f94cc8fc382eba5e565ccf87703bb68d2fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nick Desaulniers <ndesaulniers at google.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2024 11:26:40 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 1/6] [libc] delete hdrgen

Thanks to the effort of @RoseZhang03 and @aaryanshukla under the guidance of
@michaelrj-google and @amykhuang, we now have newhdrgen and no longer have a
dependency on TableGen and thus LLVM in order to start bootstrapping a full

This PR removes:
- LIBC_HDRGEN_EXE; the in tree newhdrgen is the only hdrgen that can be used.
- LIBC_USE_NEW_HEADER_GEN; newhdrgen is the default and only option.
- LIBC_HDRGEN_ONLY; there is no need to have a distinct build step for old
- libc-api-test and libc-api-test-tidy build targets.
- Deletes all .td files.

It does not rename newhdrgen to just hdrgen. Will follow up with a distinct PR
for that.

Link: #117209
Fixes: #117208
 libc/CMakeLists.txt                           |   18 +-
 libc/cmake/modules/LLVMLibCHeaderRules.cmake  |   33 -
 libc/config/baremetal/api.td                  |   59 -
 libc/config/gpu/api.td                        |   50 -
 libc/config/linux/api.td                      |  276 ---
 libc/config/public_api.td                     |   26 -
 libc/docs/dev/header_generation.rst           |    3 -
 libc/docs/gpu/building.rst                    |   13 +-
 libc/include/CMakeLists.txt                   |   26 +-
 libc/spec/bsd_ext.td                          |   87 -
 libc/spec/gnu_ext.td                          |  316 ---
 libc/spec/gpu_ext.td                          |   18 -
 libc/spec/linux.td                            |  334 ---
 libc/spec/llvm_libc_ext.td                    |  116 -
 libc/spec/llvm_libc_stdfix_ext.td             |   27 -
 libc/spec/posix.td                            | 1867 -----------------
 libc/spec/spec.td                             |  253 ---
 libc/spec/stdc.td                             | 1827 ----------------
 libc/spec/stdc_ext.td                         |   82 -
 libc/test/src/CMakeLists.txt                  |   78 -
 libc/utils/HdrGen/CMakeLists.txt              |   22 -
 libc/utils/HdrGen/Command.cpp                 |   15 -
 libc/utils/HdrGen/Command.h                   |   54 -
 libc/utils/HdrGen/Generator.cpp               |  203 --
 libc/utils/HdrGen/Generator.h                 |   60 -
 libc/utils/HdrGen/IncludeFileCommand.cpp      |   50 -
 libc/utils/HdrGen/IncludeFileCommand.h        |   32 -
 libc/utils/HdrGen/Main.cpp                    |   62 -
 .../HdrGen/PrototypeTestGen/CMakeLists.txt    |    5 -
 .../PrototypeTestGen/PrototypeTestGen.cpp     |  106 -
 libc/utils/HdrGen/PublicAPICommand.cpp        |  331 ---
 libc/utils/HdrGen/PublicAPICommand.h          |   48 -
 libc/utils/HdrGen/README.md                   |    5 -
 libc/utils/LibcTableGenUtil/APIIndexer.cpp    |  173 --
 libc/utils/LibcTableGenUtil/APIIndexer.h      |   86 -
 libc/utils/LibcTableGenUtil/CMakeLists.txt    |   13 -
 36 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 6761 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 libc/config/baremetal/api.td
 delete mode 100644 libc/config/gpu/api.td
 delete mode 100644 libc/config/linux/api.td
 delete mode 100644 libc/config/public_api.td
 delete mode 100644 libc/spec/bsd_ext.td
 delete mode 100644 libc/spec/gnu_ext.td
 delete mode 100644 libc/spec/gpu_ext.td
 delete mode 100644 libc/spec/linux.td
 delete mode 100644 libc/spec/llvm_libc_ext.td
 delete mode 100644 libc/spec/llvm_libc_stdfix_ext.td
 delete mode 100644 libc/spec/posix.td
 delete mode 100644 libc/spec/spec.td
 delete mode 100644 libc/spec/stdc.td
 delete mode 100644 libc/spec/stdc_ext.td
 delete mode 100644 libc/utils/HdrGen/CMakeLists.txt
 delete mode 100644 libc/utils/HdrGen/Command.cpp
 delete mode 100644 libc/utils/HdrGen/Command.h
 delete mode 100644 libc/utils/HdrGen/Generator.cpp
 delete mode 100644 libc/utils/HdrGen/Generator.h
 delete mode 100644 libc/utils/HdrGen/IncludeFileCommand.cpp
 delete mode 100644 libc/utils/HdrGen/IncludeFileCommand.h
 delete mode 100644 libc/utils/HdrGen/Main.cpp
 delete mode 100644 libc/utils/HdrGen/PrototypeTestGen/CMakeLists.txt
 delete mode 100644 libc/utils/HdrGen/PrototypeTestGen/PrototypeTestGen.cpp
 delete mode 100644 libc/utils/HdrGen/PublicAPICommand.cpp
 delete mode 100644 libc/utils/HdrGen/PublicAPICommand.h
 delete mode 100644 libc/utils/HdrGen/README.md
 delete mode 100644 libc/utils/LibcTableGenUtil/APIIndexer.cpp
 delete mode 100644 libc/utils/LibcTableGenUtil/APIIndexer.h
 delete mode 100644 libc/utils/LibcTableGenUtil/CMakeLists.txt

diff --git a/libc/CMakeLists.txt b/libc/CMakeLists.txt
index eee5b63bab513c..b1ae6df4c104d2 100644
--- a/libc/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/libc/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -54,27 +54,12 @@ set(LIBC_NAMESPACE ${default_namespace}
-    # We need to set up hdrgen first since other targets depend on it.
-    add_subdirectory(utils/LibcTableGenUtil)
-    add_subdirectory(utils/HdrGen)
-    # Calling add_tablegen sets variables like LIBC_TABLEGEN_EXE in
-    # PARENT_SCOPE which get lost until saved in the cache.
-  else()
-    message(STATUS "Will use ${LIBC_HDRGEN_EXE} for libc header generation.")
-  endif()
 # We will build the GPU utilities if we are not doing a runtimes build.
 option(LIBC_BUILD_GPU_LOADER "Always build the GPU loader utilities" OFF)
-option(LIBC_USE_NEW_HEADER_GEN "Generate header files using new headergen instead of the old one" ON)
@@ -88,8 +73,7 @@ if(NOT LLVM_RUNTIMES_BUILD)
-option(LIBC_HDRGEN_ONLY "Only build the 'libc-hdrgen' executable" OFF)
   # When libc is build as part of the runtimes/bootstrap build's CMake run, we
   # only need to build the host tools to build the libc. So, we just do enough
   # to build libc-hdrgen and return.
diff --git a/libc/cmake/modules/LLVMLibCHeaderRules.cmake b/libc/cmake/modules/LLVMLibCHeaderRules.cmake
index 76c4e1f2d3244c..766225cbeab404 100644
--- a/libc/cmake/modules/LLVMLibCHeaderRules.cmake
+++ b/libc/cmake/modules/LLVMLibCHeaderRules.cmake
@@ -220,46 +220,13 @@ function(add_gen_header target_name)
   set(gen_hdr_script "${LIBC_BUILD_SCRIPTS_DIR}/gen_hdr.py")
-  file(GLOB td_includes ${LIBC_SOURCE_DIR}/spec/*.td)
-    set(hdrgen_exe ${LIBC_HDRGEN_EXE})
-  else()
-    set(hdrgen_exe ${LIBC_TABLEGEN_EXE})
-    set(hdrgen_deps "${LIBC_TABLEGEN_EXE};${LIBC_TABLEGEN_TARGET}")
-  endif()
-  add_custom_command(
-    OUTPUT ${out_file}
-    COMMAND ${hdrgen_exe} -o ${out_file} --header ${ADD_GEN_HDR_GEN_HDR}
-            --def ${in_file} ${replacement_params} -I ${LIBC_SOURCE_DIR}
-           ${LIBC_SOURCE_DIR}/config/${LIBC_TARGET_OS}/api.td
-    DEPENDS ${in_file} ${fq_data_files} ${td_includes}
-            ${LIBC_SOURCE_DIR}/config/${LIBC_TARGET_OS}/api.td
-            ${hdrgen_deps}
-  )
     file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${LIBC_INCLUDE_DIR}/llvm-libc-decls)
     file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${LIBC_INCLUDE_DIR}/llvm-libc-decls/gpu)
     set(decl_out_file ${LIBC_INCLUDE_DIR}/llvm-libc-decls/${relative_path})
-    add_custom_command(
-      OUTPUT ${decl_out_file}
-      COMMAND ${hdrgen_exe} -o ${decl_out_file}
-              --header ${ADD_GEN_HDR_GEN_HDR} --def ${in_file} --export-decls
-              ${replacement_params} -I ${LIBC_SOURCE_DIR} ${ENTRYPOINT_NAME_LIST_ARG}
-              ${LIBC_SOURCE_DIR}/config/${LIBC_TARGET_OS}/api.td
-      DEPENDS ${in_file} ${fq_data_files} ${td_includes}
-              ${LIBC_SOURCE_DIR}/config/${LIBC_TARGET_OS}/api.td
-              ${hdrgen_deps}
-    )
diff --git a/libc/config/baremetal/api.td b/libc/config/baremetal/api.td
deleted file mode 100644
index 7421d86fabeb08..00000000000000
--- a/libc/config/baremetal/api.td
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-include "config/public_api.td"
-include "spec/stdc.td"
-include "spec/stdc_ext.td"
-include "spec/bsd_ext.td"
-include "spec/llvm_libc_stdfix_ext.td"
-def CTypeAPI : PublicAPI<"ctype.h"> {
-def FEnvAPI : PublicAPI<"fenv.h"> {
-  let Types = ["fenv_t", "fexcept_t"];
-def IntTypesAPI : PublicAPI<"inttypes.h"> {
-  let Types = ["imaxdiv_t"];
-def MathAPI : PublicAPI<"math.h"> {
-  let Types = ["double_t", "float_t"];
-def StdIOAPI : PublicAPI<"stdio.h"> {
-  let Types = ["size_t"];
-def StdlibAPI : PublicAPI<"stdlib.h"> {
-  let Types = [
-    "div_t",
-    "ldiv_t",
-    "lldiv_t",
-    "size_t",
-    "__bsearchcompare_t",
-    "__qsortcompare_t",
-  ];
-def StringAPI : PublicAPI<"string.h"> {
-  let Types = ["size_t"];
-def TimeAPI : PublicAPI<"time.h"> {
-  let Types = [
-    "clock_t",
-    "time_t",
-    "struct tm",
-    "struct timespec",
-  ];
-def UCharAPI : PublicAPI<"uchar.h"> {
-  let Types = [
-    "mbstate_t",
-    "char8_t",
-    "char16_t",
-    "char32_t",
-  ];
diff --git a/libc/config/gpu/api.td b/libc/config/gpu/api.td
deleted file mode 100644
index 995ff31c4ac9e9..00000000000000
--- a/libc/config/gpu/api.td
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-include "config/public_api.td"
-include "spec/stdc.td"
-include "spec/posix.td"
-include "spec/gpu_ext.td"
-include "spec/gnu_ext.td"
-include "spec/stdc_ext.td"
-include "spec/llvm_libc_ext.td"
-def StringAPI : PublicAPI<"string.h"> {
-  let Types = ["size_t"];
-def StdlibAPI : PublicAPI<"stdlib.h"> {
-  let Types = [
-    "div_t",
-    "ldiv_t",
-    "lldiv_t",
-    "size_t",
-    "__bsearchcompare_t",
-    "__qsortcompare_t",
-    "__qsortrcompare_t",
-    "__atexithandler_t",
-  ];
-def FenvAPI: PublicAPI<"fenv.h"> {
-  let Types = ["fenv_t"];
-def StdIOAPI : PublicAPI<"stdio.h"> {
-  let Types = [
-    "FILE",
-    "off_t",
-    "size_t",
-  ];
-def IntTypesAPI : PublicAPI<"inttypes.h"> {
-  let Types = ["imaxdiv_t"];
-def TimeAPI : PublicAPI<"time.h"> {
-  let Types = [
-    "clock_t",
-    "time_t",
-    "struct timespec",
-  ];
diff --git a/libc/config/linux/api.td b/libc/config/linux/api.td
deleted file mode 100644
index a00e0f61b90df7..00000000000000
--- a/libc/config/linux/api.td
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-include "config/public_api.td"
-include "spec/stdc.td"
-include "spec/posix.td"
-include "spec/linux.td"
-include "spec/gnu_ext.td"
-include "spec/bsd_ext.td"
-include "spec/stdc_ext.td"
-include "spec/llvm_libc_ext.td"
-include "spec/llvm_libc_stdfix_ext.td"
-def CTypeAPI : PublicAPI<"ctype.h"> {
-def FCntlAPI : PublicAPI<"fcntl.h"> {
-  let Types = [
-    "mode_t",
-    "off_t",
-  ];
-def IntTypesAPI : PublicAPI<"inttypes.h"> {
-  let Types = ["imaxdiv_t"];
-def MathAPI : PublicAPI<"math.h"> {
-  let Types = ["double_t", "float_t", "float128"];
-def FenvAPI: PublicAPI<"fenv.h"> {
-  let Types = ["fenv_t", "fexcept_t"];
-def StringAPI : PublicAPI<"string.h"> {
-  let Types = ["size_t"];
-def StdIOAPI : PublicAPI<"stdio.h"> {
-  let Macros = [
-    SimpleMacroDef<"stderr", "stderr">,
-    SimpleMacroDef<"stdin", "stdin">,
-    SimpleMacroDef<"stdout", "stdout">,
-  ];
-  let Types = [
-    "FILE",
-    "cookie_io_functions_t",
-    "off_t",
-    "size_t",
-  ];
-def StdlibAPI : PublicAPI<"stdlib.h"> {
-  let Types = [
-    "div_t",
-    "ldiv_t",
-    "lldiv_t",
-    "size_t",
-    "__bsearchcompare_t",
-    "__qsortcompare_t",
-    "__qsortrcompare_t",
-    "__atexithandler_t",
-  ];
-def TimeAPI : PublicAPI<"time.h"> {
-  let Types = [
-    "clock_t",
-    "time_t",
-    "struct tm",
-    "struct timespec",
-    "struct timeval",
-    "clockid_t",
-  ];
-def SchedAPI : PublicAPI<"sched.h"> {
-  let Types = [
-    "pid_t",
-    "size_t",
-    "cpu_set_t",
-    "struct sched_param",
-    // Needed according to posix standard
-    "time_t",
-    "struct timespec",
-  ];
-def SysMManAPI : PublicAPI<"sys/mman.h"> {
-  let Types = ["off_t", "size_t", "mode_t"];
-def SignalAPI : PublicAPI<"signal.h"> {
-  let Types = [
-    "sig_atomic_t",
-    "sigset_t",
-    "struct sigaction",
-    "union sigval",
-    "siginfo_t",
-    "stack_t",
-    "pid_t",
-  ];
-def ThreadsAPI : PublicAPI<"threads.h"> {
-  let Macros = [
-    SimpleMacroDef<"ONCE_FLAG_INIT", "{0}">,
-  ];
-  let Types = [
-    "__call_once_func_t",
-    "once_flag",
-    "cnd_t",
-    "mtx_t",
-    "thrd_t",
-    "thrd_start_t",
-    "tss_t",
-    "tss_dtor_t",
-  ];
-  let Enumerations = [
-    "mtx_plain",
-    "mtx_recursive",
-    "mtx_timed",
-    "thrd_timedout",
-    "thrd_success",
-    "thrd_busy",
-    "thrd_error",
-    "thrd_nomem",
-  ];
-def PThreadAPI : PublicAPI<"pthread.h"> {
-  let Types = [
-      "__atfork_callback_t",
-      "__pthread_once_func_t",
-      "__pthread_start_t",
-      "__pthread_tss_dtor_t",
-      "pthread_attr_t",
-      "pthread_condattr_t",
-      "pthread_key_t",
-      "pthread_mutex_t",
-      "pthread_mutexattr_t",
-      "pthread_once_t",
-      "pthread_rwlockattr_t",
-      "pthread_rwlock_t",
-      "pthread_spinlock_t",
-      "pthread_t",
-  ];
-def DirentAPI : PublicAPI<"dirent.h"> {
-  let Types = [
-    "ino_t",
-    "DIR",
-    "struct dirent",
-  ];
-def UniStdAPI : PublicAPI<"unistd.h"> {
-  let Types = ["__exec_argv_t", "__exec_envp_t", "off_t", "pid_t", "size_t",
-               "ssize_t", "uid_t", "__getoptargv_t"];
-def WCharAPI : PublicAPI<"wchar.h"> {
-  let Types = [
-    "wchar_t",
-    "wint_t",
-    "size_t",
-  ];
-def UCharAPI : PublicAPI<"uchar.h"> {
-  let Types = [
-    "mbstate_t",
-    "char8_t",
-    "char16_t",
-    "char32_t",
-  ];
-def SysRandomAPI : PublicAPI<"sys/random.h"> {
-  let Types = ["size_t", "ssize_t"];
-def SysSelectAPI : PublicAPI<"sys/select.h"> {
-  let Types = ["fd_set", "sigset_t", "suseconds_t", "time_t", "struct timespec",
-               "struct timeval"];
-def SysSocketAPI : PublicAPI<"sys/socket.h"> {
-  let Types = [
-    "sa_family_t",
-    "socklen_t",
-    "struct sockaddr",
-    "struct sockaddr_un",
-    "struct msghdr",
-    "struct iovec",
-    "size_t",
-    "ssize_t",
-  ];
-def SysResourceAPI : PublicAPI<"sys/resource.h"> {
-  let Types = ["rlim_t", "struct rlimit"];
-def SysStatAPI : PublicAPI<"sys/stat.h"> {
-  let Types = ["mode_t", "dev_t", "ino_t", "nlink_t", "uid_t", "gid_t", "off_t",
-               "struct timespec", "struct timeval", "blksize_t", "blkcnt_t",
-               "struct stat"];
-def SysWaitAPI : PublicAPI<"sys/wait.h"> {
-  let Types = ["pid_t", "struct rusage", "siginfo_t"];
-def SysSendfileAPI : PublicAPI<"sys/sendfile.h"> {
-  let Types = ["off_t", "size_t", "ssize_t"];
-def SysTypesAPI : PublicAPI<"sys/types.h"> {
-  let Types = [
-    "blkcnt_t",
-    "blksize_t",
-    "clockid_t",
-    "dev_t",
-    "gid_t",
-    "ino_t",
-    "mode_t",
-    "nlink_t",
-    "off_t",
-    "pid_t",
-    "pthread_attr_t",
-    "pthread_condattr_t",
-    "pthread_key_t",
-    "pthread_mutex_t",
-    "pthread_mutexattr_t",
-    "pthread_once_t",
-    "pthread_rwlockattr_t",
-    "pthread_rwlock_t",
-    "pthread_t",
-    "size_t",
-    "ssize_t",
-    "suseconds_t",
-    "time_t",
-    "uid_t"
-  ];
-def SysUtsNameAPI : PublicAPI<"sys/utsname.h"> {
-  let Types = ["struct utsname"];
-def SysEpollAPI : PublicAPI<"sys/epoll.h"> {
-  let Types = ["struct epoll_event", "struct epoll_data", "sigset_t", "struct timespec"];
-def SpawnAPI : PublicAPI<"spawn.h"> {
-  let Types = ["mode_t", "pid_t", "posix_spawnattr_t", "posix_spawn_file_actions_t"];
-def TermiosAPI : PublicAPI<"termios.h"> {
-  let Types = ["cc_t", "pid_t", "speed_t", "struct termios", "tcflag_t"];
-def SetJmpAPI : PublicAPI<"setjmp.h"> {
-  let Types = ["jmp_buf"];
-def SearchAPI : PublicAPI<"search.h"> {
-  let Types = ["ACTION", "ENTRY", "struct hsearch_data", "__lsearchcompare_t"];
-def SysStatvfsAPI : PublicAPI<"sys/statvfs.h"> {
-  let Types = ["struct statvfs"];
diff --git a/libc/config/public_api.td b/libc/config/public_api.td
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b34506c643c32..00000000000000
--- a/libc/config/public_api.td
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-include "spec/spec.td"
-class MacroDef<string name> {
-  string Name = name;
-  string Defn = "";
-class SimpleMacroDef<string name, string value> : MacroDef<name> {
-  let Defn = !strconcat("#define ", name, " ", value);
-class MacroDefineIfNot<string name, string value> : MacroDef<name> {
-  let Defn = !strconcat("#ifndef ", name, "\n",
-                        "#define " , name, " ", value, "\n",
-                        "#endif // ", name);
-class PublicAPI<string name> {
-  string HeaderName = name;
-  list<MacroDef> Macros = [];
-  list<string> Types = [];
-  list<string> Enumerations = [];
-  list<string> Structs = [];
-  list<string> Functions = [];
-  list<string> Objects = [];
diff --git a/libc/docs/dev/header_generation.rst b/libc/docs/dev/header_generation.rst
index ec4206217ca777..0730b9a40c26a1 100644
--- a/libc/docs/dev/header_generation.rst
+++ b/libc/docs/dev/header_generation.rst
@@ -38,9 +38,6 @@ Required Versions:
-New Headergen is turned on by default, but if you want to use old Headergen,
-you can include this statement when building: ``-DLIBC_USE_NEW_HEADER_GEN=OFF``
 To add a function to the YAML files, you can either manually enter it in the
 YAML file corresponding to the header it belongs to or add it through the
 command line.
diff --git a/libc/docs/gpu/building.rst b/libc/docs/gpu/building.rst
index 37dccdab6dc340..6a2d1f23c0bcdf 100644
--- a/libc/docs/gpu/building.rst
+++ b/libc/docs/gpu/building.rst
@@ -86,16 +86,13 @@ compiler. These tools must all be up-to-date with the libc source.
      -DLLVM_LIBC_FULL_BUILD=ON                \
-     -DLIBC_HDRGEN_ONLY=ON    \ # Only build the 'libc-hdrgen' tool
      -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release # Release suggested to make "clang" fast
   $> ninja # Build the 'clang' compiler
-  $> ninja libc-hdrgen # Build the 'libc-hdrgen' tool
-Once this has finished the build directory should contain the ``clang`` compiler
-and the ``libc-hdrgen`` executable. We will use the ``clang`` compiler to build
-the GPU code and the ``libc-hdrgen`` tool to create the necessary headers. We
-use these tools to bootstrap the build out of the runtimes directory targeting a
-GPU architecture.
+Once this has finished the build directory should contain the ``clang``
+compiler executable. We will use the ``clang`` compiler to build the GPU code.
+We use these tools to bootstrap the build out of the runtimes directory
+targeting a GPU architecture.
 .. code-block:: sh
@@ -105,7 +102,6 @@ GPU architecture.
   $> TARGET_TRIPLE=<amdgcn-amd-amdhsa or nvptx64-nvidia-cuda>
   $> TARGET_C_COMPILER=</path/to/clang>
   $> TARGET_CXX_COMPILER=</path/to/clang++>
-  $> HDRGEN=</path/to/libc-hdrgen>
   $> cmake ../runtimes \ # Point to the runtimes build
      -G Ninja                                  \
      -DLLVM_ENABLE_RUNTIMES=libc               \
@@ -113,7 +109,6 @@ GPU architecture.
      -DLLVM_LIBC_FULL_BUILD=ON                 \
-     -DLIBC_HDRGEN_EXE=$HDRGEN                 \
   $> ninja install
diff --git a/libc/include/CMakeLists.txt b/libc/include/CMakeLists.txt
index 899a93ad72d4cc..ca879974b703c2 100644
--- a/libc/include/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/libc/include/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -18,24 +18,14 @@ add_header(
-    add_gen_header2(
-      ${TARGET_NAME}
-      GEN_HDR ${GEN_HDR}
-      ${DEPENDS}
-      ${ARGN}
-    )
-  else()
-    add_gen_header(
-      ${TARGET_NAME}
-      GEN_HDR ${GEN_HDR}
-      ${DEPENDS}
-      ${ARGN}
-    )
-  endif()
+  add_gen_header2(
+    ${DEPENDS}
+    ${ARGN}
+  )
diff --git a/libc/spec/bsd_ext.td b/libc/spec/bsd_ext.td
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b91324e36db9a..00000000000000
--- a/libc/spec/bsd_ext.td
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-def BsdExtensions : StandardSpec<"BSDExtensions"> {
-  HeaderSpec Math = HeaderSpec<
-      "math.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<"isnan", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"isnanf", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"isnanl", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec String = HeaderSpec<
-      "string.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "strlcat",
-            RetValSpec<SizeTType>,
-            [ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "strlcpy",
-            RetValSpec<SizeTType>,
-            [ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "strsep",
-            RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-            [ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtrPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>]
-        >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec Strings = HeaderSpec<
-      "strings.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "strcasecmp",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "strncasecmp",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "index",
-            RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-            [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "rindex",
-            RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-            [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec SysWait = HeaderSpec<
-      "sys/wait.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [StructRUsage], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "wait4",
-            RetValSpec<PidT>,
-            [ArgSpec<PidT>, ArgSpec<IntPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<StructRUsagePtr>]
-        >
-      ]
-  >;
-  let Headers = [
-    Math,
-    String,
-    Strings,
-    SysWait,
-  ];
diff --git a/libc/spec/gnu_ext.td b/libc/spec/gnu_ext.td
deleted file mode 100644
index 64121aed9574f2..00000000000000
--- a/libc/spec/gnu_ext.td
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-def CpuSetT : NamedType<"cpu_set_t">;
-def CpuSetPtr : PtrType<CpuSetT>;
-def ConstCpuSetPtr : ConstType<CpuSetPtr>;
-def QSortRCompareT : NamedType<"__qsortrcompare_t">;
-def StructHsearchData : NamedType<"struct hsearch_data">;
-def StructHsearchDataPtr : PtrType<StructHsearchData>;
-def GnuExtensions : StandardSpec<"GNUExtensions"> {
-  NamedType CookieIOFunctionsT = NamedType<"cookie_io_functions_t">;
-  HeaderSpec CType = HeaderSpec<
-    "ctype.h",
-    [], // Macros
-    [], // Types
-    [], // Enumerations
-    [
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "toascii",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-    ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec Malloc = HeaderSpec<
-      "malloc.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<"mallopt", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<IntType>]>,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec Math = HeaderSpec<
-      "math.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "sincosf",
-            RetValSpec<VoidType>,
-            [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatPtr>, ArgSpec<FloatPtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "lgamma_r",
-            RetValSpec<DoubleType>,
-            [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<IntPtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "lgammaf_r",
-            RetValSpec<FloatType>,
-            [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<IntPtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "lgammal_r",
-            RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>,
-            [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<IntPtr>]
-        >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec Sched = HeaderSpec<
-      "sched.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [PidT, SizeTType, CpuSetT], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "sched_getaffinity",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<PidT>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>, ArgSpec<CpuSetPtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "sched_setaffinity",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<PidT>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>, ArgSpec<ConstCpuSetPtr>]
-        >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec String = HeaderSpec<
-      "string.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-         FunctionSpec<
-            "memmem",
-            RetValSpec<VoidPtr>,
-            [ArgSpec<ConstVoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>, ArgSpec<ConstVoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "memrchr",
-            RetValSpec<VoidPtr>,
-            [ArgSpec<ConstVoidPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "strerror_r",
-            RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-            [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<CharPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "strcasestr",
-            RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-            [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "strchrnul",
-            RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-            [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec Search = HeaderSpec<
-    "search.h",
-    [], // Macros
-    [
-        StructHsearchData
-    ],
-    [], // Enumerations
-    [
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "hcreate_r",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [
-                ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-                ArgSpec<StructHsearchDataPtr>
-            ]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "hdestroy_r",
-            RetValSpec<VoidType>,
-            [
-                ArgSpec<StructHsearchDataPtr>
-            ]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "hsearch_r",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [
-                ArgSpec<EntryType>,
-                ArgSpec<ActionType>,
-                ArgSpec<EntryTypePtrPtr>,
-                ArgSpec<StructHsearchDataPtr>
-            ]
-        >,
-    ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec FEnv = HeaderSpec<
-      "fenv.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "fedisableexcept",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "feenableexcept",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "fegetexcept",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            []
-        >
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec StdIO = HeaderSpec<
-      "stdio.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [CookieIOFunctionsT], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "clearerr_unlocked",
-              RetValSpec<VoidType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FILEPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "feof_unlocked",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FILEPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "ferror_unlocked",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FILEPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fopencookie",
-              RetValSpec<FILEPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<VoidPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<CookieIOFunctionsT>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fread_unlocked",
-              RetValSpec<SizeTType>,
-              [ArgSpec<VoidRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-               ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-               ArgSpec<FILERestrictedPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fwrite_unlocked",
-              RetValSpec<SizeTType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstVoidRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-               ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-               ArgSpec<FILERestrictedPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fgetc_unlocked",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FILEPtr>]
-          >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec StdLib = HeaderSpec<
-      "stdlib.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [QSortRCompareT], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<
-                "qsort_r",
-                RetValSpec<VoidType>,
-                [ArgSpec<VoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>, ArgSpec<QSortRCompareT>, ArgSpec<VoidPtr>]
-          >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec PThread = HeaderSpec<
-      "pthread.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "pthread_setname_np",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<PThreadTType>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "pthread_getname_np",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<PThreadTType>, ArgSpec<CharPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-          >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec SysAuxv = HeaderSpec<
-      "sys/auxv.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "getauxval",
-              RetValSpec<UnsignedLongType>,
-              [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongType>]
-          >,
-      ]  // Functions
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec SendFile = HeaderSpec<
-      "sys/sendfile.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [OffTType, SizeTType, SSizeTType,], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "sendfile",
-              RetValSpec<SSizeTType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<OffTPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-          >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec UniStd = HeaderSpec<
-    "unistd.h",
-    [], // Macros
-    [], // Types
-    [], // Enumerations
-    [
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "dup2",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-    ]
-  >;
-  let Headers = [
-    CType,
-    FEnv,
-    Malloc,
-    Math,
-    PThread,
-    Sched,
-    SendFile,
-    SysAuxv,
-    StdIO,
-    StdLib,
-    String,
-    Search,
-    UniStd,
-  ];
diff --git a/libc/spec/gpu_ext.td b/libc/spec/gpu_ext.td
deleted file mode 100644
index d99531dc06bcd6..00000000000000
--- a/libc/spec/gpu_ext.td
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-def GPUExtensions : StandardSpec<"GPUExtensions"> {
-  HeaderSpec RPC = HeaderSpec<
-    "gpu/rpc.h",
-    [], // Macros
-    [], // Types
-    [], // Enumerations
-    [
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "rpc_host_call",
-            RetValSpec<UnsignedLongLongType>,
-            [ArgSpec<VoidPtr>, ArgSpec<VoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-        >,
-    ]
-  >;
-  let Headers = [
-    RPC,
-  ];
diff --git a/libc/spec/linux.td b/libc/spec/linux.td
deleted file mode 100644
index 99e0949a592dfa..00000000000000
--- a/libc/spec/linux.td
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-def StructEpollEvent : NamedType<"struct epoll_event">;
-def StructEpollEventPtr : PtrType<StructEpollEvent>;
-def StructEpollData : NamedType<"struct epoll_data">;
-def Linux : StandardSpec<"Linux"> {
-  HeaderSpec Errno = HeaderSpec<
-      "errno.h",
-      [
-        Macro<"ENOMEDIUM">,
-        Macro<"ENOTBLK">,
-        Macro<"EMEDIUMTYPE">,
-        Macro<"EBADSLT">,
-        Macro<"ECHRNG">,
-        Macro<"ERFKILL">,
-        Macro<"EUSERS">,
-        Macro<"EBADR">,
-        Macro<"EL3HLT">,
-        Macro<"ENOTUNIQ">,
-        Macro<"EXFULL">,
-        Macro<"EHOSTDOWN">,
-        Macro<"EL3RST">,
-        Macro<"ENOPKG">,
-        Macro<"ENOCSI">,
-        Macro<"EUNATCH">,
-        Macro<"EREMCHG">,
-        Macro<"ETOOMANYREFS">,
-        Macro<"EL2HLT">,
-        Macro<"EBADFD">,
-        Macro<"EREMOTEIO">,
-        Macro<"ENAVAIL">,
-        Macro<"ELIBEXEC">,
-        Macro<"ESHUTDOWN">,
-        Macro<"ENOKEY">,
-        Macro<"ESTRPIPE">,
-        Macro<"EKEYREJECTED">,
-        Macro<"ESRMNT">,
-        Macro<"EKEYREVOKED">,
-        Macro<"EBADE">,
-        Macro<"ELIBBAD">,
-        Macro<"EISNAM">,
-        Macro<"EBFONT">,
-        Macro<"EPFNOSUPPORT">,
-        Macro<"EREMOTE">,
-        Macro<"EDEADLOCK">,
-        Macro<"ENONET">,
-        Macro<"EDOTDOT">,
-        Macro<"EKEYEXPIRED">,
-        Macro<"ELIBSCN">,
-        Macro<"ERESTART">,
-        Macro<"EBADRQC">,
-        Macro<"EUCLEAN">,
-        Macro<"ENOANO">,
-        Macro<"ELIBACC">,
-        Macro<"EHWPOISON">,
-        Macro<"ELIBMAX">,
-        Macro<"ESOCKTNOSUPPORT">,
-        Macro<"ENOTNAM">,
-        Macro<"ELNRNG">,
-        Macro<"EL2NSYNC">,
-        Macro<"EADV">,
-        Macro<"ECOMM">,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec Sched = HeaderSpec<
-      "sched.h",
-      [
-        Macro<"SCHED_OTHER">,
-        Macro<"SCHED_FIFO">,
-        Macro<"SCHED_RR">,
-        Macro<"SCHED_BATCH">,
-        Macro<"SCHED_ISO">,
-        Macro<"SCHED_IDLE">,
-        Macro<"SCHED_DEADLINE">,
-      ],
-      [], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      []  // Functions
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec SysMMan = HeaderSpec<
-      "sys/mman.h",
-      [Macro<"MAP_ANONYMOUS">],
-      [], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "mincore",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [
-              ArgSpec<VoidPtr>,
-              ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-              ArgSpec<UnsignedCharPtr>,
-            ]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "mlock2",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [
-            ArgSpec<VoidPtr>,
-            ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-            ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>,
-          ]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "remap_file_pages",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [
-            ArgSpec<VoidPtr>,
-            ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-            ArgSpec<IntType>,
-            ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-            ArgSpec<IntType>,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "process_mrelease",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [
-            ArgSpec<IntType>,
-            ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>
-          ]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "mremap",
-          RetValSpec<VoidPtr>,
-          [
-            ArgSpec<VoidPtr>,
-            ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-            ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-            ArgSpec<IntType>,
-            ArgSpec<VarArgType>,
-          ]
-        >,
-      ]  // Functions
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec SysPrctl = HeaderSpec<
-      "sys/prctl.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "prctl",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [
-            ArgSpec<IntType>,
-            ArgSpec<UnsignedLongType>,
-            ArgSpec<UnsignedLongType>,
-            ArgSpec<UnsignedLongType>,
-            ArgSpec<UnsignedLongType>,
-          ]
-        >,
-      ]  // Functions
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec SysRandom = HeaderSpec<
-      "sys/random.h",
-      [
-        Macro<"GRND_RANDOM">,
-        Macro<"GRND_NONBLOCK">,
-        Macro<"GRND_INSECURE">,
-      ],
-      [SizeTType, SSizeTType], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "getrandom",
-          RetValSpec<SSizeTType>,
-          [
-            ArgSpec<VoidPtr>,
-            ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-            ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>
-          ]
-        >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec SysTime = HeaderSpec<
-      "sys/time.h",
-      [
-        Macro<"timeradd">,
-        Macro<"timersub">,
-        Macro<"timerclear">,
-        Macro<"timerisset">,
-        Macro<"timercmp">,
-      ],
-      [StructTimevalType], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      []  // Functions
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec SysEpoll = HeaderSpec<
-      "sys/epoll.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [
-        StructEpollEvent,
-        StructEpollData,
-        SigSetType,
-        StructTimeSpec,
-      ], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "epoll_create",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [
-            ArgSpec<IntType>
-          ]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "epoll_create1",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [
-            ArgSpec<IntType>
-          ]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "epoll_ctl",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [
-            ArgSpec<IntType>,
-            ArgSpec<IntType>,
-            ArgSpec<IntType>,
-            ArgSpec<StructEpollEventPtr>
-          ]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "epoll_wait",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [
-            ArgSpec<IntType>,
-            ArgSpec<StructEpollEventPtr>,
-            ArgSpec<IntType>,
-            ArgSpec<IntType>
-          ]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "epoll_pwait",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [
-            ArgSpec<IntType>,
-            ArgSpec<StructEpollEventPtr>,
-            ArgSpec<IntType>,
-            ArgSpec<IntType>,
-            ArgSpec<ConstSigSetPtrType>
-          ]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "epoll_pwait2",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [
-            ArgSpec<IntType>,
-            ArgSpec<StructEpollEventPtr>,
-            ArgSpec<IntType>,
-            ArgSpec<ConstStructTimeSpecPtr>,
-            ArgSpec<ConstSigSetPtrType>
-          ]
-        >,
-      ]  // Functions
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec Signal = HeaderSpec<
-      "signal.h",
-      [
-        Macro<"NSIG">,
-        Macro<"SIGHUP">,
-        Macro<"SIGINT">,
-        Macro<"SIGQUIT">,
-        Macro<"SIGILL">,
-        Macro<"SIGTRAP">,
-        Macro<"SIGABRT">,
-        Macro<"SIGIOT">,
-        Macro<"SIGBUS">,
-        Macro<"SIGFPE">,
-        Macro<"SIGKILL">,
-        Macro<"SIGUSR1">,
-        Macro<"SIGSEGV">,
-        Macro<"SIGUSR2">,
-        Macro<"SIGPIPE">,
-        Macro<"SIGALRM">,
-        Macro<"SIGTERM">,
-        Macro<"SIGSTKFLT">,
-        Macro<"SIGCHLD">,
-        Macro<"SIGCONT">,
-        Macro<"SIGSTOP">,
-        Macro<"SIGTSTP">,
-        Macro<"SIGTTIN">,
-        Macro<"SIGTTOU">,
-        Macro<"SIGURG">,
-        Macro<"SIGXCPU">,
-        Macro<"SIGXFSZ">,
-        Macro<"SIGVTALRM">,
-        Macro<"SIGPROF">,
-        Macro<"SIGWINCH">,
-        Macro<"SIGIO">,
-        Macro<"SIGPOLL">,
-        Macro<"SIGPWR">,
-        Macro<"SIGSYS">,
-        Macro<"SIGUNUSED">,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec UniStd = HeaderSpec<
-    "unistd.h",
-    [], // Macros
-    [],
-    [], // Enumerations
-    [
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "pipe2",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>] //TODO: make this int[2]
-        >,
-    ],
-    []
-  >;
-  let Headers = [
-    Errno,
-    SysEpoll,
-    SysMMan,
-    SysPrctl,
-    SysRandom,
-    SysTime,
-    Signal,
-    UniStd,
-  ];
diff --git a/libc/spec/llvm_libc_ext.td b/libc/spec/llvm_libc_ext.td
deleted file mode 100644
index cd63e34a44ef0a..00000000000000
--- a/libc/spec/llvm_libc_ext.td
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-def LLVMLibcExt : StandardSpec<"llvm_libc_ext"> {
-  HeaderSpec Strings = HeaderSpec<
-      "strings.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "bcopy",
-              RetValSpec<VoidType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstVoidPtr>, ArgSpec<VoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "bzero",
-              RetValSpec<VoidType>,
-              [ArgSpec<VoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "bcmp",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstVoidPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstVoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-          >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec Assert = HeaderSpec<
-      "assert.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "__assert_fail",
-              RetValSpec<NoReturn>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<UnsignedType>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-          >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec Sched = HeaderSpec<
-      "sched.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [PidT, SizeTType, CpuSetT], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "__sched_getcpucount",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<SizeTType>, ArgSpec<ConstCpuSetPtr>]
-        >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec Math = HeaderSpec<
-      "math.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"daddf128", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"ddivf128", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"dfmaf128", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"dsqrtf128", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"dsubf128", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"f16add", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"f16addf", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"f16addl", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"f16sub", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"f16subf", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"f16subl", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"faddf128", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fdivf128", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"ffmaf128", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fmulf128", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"dmulf128", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"f16mul", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"f16mulf", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"f16mull", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"f16div", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"f16divf", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"f16divl", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"f16fma", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"f16fmaf", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"f16fmal", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"f16sqrt", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"f16sqrtf", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"f16sqrtl", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fsqrtf128", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fsubf128", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"powi", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<IntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"powif", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<IntType>]>,
-      ]
-  >;
-  let Headers = [
-    Assert,
-    Math,
-    Sched,
-    Strings,
-  ];
diff --git a/libc/spec/llvm_libc_stdfix_ext.td b/libc/spec/llvm_libc_stdfix_ext.td
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bc7ec5464081b..00000000000000
--- a/libc/spec/llvm_libc_stdfix_ext.td
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-def LLVMLibcStdfixExt : StandardSpec<"llvm_libc_stdfix_ext"> {
-  HeaderSpec StdFix = HeaderSpec<
-      "stdfix.h",
-      [],  // macros
-      [],  // types
-      [],  // enums
-      [    // functions
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"exphk", RetValSpec<ShortAccumType>, [ArgSpec<ShortAccumType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"expk", RetValSpec<AccumType>, [ArgSpec<AccumType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"sqrtuhr", RetValSpec<UnsignedShortFractType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedShortFractType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"sqrtur", RetValSpec<UnsignedFractType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedFractType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"sqrtulr", RetValSpec<UnsignedLongFractType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongFractType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"sqrtuhk", RetValSpec<UnsignedShortAccumType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedShortAccumType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"sqrtuk", RetValSpec<UnsignedAccumType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedAccumType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"sqrtulk", RetValSpec<UnsignedLongAccumType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongAccumType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"uhksqrtus", RetValSpec<UnsignedShortAccumType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedShortType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"uksqrtui", RetValSpec<UnsignedAccumType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-      ]
-  >;
-  let Headers = [
-    StdFix,
-  ];
diff --git a/libc/spec/posix.td b/libc/spec/posix.td
deleted file mode 100644
index e354deef340f1b..00000000000000
--- a/libc/spec/posix.td
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1867 +0,0 @@
-def SigSetType : NamedType<"sigset_t">;
-def SigSetPtrType : PtrType<SigSetType>;
-def ConstSigSetPtrType : ConstType<SigSetPtrType>;
-def RestrictedSigSetType : RestrictedPtrType<SigSetType>;
-def ConstRestrictedSigSetType : ConstType<RestrictedSigSetType>;
-def SigInfoType : NamedType<"siginfo_t">;
-def UnionSigVal : NamedType<"union sigval">;
-def StructSigaction : NamedType<"struct sigaction">;
-def StructSigactionPtr : PtrType<StructSigaction>;
-def ConstStructSigactionPtr : ConstType<StructSigactionPtr>;
-def RestrictedStructSigactionPtr : RestrictedPtrType<StructSigaction>;
-def ConstRestrictedStructSigactionPtr : ConstType<RestrictedStructSigactionPtr>;
-def PThreadStartT : NamedType<"__pthread_start_t">;
-def PThreadTSSDtorT : NamedType<"__pthread_tss_dtor_t">;
-def PThreadKeyT : NamedType<"pthread_key_t">;
-def PThreadKeyTPtr : PtrType<PThreadKeyT>;
-def PThreadOnceT : NamedType<"pthread_once_t">;
-def PThreadOnceTPtr : PtrType<PThreadOnceT>;
-def PThreadOnceCallback : NamedType<"__pthread_once_func_t">;
-def InoT : NamedType<"ino_t">;
-def UidT : NamedType<"uid_t">;
-def GidT : NamedType<"gid_t">;
-def DevT : NamedType<"dev_t">;
-def ClockIdT : NamedType<"clockid_t">;
-def RestrictedClockIdTPtr : RestrictedPtrType<ClockIdT>;
-def BlkSizeT : NamedType<"blksize_t">;
-def BlkCntT : NamedType<"blkcnt_t">;
-def NLinkT : NamedType<"nlink_t">;
-def StatType : NamedType<"struct stat">;
-def StatTypePtr : PtrType<StatType>;
-def RestrictedStatTypePtr : RestrictedPtrType<StatType>;
-def DIR : NamedType<"DIR">;
-def DIRPtr : PtrType<DIR>;
-def DIRRestrictedPtr : RestrictedPtrType<DIR>;
-def StructDirent : NamedType<"struct dirent">;
-def StructDirentPtr : PtrType<StructDirent>;
-def StructDirentPtrPtr : PtrType<StructDirentPtr>;
-def ConstStructDirentPtrPtr : ConstType<StructDirentPtrPtr>;
-def StructSchedParam : NamedType<"struct sched_param">;
-def StructSchedParamPtr : PtrType<StructSchedParam>;
-def ConstStructSchedParamPtr : ConstType<StructSchedParamPtr>;
-def ExecArgvT : NamedType<"__exec_argv_t">;
-def ExecEnvpT : NamedType<"__exec_envp_t">;
-def AtForkCallbackT : NamedType<"__atfork_callback_t">;
-def PosixSpawnFileActionsT : NamedType<"posix_spawn_file_actions_t">;
-def PosixSpawnFileActionsTPtr : PtrType<PosixSpawnFileActionsT>;
-def ConstPosixSpawnFileActionsTPtr : ConstType<PosixSpawnFileActionsTPtr>;
-def PosixSpawnFileActionsTRestrictedPtr : RestrictedPtrType<PosixSpawnFileActionsT>;
-def PosixSpawnAttrT : NamedType<"posix_spawnattr_t">;
-def RestrictedPosixSpawnAttrTPtrType : RestrictedPtrType<PosixSpawnAttrT>;
-def CcT : NamedType<"cc_t">;
-def SpeedT : NamedType<"speed_t">;
-def StructTermios : NamedType<"struct termios">;
-def StructTermiosPtr : PtrType<StructTermios>;
-def ConstStructTermiosPtr : ConstType<StructTermiosPtr>;
-def TcFlagT : NamedType<"tcflag_t">;
-def StackT : NamedType<"stack_t">;
-def StackTPtr : PtrType<StackT>;
-def RestrictedStackTPtr : RestrictedPtrType<StackT>;
-def ConstRestrictedStackTPtr : ConstType<RestrictedStackTPtr>;
-def FdSet : NamedType<"fd_set">;
-def FdSetPtr : PtrType<FdSet>;
-def RestrictedFdSetPtr : RestrictedPtrType<FdSet>;
-def GetoptArgvT : NamedType<"__getoptargv_t">;
-def SAFamilyType : NamedType<"sa_family_t">;
-def SocklenType : NamedType<"socklen_t">;
-def SocklenPtr : PtrType<SocklenType>;
-def StructSockAddr : NamedType<"struct sockaddr">;
-def StructSockAddrPtr : PtrType<StructSockAddr>;
-def ConstStructSockAddrPtr : ConstType<StructSockAddrPtr>;
-def StructMsghdr : NamedType<"struct msghdr">;
-def StructMsghdrPtr : PtrType<StructMsghdr>;
-def ConstStructMsghdrPtr : ConstType<StructMsghdrPtr>;
-def StructIovec : NamedType<"struct iovec">;
-def StructIovecPtr : PtrType<StructIovec>;
-def ConstStructIovecPtr : ConstType<StructIovecPtr>;
-def StructSockAddrUn : NamedType<"struct sockaddr_un">;
-def StructStatvfs : NamedType<"struct statvfs">;
-def StructStatvfsPtr : PtrType<StructStatvfs>;
-def RestrictedStructStatvfsPtr : RestrictedPtrType<StructStatvfs>;
-// The function pointer type for the predicate for lsearch, lfind
-def LSearchCompareT : NamedType<"__lsearchcompare_t">;
-def POSIX : StandardSpec<"POSIX"> {
-  PtrType CharPtr = PtrType<CharType>;
-  RestrictedPtrType RestrictedCharPtr = RestrictedPtrType<CharType>;
-  RestrictedPtrType CharRestrictedDoublePtr = RestrictedPtrType<CharPtr>;
-  ConstType ConstCharPtr = ConstType<CharPtr>;
-  ConstType ConstRestrictedCharPtr = ConstType<RestrictedCharPtr>;
-  NamedType ModeTType = NamedType<"mode_t">;
-  NamedType PThreadAttrTType = NamedType<"pthread_attr_t">;
-  PtrType PThreadAttrTPtr = PtrType<PThreadAttrTType>;
-  RestrictedPtrType RestrictedPThreadAttrTPtr = RestrictedPtrType<PThreadAttrTType>;
-  ConstType ConstPThreadAttrTPtr = ConstType<PThreadAttrTPtr>;
-  ConstType ConstRestrictedPThreadAttrTPtr = ConstType<RestrictedPThreadAttrTPtr>;
-  NamedType PThreadCondAttrTType = NamedType<"pthread_condattr_t">;
-  PtrType PThreadCondAttrTPtr = PtrType<PThreadCondAttrTType>;
-  ConstType ConstRestrictedPThreadCondAttrTPtr = ConstType<RestrictedPtrType<PThreadCondAttrTType>>;
-  NamedType PThreadRWLockAttrTType = NamedType<"pthread_rwlockattr_t">;
-  PtrType PThreadRWLockAttrTPtr = PtrType<PThreadRWLockAttrTType>;
-  ConstType ConstPThreadRWLockAttrTPtr = ConstType<PThreadRWLockAttrTPtr>;
-  RestrictedPtrType RestrictedPThreadRWLockAttrTPtr = RestrictedPtrType<PThreadRWLockAttrTType>;
-  ConstType ConstRestrictedPThreadRWLockAttrTPtr = ConstType<RestrictedPThreadRWLockAttrTPtr>;
-  NamedType PThreadMutexAttrTType = NamedType<"pthread_mutexattr_t">;
-  PtrType PThreadMutexAttrTPtr = PtrType<PThreadMutexAttrTType>;
-  RestrictedPtrType RestrictedPThreadMutexAttrTPtr = RestrictedPtrType<PThreadMutexAttrTType>;
-  ConstType ConstPThreadMutexAttrTPtr = ConstType<PThreadMutexAttrTPtr>;
-  ConstType ConstRestrictedPThreadMutexAttrTPtr = ConstType<RestrictedPThreadMutexAttrTPtr>;
-  NamedType PThreadMutexTType = NamedType<"pthread_mutex_t">;
-  PtrType PThreadMutexTPtr = PtrType<PThreadMutexTType>;
-  RestrictedPtrType RestrictedPThreadMutexTPtr = RestrictedPtrType<PThreadMutexTType>;
-  ConstType ConstPThreadMutexTPtr = ConstType<PThreadMutexTPtr>;
-  ConstType ConstRestrictedPThreadMutexTPtr = ConstType<RestrictedPThreadMutexTPtr>;
-  NamedType PThreadRWLockTType = NamedType<"pthread_rwlock_t">;
-  PtrType PThreadRWLockTPtr = PtrType<PThreadRWLockTType>;
-  RestrictedPtrType RestrictedPThreadRWLockTPtr = RestrictedPtrType<PThreadRWLockTType>;
-  NamedType PThreadSpinLockTType = NamedType<"pthread_spinlock_t">;
-  PtrType PThreadSpinLockTPtr = PtrType<PThreadSpinLockTType>;
-  PtrType PThreadTPtr = PtrType<PThreadTType>;
-  RestrictedPtrType RestrictedPThreadTPtr = RestrictedPtrType<PThreadTType>;
-  HeaderSpec Errno = HeaderSpec<
-      "errno.h",
-      [
-        Macro<"E2BIG">,
-        Macro<"EACCES">,
-        Macro<"EADDRINUSE">,
-        Macro<"EADDRNOTAVAIL">,
-        Macro<"EAFNOSUPPORT">,
-        Macro<"EAGAIN">,
-        Macro<"EALREADY">,
-        Macro<"EBADF">,
-        Macro<"EBADMSG">,
-        Macro<"EBUSY">,
-        Macro<"ECANCELED">,
-        Macro<"ECHILD">,
-        Macro<"ECONNABORTED">,
-        Macro<"ECONNREFUSED">,
-        Macro<"ECONNRESET">,
-        Macro<"EDEADLK">,
-        Macro<"EDESTADDRREQ">,
-        Macro<"EDQUOT">,
-        Macro<"EEXIST">,
-        Macro<"EFAULT">,
-        Macro<"EFBIG">,
-        Macro<"EHOSTUNREACH">,
-        Macro<"EIDRM">,
-        Macro<"EINPROGRESS">,
-        Macro<"EINTR">,
-        Macro<"EINVAL">,
-        Macro<"EIO">,
-        Macro<"EISCONN">,
-        Macro<"EISDIR">,
-        Macro<"ELOOP">,
-        Macro<"EMFILE">,
-        Macro<"EMLINK">,
-        Macro<"EMSGSIZE">,
-        Macro<"EMULTIHOP">,
-        Macro<"ENAMETOOLONG">,
-        Macro<"ENETDOWN">,
-        Macro<"ENETRESET">,
-        Macro<"ENETUNREACH">,
-        Macro<"ENFILE">,
-        Macro<"ENOBUFS">,
-        Macro<"ENODATA">,
-        Macro<"ENODEV">,
-        Macro<"ENOENT">,
-        Macro<"ENOEXEC">,
-        Macro<"ENOLCK">,
-        Macro<"ENOLINK">,
-        Macro<"ENOMEM">,
-        Macro<"ENOMSG">,
-        Macro<"ENOPROTOOPT">,
-        Macro<"ENOSPC">,
-        Macro<"ENOSR">,
-        Macro<"ENOSTR">,
-        Macro<"ENOSYS">,
-        Macro<"ENOTCONN">,
-        Macro<"ENOTDIR">,
-        Macro<"ENOTEMPTY">,
-        Macro<"ENOTRECOVERABLE">,
-        Macro<"ENOTSOCK">,
-        Macro<"ENOTSUP">,
-        Macro<"ENOTTY">,
-        Macro<"ENXIO">,
-        Macro<"EOPNOTSUPP">,
-        Macro<"EOVERFLOW">,
-        Macro<"EOWNERDEAD">,
-        Macro<"EPERM">,
-        Macro<"EPIPE">,
-        Macro<"EPROTO">,
-        Macro<"EPROTONOSUPPORT">,
-        Macro<"EPROTOTYPE">,
-        Macro<"EROFS">,
-        Macro<"ESPIPE">,
-        Macro<"ESRCH">,
-        Macro<"ESTALE">,
-        Macro<"ETIME">,
-        Macro<"ETIMEDOUT">,
-        Macro<"ETXTBSY">,
-        Macro<"EWOULDBLOCK">,
-        Macro<"EXDEV">,
-      ],
-      [], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      []  // Functions
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec DlFcn = HeaderSpec<
-    "dlfcn.h",
-    [
-      Macro<"RTLD_LAZY">,
-      Macro<"RTLD_NOW">,
-      Macro<"RTLD_GLOBAL">,
-      Macro<"RTLD_LOCAL">,
-    ],
-    [],  // Types
-    [], // Enumerations
-    [
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "dlclose",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<VoidPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "dlerror",
-          RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-          []
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "dlopen",
-          RetValSpec<VoidPtr>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "dlsym",
-          RetValSpec<VoidPtr>,
-          [ArgSpec<VoidRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>]
-      >,
-    ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec FCntl = HeaderSpec<
-    "fcntl.h",
-    [], // Macros
-    [
-        ModeTType,
-        OffTType,
-    ],
-    [], // Enumerations
-    [
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "creat",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<ModeTType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "fcntl",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<VarArgType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "open",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<VarArgType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "openat",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<VarArgType>]
-      >,
-    ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec SysMMan = HeaderSpec<
-      "sys/mman.h",
-      [
-        // TODO: Add a facility to bunch macros into bitwise-or-able groups.
-        // POSIX requires it, so such thing should be captured in this spec.
-        Macro<"PROT_EXEC">,
-        Macro<"PROT_NONE">,
-        Macro<"PROT_READ">,
-        Macro<"PROT_WRITE">,
-        Macro<"MAP_FIXED">,
-        Macro<"MAP_PRIVATE">,
-        Macro<"MAP_SHARED">,
-        Macro<"MAP_FAILED">,
-      ],
-      [
-        SizeTType,
-        OffTType,
-        ModeTType,
-      ],
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "madvise",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<VoidPtr>,
-             ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-             ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "mmap",
-            RetValSpec<VoidPtr>,
-            [ArgSpec<VoidPtr>,
-             ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-             ArgSpec<IntType>,
-             ArgSpec<IntType>,
-             ArgSpec<IntType>,
-             ArgSpec<OffTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "mprotect",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<VoidPtr>,
-             ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-             ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "munmap",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<VoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "posix_madvise",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<VoidPtr>,
-             ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-             ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "mlock",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<VoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "munlock",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<VoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "mlockall",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "munlockall",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<VoidType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "msync",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<VoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "shm_open",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<ModeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "shm_unlink",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-        >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec Signal = HeaderSpec<
-      "signal.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [
-        SigInfoType,
-        SigSetType,
-        StackT,
-        StructSigaction,
-        UnionSigVal,
-        PidT,
-      ],
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "kill",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PidT>,
-            ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "sigaction",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>,
-           ArgSpec<ConstRestrictedStructSigactionPtr>,
-           ArgSpec<RestrictedStructSigactionPtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "sigaltstack",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstRestrictedStackTPtr>, ArgSpec<RestrictedStackTPtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "sigdelset",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<SigSetPtrType>,
-           ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "sigprocmask",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<ConstRestrictedSigSetType>, ArgSpec<RestrictedSigSetType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "sigemptyset",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<SigSetPtrType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "sigaddset",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<SigSetPtrType>,
-           ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "sigfillset",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<SigSetPtrType>]
-        >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec UniStd = HeaderSpec<
-    "unistd.h",
-    [], // Macros
-    [
-      ExecArgvT,
-      ExecEnvpT,
-      OffTType,
-      SSizeTType,
-      SizeTType,
-      PidT,
-      UidT,
-      GetoptArgvT,
-    ],
-    [], // Enumerations
-    [
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "_exit",
-          RetValSpec<NoReturn>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "access",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "chdir",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "dup",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "dup2",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "dup3",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "fchdir",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "getcwd",
-          RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-          [ArgSpec<CharPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "close",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "execv",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<ExecArgvT>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "execve",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<ExecArgvT>, ArgSpec<ExecEnvpT>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "fork",
-          RetValSpec<PidT>,
-          [ArgSpec<VoidType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "fsync",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "ftruncate",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<OffTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "geteuid",
-          RetValSpec<UidT>,
-          [ArgSpec<VoidType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "getpid",
-          RetValSpec<PidT>,
-          [ArgSpec<VoidType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "getppid",
-          RetValSpec<PidT>,
-          [ArgSpec<VoidType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "gettid",
-          RetValSpec<PidT>,
-          [ArgSpec<VoidType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "getuid",
-          RetValSpec<UidT>,
-          [ArgSpec<VoidType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "isatty",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "link",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "linkat",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "lseek",
-          RetValSpec<OffTType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<OffTType>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "pread",
-          RetValSpec<SSizeTType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<VoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>, ArgSpec<OffTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "pwrite",
-          RetValSpec<SSizeTType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<ConstVoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>, ArgSpec<OffTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "read",
-          RetValSpec<SSizeTType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<VoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "readlink",
-          RetValSpec<SSizeTType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "readlinkat",
-          RetValSpec<SSizeTType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "rmdir",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "getpid",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<VoidType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "getppid",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<VoidType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "link",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "linkat",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "lseek",
-          RetValSpec<OffTType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<OffTType>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "pipe",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntPtr>] //TODO: make this int[2]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "pread",
-          RetValSpec<SSizeTType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<VoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>, ArgSpec<OffTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "pwrite",
-          RetValSpec<SSizeTType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<ConstVoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>, ArgSpec<OffTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "read",
-          RetValSpec<SSizeTType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<VoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "readlink",
-          RetValSpec<SSizeTType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "readlinkat",
-          RetValSpec<SSizeTType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "rmdir",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "swab",
-          RetValSpec<VoidType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstVoidRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<VoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SSizeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "symlink",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "symlinkat",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "sysconf",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "__llvm_libc_syscall",
-          RetValSpec<LongType>,
-          [ArgSpec<LongType>,ArgSpec<LongType>,ArgSpec<LongType>,ArgSpec<LongType>,ArgSpec<LongType>,ArgSpec<LongType>,ArgSpec<LongType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "truncate",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<OffTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "unlink",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "unlinkat",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "write",
-          RetValSpec<SSizeTType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<ConstVoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "getopt",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<GetoptArgvT>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-        >,
-    ],
-    [
-        ObjectSpec<"environ", "char **">,
-        ObjectSpec<
-          "optarg",
-          "char *"
-        >,
-        ObjectSpec<
-          "optind",
-          "int"
-        >,
-        ObjectSpec<
-          "opterr",
-          "int"
-        >,
-        ObjectSpec<
-          "optopt",
-          "int"
-        >,
-    ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec StdLib = HeaderSpec<
-    "stdlib.h",
-    [], // Macros
-    [], // Types
-    [], // Enumerations
-    [
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "getenv",
-          RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-        >,
-    ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec Sched = HeaderSpec<
-      "sched.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [PidT, TimeTType, StructTimeSpec, StructSchedParam], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "sched_yield",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<VoidType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "sched_setparam",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<PidT>, ArgSpec<ConstStructSchedParamPtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "sched_getparam",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<PidT>, ArgSpec<StructSchedParamPtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "sched_setscheduler",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<PidT>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "sched_getscheduler",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<PidT>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<ConstStructSchedParamPtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "sched_get_priority_min",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "sched_get_priority_max",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "sched_rr_get_interval",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<PidT>, ArgSpec<StructTimeSpecPtr>]
-        >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec String = HeaderSpec<
-    "string.h",
-    [
-        Macro<"NULL">,
-    ],
-    [
-        SizeTType,
-    ],
-    [], // Enumerations
-    [
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "memccpy",
-            RetValSpec<VoidPtr>,
-            [ArgSpec<VoidRestrictedPtr>,
-             ArgSpec<ConstVoidRestrictedPtr>,
-             ArgSpec<IntType>,
-             ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "mempcpy",
-            RetValSpec<VoidPtr>,
-            [ArgSpec<VoidRestrictedPtr>,
-             ArgSpec<ConstVoidRestrictedPtr>,
-             ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "stpcpy",
-            RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-            [ArgSpec<RestrictedCharPtr>,
-             ArgSpec<ConstRestrictedCharPtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "stpncpy",
-            RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-            [ArgSpec<RestrictedCharPtr>,
-             ArgSpec<ConstRestrictedCharPtr>,
-             ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "strnlen",
-             RetValSpec<SizeTType>,
-             [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "strtok_r",
-            RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-            [ArgSpec<RestrictedCharPtr>,
-             ArgSpec<ConstRestrictedCharPtr>,
-             ArgSpec<CharRestrictedDoublePtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "strsignal",
-            RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-            [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-    ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec CType = HeaderSpec<
-    "ctype.h",
-    [], // Macros
-    [], // Types
-    [], // Enumerations
-    [
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "isascii",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-    ]
-  >;
-  NamedType RLimTType = NamedType<"rlim_t">;
-  NamedType StructRLimitType = NamedType<"struct rlimit">;
-  PtrType StructRLimitPtr = PtrType<StructRLimitType>;
-  ConstType ConstStructRLimitPtr = ConstType<StructRLimitType>;
-  HeaderSpec SysResource = HeaderSpec<
-    "sys/resource.h",
-    [], // Macros
-    [RLimTType, StructRLimitType], // Types
-    [], // Enumerations
-    [
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "getrlimit",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<StructRLimitPtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "setrlimit",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstStructRLimitPtr>]
-        >,
-    ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec SysStat = HeaderSpec<
-    "sys/stat.h",
-    [], // Macros
-    [
-        ModeTType,
-        DevT,
-        InoT,
-        UidT,
-        GidT,
-        StructTimeSpec,
-        StructTimevalType,
-        BlkSizeT,
-        BlkCntT,
-        OffTType,
-        NLinkT,
-        StatType,
-    ], // Types
-    [], // Enumerations
-    [
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "chmod",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<ModeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "fchmod",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<ModeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "fchmodat",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<ModeTType>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "fstat",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<StatTypePtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "lstat",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<ConstRestrictedCharPtr>, ArgSpec<RestrictedStatTypePtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "mkdir",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<ModeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "mkdirat",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<ModeTType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "stat",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<ConstRestrictedCharPtr>, ArgSpec<RestrictedStatTypePtr>]
-        >,
-    ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec SysStatvfs = HeaderSpec<
-      "sys/statvfs.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [StructStatvfs], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "statvfs",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [
-            ArgSpec<ConstRestrictedCharPtr>,
-            ArgSpec<RestrictedStructStatvfsPtr>
-          ]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "fstatvfs",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [
-            ArgSpec<IntType>,
-            ArgSpec<StructStatvfsPtr>
-          ]
-        >,
-      ]  // Functions
-    >;
-  NamedType StructUtsName = NamedType<"struct utsname">;
-  PtrType StructUtsNamePtr = PtrType<StructUtsName>;
-  HeaderSpec SysUtsName = HeaderSpec<
-    "sys/utsname.h",
-    [], // Macros
-    [StructUtsName], // Types
-    [], // Enumerations
-    [
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "uname",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<StructUtsNamePtr>]
-        >,
-    ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec ArpaInet = HeaderSpec<
-      "arpa/inet.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "htonl",
-              RetValSpec<UInt32Type>,
-              [ArgSpec<UInt32Type>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "htons",
-              RetValSpec<UInt16Type>,
-              [ArgSpec<UInt16Type>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "ntohl",
-              RetValSpec<UInt32Type>,
-              [ArgSpec<UInt32Type>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "ntohs",
-              RetValSpec<UInt16Type>,
-              [ArgSpec<UInt16Type>]
-          >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec PThread = HeaderSpec<
-    "pthread.h",
-    [], // Macros
-    [
-        AtForkCallbackT,
-        ClockIdT,
-        PThreadAttrTType,
-        PThreadCondAttrTType,
-        PThreadKeyT,
-        PThreadMutexAttrTType,
-        PThreadMutexTType,
-        PThreadOnceCallback,
-        PThreadOnceT,
-        PThreadRWLockAttrTType,
-        PThreadRWLockTType,
-        PThreadSpinLockTType,
-        PThreadStartT,
-        PThreadTSSDtorT,
-        PThreadTType,
-    ], // Types
-    [], // Enumerations
-    [
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_atfork",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<AtForkCallbackT>, ArgSpec<AtForkCallbackT>, ArgSpec<AtForkCallbackT>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_attr_init",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadAttrTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_attr_destroy",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadAttrTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_attr_getdetachstate",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstPThreadAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<IntPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_attr_setdetachstate",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_attr_getguardsize",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstRestrictedPThreadAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<RestrictedSizeTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_attr_setguardsize",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_attr_getstacksize",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstRestrictedPThreadAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<RestrictedSizeTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_attr_setstacksize",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_attr_getstack",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstRestrictedPThreadAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<RestrictedVoidPtrPtr>, ArgSpec<RestrictedSizeTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_attr_setstack",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<VoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_condattr_destroy",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadCondAttrTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_condattr_getclock",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstRestrictedPThreadCondAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<RestrictedClockIdTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_condattr_getpshared",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstRestrictedPThreadCondAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<RestrictedIntPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_condattr_init",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadCondAttrTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_condattr_setclock",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadCondAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<ClockIdT>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_condattr_setpshared",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadCondAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_create",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<RestrictedPThreadTPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstRestrictedPThreadAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<PThreadStartT>, ArgSpec<VoidPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_join",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadTType>, ArgSpec<VoidPtrPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_detach",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadTType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_exit",
-          RetValSpec<NoReturn>,
-          [ArgSpec<VoidPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_self",
-          RetValSpec<PThreadTType>,
-          [ArgSpec<VoidType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_equal",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadTType>, ArgSpec<PThreadTType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_mutexattr_init",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadMutexAttrTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_mutexattr_destroy",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadMutexAttrTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_mutexattr_gettype",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstRestrictedPThreadMutexAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<RestrictedIntPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_mutexattr_settype",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<RestrictedPThreadMutexAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_mutexattr_getrobust",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstRestrictedPThreadMutexAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<RestrictedIntPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_mutexattr_setrobust",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<RestrictedPThreadMutexAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_mutexattr_getpshared",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstRestrictedPThreadMutexAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<RestrictedIntPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_mutexattr_setpshared",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<RestrictedPThreadMutexAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstRestrictedPThreadMutexAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<RestrictedIntPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<RestrictedPThreadMutexAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstRestrictedPThreadMutexAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<RestrictedIntPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<RestrictedPThreadMutexAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_mutex_init",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<RestrictedPThreadMutexTPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstRestrictedPThreadMutexAttrTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_mutex_destroy",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadMutexTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_mutex_lock",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadMutexTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_mutex_unlock",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadMutexTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_key_create",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadKeyTPtr>, ArgSpec<PThreadTSSDtorT>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_key_delete",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadKeyT>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_getspecific",
-          RetValSpec<VoidPtr>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadKeyT>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_setspecific",
-          RetValSpec<VoidPtr>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadKeyT>, ArgSpec<ConstVoidPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_once",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadOnceTPtr>, ArgSpec<PThreadOnceCallback>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_rwlockattr_destroy",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadRWLockAttrTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_rwlockattr_getkind_np",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadRWLockAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<IntPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<ConstPThreadRWLockAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<IntPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_rwlockattr_init",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadRWLockAttrTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_rwlockattr_setkind_np",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadRWLockAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-          "pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<PThreadRWLockAttrTPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "pthread_rwlock_init",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<PThreadRWLockTPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstRestrictedPThreadRWLockAttrTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<PThreadRWLockTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "pthread_rwlock_trywrlock",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<PThreadRWLockTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<RestrictedPThreadRWLockTPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstRestrictStructTimeSpecPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<RestrictedPThreadRWLockTPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstRestrictStructTimeSpecPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "pthread_rwlock_clockrdlock",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<RestrictedPThreadRWLockTPtr>, ArgSpec<ClockIdT>, ArgSpec<ConstRestrictStructTimeSpecPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "pthread_rwlock_clockwrlock",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<RestrictedPThreadRWLockTPtr>, ArgSpec<ClockIdT>, ArgSpec<ConstRestrictStructTimeSpecPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "pthread_rwlock_rdlock",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<PThreadRWLockTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "pthread_rwlock_wrlock",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<PThreadRWLockTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "pthread_rwlock_unlock",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<PThreadRWLockTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "pthread_rwlock_destroy",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<PThreadRWLockTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "pthread_spin_init",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<PThreadSpinLockTPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "pthread_spin_destroy",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<PThreadSpinLockTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "pthread_spin_lock",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<PThreadSpinLockTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "pthread_spin_trylock",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<PThreadSpinLockTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "pthread_spin_unlock",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<PThreadSpinLockTPtr>]
-      >
-    ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec StdIO = HeaderSpec<
-      "stdio.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [OffTType], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "flockfile",
-              RetValSpec<VoidType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FILEPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "funlockfile",
-              RetValSpec<VoidType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FILEPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "getc_unlocked",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FILEPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "getchar_unlocked",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<VoidType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-            "fileno",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [ArgSpec<FILEPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-            "fdopen",
-            RetValSpec<FILEPtr>,
-            [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-          >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec Dirent = HeaderSpec<
-      "dirent.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [InoT, StructDirent, DIR], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "alphasort",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstStructDirentPtrPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstStructDirentPtrPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "closedir",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<DIRPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "dirfd",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<DIRPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fdopendir",
-              RetValSpec<DIRPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "opendir",
-              RetValSpec<DIRPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "readdir",
-              RetValSpec<StructDirentPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<DIRPtr>]
-          >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec Time = HeaderSpec<
-      "time.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [ClockIdT, StructTimeSpec, StructTimevalType], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "clock_gettime",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ClockIdT>, ArgSpec<StructTimeSpecPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "gettimeofday",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<StructTimevalPtr>, ArgSpec<VoidPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "nanosleep",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstStructTimeSpecPtr>, ArgSpec<StructTimeSpecPtr>]
-          >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec SysWait = HeaderSpec<
-    "sys/wait.h",
-    [], // Macros
-    [PidT, StructRUsage, SigInfoType],
-    [], // Enumerations
-    [
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "wait",
-        RetValSpec<PidT>,
-        [ArgSpec<IntPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "waitpid",
-        RetValSpec<PidT>,
-        [ArgSpec<PidT>, ArgSpec<IntPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-      >
-    ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec SysIOctl = HeaderSpec<
-    "sys/ioctl.h",
-    [
-      Macro<"TIOCGETD">,
-    ],  // Macros
-    [], // Types
-    [], // Enumerations
-    []  // Functions
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec Spawn = HeaderSpec<
-    "spawn.h",
-    [], // Macros
-    [ModeTType, PosixSpawnAttrT, PidT, PosixSpawnFileActionsT],
-    [], // Enumerations
-    [
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<PosixSpawnFileActionsTPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<PosixSpawnFileActionsTPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<PosixSpawnFileActionsTRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>,
-         ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<ModeTType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<PosixSpawnFileActionsTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "posix_spawn_file_actions_init",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<PosixSpawnFileActionsTPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "posix_spawn",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<RestrictedPidTPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>,
-         ArgSpec<PosixSpawnFileActionsTPtr>, ArgSpec<RestrictedPosixSpawnAttrTPtrType>,
-         ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtrPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtrPtr>]
-      >,
-    ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec Search = HeaderSpec<
-    "search.h",
-    [], // Macros
-    [
-        ActionType,
-        EntryType,
-        LSearchCompareT,
-    ], // Types
-    [], // Enumerations
-    [
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "hcreate",
-            RetValSpec<IntType>,
-            [
-                ArgSpec<SizeTType>
-            ]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "hdestroy",
-            RetValSpec<VoidType>,
-            [] // Args
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "hsearch",
-            RetValSpec<EntryTypePtr>,
-            [
-                ArgSpec<EntryType>,
-                ArgSpec<ActionType>
-            ]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "insque",
-            RetValSpec<VoidType>,
-            [
-                ArgSpec<VoidPtr>,
-                ArgSpec<VoidPtr>
-            ]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "remque",
-            RetValSpec<VoidType>,
-            [
-                ArgSpec<VoidPtr>
-            ]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-            "lfind",
-            RetValSpec<VoidPtr>,
-            [
-                ArgSpec<ConstVoidPtr>,
-                ArgSpec<ConstVoidPtr>,
-                ArgSpec<SizeTPtr>,
-                ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-                ArgSpec<LSearchCompareT>
-            ]
-        >
-    ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec Termios = HeaderSpec<
-    "termios.h",
-    [
-      Macro<"NCCS">,
-    ],
-    [CcT, PidT, SpeedT, StructTermios, TcFlagT], // Types
-    [], // Enumerations
-    [
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "cfgetispeed",
-        RetValSpec<SpeedT>,
-        [ArgSpec<ConstStructTermiosPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "cfgetospeed",
-        RetValSpec<SpeedT>,
-        [ArgSpec<ConstStructTermiosPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "cfsetispeed",
-        RetValSpec<SpeedT>,
-        [ArgSpec<StructTermiosPtr>, ArgSpec<SpeedT>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "cfsetospeed",
-        RetValSpec<SpeedT>,
-        [ArgSpec<StructTermiosPtr>, ArgSpec<SpeedT>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "tcdrain",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "tcflow",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "tcflush",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "tcgetattr",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<StructTermiosPtr>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "tcgetsid",
-        RetValSpec<PidT>,
-        [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "tcsendbreak",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-      >,
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "tcsetattr",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<StructTermiosPtr>]
-      >,
-    ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec SysSelect = HeaderSpec<
-    "sys/select.h",
-    [], // Macros
-    [FdSet, SigSetType, StructTimevalType, StructTimeSpec, SuSecondsT, TimeTType],
-    [], // Enumerations
-    [
-      FunctionSpec<
-        "select",
-        RetValSpec<IntType>,
-        [
-            ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<RestrictedFdSetPtr>, ArgSpec<RestrictedFdSetPtr>,
-            ArgSpec<RestrictedFdSetPtr>, ArgSpec<RestrictedStructTimevalPtr>
-        ]
-      >
-    ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec SysSocket = HeaderSpec<
-      "sys/socket.h",
-      [
-        Macro<"AF_UNSPEC">,
-        Macro<"AF_UNIX">,
-        Macro<"AF_LOCAL">,
-        Macro<"AF_INET">,
-        Macro<"AF_INET6">,
-        Macro<"SOCK_STREAM">,
-        Macro<"SOCK_DGRAM">,
-        Macro<"SOCK_RAW">,
-        Macro<"SOCK_RDM">,
-        Macro<"SOCK_SEQPACKET">,
-        Macro<"SOCK_PACKET">,
-      ], // Macros
-      [
-        SizeTType,
-        SSizeTType,
-        SAFamilyType,
-        StructSockAddr,
-        StructSockAddrUn,
-        SocklenType,
-        StructIovec,
-        StructMsghdr,
-      ], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "socket",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "socketpair",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<IntPtr>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "bind",
-          RetValSpec<IntType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<ConstStructSockAddrPtr>, ArgSpec<SocklenType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "send",
-          RetValSpec<SSizeTType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<ConstVoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "sendto",
-          RetValSpec<SSizeTType>,
-          [
-            ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<ConstVoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-            ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<ConstStructSockAddrPtr>,
-            ArgSpec<SocklenType>
-          ]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "sendmsg",
-          RetValSpec<SSizeTType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<ConstStructMsghdrPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "recv",
-          RetValSpec<SSizeTType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<VoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "recvfrom",
-          RetValSpec<SSizeTType>,
-          [
-            ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<VoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-            ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<StructSockAddrPtr>,
-            ArgSpec<SocklenPtr>
-          ]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "recvmsg",
-          RetValSpec<SSizeTType>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<StructMsghdrPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-        >,
-      ]  // Functions
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec SysTypes = HeaderSpec<
-    "sys/types.h",
-    [], // Macros
-    [
-      BlkCntT,
-      BlkSizeT,
-      ClockIdT,
-      DevT,
-      GidT,
-      InoT,
-      ModeTType,
-      NLinkT,
-      OffTType,
-      PThreadAttrTType,
-      PThreadCondAttrTType,
-      PThreadKeyT,
-      PThreadMutexAttrTType,
-      PThreadMutexTType,
-      PThreadOnceT,
-      PThreadRWLockAttrTType,
-      PThreadRWLockTType,
-      PThreadTType,
-      PidT,
-      SSizeTType,
-      SizeTType,
-      SuSecondsT,
-      TimeTType,
-      UidT
-    ], // Types
-    [], // Enumerations
-    []  // Functions
-  >;
-  let Headers = [
-    ArpaInet,
-    CType,
-    Dirent,
-    DlFcn,
-    Errno,
-    FCntl,
-    PThread,
-    Sched,
-    Signal,
-    Spawn,
-    StdIO,
-    StdLib,
-    SysIOctl,
-    SysMMan,
-    SysResource,
-    SysSelect,
-    SysSocket,
-    SysStat,
-    SysStatvfs,
-    SysTypes,
-    SysUtsName,
-    SysWait,
-    Time,
-    Termios,
-    UniStd,
-    String,
-    Search,
-  ];
diff --git a/libc/spec/spec.td b/libc/spec/spec.td
deleted file mode 100644
index ad9ca76846c280..00000000000000
--- a/libc/spec/spec.td
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-class Type {}
-class NamedType<string name> : Type {
-  string Name = name;
-class Field<string name, Type type> {
-  string Name = name;
-  Type FieldType = type;
-// Class to describe concrete structs specified by a standard.
-class Struct<string name> : NamedType<name> {
-  list<Field> Fields;
-class EnumNameValue<string name, string value = "__default_enum_value__"> {
-  string Name = name;
-  string Value = value;
-class Enum<string name, list<EnumNameValue> enumerations> : NamedType<name> {
-  list<EnumNameValue> Enumerations = enumerations;
-class PtrType<Type type> : Type {
-  Type PointeeType = type;
-class ConstType<Type type> : Type {
-  Type UnqualifiedType = type;
-class RestrictedPtrType<Type type> : Type {
-  Type PointeeType = type;
-// Builtin types.
-def VarArgType : NamedType<"...">;
-def VaListType : NamedType<"va_list">;
-def VoidType : NamedType<"void">;
-def IntType : NamedType<"int">;
-def UnsignedIntType : NamedType<"unsigned int">;
-def LongType : NamedType<"long">;
-def UnsignedLongType : NamedType<"unsigned long">;
-def LongLongType : NamedType<"long long">;
-def UnsignedLongLongType : NamedType<"unsigned long long">;
-def FloatType : NamedType<"float">;
-def DoubleType : NamedType<"double">;
-def LongDoubleType : NamedType<"long double">;
-def CharType : NamedType<"char">;
-def UnsignedCharType : NamedType<"unsigned char">;
-def UnsignedShortType : NamedType<"unsigned short">;
-def BoolType : NamedType<"bool">;
-def Float16Type : NamedType<"_Float16">;
-def Float128Type : NamedType<"float128">;
-// Common types
-def VoidPtr : PtrType<VoidType>;
-def VoidPtrPtr : PtrType<VoidPtr>;
-def RestrictedVoidPtrPtr : RestrictedPtrType<VoidPtr>;
-def ConstVoidPtr : ConstType<VoidPtr>;
-def SizeTType : NamedType<"size_t">;
-def SizeTPtr : PtrType<SizeTType>;
-def RestrictedSizeTPtr : RestrictedPtrType<SizeTType>;
-def Char8TType : NamedType<"char8_t">;
-def Char16TType : NamedType<"char16_t">;
-def Char32TType : NamedType<"char32_t">;
-def WCharType : NamedType<"wchar_t">;
-def WIntType : NamedType<"wint_t">;
-def LongDoublePtr : PtrType<LongDoubleType>;
-def IntMaxTType : NamedType<"intmax_t">;
-def UIntMaxTType : NamedType<"uintmax_t">;
-def UInt16Type : NamedType<"uint16_t">;
-def UInt32Type : NamedType<"uint32_t">;
-def OffTType : NamedType<"off_t">;
-def OffTPtr : PtrType<OffTType>;
-def SSizeTType : NamedType<"ssize_t">;
-// _Noreturn is really not a type, but it is convenient to treat it as a type.
-def NoReturn : NamedType<"_Noreturn void">;
-//types moved from stdc.td
-def VoidRestrictedPtr : RestrictedPtrType<VoidType>;
-def ConstVoidRestrictedPtr : ConstType<VoidRestrictedPtr>;
-def CharPtr : PtrType<CharType>;
-def ConstCharPtr : ConstType<CharPtr>;
-def CharRestrictedPtr : RestrictedPtrType<CharType>;
-def CharRestrictedPtrPtr : RestrictedPtrType<CharPtr>;
-def ConstCharRestrictedPtr : ConstType<CharRestrictedPtr>;
-def ConstCharRestrictedPtrPtr : PtrType<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>;
-def OnceFlagType : NamedType<"once_flag">;
-def OnceFlagTypePtr : PtrType<OnceFlagType>;
-// TODO(sivachandra): Remove this non-standard type when a formal
-// way to describe callable types is available.
-def CallOnceFuncType : NamedType<"__call_once_func_t">;
-def MtxTType : NamedType<"mtx_t">;
-def MtxTTypePtr : PtrType<MtxTType>;
-def CndTType : NamedType<"cnd_t">;
-def CndTTypePtr : PtrType<CndTType>;
-def ThrdStartTType : NamedType<"thrd_start_t">;
-def ThrdTType : NamedType<"thrd_t">;
-def ThrdTTypePtr : PtrType<ThrdTType>;
-def IntPtr : PtrType<IntType>;
-def RestrictedIntPtr : RestrictedPtrType<IntType>;
-def FloatPtr : PtrType<FloatType>;
-def DoublePtr : PtrType<DoubleType>;
-def Float16Ptr : PtrType<Float16Type>;
-def Float128Ptr : PtrType<Float128Type>;
-def UnsignedCharPtr : PtrType<UnsignedCharType>;
-def ConstDoublePtr : ConstType<DoublePtr>;
-def ConstFloatPtr : ConstType<FloatPtr>;
-def ConstLongDoublePtr : ConstType<LongDoublePtr>;
-def ConstFloat16Ptr : ConstType<Float16Ptr>;
-def ConstFloat128Ptr : ConstType<Float128Ptr>;
-def SigHandlerT : NamedType<"__sighandler_t">;
-def TimeTType : NamedType<"time_t">;
-def StructTimeSpec : NamedType<"struct timespec">;
-def StructTimeSpecPtr : PtrType<StructTimeSpec>;
-def ConstStructTimeSpecPtr : ConstType<StructTimeSpecPtr>;
-def RestrictStructTimeSpecPtr : RestrictedPtrType<StructTimeSpec>;
-def ConstRestrictStructTimeSpecPtr : ConstType<RestrictStructTimeSpecPtr>;
-def BSearchCompareT : NamedType<"__bsearchcompare_t">;
-def QSortCompareT : NamedType<"__qsortcompare_t">;
-def AtexitHandlerT : NamedType<"__atexithandler_t">;
-def FILE : NamedType<"FILE">;
-def FILEPtr : PtrType<FILE>;
-def FILERestrictedPtr : RestrictedPtrType<FILE>;
-def PThreadTType : NamedType<"pthread_t">;
-def PidT : NamedType<"pid_t">;
-def RestrictedPidTPtr : RestrictedPtrType<PidT>;
-def StructRUsage : NamedType<"struct rusage">;
-def StructRUsagePtr : PtrType<StructRUsage>;
-def StructTimevalType : NamedType<"struct timeval">;
-def StructTimevalPtr : PtrType<StructTimevalType>;
-def RestrictedStructTimevalPtr : RestrictedPtrType<StructTimevalType>;
-def SuSecondsT : NamedType<"suseconds_t">;
-//added because __assert_fail needs it.
-def UnsignedType : NamedType<"unsigned">;
-def ActionType : NamedType<"ACTION">;
-def EntryType : NamedType<"ENTRY">;
-def EntryTypePtr : PtrType<EntryType>;
-def EntryTypePtrPtr : PtrType<EntryTypePtr>;
-def MBStateTType : NamedType<"mbstate_t">;
-class Macro<string name> {
-  string Name = name;
-class EnumeratedNameValue<string name, string value = "__default__"> {
-  string Name = name;
-  string Value = value;
-class Annotation {}
-class RetValSpec<Type type, list<Annotation> annotations = []> {
-  Type ReturnType = type;
-  list<Annotation> Annotations = annotations;
-class ArgSpec<Type type, list<Annotation> annotations = [], string name = ""> {
-  Type ArgType = type;
-  list<Annotation> Annotations = annotations;
-  string Name = name;
-// The following classes are used to describe function attributes.
-// In the future, we may consider supporting parameter attributes as well.
-// https://clang.llvm.org/docs/AttributeReference.html
-class FunctionAttr<string style, string attr> {
-  string Attr = attr;
-  // The style of the attribute, e.g. "gnu", "cxx11", "declspec".
-  // - "gnu" is for GNU-style attributes: __attribute__((...))
-  // - "cxx11" is for C++11-style attributes: [[...]]
-  // - "declspec" is for Microsoft-style attributes: __declspec(...)
-  string Style = style;
-  // For the time being, we are only interested in identifer-like attributes.
-  // We can extend this to support function-like attributes if needed.
-  // For example, in the future, we can #define __LIBC_ATTRIBUTE_NODISCARD(...) [[nodiscard(__VA_ARGS__)]]
-  // int FunctionLike = 0;
-class GnuFunctionAttr<string attr> : FunctionAttr<"gnu", attr> {}
-class Cxx11FunctionAttr<string attr, string namespace> : FunctionAttr<"cxx11", attr> {
-  // The namespace of the attribute, e.g. "gnu" or "clang". Empty string means there is no namespace.
-  string Namespace = namespace;
-class DeclspecFunctionAttr<string attr> : FunctionAttr<"declspec", attr> {}
-class FunctionAttrSpec<string macro, list<FunctionAttr> instances> {
-  list<FunctionAttr> Instances = instances;
-  string Macro = macro;
-class FunctionSpec<string name, RetValSpec return, list<ArgSpec> args, list<FunctionAttrSpec> attrs = []> {
-  string Name = name;
-  RetValSpec Return = return;
-  list<ArgSpec> Args = args;
-  list<FunctionAttrSpec> Attributes = attrs;
-class GuardedFunctionSpec<string name, RetValSpec return, list<ArgSpec> args, string guard_macro> : FunctionSpec<name, return, args> {
-  string Guard = guard_macro;
-class ObjectSpec<string name, string type> {
-  string Name = name;
-  string Type = type;
-class HeaderSpec<string name,
-                list<Macro> macros = [],
-                list<Type> types = [],
-                list<EnumeratedNameValue> enumerations = [],
-                list<FunctionSpec> functions = [],
-                list<ObjectSpec> objects = []> {
-  string Name = name;
-  list<FunctionSpec> Functions = functions;
-  list<Type> Types = types;
-  list<Macro> Macros = macros;
-  list<EnumeratedNameValue> Enumerations = enumerations;
-  list<ObjectSpec> Objects = objects;
-class StandardSpec<string name> {
-  string Name = name;
-  list<HeaderSpec> Headers;
diff --git a/libc/spec/stdc.td b/libc/spec/stdc.td
deleted file mode 100644
index 493ca1a6440df4..00000000000000
--- a/libc/spec/stdc.td
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1827 +0,0 @@
-def StdC : StandardSpec<"stdc"> {
-  NamedType StructTmType = NamedType<"struct tm">;
-  PtrType StructTmPtr = PtrType<StructTmType>;
-  PtrType TimeTTypePtr = PtrType<TimeTType>;
-  NamedType ClockT = NamedType<"clock_t">;
-  NamedType LocaleT = NamedType<"locale_t">;
-  NamedType DivTType = NamedType<"div_t">;
-  NamedType LDivTType = NamedType<"ldiv_t">;
-  NamedType LLDivTType = NamedType<"lldiv_t">;
-  NamedType JmpBuf = NamedType<"jmp_buf">;
-  NamedType TssTType = NamedType<"tss_t">;
-  PtrType TssTPtr = PtrType<TssTType>;
-  NamedType TssDtorTType = NamedType<"tss_dtor_t">;
-  HeaderSpec Assert = HeaderSpec<
-      "assert.h",
-      [
-          Macro<"static_assert">,
-          Macro<"assert">,
-      ],
-      [], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      []
-  >;
-  FunctionAttrSpec ConstAttr = FunctionAttrSpec<"__LIBC_CONST_ATTR", [
-    Cxx11FunctionAttr<"const", "gnu">,
-    GnuFunctionAttr<"const">,
-  ]>;
-  HeaderSpec CType = HeaderSpec<
-      "ctype.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [
-          LocaleT
-      ], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "isalnum",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "isalpha",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "isblank",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "iscntrl",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "isdigit",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "isgraph",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "islower",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "isprint",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "ispunct",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "isspace",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "isupper",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "isxdigit",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "tolower",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "toupper",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "isalnum_l",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<LocaleT>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "isalpha_l",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<LocaleT>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "isblank_l",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<LocaleT>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "iscntrl_l",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<LocaleT>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "isdigit_l",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<LocaleT>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "isgraph_l",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<LocaleT>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "islower_l",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<LocaleT>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "isprint_l",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<LocaleT>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "ispunct_l",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<LocaleT>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "isspace_l",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<LocaleT>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "isupper_l",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<LocaleT>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "isxdigit_l",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<LocaleT>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "tolower_l",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<LocaleT>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "toupper_l",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<LocaleT>]
-          >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  NamedType FEnvT = NamedType<"fenv_t">;
-  PtrType FEnvTPtr = PtrType<FEnvT>;
-  ConstType ConstFEnvTPtr = ConstType<FEnvTPtr>;
-  NamedType FExceptT = NamedType<"fexcept_t">;
-  PtrType FExceptTPtr = PtrType<FExceptT>;
-  ConstType ConstFExceptTPtr = ConstType<FExceptTPtr>;
-  HeaderSpec Fenv = HeaderSpec<
-      "fenv.h",
-      [
-          Macro<"FE_DIVBYZERO">,
-          Macro<"FE_INEXACT">,
-          Macro<"FE_INVALID">,
-          Macro<"FE_OVERFLOW">,
-          Macro<"FE_UNDERFLOW">,
-          Macro<"FE_ALL_EXCEPT">,
-          Macro<"FE_DOWNWARD">,
-          Macro<"FE_TONEAREST">,
-          Macro<"FE_TOWARDZERO">,
-          Macro<"FE_UPWARD">,
-          Macro<"FE_DFL_ENV">
-      ],
-      [
-          FEnvT,
-          FExceptT,
-      ], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "feclearexcept",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fetestexcept",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fetestexceptflag",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstFExceptTPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "feraiseexcept",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fesetround",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fegetround",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              []
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fegetenv",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FEnvTPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fesetenv",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstFEnvTPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fegetexceptflag",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FExceptTPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fesetexcept",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fesetexceptflag",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstFExceptTPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "feholdexcept",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FEnvTPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "feupdateenv",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstFEnvTPtr>]
-          >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec String = HeaderSpec<
-      "string.h",
-      [
-          Macro<"NULL">,
-      ],
-      [
-          SizeTType,
-      ],
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "memcpy",
-              RetValSpec<VoidPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<VoidRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<ConstVoidRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "memmove",
-              RetValSpec<VoidPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<VoidPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstVoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "memcmp",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstVoidPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstVoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "memchr",
-              RetValSpec<VoidPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstVoidPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "memset",
-              RetValSpec<VoidPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<VoidPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "memset_explicit",
-              RetValSpec<VoidPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<VoidPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "strcpy",
-              RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "strncpy",
-              RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "strcat",
-              RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "strncat",
-              RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<CharPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "strcmp",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "strcoll",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "strcoll_l",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<LocaleT>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "strncmp",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "strxfrm",
-              RetValSpec<SizeTType>,
-              [ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "strxfrm_l",
-              RetValSpec<SizeTType>,
-              [ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-               ArgSpec<LocaleT>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "strchr",
-              RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "strcspn",
-              RetValSpec<SizeTType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "strdup",
-              RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "strndup",
-              RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>,ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "strpbrk",
-              RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "strrchr",
-              RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "strspn",
-              RetValSpec<SizeTType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "strstr",
-              RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "strtok",
-              RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "strerror",
-              RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "strlen",
-              RetValSpec<SizeTType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-          >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec Math = HeaderSpec<
-      "math.h",
-      [
-          Macro<"MATH_ERRNO">,
-          Macro<"MATH_ERREXCEPT">,
-          Macro<"math_errhandling">,
-          Macro<"HUGE_VAL">,
-          Macro<"INFINITY">,
-          Macro<"NAN">,
-          Macro<"FP_INT_UPWARD">,
-          Macro<"FP_INT_DOWNWARD">,
-          Macro<"FP_INT_TOWARDZERO">,
-          Macro<"FP_INT_TONEAREST">,
-          Macro<"FP_ILOGB0">,
-          Macro<"FP_ILOGBNAN">,
-          Macro<"isfinite">,
-          Macro<"isinf">,
-          Macro<"isnan">,
-      ],
-      [
-          NamedType<"float_t">,
-          NamedType<"double_t">,
-          NamedType<"float128">,
-      ],
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<"cbrt", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"cbrtf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"copysign", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"copysignf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"copysignl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"copysignf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"copysignf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"ceil", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"ceilf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"ceill", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"ceilf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"ceilf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"daddl", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"ddivl", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"dfmal", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"dsubl", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fabs", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>], [ConstAttr]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fabsf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fabsl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fabsf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fabsf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"fadd", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"faddl", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fdim", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fdimf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fdiml", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fdimf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fdimf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"fdiv", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fdivl", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"ffma", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"ffmal", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"floor", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"floorf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"floorl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"floorf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"floorf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"fmin", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fminf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fminl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fminf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fminf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          FunctionSpec<"fmax", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fmaxf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fmaxl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fmaxf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fmaxf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-	  FunctionSpec<"fmaximum", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fmaximumf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fmaximuml", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fmaximumf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fmaximumf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-	  FunctionSpec<"fmaximum_num", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fmaximum_numf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fmaximum_numl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fmaximum_numf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fmaximum_numf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-	  FunctionSpec<"fmaximum_mag", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fmaximum_magf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fmaximum_magl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fmaximum_magf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fmaximum_magf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-	  FunctionSpec<"fmaximum_mag_num", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fmaximum_mag_numf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fmaximum_mag_numl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fmaximum_mag_numf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fmaximum_mag_numf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-	  FunctionSpec<"fminimum", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fminimumf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fminimuml", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fminimumf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fminimumf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-	  FunctionSpec<"fminimum_num", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fminimum_numf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fmaximum_numl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fminimum_numf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fminimum_numf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-	  FunctionSpec<"fminimum_mag", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fminimum_magf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fminimum_magl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fminimum_magf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fminimum_magf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-	  FunctionSpec<"fminimum_mag_num", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fminimum_mag_numf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fminimum_mag_numl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fminimum_mag_numf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fminimum_mag_numf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"fma", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fmaf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"f16fmaf128", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16_AND_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"fmod", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fmodf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fmodl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fmodf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fmodf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"frexp", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<IntPtr>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"frexpf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<IntPtr>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"frexpl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<IntPtr>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"frexpf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<IntPtr>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"frexpf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<IntPtr>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"fromfp", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fromfpf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fromfpl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fromfpf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fromfpf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"fromfpx", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fromfpxf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fromfpxl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fromfpxf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"fromfpxf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"fsub", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fsubl", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"ufromfp", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"ufromfpf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"ufromfpl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"ufromfpf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"ufromfpf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"ufromfpx", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"ufromfpxf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"ufromfpxl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"ufromfpxf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"ufromfpxf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"hypot", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"hypotf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"ilogb", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"ilogbf", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"ilogbl", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"ilogbf16", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"ilogbf128", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"llogb", RetValSpec<LongType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"llogbf", RetValSpec<LongType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"llogbl", RetValSpec<LongType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"llogbf16", RetValSpec<LongType>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"llogbf128", RetValSpec<LongType>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"ldexp", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<IntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"ldexpf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<IntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"ldexpl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<IntType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"ldexpf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<IntType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"ldexpf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<IntType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"log10", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"log10f", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"log10f16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          FunctionSpec<"log1p", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"log1pf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"log2", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"log2f", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"log2f16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          FunctionSpec<"log", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"logf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"logf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          FunctionSpec<"logb", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"logbf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"logbl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"logbf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"logbf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"modf", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoublePtr>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"modff", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatPtr>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"modfl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoublePtr>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"modff16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<Float16Ptr>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"modff128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Ptr>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"cos", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"cosf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"sin", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"sinf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"tan", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"tanf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"erff", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"exp", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"expf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"expf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          FunctionSpec<"exp2", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"exp2f", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"exp2f16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          FunctionSpec<"exp2m1f", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"exp2m1f16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          FunctionSpec<"expm1", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"expm1f", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"expm1f16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          FunctionSpec<"exp10", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"exp10f", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"exp10f16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          FunctionSpec<"exp10m1f", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"exp10m1f16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          FunctionSpec<"remainder", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"remainderf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"remainderl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"remainderf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"remainderf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"remquo", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<IntPtr>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"remquof", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<IntPtr>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"remquol", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<IntPtr>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"remquof16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<IntPtr>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"remquof128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<IntPtr>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"round", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"roundf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"roundl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"roundf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"roundf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"roundeven", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"roundevenf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"roundevenl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"roundevenf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"roundevenf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"lround", RetValSpec<LongType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"lroundf", RetValSpec<LongType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"lroundl", RetValSpec<LongType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"lroundf16", RetValSpec<LongType>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"lroundf128", RetValSpec<LongType>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"llround", RetValSpec<LongLongType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"llroundf", RetValSpec<LongLongType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"llroundl", RetValSpec<LongLongType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"llroundf16", RetValSpec<LongLongType>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"llroundf128", RetValSpec<LongLongType>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"rint", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"rintf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"rintl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"rintf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"rintf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"lrint", RetValSpec<LongType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"lrintf", RetValSpec<LongType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"lrintl", RetValSpec<LongType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"lrintf16", RetValSpec<LongType>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"lrintf128", RetValSpec<LongType>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"llrint", RetValSpec<LongLongType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"llrintf", RetValSpec<LongLongType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"llrintl", RetValSpec<LongLongType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"llrintf16", RetValSpec<LongLongType>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"llrintf128", RetValSpec<LongLongType>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"sqrt", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"sqrtf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"sqrtl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"sqrtf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"sqrtf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"trunc", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"truncf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"truncl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"truncf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"truncf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"nearbyint", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"nearbyintf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"nearbyintl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"nearbyintf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"nearbyintf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"nextafterf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"nextafter", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"nextafterl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"nextafterf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"nextafterf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"nexttowardf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"nexttoward", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"nexttowardl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"nexttowardf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          FunctionSpec<"nextdown", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"nextdownf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"nextdownl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"nextdownf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"nextdownf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"nextup", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"nextupf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"nextupl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"nextupf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"nextupf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"powf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"pow", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"coshf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"coshf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          FunctionSpec<"sinhf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"sinhf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          FunctionSpec<"tanhf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"tanhf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          FunctionSpec<"acosf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"asinf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"asin", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"atanf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"atan2", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"atan2f", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"atan2l", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"acoshf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"asinhf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"atanhf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"scalbln", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"scalblnf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<LongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"scalblnl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"scalblnf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<LongType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"scalblnf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<LongType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"scalbn", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<IntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"scalbnf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<IntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"scalbnl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<IntType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"scalbnf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<IntType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"scalbnf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<IntType>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"nanf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"nan", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"nanl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"nanf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"nanf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"issignaling", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"issignalingf", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"issignalingl", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"issignalingf16", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"issignalingf128", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"canonicalize", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"canonicalizef", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>, ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"canonicalizel", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"canonicalizef16", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>, ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"canonicalizef128", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"iscanonical", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"iscanonicalf", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"iscanonicall", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"iscanonicalf16", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"iscanonicalf128", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"dsqrtl", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"totalorder", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<ConstDoublePtr>, ArgSpec<ConstDoublePtr>]>,
-	  FunctionSpec<"totalorderf", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<ConstFloatPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstFloatPtr>]>,
-	  FunctionSpec<"totalorderl", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<ConstLongDoublePtr>, ArgSpec<ConstLongDoublePtr>]>,
-	  GuardedFunctionSpec<"totalorderf16", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<ConstFloat16Ptr>, ArgSpec<ConstFloat16Ptr>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-	  GuardedFunctionSpec<"totalorderf128", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<ConstFloat128Ptr>, ArgSpec<ConstFloat128Ptr>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"totalordermag", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<ConstDoublePtr>, ArgSpec<ConstDoublePtr>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"totalordermagf", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<ConstFloatPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstFloatPtr>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"totalordermagl", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<ConstLongDoublePtr>, ArgSpec<ConstLongDoublePtr>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"totalordermagf16", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<ConstFloat16Ptr>, ArgSpec<ConstFloat16Ptr>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"totalordermagf128", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<ConstFloat128Ptr>, ArgSpec<ConstFloat128Ptr>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"getpayload", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoublePtr>]>,
-	  FunctionSpec<"getpayloadf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatPtr>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"getpayloadl", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoublePtr>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"getpayloadf16", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float16Ptr>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"getpayloadf128", RetValSpec<Float128Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Ptr>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"setpayload", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<DoublePtr>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"setpayloadf", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<FloatPtr>, ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-	  FunctionSpec<"setpayloadl", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoublePtr>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"setpayloadf16", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<Float16Ptr>, ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-	  GuardedFunctionSpec<"setpayloadf128", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<Float128Ptr>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"setpayloadsig", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<DoublePtr>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"setpayloadsigf", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<FloatPtr>, ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-	  FunctionSpec<"setpayloadsigl", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoublePtr>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"setpayloadsigf16", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<Float16Ptr>, ArgSpec<Float16Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16">,
-	  GuardedFunctionSpec<"setpayloadsigf128", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<Float128Ptr>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT128">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"f16addf128", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16_AND_FLOAT128">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"f16subf128", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16_AND_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"fmul", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fmull", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"dmull", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"f16mulf128", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16_AND_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"fsqrt", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"fsqrtl", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"f16divf128", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>, ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16_AND_FLOAT128">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"f16sqrtf128", RetValSpec<Float16Type>, [ArgSpec<Float128Type>], "LIBC_TYPES_HAS_FLOAT16_AND_FLOAT128">,
-          FunctionSpec<"lgamma", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"lgammaf", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"lgammal", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec StdIO = HeaderSpec<
-      "stdio.h",
-      [
-          Macro<"stdin">,
-          Macro<"stderr">,
-          Macro<"stdout">,
-          Macro<"_IOFBF">,
-          Macro<"_IOLBF">,
-          Macro<"_IONBF">,
-          Macro<"EOF">,
-      ], // Macros
-      [ // Types
-          SizeTType,
-          FILE,
-      ],
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "clearerr",
-              RetValSpec<VoidType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FILEPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fclose",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FILEPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "feof",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FILEPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "ferror",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FILEPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fgetc",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FILEPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fgets",
-              RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-              [
-                ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtr>,
-                ArgSpec<IntType>,
-                ArgSpec<FILERestrictedPtr>,
-              ]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fflush",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FILEPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fopen",
-              RetValSpec<FILEPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fputc",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>,
-               ArgSpec<FILEPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "ftell",
-              RetValSpec<LongType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FILEPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "getc",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FILEPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "getchar",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<VoidType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "putc",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>,
-               ArgSpec<FILEPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "putchar",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fputs",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<FILERestrictedPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "puts",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fread",
-              RetValSpec<SizeTType>,
-              [ArgSpec<VoidRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-               ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-               ArgSpec<FILERestrictedPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fseek",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FILEPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<LongType>,
-               ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fwrite",
-              RetValSpec<SizeTType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstVoidRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-               ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-               ArgSpec<FILERestrictedPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "remove",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "rename",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "setbuf",
-              RetValSpec<VoidType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FILERestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "setvbuf",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FILERestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "sscanf",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<VarArgType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "vsscanf",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<VaListType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "scanf",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<VarArgType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "vscanf",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<VaListType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fscanf",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FILERestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<VarArgType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "vfscanf",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FILERestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<VaListType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "sprintf",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<VarArgType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "snprintf",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-               ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<VarArgType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "printf",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<VarArgType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "fprintf",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FILERestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<VarArgType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "asprintf",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtrPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<VarArgType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "vsprintf",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<VaListType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "vsnprintf",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<SizeTType>,
-               ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<VaListType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "vprintf",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<VaListType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "vfprintf",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<FILERestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<VaListType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "ungetc",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<FILEPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "vasprintf",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtrPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>,
-               ArgSpec<VaListType>]
-          >,
-      ],
-      [
-          ObjectSpec<
-              "stdin",
-              "FILE *"
-          >,
-          ObjectSpec<
-              "stdout",
-              "FILE *"
-          >,
-          ObjectSpec<
-              "stderr",
-              "FILE *"
-          >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec StdBit = HeaderSpec<
-      "stdbit.h",
-      [
-        Macro<"__STDC_VERSION_STDBIT_H__">,
-        Macro<"__STDC_ENDIAN_LITTLE__">,
-        Macro<"__STDC_ENDIAN_BIG__">,
-        Macro<"__STDC_ENDIAN_NATIVE__">,
-        Macro<"stdc_leading_zeros">,
-        Macro<"stdc_leading_ones">,
-        Macro<"stdc_trailing_zeros">,
-        Macro<"stdc_trailing_ones">,
-        Macro<"stdc_first_leading_zero">,
-        Macro<"stdc_first_leading_one">,
-        Macro<"stdc_first_trailing_zero">,
-        Macro<"stdc_first_trailing_one">,
-        Macro<"stdc_count_zeros">,
-        Macro<"stdc_count_ones">,
-        Macro<"stdc_has_single_bit">,
-        Macro<"stdc_bit_width">,
-        Macro<"stdc_bit_floor">,
-        Macro<"stdc_bit_ceil">
-      ], // Macros
-      [], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_leading_zeros_uc", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedCharType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_leading_zeros_us", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedShortType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_leading_zeros_ui", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_leading_zeros_ul", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_leading_zeros_ull", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_leading_ones_uc", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedCharType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_leading_ones_us", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedShortType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_leading_ones_ui", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_leading_ones_ul", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_leading_ones_ull", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_trailing_zeros_uc", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedCharType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_trailing_zeros_us", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedShortType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_trailing_zeros_ui", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_trailing_zeros_ul", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_trailing_zeros_ull", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_trailing_ones_uc", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedCharType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_trailing_ones_us", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedShortType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_trailing_ones_ui", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_trailing_ones_ul", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_trailing_ones_ull", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_first_leading_zero_uc", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedCharType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_first_leading_zero_us", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedShortType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_first_leading_zero_ui", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_first_leading_zero_ul", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_first_leading_zero_ull", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_first_leading_one_uc", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedCharType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_first_leading_one_us", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedShortType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_first_leading_one_ui", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_first_leading_one_ul", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_first_leading_one_ull", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_first_trailing_one_uc", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedCharType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_first_trailing_one_us", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedShortType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_first_trailing_one_ui", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_first_trailing_one_ul", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_first_trailing_one_ull", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_count_zeros_uc", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedCharType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_count_zeros_us", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedShortType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_count_zeros_ui", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_count_zeros_ul", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_count_zeros_ull", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_count_ones_uc", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedCharType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_count_ones_us", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedShortType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_count_ones_ui", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_count_ones_ul", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_count_ones_ull", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_has_single_bit_uc", RetValSpec<BoolType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedCharType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_has_single_bit_us", RetValSpec<BoolType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedShortType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_has_single_bit_ui", RetValSpec<BoolType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_has_single_bit_ul", RetValSpec<BoolType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_has_single_bit_ull", RetValSpec<BoolType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_bit_width_uc", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedCharType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_bit_width_us", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedShortType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_bit_width_ui", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_bit_width_ul", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_bit_width_ull", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_bit_floor_uc", RetValSpec<UnsignedCharType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedCharType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_bit_floor_us", RetValSpec<UnsignedShortType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedShortType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_bit_floor_ui", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_bit_floor_ul", RetValSpec<UnsignedLongType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_bit_floor_ull", RetValSpec<UnsignedLongLongType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_bit_ceil_uc", RetValSpec<UnsignedCharType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedCharType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_bit_ceil_us", RetValSpec<UnsignedShortType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedShortType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_bit_ceil_ui", RetValSpec<UnsignedIntType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_bit_ceil_ul", RetValSpec<UnsignedLongType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"stdc_bit_ceil_ull", RetValSpec<UnsignedLongLongType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongLongType>]>
-      ] // Functions
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec StdCkdInt = HeaderSpec<
-      "stdckdint.h",
-      [
-        Macro<"__STDC_VERSION_STDCKDINT_H__">,
-        Macro<"ckd_add">,
-        Macro<"ckd_sub">,
-        Macro<"ckd_mul">
-      ], // Macros
-      [], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [] // Functions
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec StdLib = HeaderSpec<
-      "stdlib.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [
-          DivTType,
-          LDivTType,
-          LLDivTType,
-          SizeTType,
-          BSearchCompareT,
-          QSortCompareT,
-          AtexitHandlerT,
-      ], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<"abort", RetValSpec<NoReturn>, [ArgSpec<VoidType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"bsearch", RetValSpec<VoidPtr>, [ArgSpec<ConstVoidPtr>, ArgSpec<ConstVoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>, ArgSpec<BSearchCompareT>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"abs", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<IntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"labs", RetValSpec<LongType>, [ArgSpec<LongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"llabs", RetValSpec<LongLongType>, [ArgSpec<LongLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"atof", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"atoi", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"atol", RetValSpec<LongType>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"atoll", RetValSpec<LongLongType>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"div", RetValSpec<DivTType>, [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<IntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"ldiv", RetValSpec<LDivTType>, [ArgSpec<LongType>, ArgSpec<LongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"lldiv", RetValSpec<LLDivTType>, [ArgSpec<LongLongType>, ArgSpec<LongLongType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"qsort", RetValSpec<VoidType>, [ArgSpec<VoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>, ArgSpec<QSortCompareT>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"rand", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<VoidType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"srand", RetValSpec<VoidType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedIntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"strfromf", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>, ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<FloatType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"strfromd", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>, ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<DoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"strfroml", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>, ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<LongDoubleType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"strtof", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtrPtr>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"strtod", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtrPtr>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"strtold", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtrPtr>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"strtol", RetValSpec<LongType>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtrPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"strtoll", RetValSpec<LongLongType>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtrPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"strtoul", RetValSpec<UnsignedLongType>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtrPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"strtoull", RetValSpec<UnsignedLongLongType>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtrPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"strtof_l", RetValSpec<FloatType>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtrPtr>, ArgSpec<LocaleT>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"strtod_l", RetValSpec<DoubleType>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtrPtr>, ArgSpec<LocaleT>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"strtold_l", RetValSpec<LongDoubleType>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtrPtr>, ArgSpec<LocaleT>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"strtol_l", RetValSpec<LongType>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtrPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<LocaleT>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"strtoll_l", RetValSpec<LongLongType>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtrPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<LocaleT>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"strtoul_l", RetValSpec<UnsignedLongType>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtrPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<LocaleT>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"strtoull_l", RetValSpec<UnsignedLongLongType>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtrPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<LocaleT>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"malloc", RetValSpec<VoidPtr>, [ArgSpec<SizeTType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"calloc", RetValSpec<VoidPtr>, [ArgSpec<SizeTType>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"realloc", RetValSpec<VoidPtr>, [ArgSpec<VoidPtr>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"aligned_alloc", RetValSpec<VoidPtr>, [ArgSpec<SizeTType>, ArgSpec<SizeTType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"free", RetValSpec<VoidType>, [ArgSpec<VoidPtr>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"_Exit", RetValSpec<NoReturn>, [ArgSpec<IntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"at_quick_exit", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<AtexitHandlerT>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"atexit", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<AtexitHandlerT>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"exit", RetValSpec<NoReturn>, [ArgSpec<IntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"quick_exit", RetValSpec<NoReturn>, [ArgSpec<IntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"system", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>]>,
-      ]
-  >;
-  NamedType IMaxDivTType = NamedType<"imaxdiv_t">;
-  HeaderSpec IntTypes = HeaderSpec<
-      "inttypes.h",
-      [
-        Macro<"__STDC_VERSION_INTTYPES_H__">,
-      ], // Macros
-      [
-        IMaxDivTType,
-      ], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<"imaxabs", RetValSpec<IntMaxTType>, [ArgSpec<IntMaxTType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"imaxdiv", RetValSpec<IMaxDivTType>, [ArgSpec<IntMaxTType>, ArgSpec<IntMaxTType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"strtoimax", RetValSpec<IntMaxTType>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtrPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]>,
-          FunctionSpec<"strtoumax", RetValSpec<UIntMaxTType>, [ArgSpec<ConstCharRestrictedPtr>, ArgSpec<CharRestrictedPtrPtr>, ArgSpec<IntType>]>,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec Errno = HeaderSpec<
-      "errno.h",
-      [
-        Macro<"errno">,
-        Macro<"EDOM">,
-        Macro<"EILSEQ">,
-        Macro<"ERANGE">,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec Float = HeaderSpec<
-      "float.h",
-      [
-        Macro<"FLT_MANT_DIG">,
-        Macro<"DBL_MANT_DIG">,
-        Macro<"LDBL_MANT_DIG">,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec StdInt = HeaderSpec<"StdInt.h">;
-  HeaderSpec Limits = HeaderSpec<"limits.h">;
-  NamedType SigAtomicT = NamedType<"sig_atomic_t">;
-  HeaderSpec Signal = HeaderSpec<
-      "signal.h",
-      [
-        Macro<"SIG_BLOCK">,
-        Macro<"SIG_UNBLOCK">,
-        Macro<"SIG_SETMASK">,
-        Macro<"SIGABRT">,
-        Macro<"SIGFPE">,
-        Macro<"SIGILL">,
-        Macro<"SIGINT">,
-        Macro<"SIGSEGV">,
-        Macro<"SIGTERM">
-      ],
-      [
-        SizeTType,
-        SigAtomicT,
-        SigHandlerT,
-      ],
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-        FunctionSpec<"raise", RetValSpec<IntType>, [ArgSpec<IntType>]>,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "signal",
-          RetValSpec<SigHandlerT>,
-          [ArgSpec<IntType>, ArgSpec<SigHandlerT>]
-        >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec Threads = HeaderSpec<
-      "threads.h",
-      [
-          Macro<"ONCE_FLAG_INIT">,
-      ],
-      [
-          OnceFlagType,
-          CallOnceFuncType,
-          CndTType,
-          MtxTType,
-          ThrdStartTType,
-          ThrdTType,
-          TssTType,
-          TssDtorTType,
-      ],
-      [
-          EnumeratedNameValue<"mtx_plain">,
-          EnumeratedNameValue<"mtx_recursive">,
-          EnumeratedNameValue<"mtx_timed">,
-          EnumeratedNameValue<"thrd_timedout">,
-          EnumeratedNameValue<"thrd_success">,
-          EnumeratedNameValue<"thrd_busy">,
-          EnumeratedNameValue<"thrd_error">,
-          EnumeratedNameValue<"thrd_nomem">,
-      ],
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "call_once",
-              RetValSpec<VoidType>,
-              [
-                  ArgSpec<OnceFlagTypePtr>,
-                  ArgSpec<CallOnceFuncType>,
-              ]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "cnd_broadcast",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [
-                  ArgSpec<CndTTypePtr>,
-              ]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "cnd_destroy",
-              RetValSpec<VoidType>,
-              [
-                  ArgSpec<CndTTypePtr>,
-              ]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "cnd_init",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [
-                  ArgSpec<CndTTypePtr>,
-              ]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "cnd_signal",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [
-                  ArgSpec<CndTTypePtr>,
-              ]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "cnd_wait",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [
-                  ArgSpec<CndTTypePtr>,
-                  ArgSpec<MtxTTypePtr>,
-              ]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "mtx_init",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [
-                  ArgSpec<MtxTTypePtr>,
-                  ArgSpec<IntType>,
-              ]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "mtx_destroy",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [
-                  ArgSpec<VoidType>,
-              ]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "mtx_lock",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [
-                  ArgSpec<MtxTTypePtr>,
-              ]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "mtx_unlock",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [
-                  ArgSpec<MtxTTypePtr>,
-              ]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "thrd_create",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [
-                  ArgSpec<ThrdTTypePtr>,
-                  ArgSpec<ThrdStartTType>,
-                  ArgSpec<VoidPtr>,
-              ]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "thrd_join",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [
-                  ArgSpec<ThrdTType>,
-                  ArgSpec<IntPtr>,
-              ]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "thrd_detach",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ThrdTType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "thrd_current",
-              RetValSpec<ThrdTType>,
-              [ArgSpec<VoidType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "thrd_equal",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<ThrdTType>, ArgSpec<ThrdTType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "thrd_exit",
-              RetValSpec<VoidType>,
-              [ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "tss_create",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<TssTPtr>, ArgSpec<TssDtorTType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "tss_delete",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<TssTType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "tss_get",
-              RetValSpec<VoidPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<TssTType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "tss_set",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<TssTType>, ArgSpec<VoidPtr>]
-          >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec Time = HeaderSpec<
-      "time.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [ // Types
-         ClockT,
-         StructTmType,
-         StructTimeSpec,
-         TimeTType,
-         SizeTType,
-      ],
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "asctime",
-              RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<StructTmPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "asctime_r",
-              RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-              [
-                  ArgSpec<StructTmPtr>,
-                  ArgSpec<CharPtr>,
-              ]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "ctime",
-              RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<TimeTTypePtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "ctime_r",
-              RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-              [
-                  ArgSpec<TimeTTypePtr>,
-                  ArgSpec<CharPtr>,
-              ]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "clock",
-              RetValSpec<ClockT>,
-              [ArgSpec<VoidType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "difftime",
-              RetValSpec<DoubleType>,
-              [
-                  ArgSpec<TimeTType>,
-                  ArgSpec<TimeTType>,
-              ]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "gmtime",
-              RetValSpec<StructTmPtr>,
-              [ArgSpec<TimeTTypePtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "gmtime_r",
-              RetValSpec<StructTmPtr>,
-              [
-                  ArgSpec<TimeTTypePtr>,
-                  ArgSpec<StructTmPtr>,
-              ]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "mktime",
-              RetValSpec<TimeTType>,
-              [ArgSpec<StructTmPtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "time",
-              RetValSpec<TimeTType>,
-              [ArgSpec<TimeTTypePtr>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "timespec_get",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [
-                ArgSpec<StructTimeSpecPtr>,
-                ArgSpec<IntType>,
-              ]
-          >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec SetJmp = HeaderSpec<
-      "setjmp.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [JmpBuf],
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "longjmp",
-              RetValSpec<NoReturn>,
-              [ArgSpec<JmpBuf>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "setjmp",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<JmpBuf>]
-          >,
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "longjmp",
-              RetValSpec<VoidType>,
-              [ArgSpec<JmpBuf>, ArgSpec<IntType>]
-          >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec UChar = HeaderSpec<
-      "uchar.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [ //Types
-        MBStateTType,
-        Char8TType,
-        Char16TType,
-        Char32TType,
-        SizeTType,
-      ],
-      [], // Enumerations
-      []
-  >;
-  HeaderSpec WChar = HeaderSpec<
-      "wchar.h",
-      [ // Macros
-        Macro<"WEOF">,
-      ],
-      [ //Types
-        MBStateTType,
-        SizeTType,
-        WIntType,
-        WCharType,
-      ],
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-          FunctionSpec<
-              "wctob",
-              RetValSpec<IntType>,
-              [ArgSpec<WIntType>]
-          >,
-      ]
-  >;
-  NamedType StructLconv = NamedType<"struct lconv">;
-  PtrType StructLconvPtr = PtrType<StructLconv>;
-  HeaderSpec Locale = HeaderSpec<
-     "locale.h",
-      [], // Macros
-      [LocaleT, StructLconv], // Types
-      [], // Enumerations
-      [
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "duplocale",
-          RetValSpec<LocaleT>,
-          [
-            ArgSpec<LocaleT>
-          ]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "freelocale",
-          RetValSpec<VoidType>,
-          [
-            ArgSpec<LocaleT>
-          ]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "localeconv",
-          RetValSpec<StructLconvPtr>,
-          []
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "newlocale",
-          RetValSpec<LocaleT>,
-          [
-            ArgSpec<IntType>,
-            ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>,
-            ArgSpec<LocaleT>
-          ]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "setlocale",
-          RetValSpec<CharPtr>,
-          [
-            ArgSpec<IntType>,
-            ArgSpec<ConstCharPtr>
-          ]
-        >,
-        FunctionSpec<
-          "uselocale",
-          RetValSpec<LocaleT>,
-          [
-            ArgSpec<LocaleT>
-          ]
-        >
-      ]  // Functions
-  >;
-  let Headers = [
-    Assert,
-    CType,
-    Errno,
-    Fenv,
-    Float,
-    StdInt,
-    Limits,
-    Math,
-    String,
-    StdBit,
-    StdCkdInt,
-    StdIO,
-    StdLib,
-    IntTypes,
-    SetJmp,
-    Signal,
-    Threads,
-    Time,
-    UChar,
-    WChar,
-    Locale,
-  ];
diff --git a/libc/spec/stdc_ext.td b/libc/spec/stdc_ext.td
deleted file mode 100644
index dee3b8bdf6feeb..00000000000000
--- a/libc/spec/stdc_ext.td
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-// Fixed point types.
-// From ISO/IEC TR 18037:2008 standard:
-// https://standards.iso.org/ittf/PubliclyAvailableStandards/c051126_ISO_IEC_TR_18037_2008.zip
-def ShortFractType : NamedType<"short fract">;
-def FractType : NamedType<"fract">;
-def LongFractType : NamedType<"long fract">;
-def UnsignedShortFractType : NamedType<"unsigned short fract">;
-def UnsignedFractType : NamedType<"unsigned fract">;
-def UnsignedLongFractType : NamedType<"unsigned long fract">;
-def ShortAccumType : NamedType<"short accum">;
-def AccumType : NamedType<"accum">;
-def LongAccumType : NamedType<"long accum">;
-def UnsignedShortAccumType : NamedType<"unsigned short accum">;
-def UnsignedAccumType : NamedType<"unsigned accum">;
-def UnsignedLongAccumType : NamedType<"unsigned long accum">;
-def IntHrT : NamedType <"int_hr_t">;
-def IntRT : NamedType<"int_r_t">;
-def IntLrT : NamedType<"int_lr_t">;
-def IntHkT : NamedType<"int_hk_t">;
-def IntKT : NamedType<"int_k_t">;
-def IntLkT : NamedType<"int_lk_t">;
-def UIntUhrT : NamedType<"uint_uhr_t">;
-def UIntUrT : NamedType<"uint_ur_t">;
-def UIntUlrT : NamedType<"uint_ulr_t">;
-def UIntUhkT : NamedType<"uint_uhk_t">;
-def UIntUkT : NamedType<"uint_uk_t">;
-def UIntUlkT : NamedType<"uint_ulk_t">;
-def StdcExt : StandardSpec<"stdc_ext"> {
-  // From ISO/IEC TR 18037:2008 standard:
-  // https://standards.iso.org/ittf/PubliclyAvailableStandards/c051126_ISO_IEC_TR_18037_2008.zip
-  HeaderSpec StdFix = HeaderSpec<
-      "stdfix.h",
-      [],  // macros
-      [IntHrT,IntRT, IntLrT, IntHkT, IntKT, IntLkT, UIntUhrT, UIntUrT, UIntUlrT, UIntUhkT, UIntUkT, UIntUlkT],  // types
-      [],  // enums
-      [    // functions
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"abshr", RetValSpec<ShortFractType>, [ArgSpec<ShortFractType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"absr", RetValSpec<FractType>, [ArgSpec<FractType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"abslr", RetValSpec<LongFractType>, [ArgSpec<LongFractType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"abshk", RetValSpec<ShortAccumType>, [ArgSpec<ShortAccumType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"absk", RetValSpec<AccumType>, [ArgSpec<AccumType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"abslk", RetValSpec<LongAccumType>, [ArgSpec<LongAccumType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"roundhr", RetValSpec<ShortFractType>, [ArgSpec<ShortFractType>, ArgSpec<IntType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"roundr", RetValSpec<FractType>, [ArgSpec<FractType>, ArgSpec<IntType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"roundlr", RetValSpec<LongFractType>, [ArgSpec<LongFractType>, ArgSpec<IntType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"roundhk", RetValSpec<ShortAccumType>, [ArgSpec<ShortAccumType>, ArgSpec<IntType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"roundk", RetValSpec<AccumType>, [ArgSpec<AccumType>, ArgSpec<IntType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"roundlk", RetValSpec<LongAccumType>, [ArgSpec<LongAccumType>, ArgSpec<IntType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"rounduhr", RetValSpec<UnsignedShortFractType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedShortFractType>, ArgSpec<IntType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"roundur", RetValSpec<UnsignedFractType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedFractType>, ArgSpec<IntType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"roundulr", RetValSpec<UnsignedLongFractType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongFractType>, ArgSpec<IntType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"rounduhk", RetValSpec<UnsignedShortAccumType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedShortAccumType>, ArgSpec<IntType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"rounduk", RetValSpec<UnsignedAccumType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedAccumType>, ArgSpec<IntType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"roundulk", RetValSpec<UnsignedLongAccumType>, [ArgSpec<UnsignedLongAccumType>, ArgSpec<IntType>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"hrbits", RetValSpec<ShortFractType>, [ArgSpec<IntHrT>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"rbits", RetValSpec<FractType>, [ArgSpec<IntRT>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"lrbits", RetValSpec<LongFractType>, [ArgSpec<IntLrT>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"hkbits", RetValSpec<ShortAccumType>, [ArgSpec<IntHkT>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"kbits", RetValSpec<AccumType>, [ArgSpec<IntKT>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"lkbits", RetValSpec<LongAccumType>, [ArgSpec<IntLkT>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"uhrbits", RetValSpec<UnsignedShortFractType>, [ArgSpec<UIntUhrT>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"urbits", RetValSpec<UnsignedFractType>, [ArgSpec<UIntUrT>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"ukbits", RetValSpec<UnsignedAccumType>, [ArgSpec<UIntUkT>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"ulrbits", RetValSpec<UnsignedLongFractType>, [ArgSpec<UIntUlrT>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"uhkbits", RetValSpec<UnsignedShortAccumType>, [ArgSpec<UIntUhkT>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-          GuardedFunctionSpec<"ulkbits", RetValSpec<UnsignedLongAccumType>, [ArgSpec<UIntUlkT>], "LIBC_COMPILER_HAS_FIXED_POINT">,
-      ]
-  >;
-  let Headers = [
-    StdFix,
-  ];
diff --git a/libc/test/src/CMakeLists.txt b/libc/test/src/CMakeLists.txt
index e121555bd60a9f..8ac8f91e98d4cc 100644
--- a/libc/test/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/libc/test/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -88,81 +88,3 @@ add_subdirectory(locale)
-  # The public API test below uses tablegen to generate the test
-  # source file. Since tablegen is not available during a runtimes
-  # build, we will skip the test.
-  # If a different libc-hdrgen binary is being used, then also we
-  # skip the api-test as we cannot generate the test source file.
-  return()
-set(public_test ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/public_api_test.cpp)
-set(entrypoints_name_list "")
-  get_target_property(entry_name ${entry} "ENTRYPOINT_NAME")
-  list(APPEND entrypoints_name_list ${entry_name})
-# TODO: Remove these when they are added to the TableGen.
-list(REMOVE_ITEM entrypoints_name_list "__assert_fail" "__errno_location")
-list(TRANSFORM entrypoints_name_list PREPEND "-e=")
-file(GLOB spec_files ${LIBC_SOURCE_DIR}/spec/*.td)
-# Generate api test souce code.
-  OUTPUT ${public_test}
-  COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:libc-prototype-testgen> -o ${public_test}
-          ${entrypoints_name_list}
-          -I ${LIBC_SOURCE_DIR}
-          ${LIBC_SOURCE_DIR}/config/${LIBC_TARGET_OS}/api.td
-  DEPENDS ${LIBC_SOURCE_DIR}/config/${LIBC_TARGET_OS}/api.td ${spec_files}
-          libc-prototype-testgen ${TARGET_PUBLIC_HEADERS}
-          ${LIBC_TARGET}
-add_dependencies(check-libc libc-api-test)
-  allocator_entrypoints
-    libc.src.stdlib.malloc
-    libc.src.stdlib.calloc
-    libc.src.stdlib.realloc
-    libc.src.stdlib.aligned_alloc
-    libc.src.stdlib.free
-set(api-test-entrypoints ${TARGET_LLVMLIBC_ENTRYPOINTS})
-list(REMOVE_ITEM api-test-entrypoints ${allocator_entrypoints})
-  api-test
-    libc-api-test
-    ${public_test}
-    ${api-test-entrypoints}
-  add_custom_target(
-    libc-api-test-tidy
-    COMMAND ${LLVM_LIBC_CLANG_TIDY} --system-headers
-      --checks=-*,llvmlibc-restrict-system-libc-headers
-      "--extra-arg=-resource-dir=${COMPILER_RESOURCE_DIR}"
-      --header-filter=.*
-      --warnings-as-errors=llvmlibc-*
-      "-config={CheckOptions: [{key: llvmlibc-restrict-system-libc-headers.Includes, value: '-*, linux/*, asm/*.h, asm-generic/*.h'}]}"
-      --quiet
-      ${public_test}
-      clang-tidy ${public_test}
-  )
-  add_dependencies(libc-api-test libc-api-test-tidy)
diff --git a/libc/utils/HdrGen/CMakeLists.txt b/libc/utils/HdrGen/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 47f845b9f9a5bb..00000000000000
--- a/libc/utils/HdrGen/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-add_tablegen(libc-hdrgen LIBC
-  Command.h
-  Command.cpp
-  Generator.cpp
-  Generator.h
-  IncludeFileCommand.cpp
-  IncludeFileCommand.h
-  Main.cpp
-  PublicAPICommand.cpp
-  PublicAPICommand.h
-target_include_directories(libc-hdrgen PRIVATE ${LLVM_INCLUDE_DIR} ${LLVM_MAIN_INCLUDE_DIR})
-target_link_libraries(libc-hdrgen PRIVATE LibcTableGenUtil)
diff --git a/libc/utils/HdrGen/Command.cpp b/libc/utils/HdrGen/Command.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 04462c18aac3f0..00000000000000
--- a/libc/utils/HdrGen/Command.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-//===-- Base class for header generation commands -------------------------===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include "Command.h"
-namespace llvm_libc {
-Command::~Command() {}
-} // namespace llvm_libc
diff --git a/libc/utils/HdrGen/Command.h b/libc/utils/HdrGen/Command.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 42516798ffaec0..00000000000000
--- a/libc/utils/HdrGen/Command.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-//===-- Base class for header generation commands ---------------*- C++ -*-===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
-#include <cstdlib>
-namespace llvm {
-class raw_ostream;
-class RecordKeeper;
-} // namespace llvm
-namespace llvm_libc {
-typedef llvm::SmallVector<llvm::StringRef, 4> ArgVector;
-class Command {
-  class ErrorReporter {
-    llvm::SMLoc Loc;
-    const llvm::SourceMgr &SrcMgr;
-  public:
-    ErrorReporter(llvm::SMLoc L, llvm::SourceMgr &SM) : Loc(L), SrcMgr(SM) {}
-    [[noreturn]] void printFatalError(llvm::Twine Msg) const {
-      SrcMgr.PrintMessage(Loc, llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Error, Msg);
-      std::exit(1);
-    }
-  };
-  virtual ~Command();
-  virtual void run(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const ArgVector &Args,
-                   llvm::StringRef StdHeader, const llvm::RecordKeeper &Records,
-                   const ErrorReporter &Reporter) const = 0;
-} // namespace llvm_libc
diff --git a/libc/utils/HdrGen/Generator.cpp b/libc/utils/HdrGen/Generator.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b4e1166b1a37b2..00000000000000
--- a/libc/utils/HdrGen/Generator.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-//===-- Implementation of the main header generation class ----------------===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include "Generator.h"
-#include "IncludeFileCommand.h"
-#include "PublicAPICommand.h"
-#include "utils/LibcTableGenUtil/APIIndexer.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <memory>
-static const char CommandPrefix[] = "%%";
-static const size_t CommandPrefixSize = llvm::StringRef(CommandPrefix).size();
-static const char CommentPrefix[] = "<!>";
-static const char ParamNamePrefix[] = "${";
-static const size_t ParamNamePrefixSize =
-    llvm::StringRef(ParamNamePrefix).size();
-static const char ParamNameSuffix[] = "}";
-static const size_t ParamNameSuffixSize =
-    llvm::StringRef(ParamNameSuffix).size();
-namespace llvm_libc {
-Command *Generator::getCommandHandler(llvm::StringRef CommandName) {
-  if (CommandName == IncludeFileCommand::Name) {
-    if (!IncludeFileCmd)
-      IncludeFileCmd = std::make_unique<IncludeFileCommand>();
-    return IncludeFileCmd.get();
-  } else if (CommandName == PublicAPICommand::Name) {
-    if (!PublicAPICmd)
-      PublicAPICmd = std::make_unique<PublicAPICommand>(EntrypointNameList);
-    return PublicAPICmd.get();
-  } else {
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-void Generator::parseCommandArgs(llvm::StringRef ArgStr, ArgVector &Args) {
-  if (!ArgStr.contains(',') && ArgStr.trim(' ').trim('\t').size() == 0) {
-    // If it is just space between the parenthesis
-    return;
-  }
-  ArgStr.split(Args, ",");
-  for (llvm::StringRef &A : Args) {
-    A = A.trim(' ');
-    if (A.starts_with(ParamNamePrefix) && A.ends_with(ParamNameSuffix)) {
-      A = A.drop_front(ParamNamePrefixSize).drop_back(ParamNameSuffixSize);
-      A = ArgMap[std::string(A)];
-    }
-  }
-void Generator::generate(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
-                         const llvm::RecordKeeper &Records) {
-  auto DefFileBuffer = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getFile(HeaderDefFile);
-  if (!DefFileBuffer) {
-    llvm::errs() << "Unable to open " << HeaderDefFile << ".\n";
-    std::exit(1);
-  }
-  llvm::SourceMgr SrcMgr;
-  unsigned DefFileID = SrcMgr.AddNewSourceBuffer(
-      std::move(DefFileBuffer.get()), llvm::SMLoc::getFromPointer(nullptr));
-  llvm::StringRef Content = SrcMgr.getMemoryBuffer(DefFileID)->getBuffer();
-  while (true) {
-    std::pair<llvm::StringRef, llvm::StringRef> P = Content.split('\n');
-    Content = P.second;
-    llvm::StringRef Line = P.first.trim(' ');
-    if (Line.starts_with(CommandPrefix)) {
-      Line = Line.drop_front(CommandPrefixSize);
-      P = Line.split("(");
-      // It's possible that we have windows line endings, so strip off the extra
-      // CR.
-      P.second = P.second.trim();
-      if (P.second.empty() || P.second[P.second.size() - 1] != ')') {
-        SrcMgr.PrintMessage(llvm::SMLoc::getFromPointer(P.second.data()),
-                            llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Error,
-                            "Command argument list should begin with '(' "
-                            "and end with ')'.");
-        SrcMgr.PrintMessage(llvm::SMLoc::getFromPointer(P.second.data()),
-                            llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Error, P.second.data());
-        SrcMgr.PrintMessage(llvm::SMLoc::getFromPointer(P.second.data()),
-                            llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Error,
-                            std::to_string(P.second.size()));
-        std::exit(1);
-      }
-      llvm::StringRef CommandName = P.first;
-      Command *Cmd = getCommandHandler(CommandName);
-      if (Cmd == nullptr) {
-        SrcMgr.PrintMessage(llvm::SMLoc::getFromPointer(CommandName.data()),
-                            llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Error,
-                            "Unknown command '%%" + CommandName + "'.");
-        std::exit(1);
-      }
-      llvm::StringRef ArgStr = P.second.drop_back(1);
-      ArgVector Args;
-      parseCommandArgs(ArgStr, Args);
-      Command::ErrorReporter Reporter(
-          llvm::SMLoc::getFromPointer(CommandName.data()), SrcMgr);
-      Cmd->run(OS, Args, StdHeader, Records, Reporter);
-    } else if (!Line.starts_with(CommentPrefix)) {
-      // There is no comment or command on this line so we just write it as is.
-      OS << P.first << "\n";
-    }
-    if (P.second.empty())
-      break;
-  }
-void Generator::generateDecls(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
-                              const llvm::RecordKeeper &Records) {
-  OS << "//===-- C standard declarations for " << StdHeader << " "
-     << std::string(80 - (42 + StdHeader.size()), '-') << "===//\n"
-     << "//\n"
-     << "// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM "
-        "Exceptions.\n"
-     << "// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.\n"
-     << "// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception\n"
-     << "//\n"
-     << "//"
-        "===-------------------------------------------------------------------"
-        "---===//\n\n";
-  std::string HeaderGuard(StdHeader.size(), '\0');
-  llvm::transform(StdHeader, HeaderGuard.begin(), [](const char C) -> char {
-    return !isalnum(C) ? '_' : llvm::toUpper(C);
-  });
-  OS << "#ifndef __LLVM_LIBC_DECLARATIONS_" << HeaderGuard << "\n"
-     << "#define __LLVM_LIBC_DECLARATIONS_" << HeaderGuard << "\n\n";
-  OS << "#ifndef __LIBC_ATTRS\n"
-     << "#define __LIBC_ATTRS\n"
-     << "#endif\n\n";
-  OS << "#ifdef __cplusplus\n"
-     << "extern \"C\" {\n"
-     << "#endif\n\n";
-  APIIndexer G(StdHeader, Records);
-  for (auto &Name : EntrypointNameList) {
-    // Filter out functions not exported by this header.
-    if (G.FunctionSpecMap.find(Name) == G.FunctionSpecMap.end())
-      continue;
-    const llvm::Record *FunctionSpec = G.FunctionSpecMap[Name];
-    const llvm::Record *RetValSpec = FunctionSpec->getValueAsDef("Return");
-    const llvm::Record *ReturnType = RetValSpec->getValueAsDef("ReturnType");
-    OS << G.getTypeAsString(ReturnType) << " " << Name << "(";
-    auto ArgsList = FunctionSpec->getValueAsListOfDefs("Args");
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < ArgsList.size(); ++i) {
-      const llvm::Record *ArgType = ArgsList[i]->getValueAsDef("ArgType");
-      OS << G.getTypeAsString(ArgType);
-      if (i < ArgsList.size() - 1)
-        OS << ", ";
-    }
-    OS << ") __LIBC_ATTRS;\n\n";
-  }
-  // Make another pass over entrypoints to emit object declarations.
-  for (const auto &Name : EntrypointNameList) {
-    if (G.ObjectSpecMap.find(Name) == G.ObjectSpecMap.end())
-      continue;
-    const llvm::Record *ObjectSpec = G.ObjectSpecMap[Name];
-    auto Type = ObjectSpec->getValueAsString("Type");
-    OS << "extern " << Type << " " << Name << " __LIBC_ATTRS;\n";
-  }
-  // Emit a final newline if we emitted any object declarations.
-  if (llvm::any_of(EntrypointNameList, [&](const std::string &Name) {
-        return G.ObjectSpecMap.find(Name) != G.ObjectSpecMap.end();
-      }))
-    OS << "\n";
-  OS << "#ifdef __cplusplus\n"
-     << "}\n"
-     << "#endif\n\n";
-  OS << "#endif\n";
-} // namespace llvm_libc
diff --git a/libc/utils/HdrGen/Generator.h b/libc/utils/HdrGen/Generator.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c149d21156407..00000000000000
--- a/libc/utils/HdrGen/Generator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-//===-- The main header generation class ------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include "Command.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include <unordered_map>
-namespace llvm {
-class raw_ostream;
-class RecordKeeper;
-} // namespace llvm
-namespace llvm_libc {
-class Command;
-class Generator {
-  llvm::StringRef HeaderDefFile;
-  const std::vector<std::string> &EntrypointNameList;
-  llvm::StringRef StdHeader;
-  std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> &ArgMap;
-  std::unique_ptr<Command> IncludeFileCmd;
-  std::unique_ptr<Command> PublicAPICmd;
-  Command *getCommandHandler(llvm::StringRef CommandName);
-  void parseCommandArgs(llvm::StringRef ArgStr, ArgVector &Args);
-  void printError(llvm::StringRef Msg);
-  Generator(const std::string &DefFile, const std::vector<std::string> &EN,
-            const std::string &Header,
-            std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> &Map)
-      : HeaderDefFile(DefFile), EntrypointNameList(EN), StdHeader(Header),
-        ArgMap(Map) {}
-  void generate(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const llvm::RecordKeeper &Records);
-  void generateDecls(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const llvm::RecordKeeper &Records);
-} // namespace llvm_libc
diff --git a/libc/utils/HdrGen/IncludeFileCommand.cpp b/libc/utils/HdrGen/IncludeFileCommand.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 43efe43585eb20..00000000000000
--- a/libc/utils/HdrGen/IncludeFileCommand.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-//===-- Implementation of IncludeFileCommand ------------------------------===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include "IncludeFileCommand.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
-#include <cstdlib>
-namespace llvm_libc {
-const char IncludeFileCommand::Name[] = "include_file";
-void IncludeFileCommand::run(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const ArgVector &Args,
-                             llvm::StringRef StdHeader,
-                             const llvm::RecordKeeper &Records,
-                             const Command::ErrorReporter &Reporter) const {
-  if (Args.size() != 1) {
-    Reporter.printFatalError(
-        "%%include_file command takes exactly 1 argument.");
-  }
-  llvm::StringRef IncludeFile = Args[0];
-  auto Buffer = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getFileAsStream(IncludeFile);
-  if (!Buffer)
-    Reporter.printFatalError(llvm::StringRef("Unable to open ") + IncludeFile);
-  llvm::StringRef Content = Buffer.get()->getBuffer();
-  // If the included file has %%begin() command listed, then we want to write
-  // only the content after the begin command.
-  // TODO: The way the content is split below does not allow space within the
-  // the parentheses and, before and after the command. This probably is too
-  // strict and should be relaxed.
-  auto P = Content.split("\n%%begin()\n");
-  if (P.second.empty()) {
-    // There was no %%begin in the content.
-    OS << P.first;
-  } else {
-    OS << P.second;
-  }
-} // namespace llvm_libc
diff --git a/libc/utils/HdrGen/IncludeFileCommand.h b/libc/utils/HdrGen/IncludeFileCommand.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b3a6ff5462ded0..00000000000000
--- a/libc/utils/HdrGen/IncludeFileCommand.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-//===-- Class which implements the %%include_file command -------*- C++ -*-===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include "Command.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
-#include <string>
-namespace llvm_libc {
-class IncludeFileCommand : public Command {
-  static const char Name[];
-  void run(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const ArgVector &Args,
-           llvm::StringRef StdHeader, const llvm::RecordKeeper &Records,
-           const Command::ErrorReporter &Reporter) const override;
-} // namespace llvm_libc
diff --git a/libc/utils/HdrGen/Main.cpp b/libc/utils/HdrGen/Main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f795e96e45c57a..00000000000000
--- a/libc/utils/HdrGen/Main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-//===-- "main" function of libc-hdrgen ------------------------------------===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include "Generator.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
-#include "llvm/TableGen/Main.h"
-#include <string>
-#include <unordered_map>
-static llvm::cl::opt<std::string>
-    HeaderDefFile("def", llvm::cl::desc("Path to the .h.def file."),
-                  llvm::cl::value_desc("<filename>"), llvm::cl::Required);
-static llvm::cl::opt<std::string> StandardHeader(
-    "header",
-    llvm::cl::desc("The standard header file which is to be generated."),
-    llvm::cl::value_desc("<header file>"));
-static llvm::cl::list<std::string> EntrypointNamesOption(
-    "e", llvm::cl::value_desc("<list of entrypoints>"),
-    llvm::cl::desc(
-        "Each --e is one entrypoint (generated from entrypoints.txt)"),
-    llvm::cl::OneOrMore);
-static llvm::cl::list<std::string> ReplacementValues(
-    "args", llvm::cl::desc("Command separated <argument name>=<value> pairs."),
-    llvm::cl::value_desc("<name=value>[,name=value]"));
-static llvm::cl::opt<bool> ExportDecls(
-    "export-decls",
-    llvm::cl::desc("Output a new header containing only the entrypoints."));
-static void
-ParseArgValuePairs(std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> &Map) {
-  for (std::string &R : ReplacementValues) {
-    auto Pair = llvm::StringRef(R).split('=');
-    Map[std::string(Pair.first)] = std::string(Pair.second);
-  }
-static bool HeaderGeneratorMain(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
-                                const llvm::RecordKeeper &Records) {
-  std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> ArgMap;
-  ParseArgValuePairs(ArgMap);
-  llvm_libc::Generator G(HeaderDefFile, EntrypointNamesOption, StandardHeader,
-                         ArgMap);
-  if (ExportDecls)
-    G.generateDecls(OS, Records);
-  else
-    G.generate(OS, Records);
-  return false;
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-  llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv);
-  return TableGenMain(argv[0], &HeaderGeneratorMain);
diff --git a/libc/utils/HdrGen/PrototypeTestGen/CMakeLists.txt b/libc/utils/HdrGen/PrototypeTestGen/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e25c21c6b3593..00000000000000
--- a/libc/utils/HdrGen/PrototypeTestGen/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-add_tablegen(libc-prototype-testgen LLVM_LIBC
-  PrototypeTestGen.cpp
-target_link_libraries(libc-prototype-testgen PRIVATE LibcTableGenUtil)
-target_include_directories(libc-prototype-testgen PRIVATE ${LIBC_SOURCE_DIR})
diff --git a/libc/utils/HdrGen/PrototypeTestGen/PrototypeTestGen.cpp b/libc/utils/HdrGen/PrototypeTestGen/PrototypeTestGen.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7acaf75c4c1c8b..00000000000000
--- a/libc/utils/HdrGen/PrototypeTestGen/PrototypeTestGen.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-//===-- PrototypeTestGen.cpp ----------------------------------------------===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include "utils/LibcTableGenUtil/APIIndexer.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
-#include "llvm/TableGen/Main.h"
-#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
-namespace {
-    EntrypointNamesOption("e", llvm::cl::desc("<list of entrypoints>"),
-                          llvm::cl::OneOrMore);
-} // anonymous namespace
-bool TestGeneratorMain(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
-                       const llvm::RecordKeeper &records) {
-  OS << "#include \"src/__support/CPP/type_traits.h\"\n";
-  llvm_libc::APIIndexer G(records);
-  std::unordered_set<std::string> headerFileSet;
-  for (const auto &entrypoint : EntrypointNamesOption) {
-    if (entrypoint == "errno")
-      continue;
-    auto match = G.FunctionToHeaderMap.find(entrypoint);
-    if (match == G.FunctionToHeaderMap.end()) {
-      auto objectMatch = G.ObjectToHeaderMap.find(entrypoint);
-      if (objectMatch != G.ObjectToHeaderMap.end()) {
-        headerFileSet.insert(objectMatch->second);
-        continue;
-      }
-      llvm::errs() << "ERROR: entrypoint '" << entrypoint
-                   << "' could not be found in spec in any public header\n";
-      return true;
-    }
-    headerFileSet.insert(match->second);
-  }
-  for (const auto &header : headerFileSet)
-    OS << "#include <" << header << ">\n";
-  OS << '\n';
-  OS << "extern \"C\" int main() {\n";
-  for (const auto &entrypoint : EntrypointNamesOption) {
-    if (entrypoint == "errno")
-      continue;
-    auto match = G.FunctionSpecMap.find(entrypoint);
-    if (match == G.FunctionSpecMap.end()) {
-      auto objectMatch = G.ObjectSpecMap.find(entrypoint);
-      if (objectMatch != G.ObjectSpecMap.end()) {
-        auto entrypointPtr = entrypoint + "_ptr";
-        llvm::Record *objectSpec = G.ObjectSpecMap[entrypoint];
-        auto objectType = objectSpec->getValueAsString("Type");
-        // We just make sure that the global object is present.
-        OS << "  " << objectType << " *" << entrypointPtr << " = &"
-           << entrypoint << ";\n";
-        OS << "  ++" << entrypointPtr << ";\n"; // To avoid unused var warning.
-        continue;
-      }
-      llvm::errs() << "ERROR: entrypoint '" << entrypoint
-                   << "' could not be found in spec in any public header\n";
-      return true;
-    }
-    llvm::Record *functionSpec = match->second;
-    llvm::Record *retValSpec = functionSpec->getValueAsDef("Return");
-    std::string returnType =
-        G.getTypeAsString(retValSpec->getValueAsDef("ReturnType"));
-    // _Noreturn is an indication for the compiler that a function
-    // doesn't return, and isn't a type understood by c++ templates.
-    if (llvm::StringRef(returnType).contains("_Noreturn"))
-      returnType = "void";
-    OS << "  static_assert(LIBC_NAMESPACE::cpp::is_same_v<" << returnType
-       << '(';
-    auto args = functionSpec->getValueAsListOfDefs("Args");
-    for (size_t i = 0, size = args.size(); i < size; ++i) {
-      llvm::Record *argType = args[i]->getValueAsDef("ArgType");
-      OS << G.getTypeAsString(argType);
-      if (i < size - 1)
-        OS << ", ";
-    }
-    OS << ") __NOEXCEPT, decltype(" << entrypoint << ")>, ";
-    OS << '"' << entrypoint
-       << " prototype in TableGen does not match public header" << '"';
-    OS << ");\n";
-  }
-  OS << '\n';
-  OS << "  return 0;\n";
-  OS << "}\n\n";
-  return false;
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-  llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv);
-  return TableGenMain(argv[0], TestGeneratorMain);
diff --git a/libc/utils/HdrGen/PublicAPICommand.cpp b/libc/utils/HdrGen/PublicAPICommand.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c46c82a238534..00000000000000
--- a/libc/utils/HdrGen/PublicAPICommand.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-//===-- Implementation of PublicAPICommand --------------------------------===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include "PublicAPICommand.h"
-#include "utils/LibcTableGenUtil/APIIndexer.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
-#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <vector>
-// Text blocks for macro definitions and type decls can be indented to
-// suit the surrounding tablegen listing. We need to dedent such blocks
-// before writing them out.
-static void dedentAndWrite(llvm::StringRef Text, llvm::raw_ostream &OS) {
-  llvm::SmallVector<llvm::StringRef, 10> Lines;
-  llvm::SplitString(Text, Lines, "\n");
-  size_t shortest_indent = 1024;
-  for (llvm::StringRef L : Lines) {
-    llvm::StringRef Indent = L.take_while([](char c) { return c == ' '; });
-    size_t IndentSize = Indent.size();
-    if (Indent.size() == L.size()) {
-      // Line is all spaces so no point noting the indent.
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (IndentSize < shortest_indent)
-      shortest_indent = IndentSize;
-  }
-  for (llvm::StringRef L : Lines) {
-    if (L.size() >= shortest_indent)
-      OS << L.drop_front(shortest_indent) << '\n';
-  }
-static std::string getTypeHdrName(const std::string &Name) {
-  llvm::SmallVector<llvm::StringRef> Parts;
-  llvm::SplitString(llvm::StringRef(Name), Parts);
-  return llvm::join(Parts.begin(), Parts.end(), "_");
-namespace llvm_libc {
-static bool isAsciiStart(char C) {
-  return (C >= 'A' && C <= 'Z') || (C >= 'a' && C <= 'z') || C == '_';
-static bool isAsciiContinue(char C) {
-  return isAsciiStart(C) || (C >= '0' && C <= '9');
-static bool isAsciiIdentifier(llvm::StringRef S) {
-  if (S.empty())
-    return false;
-  if (!isAsciiStart(S[0]))
-    return false;
-  for (char C : S.drop_front())
-    if (!isAsciiContinue(C))
-      return false;
-  return true;
-static AttributeStyle getAttributeStyle(const llvm::Record *Instance) {
-  llvm::StringRef Style = Instance->getValueAsString("Style");
-  return llvm::StringSwitch<AttributeStyle>(Style)
-      .Case("cxx11", AttributeStyle::Cxx11)
-      .Case("gnu", AttributeStyle::Gnu)
-      .Case("declspec", AttributeStyle::Declspec)
-      .Default(AttributeStyle::Gnu);
-static AttributeNamespace getAttributeNamespace(const llvm::Record *Instance) {
-  llvm::StringRef Namespace = Instance->getValueAsString("Namespace");
-  return llvm::StringSwitch<AttributeNamespace>(Namespace)
-      .Case("clang", AttributeNamespace::Clang)
-      .Case("gnu", AttributeNamespace::Gnu)
-      .Default(AttributeNamespace::None);
-using AttributeMap = llvm::DenseMap<llvm::StringRef, const llvm::Record *>;
-template <class SpecMap, class FuncList>
-static AttributeMap collectAttributeMacros(const SpecMap &Spec,
-                                           const FuncList &Funcs) {
-  llvm::DenseMap<llvm::StringRef, const llvm::Record *> MacroAttr;
-  for (const auto &Name : Funcs) {
-    auto Iter = Spec.find(Name);
-    if (Iter == Spec.end())
-      continue;
-    const llvm::Record *FunctionSpec = Iter->second;
-    for (const llvm::Record *Attr :
-         FunctionSpec->getValueAsListOfDefs("Attributes"))
-      MacroAttr[Attr->getValueAsString("Macro")] = Attr;
-  }
-  return MacroAttr;
-static void emitAttributeMacroDecls(const AttributeMap &MacroAttr,
-                                    llvm::raw_ostream &OS) {
-  for (auto &[Macro, Attr] : MacroAttr) {
-    std::vector<const llvm::Record *> Instances =
-        Attr->getValueAsListOfDefs("Instances");
-    llvm::SmallVector<std::pair<AttributeStyle, const llvm::Record *>> Styles;
-    std::transform(Instances.begin(), Instances.end(),
-                   std::back_inserter(Styles),
-                   [&](const llvm::Record *Instance)
-                       -> std::pair<AttributeStyle, const llvm::Record *> {
-                     auto Style = getAttributeStyle(Instance);
-                     return {Style, Instance};
-                   });
-    // 1. If __cplusplus is defined and cxx11 style is provided, define the
-    // macro using cxx11 version with the following priority:
-    //    1a. If there is no namespace (so the macro is supposed to be
-    //        compiler-independent), use this version first. This macro will be
-    //        tested via __has_cpp_attribute.
-    //    1b. If the attribute is a clang attribute, check for __clang__.
-    //    1c. If the attribute is a gnu attribute, check for __GNUC__.
-    // 2. Otherwise, if __GNUC__ is defined and gnu style is provided,
-    //    define the macro using gnu version;
-    // 3. Otherwise, if _MSC_VER is defined and __declspec is provided, define
-    //    the macro using __declspec version;
-    // 4. Fallback to empty macro.
-    std::sort(Styles.begin(), Styles.end(), [&](auto &a, auto &b) {
-      if (a.first == AttributeStyle::Cxx11 && b.first == AttributeStyle::Cxx11)
-        return getAttributeNamespace(a.second) <
-               getAttributeNamespace(b.second);
-      return a.first < b.first;
-    });
-    for (auto &[Style, Instance] : Styles) {
-      llvm::StringRef Attr = Instance->getValueAsString("Attr");
-      if (Style == AttributeStyle::Cxx11) {
-        OS << "#if !defined(" << Macro << ") && defined(__cplusplus)";
-        AttributeNamespace Namespace = getAttributeNamespace(Instance);
-        if (Namespace == AttributeNamespace::Clang)
-          OS << " && defined(__clang__)\n";
-        else if (Namespace == AttributeNamespace::Gnu)
-          OS << " && defined(__GNUC__)\n";
-        else
-          OS << '\n';
-        if (isAsciiIdentifier(Attr) && Namespace != AttributeNamespace::None)
-          OS << "#if __has_attribute(" << Attr << ")\n";
-        else
-          OS << "#if __has_cpp_attribute(" << Attr << ")\n";
-        OS << "#define " << Macro << " [[";
-        if (Namespace == AttributeNamespace::Clang)
-          OS << "clang::";
-        else if (Namespace == AttributeNamespace::Gnu)
-          OS << "gnu::";
-        OS << Attr << "]]\n";
-        if (isAsciiIdentifier(Attr))
-          OS << "#endif\n";
-        OS << "#endif\n";
-      }
-      if (Style == AttributeStyle::Gnu) {
-        OS << "#if !defined(" << Macro << ") && defined(__GNUC__)\n";
-        if (isAsciiIdentifier(Attr))
-          OS << "#if __has_attribute(" << Attr << ")\n";
-        OS << "#define " << Macro << " __attribute__((";
-        OS << Attr << "))\n";
-        if (isAsciiIdentifier(Attr))
-          OS << "#endif\n";
-        OS << "#endif\n";
-      }
-      if (Style == AttributeStyle::Declspec) {
-        OS << "#if !defined(" << Macro << ") && defined(_MSC_VER)\n";
-        OS << "#define " << Macro << " __declspec(";
-        OS << Attr << ")\n";
-        OS << "#endif\n";
-      }
-    }
-    OS << "#if !defined(" << Macro << ")\n";
-    OS << "#define " << Macro << '\n';
-    OS << "#endif\n";
-  }
-  if (!MacroAttr.empty())
-    OS << '\n';
-static void emitAttributeMacroForFunction(const llvm::Record *FunctionSpec,
-                                          llvm::raw_ostream &OS) {
-  std::vector<const llvm::Record *> Attributes =
-      FunctionSpec->getValueAsListOfDefs("Attributes");
-  llvm::interleave(
-      Attributes.begin(), Attributes.end(),
-      [&](const llvm::Record *Attr) { OS << Attr->getValueAsString("Macro"); },
-      [&]() { OS << ' '; });
-  if (!Attributes.empty())
-    OS << ' ';
-static void emitUndefsForAttributeMacros(const AttributeMap &MacroAttr,
-                                         llvm::raw_ostream &OS) {
-  if (!MacroAttr.empty())
-    OS << '\n';
-  for (auto &[Macro, Attr] : MacroAttr)
-    OS << "#undef " << Macro << '\n';
-static void writeAPIFromIndex(APIIndexer &G,
-                              std::vector<std::string> EntrypointNameList,
-                              llvm::raw_ostream &OS) {
-  for (auto &Pair : G.MacroDefsMap) {
-    const std::string &Name = Pair.first;
-    if (!G.MacroSpecMap.count(Name))
-      llvm::PrintFatalError(Name + " not found in any standard spec.\n");
-    const llvm::Record *MacroDef = Pair.second;
-    dedentAndWrite(MacroDef->getValueAsString("Defn"), OS);
-    OS << '\n';
-  }
-  for (auto &TypeName : G.RequiredTypes) {
-    if (!G.TypeSpecMap.count(TypeName))
-      llvm::PrintFatalError(TypeName + " not found in any standard spec.\n");
-    OS << "#include <llvm-libc-types/" << getTypeHdrName(TypeName) << ".h>\n";
-  }
-  OS << '\n';
-  if (G.Enumerations.size() != 0)
-    OS << "enum {" << '\n';
-  for (const auto &Name : G.Enumerations) {
-    if (!G.EnumerationSpecMap.count(Name))
-      llvm::PrintFatalError(
-          Name + " is not listed as an enumeration in any standard spec.\n");
-    const llvm::Record *EnumerationSpec = G.EnumerationSpecMap[Name];
-    OS << "  " << EnumerationSpec->getValueAsString("Name");
-    auto Value = EnumerationSpec->getValueAsString("Value");
-    if (Value == "__default__") {
-      OS << ",\n";
-    } else {
-      OS << " = " << Value << ",\n";
-    }
-  }
-  if (G.Enumerations.size() != 0)
-    OS << "};\n\n";
-  // Collect and declare macros for attributes
-  AttributeMap MacroAttr =
-      collectAttributeMacros(G.FunctionSpecMap, EntrypointNameList);
-  emitAttributeMacroDecls(MacroAttr, OS);
-  OS << "__BEGIN_C_DECLS\n\n";
-  for (auto &Name : EntrypointNameList) {
-    auto Iter = G.FunctionSpecMap.find(Name);
-    // Functions that aren't in this header file are skipped as
-    // opposed to erroring out because the list of functions being
-    // iterated over is the complete list of functions with
-    // entrypoints. Thus this is filtering out the functions that
-    // don't go to this header file, whereas the other, similar
-    // conditionals above are more of a sanity check.
-    if (Iter == G.FunctionSpecMap.end())
-      continue;
-    const llvm::Record *FunctionSpec = Iter->second;
-    const llvm::Record *RetValSpec = FunctionSpec->getValueAsDef("Return");
-    const llvm::Record *ReturnType = RetValSpec->getValueAsDef("ReturnType");
-    // TODO: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/81208
-    //   Ideally, we should group functions based on their guarding macros.
-    bool Guarded =
-        (FunctionSpec->getType()->getAsString() == "GuardedFunctionSpec");
-    if (Guarded)
-      OS << "#ifdef " << FunctionSpec->getValueAsString("Guard") << "\n";
-    // Emit attribute macros for the function. Space is automatically added.
-    emitAttributeMacroForFunction(FunctionSpec, OS);
-    OS << G.getTypeAsString(ReturnType) << " " << Name << "(";
-    auto ArgsList = FunctionSpec->getValueAsListOfDefs("Args");
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < ArgsList.size(); ++i) {
-      const llvm::Record *ArgType = ArgsList[i]->getValueAsDef("ArgType");
-      OS << G.getTypeAsString(ArgType);
-      if (i < ArgsList.size() - 1)
-        OS << ", ";
-    }
-    OS << ") __NOEXCEPT;\n";
-    if (Guarded)
-      OS << "#endif // " << FunctionSpec->getValueAsString("Guard") << "\n";
-    OS << "\n";
-  }
-  // Make another pass over entrypoints to emit object declarations.
-  for (const auto &Name : EntrypointNameList) {
-    auto Iter = G.ObjectSpecMap.find(Name);
-    if (Iter == G.ObjectSpecMap.end())
-      continue;
-    const llvm::Record *ObjectSpec = Iter->second;
-    auto Type = ObjectSpec->getValueAsString("Type");
-    OS << "extern " << Type << " " << Name << ";\n";
-  }
-  OS << "__END_C_DECLS\n";
-  // Undef file-level attribute macros.
-  emitUndefsForAttributeMacros(MacroAttr, OS);
-void writePublicAPI(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const llvm::RecordKeeper &Records) {}
-const char PublicAPICommand::Name[] = "public_api";
-void PublicAPICommand::run(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const ArgVector &Args,
-                           llvm::StringRef StdHeader,
-                           const llvm::RecordKeeper &Records,
-                           const Command::ErrorReporter &Reporter) const {
-  if (Args.size() != 0)
-    Reporter.printFatalError("public_api command does not take any arguments.");
-  APIIndexer G(StdHeader, Records);
-  writeAPIFromIndex(G, EntrypointNameList, OS);
-} // namespace llvm_libc
diff --git a/libc/utils/HdrGen/PublicAPICommand.h b/libc/utils/HdrGen/PublicAPICommand.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 49078f4857f900..00000000000000
--- a/libc/utils/HdrGen/PublicAPICommand.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-//===-- Implementation of PublicAPICommand ----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include "Command.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
-#include "llvm/TableGen/Error.h"
-#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
-namespace llvm {
-class raw_ostream;
-class Record;
-class RecordKeeper;
-} // namespace llvm
-namespace llvm_libc {
-enum class AttributeStyle { Cxx11 = 0, Gnu = 1, Declspec = 2 };
-enum class AttributeNamespace { None = 0, Clang = 1, Gnu = 2 };
-class PublicAPICommand : public Command {
-  const std::vector<std::string> &EntrypointNameList;
-  static const char Name[];
-  PublicAPICommand(const std::vector<std::string> &EntrypointNames)
-      : EntrypointNameList(EntrypointNames) {}
-  void run(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const ArgVector &Args,
-           llvm::StringRef StdHeader, const llvm::RecordKeeper &Records,
-           const Command::ErrorReporter &Reporter) const override;
-} // namespace llvm_libc
diff --git a/libc/utils/HdrGen/README.md b/libc/utils/HdrGen/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a61cf3bacbb0ee..00000000000000
--- a/libc/utils/HdrGen/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# The LLVM libc header generation system
-LLVM libc uses a header generation scheme to generate public as well as internal
-header files. This directory contains the implementation of the header generator
-which drives this header generation scheme.
diff --git a/libc/utils/LibcTableGenUtil/APIIndexer.cpp b/libc/utils/LibcTableGenUtil/APIIndexer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index cf66d0a7aef6e9..00000000000000
--- a/libc/utils/LibcTableGenUtil/APIIndexer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-//===-- Implementation of APIIndexer class --------------------------------===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include "APIIndexer.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
-#include "llvm/TableGen/Error.h"
-#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
-namespace llvm_libc {
-static const char NamedTypeClassName[] = "NamedType";
-static const char PtrTypeClassName[] = "PtrType";
-static const char RestrictedPtrTypeClassName[] = "RestrictedPtrType";
-static const char ConstTypeClassName[] = "ConstType";
-static const char StructTypeClassName[] = "Struct";
-static const char StandardSpecClassName[] = "StandardSpec";
-static const char PublicAPIClassName[] = "PublicAPI";
-static bool isa(const llvm::Record *Def, const llvm::Record *TypeClass) {
-  const llvm::RecordRecTy *RecordType = Def->getType();
-  llvm::ArrayRef<const llvm::Record *> Classes = RecordType->getClasses();
-  // We want exact types. That is, we don't want the classes listed in
-  // spec.td to be subclassed. Hence, we do not want the record |Def|
-  // to be of more than one class type..
-  if (Classes.size() != 1)
-    return false;
-  return Classes[0] == TypeClass;
-bool APIIndexer::isaNamedType(const llvm::Record *Def) {
-  return isa(Def, NamedTypeClass);
-bool APIIndexer::isaStructType(const llvm::Record *Def) {
-  return isa(Def, StructClass);
-bool APIIndexer::isaPtrType(const llvm::Record *Def) {
-  return isa(Def, PtrTypeClass);
-bool APIIndexer::isaConstType(const llvm::Record *Def) {
-  return isa(Def, ConstTypeClass);
-bool APIIndexer::isaRestrictedPtrType(const llvm::Record *Def) {
-  return isa(Def, RestrictedPtrTypeClass);
-bool APIIndexer::isaStandardSpec(const llvm::Record *Def) {
-  return isa(Def, StandardSpecClass);
-bool APIIndexer::isaPublicAPI(const llvm::Record *Def) {
-  return isa(Def, PublicAPIClass);
-std::string APIIndexer::getTypeAsString(const llvm::Record *TypeRecord) {
-  if (isaNamedType(TypeRecord) || isaStructType(TypeRecord)) {
-    return std::string(TypeRecord->getValueAsString("Name"));
-  } else if (isaPtrType(TypeRecord)) {
-    return getTypeAsString(TypeRecord->getValueAsDef("PointeeType")) + " *";
-  } else if (isaConstType(TypeRecord)) {
-    return std::string("const ") +
-           getTypeAsString(TypeRecord->getValueAsDef("UnqualifiedType"));
-  } else if (isaRestrictedPtrType(TypeRecord)) {
-    return getTypeAsString(TypeRecord->getValueAsDef("PointeeType")) +
-           " *__restrict";
-  } else {
-    llvm::PrintFatalError(TypeRecord->getLoc(), "Invalid type.\n");
-  }
-void APIIndexer::indexStandardSpecDef(const llvm::Record *StandardSpec) {
-  auto HeaderSpecList = StandardSpec->getValueAsListOfDefs("Headers");
-  for (const llvm::Record *HeaderSpec : HeaderSpecList) {
-    llvm::StringRef Header = HeaderSpec->getValueAsString("Name");
-    if (!StdHeader.has_value() || Header == StdHeader) {
-      PublicHeaders.emplace(Header);
-      auto MacroSpecList = HeaderSpec->getValueAsListOfDefs("Macros");
-      // TODO: Trigger a fatal error on duplicate specs.
-      for (const llvm::Record *MacroSpec : MacroSpecList)
-        MacroSpecMap[std::string(MacroSpec->getValueAsString("Name"))] =
-            MacroSpec;
-      auto TypeSpecList = HeaderSpec->getValueAsListOfDefs("Types");
-      for (const llvm::Record *TypeSpec : TypeSpecList)
-        TypeSpecMap[std::string(TypeSpec->getValueAsString("Name"))] = TypeSpec;
-      auto FunctionSpecList = HeaderSpec->getValueAsListOfDefs("Functions");
-      for (const llvm::Record *FunctionSpec : FunctionSpecList) {
-        auto FunctionName = std::string(FunctionSpec->getValueAsString("Name"));
-        FunctionSpecMap[FunctionName] = FunctionSpec;
-        FunctionToHeaderMap[FunctionName] = std::string(Header);
-      }
-      auto EnumerationSpecList =
-          HeaderSpec->getValueAsListOfDefs("Enumerations");
-      for (const llvm::Record *EnumerationSpec : EnumerationSpecList) {
-        EnumerationSpecMap[std::string(
-            EnumerationSpec->getValueAsString("Name"))] = EnumerationSpec;
-      }
-      auto ObjectSpecList = HeaderSpec->getValueAsListOfDefs("Objects");
-      for (const llvm::Record *ObjectSpec : ObjectSpecList) {
-        auto ObjectName = std::string(ObjectSpec->getValueAsString("Name"));
-        ObjectSpecMap[ObjectName] = ObjectSpec;
-        ObjectToHeaderMap[ObjectName] = std::string(Header);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-void APIIndexer::indexPublicAPIDef(const llvm::Record *PublicAPI) {
-  // While indexing the public API, we do not check if any of the entities
-  // requested is from an included standard. Such a check is done while
-  // generating the API.
-  auto MacroDefList = PublicAPI->getValueAsListOfDefs("Macros");
-  for (const llvm::Record *MacroDef : MacroDefList)
-    MacroDefsMap[std::string(MacroDef->getValueAsString("Name"))] = MacroDef;
-  auto TypeList = PublicAPI->getValueAsListOfStrings("Types");
-  for (llvm::StringRef TypeName : TypeList)
-    RequiredTypes.insert(std::string(TypeName));
-  auto StructList = PublicAPI->getValueAsListOfStrings("Structs");
-  for (llvm::StringRef StructName : StructList)
-    Structs.insert(std::string(StructName));
-  auto FunctionList = PublicAPI->getValueAsListOfStrings("Functions");
-  for (llvm::StringRef FunctionName : FunctionList)
-    Functions.insert(std::string(FunctionName));
-  auto EnumerationList = PublicAPI->getValueAsListOfStrings("Enumerations");
-  for (llvm::StringRef EnumerationName : EnumerationList)
-    Enumerations.insert(std::string(EnumerationName));
-  auto ObjectList = PublicAPI->getValueAsListOfStrings("Objects");
-  for (llvm::StringRef ObjectName : ObjectList)
-    Objects.insert(std::string(ObjectName));
-void APIIndexer::index(const llvm::RecordKeeper &Records) {
-  NamedTypeClass = Records.getClass(NamedTypeClassName);
-  PtrTypeClass = Records.getClass(PtrTypeClassName);
-  RestrictedPtrTypeClass = Records.getClass(RestrictedPtrTypeClassName);
-  StructClass = Records.getClass(StructTypeClassName);
-  ConstTypeClass = Records.getClass(ConstTypeClassName);
-  StandardSpecClass = Records.getClass(StandardSpecClassName);
-  PublicAPIClass = Records.getClass(PublicAPIClassName);
-  const auto &DefsMap = Records.getDefs();
-  for (auto &Pair : DefsMap) {
-    const llvm::Record *Def = Pair.second.get();
-    if (isaStandardSpec(Def))
-      indexStandardSpecDef(Def);
-    if (isaPublicAPI(Def)) {
-      if (!StdHeader.has_value() ||
-          Def->getValueAsString("HeaderName") == StdHeader)
-        indexPublicAPIDef(Def);
-    }
-  }
-} // namespace llvm_libc
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index b8bca15ba131c1..00000000000000
--- a/libc/utils/LibcTableGenUtil/APIIndexer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-//===-- A class to index libc API listed in tablegen files ------*- C++ -*-===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
-#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
-#include <optional>
-#include <string>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include <unordered_set>
-namespace llvm_libc {
-class APIIndexer {
-  std::optional<llvm::StringRef> StdHeader;
-  // TableGen classes in spec.td.
-  const llvm::Record *NamedTypeClass;
-  const llvm::Record *PtrTypeClass;
-  const llvm::Record *RestrictedPtrTypeClass;
-  const llvm::Record *ConstTypeClass;
-  const llvm::Record *StructClass;
-  const llvm::Record *StandardSpecClass;
-  const llvm::Record *PublicAPIClass;
-  bool isaNamedType(const llvm::Record *Def);
-  bool isaStructType(const llvm::Record *Def);
-  bool isaPtrType(const llvm::Record *Def);
-  bool isaConstType(const llvm::Record *Def);
-  bool isaRestrictedPtrType(const llvm::Record *Def);
-  bool isaStandardSpec(const llvm::Record *Def);
-  bool isaPublicAPI(const llvm::Record *Def);
-  void indexStandardSpecDef(const llvm::Record *StandardSpec);
-  void indexPublicAPIDef(const llvm::Record *PublicAPI);
-  void index(const llvm::RecordKeeper &Records);
-  using NameToRecordMapping =
-      std::unordered_map<std::string, const llvm::Record *>;
-  using NameSet = std::unordered_set<std::string>;
-  // This indexes all headers, not just a specified one.
-  explicit APIIndexer(const llvm::RecordKeeper &Records)
-      : StdHeader(std::nullopt) {
-    index(Records);
-  }
-  APIIndexer(llvm::StringRef Header, const llvm::RecordKeeper &Records)
-      : StdHeader(Header) {
-    index(Records);
-  }
-  // Mapping from names to records defining them.
-  NameToRecordMapping MacroSpecMap;
-  NameToRecordMapping TypeSpecMap;
-  NameToRecordMapping EnumerationSpecMap;
-  NameToRecordMapping FunctionSpecMap;
-  NameToRecordMapping MacroDefsMap;
-  NameToRecordMapping ObjectSpecMap;
-  std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> FunctionToHeaderMap;
-  std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> ObjectToHeaderMap;
-  NameSet RequiredTypes;
-  NameSet Structs;
-  NameSet Enumerations;
-  NameSet Functions;
-  NameSet Objects;
-  NameSet PublicHeaders;
-  std::string getTypeAsString(const llvm::Record *TypeRecord);
-} // namespace llvm_libc
diff --git a/libc/utils/LibcTableGenUtil/CMakeLists.txt b/libc/utils/LibcTableGenUtil/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9421383394a359..00000000000000
--- a/libc/utils/LibcTableGenUtil/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-  set(flags "LINK_COMPONENTS;TableGen")
-  LibcTableGenUtil
-  APIIndexer.cpp
-  APIIndexer.h
-  ${flags}
-target_include_directories(LibcTableGenUtil PUBLIC ${LIBC_SOURCE_DIR})
-target_include_directories(LibcTableGenUtil PRIVATE ${LLVM_INCLUDE_DIR} ${LLVM_MAIN_INCLUDE_DIR})

>From e6f04309af1fef2bf52037dcfd797bdbc419ad08 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nick Desaulniers <ndesaulniers at google.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2024 13:07:27 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 2/6] clean up llvm/runtimes/CMakeList.txt

 llvm/runtimes/CMakeLists.txt | 18 ------------------
 1 file changed, 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/llvm/runtimes/CMakeLists.txt b/llvm/runtimes/CMakeLists.txt
index 57a56c6a604153..40fdb14e813332 100644
--- a/llvm/runtimes/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/llvm/runtimes/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -520,24 +520,6 @@ if(build_runtimes)
-      set(hdrgen_exe ${LIBC_HDRGEN_EXE})
-    else()
-        set(hdrgen_exe $<TARGET_FILE:${LIBC_TABLEGEN_EXE}>)
-      else()
-        set(hdrgen_exe ${LIBC_TABLEGEN_EXE})
-      endif()
-      set(hdrgen_deps ${LIBC_TABLEGEN_TARGET})
-    endif()
-    if(NOT hdrgen_exe)
-      message(FATAL_ERROR "libc-hdrgen executable missing")
-    endif()
-    list(APPEND extra_cmake_args "-DLIBC_HDRGEN_EXE=${hdrgen_exe}")
-    list(APPEND extra_deps ${hdrgen_deps})
-  endif()
     list(APPEND extra_cmake_args "-DLLVM_LIBC_GPU_BUILD=ON")
     if("libc" IN_LIST RUNTIMES_amdgcn-amd-amdhsa_LLVM_ENABLE_RUNTIMES)

>From a4d7f4c21daa27d23bfd6411bf581ebe4a80c89f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nick Desaulniers <ndesaulniers at google.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2024 13:15:06 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 3/6] clean up more of llvm/runtimes/CMakeList.txt

 llvm/CMakeLists.txt | 25 -------------------------
 1 file changed, 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/llvm/CMakeLists.txt b/llvm/CMakeLists.txt
index 569c01b61daac0..b84a91ba611207 100644
--- a/llvm/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/llvm/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -186,13 +186,8 @@ if(LIBC_GPU_BUILD)
   list(APPEND RUNTIMES_amdgcn-amd-amdhsa_LLVM_ENABLE_RUNTIMES "libc")
 foreach(_name ${LLVM_RUNTIME_TARGETS})
     if("${_name}" STREQUAL "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa" OR "${_name}" STREQUAL "nvptx64-nvidia-cuda")
@@ -202,26 +197,6 @@ if("${LIBC_TARGET_TRIPLE}" STREQUAL "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa" OR
    "${LIBC_TARGET_TRIPLE}" STREQUAL "nvptx64-nvidia-cuda")
-  # To build the libc runtime, we need to be able to build few libc build
-  # tools from the "libc" project. So, we add it to the list of enabled
-  # projects.
-    message(STATUS "Enabling libc project to build libc build tools")
-  endif()
-    # The 'libc' project bootstraps a few executables via the project build and
-    # should not emit an error currently.
-    if(NOT (NEED_LIBC_HDRGEN AND "${proj}" STREQUAL "libc"))
-      message(FATAL_ERROR "Runtime project \"${proj}\" found in LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS and LLVM_ENABLE_RUNTIMES. It must only appear in one of them and that one should almost always be LLVM_ENABLE_RUNTIMES.")
-    endif()
-  endif()
 # LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS_USED is `ON` if the user has ever used the
 # `LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS` CMake cache variable.  This exists for

>From 918021ea4aec53ea9099fe69ab497a305cc61bb8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nick Desaulniers <ndesaulniers at google.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2024 13:20:06 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 4/6] remove NEED_LIBC_HDRGEN from libc/CMakeLists.txt

 libc/CMakeLists.txt | 21 ---------------------
 1 file changed, 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libc/CMakeLists.txt b/libc/CMakeLists.txt
index b1ae6df4c104d2..73ab382277680d 100644
--- a/libc/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/libc/CMakeLists.txt
-  else()
-    foreach(_name ${LLVM_RUNTIME_TARGETS})
-      if("libc" IN_LIST RUNTIMES_${_name}_LLVM_ENABLE_RUNTIMES)
-        break()
-      endif()
-    endforeach()
-  endif()
-  # When libc is build as part of the runtimes/bootstrap build's CMake run, we
-  # only need to build the host tools to build the libc. So, we just do enough
-  # to build libc-hdrgen and return.
-  return()
   "Log details warnings and notifications during CMake configuration." OFF)

>From e7432447c3ed4167cc9f994fbd9854121ada03cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nick Desaulniers <ndesaulniers at google.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2024 15:01:55 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 5/6] remove now unused add_gen_header, rename add_gen_header2
 to add_gen_header

 libc/cmake/modules/LLVMLibCHeaderRules.cmake | 126 +++----------------
 libc/include/CMakeLists.txt                  |   4 +-
 2 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 111 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libc/cmake/modules/LLVMLibCHeaderRules.cmake b/libc/cmake/modules/LLVMLibCHeaderRules.cmake
index 766225cbeab404..8f24cd4b3023bd 100644
--- a/libc/cmake/modules/LLVMLibCHeaderRules.cmake
+++ b/libc/cmake/modules/LLVMLibCHeaderRules.cmake
@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ function(add_header target_name)
-function(add_gen_header2 target_name)
+function(add_gen_header target_name)
-    "ADD_GEN_HDR2"
+    "ADD_GEN_HDR"
     "PUBLIC" # No optional arguments
     "YAML_FILE;DEF_FILE;GEN_HDR" # Single value arguments
     "DEPENDS"     # Multi value arguments
@@ -84,25 +84,25 @@ function(add_gen_header2 target_name)
     add_library(${fq_target_name} INTERFACE)
-    message(FATAL_ERROR "`add_gen_hdr2` rule requires DEF_FILE to be specified.")
+    message(FATAL_ERROR "`add_gen_hdr` rule requires DEF_FILE to be specified.")
-    message(FATAL_ERROR "`add_gen_hdr2` rule requires GEN_HDR to be specified.")
+    message(FATAL_ERROR "`add_gen_hdr` rule requires GEN_HDR to be specified.")
-    message(FATAL_ERROR "`add_gen_hdr2` rule requires YAML_FILE to be specified.")
+    message(FATAL_ERROR "`add_gen_hdr` rule requires YAML_FILE to be specified.")
-  set(absolute_path ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${ADD_GEN_HDR2_GEN_HDR})
+  set(absolute_path ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${ADD_GEN_HDR_GEN_HDR})
   file(RELATIVE_PATH relative_path ${LIBC_INCLUDE_SOURCE_DIR} ${absolute_path})
   set(out_file ${LIBC_INCLUDE_DIR}/${relative_path})
-  set(yaml_file ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${ADD_GEN_HDR2_YAML_FILE})
+  set(yaml_file ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${ADD_GEN_HDR_YAML_FILE})
   set(fq_data_files "")
-    foreach(data_file IN LISTS ADD_GEN_HDR2_DATA_FILES)
+    foreach(data_file IN LISTS ADD_GEN_HDR_DATA_FILES)
       list(APPEND fq_data_files "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${data_file}")
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ function(add_gen_header2 target_name)
             --output_dir ${out_file}
     DEPENDS ${yaml_file} ${def_file} ${fq_data_files}
-    COMMENT "Generating header ${ADD_GEN_HDR2_GEN_HDR} from ${yaml_file} and ${def_file}"
+    COMMENT "Generating header ${ADD_GEN_HDR_GEN_HDR} from ${yaml_file} and ${def_file}"
     file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${LIBC_INCLUDE_DIR}/llvm-libc-decls)
@@ -136,99 +136,6 @@ function(add_gen_header2 target_name)
-    get_fq_deps_list(fq_deps_list ${ADD_GEN_HDR2_DEPENDS})
-    # Dependencies of a add_header target can only be another add_gen_header target
-    # or an add_header target.
-    foreach(dep IN LISTS fq_deps_list)
-      get_target_property(header_file ${dep} HEADER_FILE_PATH)
-      if(NOT header_file)
-        message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid dependency '${dep}' for '${fq_target_name}'.")
-      endif()
-    endforeach()
-  endif()
-  set(generated_hdr_target ${fq_target_name}.__generated_hdr__)
-  add_custom_target(
-    ${generated_hdr_target}
-    DEPENDS ${out_file} ${fq_deps_list} ${decl_out_file}
-  )
-  add_header_library(
-    ${target_name}
-    HDRS
-      ${out_file}
-  )
-  add_dependencies(${fq_target_name} ${generated_hdr_target})
-  set_target_properties(
-    ${fq_target_name}
-      HEADER_FILE_PATH ${out_file}
-      DECLS_FILE_PATH "${decl_out_file}"
-      DEPS "${fq_deps_list}"
-  )
-# Usage:
-#     add_gen_header(
-#       <target name>
-#       DEF_FILE <.h.def file>
-#       GEN_HDR <generated header file name>
-#       PARAMS <list of name=value pairs>
-#       DATA_FILES <list input data files>
-#     )
-function(add_gen_header target_name)
-  cmake_parse_arguments(
-    "ADD_GEN_HDR"
-    "PUBLIC" # No optional arguments
-    "DEF_FILE;GEN_HDR" # Single value arguments
-    "PARAMS;DATA_FILES;DEPENDS"     # Multi value arguments
-    ${ARGN}
-  )
-  get_fq_target_name(${target_name} fq_target_name)
-    # We don't want to use generated headers if we are doing a non-full-build.
-    add_library(${fq_target_name} INTERFACE)
-    return()
-  endif()
-    message(FATAL_ERROR "`add_gen_hdr` rule requires DEF_FILE to be specified.")
-  endif()
-    message(FATAL_ERROR "`add_gen_hdr` rule requires GEN_HDR to be specified.")
-  endif()
-  set(absolute_path ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${ADD_GEN_HDR_GEN_HDR})
-  file(RELATIVE_PATH relative_path ${LIBC_INCLUDE_SOURCE_DIR} ${absolute_path})
-  set(out_file ${LIBC_INCLUDE_DIR}/${relative_path})
-  set(fq_data_files "")
-    foreach(data_file IN LISTS ADD_GEN_HDR_DATA_FILES)
-      list(APPEND fq_data_files "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${data_file}")
-    endforeach(data_file)
-  endif()
-  set(replacement_params "")
-    list(APPEND replacement_params "--args" ${ADD_GEN_HDR_PARAMS})
-  endif()
-  set(gen_hdr_script "${LIBC_BUILD_SCRIPTS_DIR}/gen_hdr.py")
-    file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${LIBC_INCLUDE_DIR}/llvm-libc-decls)
-    file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${LIBC_INCLUDE_DIR}/llvm-libc-decls/gpu)
-    set(decl_out_file ${LIBC_INCLUDE_DIR}/llvm-libc-decls/${relative_path})
-  endif()
     get_fq_deps_list(fq_deps_list ${ADD_GEN_HDR_DEPENDS})
     # Dependencies of a add_header target can only be another add_gen_header target
@@ -252,9 +159,6 @@ function(add_gen_header target_name)
-  # We add the dependencies separately and not list under add_header_library's
-  # DEPENDS option above. This is because, deps of add_header_library are
-  # used with target_link_libraries.
   add_dependencies(${fq_target_name} ${generated_hdr_target})
@@ -264,4 +168,6 @@ function(add_gen_header target_name)
       DECLS_FILE_PATH "${decl_out_file}"
       DEPS "${fq_deps_list}"
diff --git a/libc/include/CMakeLists.txt b/libc/include/CMakeLists.txt
index ca879974b703c2..7fc67141996ec9 100644
--- a/libc/include/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/libc/include/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -17,8 +17,10 @@ add_header(
+# TODO: Can we simplify this macro expansion?
+# https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/117254
-  add_gen_header2(
+  add_gen_header(

>From 9807f27c95e2364581e75c7d8c2181714048ff09 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nick Desaulniers <ndesaulniers at google.com>
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2024 09:50:03 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 6/6] update gpu build and docs

 libc/CMakeLists.txt        | 24 ++++++++++++++++++------
 libc/docs/gpu/building.rst |  4 ----
 llvm/CMakeLists.txt        |  4 ++++
 3 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libc/CMakeLists.txt b/libc/CMakeLists.txt
index 73ab382277680d..fd82359022cffd 100644
--- a/libc/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/libc/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -50,16 +50,28 @@ set(LIBC_NAMESPACE ${default_namespace}
   CACHE STRING "The namespace to use to enclose internal implementations. Must start with '__llvm_libc'."
 # We will build the GPU utilities if we are not doing a runtimes build.
 option(LIBC_BUILD_GPU_LOADER "Always build the GPU loader utilities" OFF)
-  add_subdirectory(utils/gpu)
+  foreach(_name ${LLVM_RUNTIME_TARGETS})
+      if("${_name}" STREQUAL "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa" OR "${_name}" STREQUAL "nvptx64-nvidia-cuda")
+      endif()
+    endif()
+  endforeach()
+  if("${LIBC_TARGET_TRIPLE}" STREQUAL "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa" OR
+     "${LIBC_TARGET_TRIPLE}" STREQUAL "nvptx64-nvidia-cuda")
+  endif()
+    add_subdirectory(utils/gpu)
+    return()
+  endif()
   "Log details warnings and notifications during CMake configuration." OFF)
diff --git a/libc/docs/gpu/building.rst b/libc/docs/gpu/building.rst
index 6a2d1f23c0bcdf..1ccb0c2174ac14 100644
--- a/libc/docs/gpu/building.rst
+++ b/libc/docs/gpu/building.rst
@@ -63,10 +63,6 @@ targeting the default host environment as well.
 Runtimes cross build
-.. note::
-  These instructions need to be updated for new headergen. They may be
-  inaccurate.
 For users wanting more direct control over the build process, the build steps
 can be done manually instead. This build closely follows the instructions in the
 :ref:`main documentation<full_cross_build>` but is specialized for the GPU
diff --git a/llvm/CMakeLists.txt b/llvm/CMakeLists.txt
index b84a91ba611207..f14065ab037990 100644
--- a/llvm/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/llvm/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -197,6 +197,10 @@ if("${LIBC_TARGET_TRIPLE}" STREQUAL "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa" OR
    "${LIBC_TARGET_TRIPLE}" STREQUAL "nvptx64-nvidia-cuda")
+  message(STATUS "Enabling libc project to build libc testing tools")
 # LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS_USED is `ON` if the user has ever used the
 # `LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS` CMake cache variable.  This exists for

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