[llvm] [SROA] Optimize reloaded values in allocas that escape into readonly nocapture calls. (PR #116645)

David Green via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Dec 2 08:59:19 PST 2024

@@ -5454,6 +5475,86 @@ void SROA::clobberUse(Use &U) {
+/// A basic LoadAndStorePromoter that does not remove store nodes.
+class BasicLoadAndStorePromoter : public LoadAndStorePromoter {
+  BasicLoadAndStorePromoter(ArrayRef<const Instruction *> Insts, SSAUpdater &S,
+                            Type *ZeroType)
+      : LoadAndStorePromoter(Insts, S), ZeroType(ZeroType) {}
+  bool shouldDelete(Instruction *I) const override {
+    return !isa<StoreInst>(I) && !isa<AllocaInst>(I);
+  }
+  Value *getValueToUseForAlloca(Instruction *I) const override {
+    return UndefValue::get(ZeroType);
+  }
+  Type *ZeroType;
+bool SROA::propagateStoredValuesToLoads(AllocaInst &AI, AllocaSlices &AS) {
+  // Look through each "partition", looking for slices with the same start/end
+  // that do not overlap with any before them. The slices are sorted by
+  // increasing beginOffset. We don't use AS.partitions(), as it will use a more
+  // sophisticated algorithm that takes splittable slices into account.
+  auto PartitionBegin = AS.begin();
+  auto PartitionEnd = PartitionBegin;
+  uint64_t BeginOffset = PartitionBegin->beginOffset();
+  uint64_t EndOffset = PartitionBegin->endOffset();
+  while (PartitionBegin != AS.end()) {
+    bool AllSameAndValid = true;
+    SmallVector<Instruction *> Insts;
+    Type *PartitionType = nullptr;
+    while (PartitionEnd != AS.end() &&
+           (PartitionEnd->beginOffset() < EndOffset ||
+            PartitionEnd->endOffset() <= EndOffset)) {
+      if (AllSameAndValid) {
+        AllSameAndValid &= PartitionEnd->beginOffset() == BeginOffset &&
+                           PartitionEnd->endOffset() == EndOffset;
+        Instruction *User =
+            cast<Instruction>(PartitionEnd->getUse()->getUser());
+        if (auto *LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(User)) {
+          Type *UserTy = LI->getType();
+          // LoadAndStorePromoter requires all the types to be the same.
+          if (!LI->isSimple() || (PartitionType && UserTy != PartitionType))
davemgreen wrote:

I was wondering if it was valid to forward out of a volatile store into a load, but early cse seems happy enough to do it: https://llvm.godbolt.org/z/PzKzGPbE8. I have removed it in the latest patch.


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