[llvm] [CI] Upstream metrics script and container definition (PR #117461)
Aiden Grossman via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Nov 29 00:04:23 PST 2024
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+import requests
+import time
+import os
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from github import Github
+from github import Auth
+ "https://influx-prod-13-prod-us-east-0.grafana.net/api/v1/push/influx/write"
+GITHUB_PROJECT = "llvm/llvm-project"
+WORKFLOWS_TO_TRACK = ["Check code formatting"]
+ at dataclass
+class JobMetrics:
+ job_name: str
+ queue_time: int
+ run_time: int
+ status: int
+ created_at_ns: int
+ workflow_id: int
+def get_metrics(github_repo, workflows_to_track):
+ """Gets the metrics for specified Github workflows.
+ This function takes in a list of workflows to track, and optionally the
+ workflow ID of the last tracked invocation. It grabs the relevant data
+ from Github, returning it to the caller.
+ Args:
+ github_repo: A github repo object to use to query the relevant information.
+ workflows_to_track: A dictionary mapping workflow names to the last
+ invocation ID where metrics have been collected, or None to collect the
+ last five results.
+ Returns:
+ Returns a list of JobMetrics objects, containing the relevant metrics about
+ the workflow.
+ """
+ workflow_runs = iter(github_repo.get_workflow_runs())
+ workflow_metrics = []
+ workflows_to_include = {}
+ for workflow_to_track in workflows_to_track:
+ workflows_to_include[workflow_to_track] = True
+ workflows_left_to_include = len(workflows_to_track)
+ while True:
+ workflow_run = next(workflow_runs)
+ if workflow_run.status != "completed":
+ continue
+ interesting_workflow = False
+ for workflow_name in workflows_to_track:
+ if workflow_run.name == workflow_name:
+ interesting_workflow = True
+ break
+ if not interesting_workflow:
+ continue
+ if not workflows_to_include[workflow_run.name]:
+ continue
+ workflow_jobs = workflow_run.jobs()
+ if workflow_jobs.totalCount == 0:
+ continue
+ if workflow_jobs.totalCount > 1:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Encountered an unexpected number of jobs: {workflow_jobs.totalCount}"
+ )
+ created_at = workflow_jobs[0].created_at
+ started_at = workflow_jobs[0].started_at
+ completed_at = workflow_jobs[0].completed_at
+ job_result = int(workflow_jobs[0].conclusion == "success")
+ queue_time = started_at - created_at
+ run_time = completed_at - started_at
+ if run_time.seconds == 0:
+ continue
+ if (
+ workflows_to_track[workflow_run.name] is None
+ or workflows_to_track[workflow_run.name] == workflow_run.id
+ ):
+ workflows_left_to_include -= 1
+ workflows_to_include[workflow_run.name] = False
+ if (
+ workflows_to_track[workflow_run.name] is not None
+ and workflows_left_to_include == 0
+ ):
+ break
+ created_at_ns = int(created_at.timestamp()) * 10**9
boomanaiden154 wrote:
Yeah, that's the format Grafana expects the timestamp associated with the event to be in. Added a comment to clarify.
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