[llvm] [AArch64][PAC] Eliminate excessive MOVs when computing blend (PR #115185)

Daniil Kovalev via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Nov 26 11:51:11 PST 2024

@@ -2036,8 +2068,20 @@ void AArch64AsmPrinter::emitPtrauthBranch(const MachineInstr *MI) {
   unsigned AddrDisc = MI->getOperand(3).getReg();
-  // Compute discriminator into x17
-  unsigned DiscReg = emitPtrauthDiscriminator(Disc, AddrDisc);
+  // Make sure AddrDisc is solely used to compute the discriminator.
+  // While hardly meaningful, it is still possible to describe an authentication
+  // of a pointer against its own value (instead of storage address) with
+  // intrinsics, so use report_fatal_error instead of assert.
+  if (BrTarget == AddrDisc)
+    report_fatal_error("Branch target is signed with its own value");
+  // If we are printing BLRA pseudo instruction, then x16 and x17 are
+  // implicit-def'ed by the MI and AddrDisc is not used as any other input, so
+  // try to save one MOV by setting MayUseAddrAsScratch.
+  // Unlike BLRA, BRA pseudo is used to perform computed goto, and thus not
+  // declared as clobbering x16/x17.
+  Register DiscReg = emitPtrauthDiscriminator(Disc, AddrDisc, AArch64::X17,
+                                              /*MayUseAddrAsScratch=*/IsCall);
kovdan01 wrote:



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