[llvm] 6bf8f08 - [memprof] Add InstrProfWriter::addMemProfData (#116528)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Nov 18 08:56:29 PST 2024

Author: Kazu Hirata
Date: 2024-11-18T08:56:25-08:00
New Revision: 6bf8f08989420ccd10efed5fac88052ca16e1250

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/6bf8f08989420ccd10efed5fac88052ca16e1250
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/6bf8f08989420ccd10efed5fac88052ca16e1250.diff

LOG: [memprof] Add InstrProfWriter::addMemProfData (#116528)

This patch adds InstrProfWriter::addMemProfData, which adds the
complete MemProf profile (frames, call stacks, and records) to the
writer context.

Without this function, functions like loadInput in llvm-profdata.cpp
and InstrProfWriter::mergeRecordsFromWriter must add one item (frame,
call stack, or record) at a time.  The new function std::moves the
entire MemProf profile to the writer context if the destination is
empty, which is the common use case.  Otherwise, we fall back to
adding one item at a time behind the scene.

Here are a couple of reasons why we should add this function:

- We've had a bug where we forgot to add one of the three data
  structures (frames, call stacks, and records) to the writer context,
  resulting in a nearly empty indexed profile.  We should always
  package the three data structures together, especially on API

- We expose a little too much of the MemProf detail to
  InstrProfWriter.  I'd like to gradually transform
  InstrProfReader/Writer to entities managing buffers (sequences of
  bytes), with actual serialization/deserialization left to external
  classes.  We already do some of this in InstrProfReader, where
  InstrProfReader "contracts out" to IndexedMemProfReader to handle
  MemProf details.

I am not changing loadInput or InstrProfWriter::mergeRecordsFromWriter
for now because MemProfReader uses DenseMap for frames and call
stacks, whereas MemProfData uses MapVector.  I'll resolve these
mismatches in subsequent patches.




diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/InstrProfWriter.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/InstrProfWriter.h
index 199e565bead044..fa30926c662587 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/InstrProfWriter.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/InstrProfWriter.h
@@ -130,6 +130,10 @@ class InstrProfWriter {
                            const llvm::SmallVector<memprof::FrameId> &CallStack,
                            function_ref<void(Error)> Warn);
+  /// Add the entire MemProfData \p Incoming to the writer context.
+  bool addMemProfData(memprof::IndexedMemProfData Incoming,
+                      function_ref<void(Error)> Warn);
   // Add a binary id to the binary ids list.
   void addBinaryIds(ArrayRef<llvm::object::BuildID> BIs);

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/InstrProfWriter.cpp b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/InstrProfWriter.cpp
index 47f463541d8ef4..87a538f35c7865 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/InstrProfWriter.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/InstrProfWriter.cpp
@@ -350,6 +350,35 @@ bool InstrProfWriter::addMemProfCallStack(
   return true;
+bool InstrProfWriter::addMemProfData(memprof::IndexedMemProfData Incoming,
+                                     function_ref<void(Error)> Warn) {
+  // TODO: Once we remove support for MemProf format Version V1, assert that
+  // the three components (frames, call stacks, and records) are either all
+  // empty or populated.
+  if (MemProfData.Frames.empty())
+    MemProfData.Frames = std::move(Incoming.Frames);
+  else
+    for (const auto &[Id, F] : Incoming.Frames)
+      if (addMemProfFrame(Id, F, Warn))
+        return false;
+  if (MemProfData.CallStacks.empty())
+    MemProfData.CallStacks = std::move(Incoming.CallStacks);
+  else
+    for (const auto &[CSId, CS] : Incoming.CallStacks)
+      if (addMemProfCallStack(CSId, CS, Warn))
+        return false;
+  if (MemProfData.Records.empty())
+    MemProfData.Records = std::move(Incoming.Records);
+  else
+    for (const auto &[GUID, Record] : Incoming.Records)
+      addMemProfRecord(GUID, Record);
+  return true;
 void InstrProfWriter::addBinaryIds(ArrayRef<llvm::object::BuildID> BIs) {
   llvm::append_range(BinaryIds, BIs);

diff  --git a/llvm/unittests/ProfileData/InstrProfTest.cpp b/llvm/unittests/ProfileData/InstrProfTest.cpp
index 582efad531bf74..b9f244104c65cf 100644
--- a/llvm/unittests/ProfileData/InstrProfTest.cpp
+++ b/llvm/unittests/ProfileData/InstrProfTest.cpp
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 #include "llvm/Testing/Support/Error.h"
 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include <cstdarg>
+#include <initializer_list>
 #include <optional>
 using namespace llvm;
@@ -348,10 +349,10 @@ TEST_F(InstrProfTest, test_merge_traces_sampled) {
 using ::llvm::memprof::IndexedMemProfRecord;
 using ::llvm::memprof::MemInfoBlock;
 using FrameIdMapTy =
-    llvm::DenseMap<::llvm::memprof::FrameId, ::llvm::memprof::Frame>;
+    llvm::MapVector<::llvm::memprof::FrameId, ::llvm::memprof::Frame>;
 using CallStackIdMapTy =
-    llvm::DenseMap<::llvm::memprof::CallStackId,
-                   ::llvm::SmallVector<::llvm::memprof::FrameId>>;
+    llvm::MapVector<::llvm::memprof::CallStackId,
+                    ::llvm::SmallVector<::llvm::memprof::FrameId>>;
 static FrameIdMapTy getFrameMapping() {
   FrameIdMapTy Mapping;
@@ -467,11 +468,11 @@ TEST_F(InstrProfTest, test_memprof_v0) {
           {4, 5},
-  const FrameIdMapTy IdToFrameMap = getFrameMapping();
-  for (const auto &I : IdToFrameMap) {
-    Writer.addMemProfFrame(I.first, I.getSecond(), Err);
-  }
-  Writer.addMemProfRecord(/*Id=*/0x9999, IndexedMR);
+  memprof::IndexedMemProfData MemProfData;
+  MemProfData.Frames = getFrameMapping();
+  MemProfData.Records.try_emplace(0x9999, IndexedMR);
+  Writer.addMemProfData(MemProfData, Err);
   auto Profile = Writer.writeBuffer();
@@ -482,8 +483,8 @@ TEST_F(InstrProfTest, test_memprof_v0) {
   std::optional<memprof::FrameId> LastUnmappedFrameId;
   auto IdToFrameCallback = [&](const memprof::FrameId Id) {
-    auto Iter = IdToFrameMap.find(Id);
-    if (Iter == IdToFrameMap.end()) {
+    auto Iter = MemProfData.Frames.find(Id);
+    if (Iter == MemProfData.Frames.end()) {
       LastUnmappedFrameId = Id;
       return memprof::Frame(0, 0, 0, false);
@@ -508,15 +509,11 @@ TEST_F(InstrProfTest, test_memprof_v2_full_schema) {
   const IndexedMemProfRecord IndexedMR = makeRecordV2(
       /*AllocFrames=*/{0x111, 0x222},
       /*CallSiteFrames=*/{0x333}, MIB, memprof::getFullSchema());
-  const FrameIdMapTy IdToFrameMap = getFrameMapping();
-  const auto CSIdToCallStackMap = getCallStackMapping();
-  for (const auto &I : IdToFrameMap) {
-    Writer.addMemProfFrame(I.first, I.getSecond(), Err);
-  }
-  for (const auto &I : CSIdToCallStackMap) {
-    Writer.addMemProfCallStack(I.first, I.getSecond(), Err);
-  }
-  Writer.addMemProfRecord(/*Id=*/0x9999, IndexedMR);
+  memprof::IndexedMemProfData MemProfData;
+  MemProfData.Frames = getFrameMapping();
+  MemProfData.CallStacks = getCallStackMapping();
+  MemProfData.Records.try_emplace(0x9999, IndexedMR);
+  Writer.addMemProfData(MemProfData, Err);
   auto Profile = Writer.writeBuffer();
@@ -525,9 +522,10 @@ TEST_F(InstrProfTest, test_memprof_v2_full_schema) {
   ASSERT_THAT_ERROR(RecordOr.takeError(), Succeeded());
   const memprof::MemProfRecord &Record = RecordOr.get();
-  memprof::FrameIdConverter<decltype(IdToFrameMap)> FrameIdConv(IdToFrameMap);
-  memprof::CallStackIdConverter<decltype(CSIdToCallStackMap)> CSIdConv(
-      CSIdToCallStackMap, FrameIdConv);
+  memprof::FrameIdConverter<decltype(MemProfData.Frames)> FrameIdConv(
+      MemProfData.Frames);
+  memprof::CallStackIdConverter<decltype(MemProfData.CallStacks)> CSIdConv(
+      MemProfData.CallStacks, FrameIdConv);
   const ::llvm::memprof::MemProfRecord WantRecord =
@@ -550,15 +548,11 @@ TEST_F(InstrProfTest, test_memprof_v2_partial_schema) {
   const IndexedMemProfRecord IndexedMR = makeRecordV2(
       /*AllocFrames=*/{0x111, 0x222},
       /*CallSiteFrames=*/{0x333}, MIB, memprof::getHotColdSchema());
-  const FrameIdMapTy IdToFrameMap = getFrameMapping();
-  const auto CSIdToCallStackMap = getCallStackMapping();
-  for (const auto &I : IdToFrameMap) {
-    Writer.addMemProfFrame(I.first, I.getSecond(), Err);
-  }
-  for (const auto &I : CSIdToCallStackMap) {
-    Writer.addMemProfCallStack(I.first, I.getSecond(), Err);
-  }
-  Writer.addMemProfRecord(/*Id=*/0x9999, IndexedMR);
+  memprof::IndexedMemProfData MemProfData;
+  MemProfData.Frames = getFrameMapping();
+  MemProfData.CallStacks = getCallStackMapping();
+  MemProfData.Records.try_emplace(0x9999, IndexedMR);
+  Writer.addMemProfData(MemProfData, Err);
   auto Profile = Writer.writeBuffer();
@@ -567,9 +561,10 @@ TEST_F(InstrProfTest, test_memprof_v2_partial_schema) {
   ASSERT_THAT_ERROR(RecordOr.takeError(), Succeeded());
   const memprof::MemProfRecord &Record = RecordOr.get();
-  memprof::FrameIdConverter<decltype(IdToFrameMap)> FrameIdConv(IdToFrameMap);
-  memprof::CallStackIdConverter<decltype(CSIdToCallStackMap)> CSIdConv(
-      CSIdToCallStackMap, FrameIdConv);
+  memprof::FrameIdConverter<decltype(MemProfData.Frames)> FrameIdConv(
+      MemProfData.Frames);
+  memprof::CallStackIdConverter<decltype(MemProfData.CallStacks)> CSIdConv(
+      MemProfData.CallStacks, FrameIdConv);
   const ::llvm::memprof::MemProfRecord WantRecord =
@@ -601,23 +596,21 @@ TEST_F(InstrProfTest, test_caller_callee_pairs) {
   //       Line: 7, Column: 8
   //         new(...)
-  const std::pair<memprof::FrameId, memprof::Frame> Frames[] = {
-      {0, {0x123, 1, 2, false}},
-      {1, {0x234, 3, 4, true}},
-      {2, {0x123, 5, 6, false}},
-      {3, {0x345, 7, 8, true}}};
-  for (const auto &[FrameId, Frame] : Frames)
-    Writer.addMemProfFrame(FrameId, Frame, Err);
-  const std::pair<memprof::CallStackId, SmallVector<memprof::FrameId>>
-      CallStacks[] = {{0x111, {1, 0}}, {0x222, {3, 2}}};
-  for (const auto &[CSId, CallStack] : CallStacks)
-    Writer.addMemProfCallStack(CSId, CallStack, Err);
   const IndexedMemProfRecord IndexedMR = makeRecordV2(
       /*AllocFrames=*/{0x111, 0x222},
       /*CallSiteFrames=*/{}, MIB, memprof::getHotColdSchema());
-  Writer.addMemProfRecord(/*Id=*/0x9999, IndexedMR);
+  memprof::IndexedMemProfData MemProfData;
+  MemProfData.Frames.try_emplace(0, 0x123, 1, 2, false);
+  MemProfData.Frames.try_emplace(1, 0x234, 3, 4, true);
+  MemProfData.Frames.try_emplace(2, 0x123, 5, 6, false);
+  MemProfData.Frames.try_emplace(3, 0x345, 7, 8, true);
+  MemProfData.CallStacks.try_emplace(
+      0x111, std::initializer_list<memprof::FrameId>{1, 0});
+  MemProfData.CallStacks.try_emplace(
+      0x222, std::initializer_list<memprof::FrameId>{3, 2});
+  MemProfData.Records.try_emplace(0x9999, IndexedMR);
+  Writer.addMemProfData(MemProfData, Err);
   auto Profile = Writer.writeBuffer();
@@ -681,19 +674,15 @@ TEST_F(InstrProfTest, test_memprof_merge) {
-  const FrameIdMapTy IdToFrameMap = getFrameMapping();
-  for (const auto &I : IdToFrameMap) {
-    Writer2.addMemProfFrame(I.first, I.getSecond(), Err);
-  }
-  const auto CSIdToCallStackMap = getCallStackMapping();
-  for (const auto &[CSId, CallStack] : CSIdToCallStackMap)
-    Writer2.addMemProfCallStack(CSId, CallStack, Err);
   const IndexedMemProfRecord IndexedMR = makeRecordV2(
       /*AllocFrames=*/{0x111, 0x222},
       /*CallSiteFrames=*/{}, makePartialMIB(), memprof::getHotColdSchema());
-  Writer2.addMemProfRecord(/*Id=*/0x9999, IndexedMR);
+  memprof::IndexedMemProfData MemProfData;
+  MemProfData.Frames = getFrameMapping();
+  MemProfData.CallStacks = getCallStackMapping();
+  MemProfData.Records.try_emplace(0x9999, IndexedMR);
+  Writer2.addMemProfData(MemProfData, Err);
@@ -714,9 +703,10 @@ TEST_F(InstrProfTest, test_memprof_merge) {
   std::optional<memprof::FrameId> LastUnmappedFrameId;
-  memprof::FrameIdConverter<decltype(IdToFrameMap)> FrameIdConv(IdToFrameMap);
-  memprof::CallStackIdConverter<decltype(CSIdToCallStackMap)> CSIdConv(
-      CSIdToCallStackMap, FrameIdConv);
+  memprof::FrameIdConverter<decltype(MemProfData.Frames)> FrameIdConv(
+      MemProfData.Frames);
+  memprof::CallStackIdConverter<decltype(MemProfData.CallStacks)> CSIdConv(
+      MemProfData.CallStacks, FrameIdConv);
   const ::llvm::memprof::MemProfRecord WantRecord =


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