[llvm] [mlir] [Python] Develop python bindings for Presburger library (PR #113233)
Christopher Bate via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Nov 14 10:24:28 PST 2024
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+#include "mlir-c/Support.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+enum MlirPresburgerVariableKind {
+ Symbol,
+ Local,
+ Domain,
+ Range,
+ SetDim = Range
+enum MlirPresburgerBoundType { EQ, LB, UB };
+enum MlirPresburgerOptimumKind { Empty, Unbounded, Bounded };
+struct MlirOptionalInt64 {
+ bool hasValue;
+ int64_t value;
+typedef struct MlirOptionalInt64 MlirOptionalInt64;
+struct MlirOptionalVectorInt64 {
+ bool hasValue;
+ const int64_t *data;
+ int64_t size;
+typedef struct MlirOptionalVectorInt64 MlirOptionalVectorInt64;
+struct MlirMaybeOptimum {
+ enum MlirPresburgerOptimumKind kind;
+ MlirOptionalVectorInt64 vector;
+typedef struct MlirMaybeOptimum MlirMaybeOptimum;
+#define DEFINE_C_API_STRUCT(name, storage) \
+ struct name { \
+ storage *ptr; \
+ }; \
+ typedef struct name name
+DEFINE_C_API_STRUCT(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation, void);
+DEFINE_C_API_STRUCT(MlirPresburgerDynamicAPInt, const void);
+// IntegerRelation creation/destruction and basic metadata operations
+/// Constructs a relation reserving memory for the specified number
+/// of constraints and variables.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationCreate(unsigned numReservedInequalities,
+ unsigned numReservedEqualities,
+ unsigned numReservedCols);
+/// Constructs an IntegerRelation from a packed 2D matrix of tableau
+/// coefficients in row-major order. The first `numDomainVars` columns are
+/// considered domain and the remaining `numRangeVars` columns are domain
+/// variables.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation
+ const int64_t *inequalityCoefficients, unsigned numInequalities,
+ const int64_t *equalityCoefficients, unsigned numEqualities,
+ unsigned numDomainVars, unsigned numRangeVars,
+ unsigned numExtraReservedInequalities = 0,
+ unsigned numExtraReservedEqualities = 0, unsigned numExtraReservedCols = 0);
+/// Destroys an IntegerRelation.
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationDestroy(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+// IntegerRelation binary operations
+/// Appends constraints from `lhs` into `rhs`. This is equivalent to an
+/// intersection with no simplification of any sort attempted.
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationAppend(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation lhs,
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation rhs);
+/// Return the intersection of the two relations.
+/// If there are locals, they will be merged.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationIntersect(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation lhs,
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation rhs);
+/// Return whether `lhs` and `rhs` are equal. This is integer-exact
+/// and somewhat expensive, since it uses the integer emptiness check
+/// (see IntegerRelation::findIntegerSample()).
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationIsEqual(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation lhs,
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation rhs);
+/// Perform a quick equality check on `lhs` and `rhs`. The relations are
+/// equal if the check return true, but may or may not be equal if the check
+/// returns false. The equality check is performed in a plain manner, by
+/// comparing if all the equalities and inequalities in `lhs` and `rhs`
+/// are the same.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationIsObviouslyEqual(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation lhs, MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation rhs);
+/// Return whether `lhs` is a subset of the `rhs` IntegerRelation. This is
+/// integer-exact and somewhat expensive, since it uses the integer emptiness.
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationIsSubsetOf(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation lhs,
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation rhs);
+/// Merge and align symbol variables of `lhs` and `rhs` with respect to
+/// identifiers. After this operation the symbol variables of both relations
+/// have the same identifiers in the same order.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationMergeAndAlignSymbols(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation lhs, MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation rhs);
+/// Adds additional local vars to the sets such that they both have the union
+/// of the local vars in each set, without changing the set of points that
+/// lie in `lhs` and `rhs`.
+/// While taking union, if a local var in `rhs` has a division
+/// representation which is a duplicate of division representation, of another
+/// local var, it is not added to the final union of local vars and is instead
+/// merged. The new ordering of local vars is:
+/// [Local vars of `lhs`] [Non-merged local vars of `rhs`]
+/// The relative ordering of local vars is same as before.
+/// After merging, if the `i^th` local variable in one set has a known
+/// division representation, then the `i^th` local variable in the other set
+/// either has the same division representation or no known division
+/// representation.
+/// The spaces of both relations should be compatible.
+/// Returns the number of non-merged local vars of `rhs`, i.e. the number of
+/// locals that have been added to `lhs`.
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationMergeLocalVars(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation lhs,
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation rhs);
+/// Let the relation `lhs` be R1, and the relation `rhs` be R2. Modifies R1
+/// to be the composition of R1 and R2: R1;R2.
+/// Formally, if R1: A -> B, and R2: B -> C, then this function returns a
+/// relation R3: A -> C such that a point (a, c) belongs to R3 iff there
+/// exists b such that (a, b) is in R1 and, (b, c) is in R2.
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationCompose(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation lhs,
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation rhs);
+/// Let the relation `lhs` be R1, and the relation `rhs` be R2. Applies the
+/// relation to the domain of R2.
+/// R1: i -> j : (0 <= i < 2, j = i)
+/// R2: i -> k : (k = i floordiv 2)
+/// R3: k -> j : (0 <= k < 1, 2k <= j <= 2k + 1)
+/// R1 = {(0, 0), (1, 1)}. R2 maps both 0 and 1 to 0.
+/// So R3 = {(0, 0), (0, 1)}.
+/// Formally, R1.applyDomain(R2) = R2.inverse().compose(R1).
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationApplyDomain(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation lhs,
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation rhs);
+/// Let the relation `lhs` be R1, and the relation `rhs` be R2. Applies the
+/// relation to the range of R2.
+/// Formally, R1.applyRange(R2) is the same as R1.compose(R2) but we provide
+/// this for uniformity with `applyDomain`.
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationApplyRange(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation lhs,
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation rhs);
+/// Given a relation `rhs: (A -> B)`, this operation merges the symbol and
+/// local variables and then takes the composition of `rhs` on `lhs: (B ->
+/// C)`. The resulting relation represents tuples of the form: `A -> C`.
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationMergeAndCompose(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation lhs,
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation rhs);
+/// Updates the constraints to be the smallest bounding (enclosing) box that
+/// contains the points of `lhs` set and that of `rhs`, with the symbols
+/// being treated specially. For each of the dimensions, the min of the lower
+/// bounds (symbolic) and the max of the upper bounds (symbolic) is computed
+/// to determine such a bounding box. `rhs` is expected to have the same
+/// dimensional variables as this constraint system (in the same order).
+/// E.g.:
+/// 1) this = {0 <= d0 <= 127},
+/// other = {16 <= d0 <= 192},
+/// output = {0 <= d0 <= 192}
+/// 2) this = {s0 + 5 <= d0 <= s0 + 20},
+/// other = {s0 + 1 <= d0 <= s0 + 9},
+/// output = {s0 + 1 <= d0 <= s0 + 20}
+/// 3) this = {0 <= d0 <= 5, 1 <= d1 <= 9}
+/// other = {2 <= d0 <= 6, 5 <= d1 <= 15},
+/// output = {0 <= d0 <= 6, 1 <= d1 <= 15}
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation lhs, MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation rhs);
+// IntegerRelation Tableau Inspection
+/// Returns the value at the specified equality row and column.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirPresburgerDynamicAPInt
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationAtEq(unsigned i, unsigned j);
+/// Returns the value at the specified equality row and column.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED int64_t mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationAtEq64(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, unsigned row, unsigned col);
+/// Returns the value at the specified inequality row and column.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirPresburgerDynamicAPInt
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationAtIneq(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation,
+ unsigned row, unsigned col);
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED int64_t mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationAtIneq64(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, unsigned row, unsigned col);
+/// Returns the number of inequalities and equalities.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED unsigned mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationNumConstraints(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+/// Returns the number of columns classified as domain variables.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED unsigned mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationNumDomainVars(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+/// Returns the number of columns classified as range variables.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED unsigned mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationNumRangeVars(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+/// Returns the number of columns classified as symbol variables.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED unsigned mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationNumSymbolVars(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+/// Returns the number of columns classified as local variables.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED unsigned mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationNumLocalVars(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationNumDimVars(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED unsigned mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationNumDimAndSymbolVars(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationNumVars(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationNumCols(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+/// Returns the number of equality constraints.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED unsigned mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationNumEqualities(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+/// Returns the number of inequality constraints.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED unsigned mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationNumInequalities(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED unsigned mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationNumReservedEqualities(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+/// Get the number of vars of the specified kind.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED unsigned mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationGetNumVarKind(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, MlirPresburgerVariableKind kind);
+/// Return the index at which the specified kind of vars starts.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED unsigned mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationGetVarKindOffset(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, MlirPresburgerVariableKind kind);
+/// Return the index at Which the specified kind of vars ends.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED unsigned mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationGetVarKindEnd(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, MlirPresburgerVariableKind kind);
+/// Get the number of elements of the specified kind in the range
+/// [varStart, varLimit).
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED unsigned mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationGetVarKindOverLap(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, MlirPresburgerVariableKind kind,
+ unsigned varStart, unsigned varLimit);
+/// Return the VarKind of the var at the specified position.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirPresburgerVariableKind
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, unsigned pos);
+/// Returns the constant bound for the pos^th variable if there is one.
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, MlirPresburgerBoundType type,
+ unsigned pos);
+/// Check whether all local ids have a division representation.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationHasOnlyDivLocals(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+// Verify whether the relation is full-dimensional, i.e.,
+// no equality holds for the relation.
+// If there are no variables, it always returns true.
+// If there is at least one variable and the relation is empty, it returns
+// false.
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationIsFullDim(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+/// Find an integer sample point satisfying the constraints using a
+/// branch and bound algorithm with generalized basis reduction, with some
+/// additional processing using Simplex for unbounded sets.
+/// Returns an integer sample point if one exists, or an empty Optional
+/// otherwise. The returned value also includes values of local ids.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirOptionalVectorInt64
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+/// Compute an overapproximation of the number of integer points in the
+/// relation. Symbol vars currently not supported. If the computed
+/// overapproximation is infinite, an empty optional is returned.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirOptionalInt64 mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationComputeVolume(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+/// Returns true if the given point satisfies the constraints, or false
+/// otherwise. Takes the values of all vars including locals.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationContainsPoint(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, const int64_t *point, int64_t size);
+// IntegerRelation Tableau Manipulation
+/// Insert `num` variables of the specified kind at position `pos`.
+/// Positions are relative to the kind of variable. The coefficient columns
+/// corresponding to the added variables are initialized to zero. Return the
+/// absolute column position (i.e., not relative to the kind of variable)
+/// of the first added variable.
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationInsertVar(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation,
+ MlirPresburgerVariableKind kind,
+ unsigned pos, unsigned num = 1);
+/// Append `num` variables of the specified kind after the last variable
+/// of that kind. The coefficient columns corresponding to the added variables
+/// are initialized to zero. Return the absolute column position (i.e., not
+/// relative to the kind of variable) of the first appended variable.
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationAppendVar(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation,
+ MlirPresburgerVariableKind kind,
+ unsigned num = 1);
+/// Adds an equality with the given coefficients.
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationAddEquality(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation,
+ const int64_t *coeff,
+ int64_t coeffSize);
+/// Adds an inequality with the given coefficients.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationAddInequality(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, const int64_t *coeff,
+ int64_t coeffSize);
+/// Eliminate the `posB^th` local variable, replacing every instance of it
+/// with the `posA^th` local variable. This should be used when the two
+/// local variables are known to always take the same values.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationEliminateRedundantLocalVar(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, unsigned posA, unsigned posB);
+/// Removes variables of the specified kind with the specified pos (or
+/// within the specified range) from the system. The specified location is
+/// relative to the first variable of the specified kind.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationRemoveVarKind(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, MlirPresburgerVariableKind kind,
+ unsigned pos);
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationRemoveVarRangeKind(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, MlirPresburgerVariableKind kind,
+ unsigned varStart, unsigned varLimit);
+/// Removes the specified variable from the system.
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationRemoveVar(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation,
+ unsigned pos);
+/// Remove the (in)equalities at specified position.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationRemoveEquality(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, unsigned pos);
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationRemoveInequality(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, unsigned pos);
+/// Remove the (in)equalities at positions [start, end).
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationRemoveEqualityRange(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, unsigned start, unsigned end);
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationRemoveInequalityRange(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, unsigned start, unsigned end);
+/// Returns lexicographically minimal integer point.
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+/// Swap the posA^th variable with the posB^th variable.
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationSwapVar(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation,
+ unsigned posA, unsigned posB);
+/// Removes all equalities and inequalities.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationClearConstraints(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+/// Sets the `values.size()` variables starting at `po`s to the specified
+/// values and removes them.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationSetAndEliminate(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, unsigned pos, const int64_t *values,
+ unsigned valuesSize);
+/// Removes constraints that are independent of (i.e., do not have a
+/// coefficient) variables in the range [pos, pos + num).
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, unsigned pos, unsigned num);
+/// Returns true if the set can be trivially detected as being
+/// hyper-rectangular on the specified contiguous set of variables.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationIsHyperRectangular(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, unsigned pos, unsigned num);
+/// Removes duplicate constraints, trivially true constraints, and constraints
+/// that can be detected as redundant as a result of differing only in their
+/// constant term part. A constraint of the form <non-negative constant> >= 0
+/// is considered trivially true. This method is a linear time method on the
+/// constraints, does a single scan, and updates in place. It also normalizes
+/// constraints by their GCD and performs GCD tightening on inequalities.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationRemoveTrivialRedundancy(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+/// A more expensive check than `removeTrivialRedundancy` to detect redundant
+/// inequalities.
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+/// Removes redundant constraints using Simplex. Although the algorithm can
+/// theoretically take exponential time in the worst case (rare), it is known
+/// to perform much better in the average case. If V is the number of vertices
+/// in the polytope and C is the number of constraints, the algorithm takes
+/// O(VC) time.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationRemoveRedundantConstraints(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationRemoveDuplicateDivs(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+/// Simplify the constraint system by removing canonicalizing constraints and
+/// removing redundant constraints.
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationSimplify(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+/// Converts variables of kind srcKind in the range [varStart, varLimit) to
+/// variables of kind dstKind. If `pos` is given, the variables are placed at
+/// position `pos` of dstKind, otherwise they are placed after all the other
+/// variables of kind dstKind. The internal ordering among the moved variables
+/// is preserved.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationConvertVarKind(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, MlirPresburgerVariableKind srcKind,
+ unsigned varStart, unsigned varLimit, MlirPresburgerVariableKind dstKind,
+ unsigned pos);
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationConvertVarKindNoPos(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, MlirPresburgerVariableKind srcKind,
+ unsigned varStart, unsigned varLimit, MlirPresburgerVariableKind dstKind);
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationConvertToLocal(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, MlirPresburgerVariableKind kind,
+ unsigned varStart, unsigned varLimit);
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationRemoveTrivialEqualities(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+/// Invert the relation i.e., swap its domain and range.
+/// Formally, let the relation `this` be R: A -> B, then this operation
+/// modifies R to be B -> A.
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationInverse(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
+/// Adds a constant bound for the specified variable.
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationAddBound(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation,
+ MlirPresburgerBoundType type,
+ unsigned pos, int64_t value);
+/// Adds a constant bound for the specified expression.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationAddBoundExpr(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, MlirPresburgerBoundType type,
+ const int64_t *expr, int64_t exprSize, int64_t value);
+/// Tries to fold the specified variable to a constant using a trivial
+/// equality detection; if successful, the constant is substituted for the
+/// variable everywhere in the constraint system and then removed from the
+/// system.
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, unsigned pos);
+/// This method calls `constantFoldVar` for the specified range of variables,
+/// `num` variables starting at position `pos`.
+MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED void mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationConstantFoldVarRange(
+ MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation, unsigned pos, unsigned num);
+// IntegerRelation Dump
+mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationDump(MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation relation);
christopherbate wrote:
`IntegerRelation` has a `print` method, which should be prioritized over exposing this method.
The `mlirPresburgerIntegerRelationPrint` function should accept an opaque callback of type `MlirStringCallback` defined in `mlir-c/Support.h` allowing the caller to decide how to handle the string ref. That way you don't need to worry about how to pass a dynamically allocated string across the C API boundary.
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