[llvm] [SCEV] Collect and merge loop guards through PHI nodes with multiple incoming values (PR #113915)

Julian Nagele via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Nov 12 08:13:42 PST 2024

@@ -15574,27 +15645,41 @@ ScalarEvolution::LoopGuards::collect(const Loop *L, ScalarEvolution &SE) {
   if (GuardDecl)
     for (const auto *GU : GuardDecl->users())
       if (const auto *Guard = dyn_cast<IntrinsicInst>(GU))
-        if (Guard->getFunction() == Header->getParent() &&
-            SE.DT.dominates(Guard, Header))
+        if (Guard->getFunction() == Block->getParent() &&
+            SE.DT.dominates(Guard, Block))
           Terms.emplace_back(Guard->getArgOperand(0), true);
   // Third, collect conditions from dominating branches. Starting at the loop
   // predecessor, climb up the predecessor chain, as long as there are
   // predecessors that can be found that have unique successors leading to the
   // original header.
   // TODO: share this logic with isLoopEntryGuardedByCond.
-  for (std::pair<const BasicBlock *, const BasicBlock *> Pair(
-           L->getLoopPredecessor(), Header);
-       Pair.first;
+  std::pair<const BasicBlock *, const BasicBlock *> Pair(Pred, Block);
+  for (; Pair.first;
        Pair = SE.getPredecessorWithUniqueSuccessorForBB(Pair.first)) {
+    VisitedBlocks.insert(Pair.second);
     const BranchInst *LoopEntryPredicate =
     if (!LoopEntryPredicate || LoopEntryPredicate->isUnconditional())
                        LoopEntryPredicate->getSuccessor(0) == Pair.second);
+    // If we are recursively collecting guards stop after 2 predecessors.
juliannagele wrote:



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