[compiler-rt] [win/asan] Search both higher and lower in AllocateTrampolineRegion (PR #114212)

Reid Kleckner via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Oct 30 09:51:05 PDT 2024

@@ -340,32 +347,66 @@ struct TrampolineMemoryRegion {
   uptr max_size;
-UNUSED static const uptr kTrampolineScanLimitRange = 1ull << 31;  // 2 gig
+UNUSED static const uptr kTrampolineRangeLimit = 1ull << 31;  // 2 gig
 static const int kMaxTrampolineRegion = 1024;
 static TrampolineMemoryRegion TrampolineRegions[kMaxTrampolineRegion];
-static void *AllocateTrampolineRegion(uptr image_address, size_t granularity) {
-  uptr address = image_address;
-  uptr scanned = 0;
-  while (scanned < kTrampolineScanLimitRange) {
+static void *AllocateTrampolineRegion(uptr min_addr, uptr max_addr,
+                                      uptr func_addr, size_t granularity) {
+  // Clamp {min,max}_addr to the accessible address space.
+  SYSTEM_INFO system_info;
+  ::GetSystemInfo(&system_info);
+  uptr min_virtual_addr =
+      RoundUpTo((uptr)system_info.lpMinimumApplicationAddress, granularity);
+  uptr max_virtual_addr =
+      RoundDownTo((uptr)system_info.lpMaximumApplicationAddress, granularity);
+  if (min_addr < min_virtual_addr)
+    min_addr = min_virtual_addr;
+  if (max_addr > max_virtual_addr)
+    max_addr = max_virtual_addr;
+  uptr lo_addr = RoundDownTo(func_addr, granularity);
+  uptr hi_addr = RoundUpTo(func_addr, granularity);
+  while (lo_addr >= min_addr || hi_addr <= max_addr) {
+    // Prefer the in-range address neareset func_addr.
+    uptr addr;
+    if (lo_addr < min_addr)
+      addr = hi_addr;
+    else if (hi_addr > max_addr)
+      addr = lo_addr;
+    else
+      addr = (hi_addr - func_addr < func_addr - lo_addr) ? hi_addr : lo_addr;
-    if (!::VirtualQuery((void*)address, &info, sizeof(info)))
+    if (!::VirtualQuery((void *)addr, &info, sizeof(info))) {
+      ReportError(
+          "interception_win: VirtualQuery in AllocateTrampolineRegion failed "
+          "for %p\n",
+          (void *)addr);
       return nullptr;
+    }
-    // Check whether a region can be allocated at |address|.
+    // Check whether a region can be allocated at |addr|.
     if (info.State == MEM_FREE && info.RegionSize >= granularity) {
-      void *page = ::VirtualAlloc((void*)RoundUpTo(address, granularity),
-                                  granularity,
-                                  MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT,
-                                  PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
+      void *page =
+          ::VirtualAlloc((void *)addr, granularity, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT,
rnk wrote:

Super nit: There is a race here between VirtualAlloc and VirtualQuery. Nothing prevents other threads (or processes) from tampering with the virtual address space during our search process. If we want this loop to be bulletproof, we would want some kind of retry case here. I think that's probably unnecessary, but this seems like a good place to insert a `ReportError` call to provide more context on failed VirtualAlloc calls.


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