[llvm] 4df71ab - [SandboxIR] Add callbacks for instruction insert/remove/move ops (#112965)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Oct 29 09:25:57 PDT 2024

Author: Jorge Gorbe Moya
Date: 2024-10-29T09:25:51-07:00
New Revision: 4df71ab78e9aa729959432bc0f8502760c90235b

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/4df71ab78e9aa729959432bc0f8502760c90235b
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/4df71ab78e9aa729959432bc0f8502760c90235b.diff

LOG: [SandboxIR] Add callbacks for instruction insert/remove/move ops (#112965)




diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/SandboxIR/Context.h b/llvm/include/llvm/SandboxIR/Context.h
index 1285598a1c0282..f2056de87cb946 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/SandboxIR/Context.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/SandboxIR/Context.h
@@ -9,18 +9,39 @@
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
 #include "llvm/SandboxIR/Tracker.h"
 #include "llvm/SandboxIR/Type.h"
+#include <cstdint>
 namespace llvm::sandboxir {
-class Module;
-class Value;
 class Argument;
+class BBIterator;
 class Constant;
+class Module;
+class Value;
 class Context {
+  // A EraseInstrCallback receives the instruction about to be erased.
+  using EraseInstrCallback = std::function<void(Instruction *)>;
+  // A CreateInstrCallback receives the instruction about to be created.
+  using CreateInstrCallback = std::function<void(Instruction *)>;
+  // A MoveInstrCallback receives the instruction about to be moved, the
+  // destination BB and an iterator pointing to the insertion position.
+  using MoveInstrCallback =
+      std::function<void(Instruction *, const BBIterator &)>;
+  /// An ID for a registered callback. Used for deregistration. Using a 64-bit
+  /// integer so we don't have to worry about the unlikely case of overflowing
+  /// a 32-bit counter.
+  using CallbackID = uint64_t;
   LLVMContext &LLVMCtx;
   friend class Type;        // For LLVMCtx.
@@ -48,6 +69,21 @@ class Context {
   /// Type objects.
   DenseMap<llvm::Type *, std::unique_ptr<Type, TypeDeleter>> LLVMTypeToTypeMap;
+  /// Callbacks called when an IR instruction is about to get erased. Keys are
+  /// used as IDs for deregistration.
+  MapVector<CallbackID, EraseInstrCallback> EraseInstrCallbacks;
+  /// Callbacks called when an IR instruction is about to get created. Keys are
+  /// used as IDs for deregistration.
+  MapVector<CallbackID, CreateInstrCallback> CreateInstrCallbacks;
+  /// Callbacks called when an IR instruction is about to get moved. Keys are
+  /// used as IDs for deregistration.
+  MapVector<CallbackID, MoveInstrCallback> MoveInstrCallbacks;
+  /// A counter used for assigning callback IDs during registration. The same
+  /// counter is used for all kinds of callbacks so we can detect mismatched
+  /// registration/deregistration.
+  CallbackID NextCallbackID = 0;
   /// Remove \p V from the maps and returns the unique_ptr.
   std::unique_ptr<Value> detachLLVMValue(llvm::Value *V);
   /// Remove \p SBV from all SandboxIR maps and stop owning it. This effectively
@@ -70,6 +106,10 @@ class Context {
   Constant *getOrCreateConstant(llvm::Constant *LLVMC);
   friend class Utils; // For getMemoryBase
+  void runEraseInstrCallbacks(Instruction *I);
+  void runCreateInstrCallbacks(Instruction *I);
+  void runMoveInstrCallbacks(Instruction *I, const BBIterator &Where);
   // Friends for getOrCreateConstant().
 #define DEF_CONST(ID, CLASS) friend class CLASS;
 #include "llvm/SandboxIR/Values.def"
@@ -198,6 +238,28 @@ class Context {
   /// \Returns the number of values registered with Context.
   size_t getNumValues() const { return LLVMValueToValueMap.size(); }
+  /// Register a callback that gets called when a SandboxIR instruction is about
+  /// to be removed from its parent. Note that this will also be called when
+  /// reverting the creation of an instruction.
+  /// \Returns a callback ID for later deregistration.
+  CallbackID registerEraseInstrCallback(EraseInstrCallback CB);
+  void unregisterEraseInstrCallback(CallbackID ID);
+  /// Register a callback that gets called right after a SandboxIR instruction
+  /// is created. Note that this will also be called when reverting the removal
+  /// of an instruction.
+  /// \Returns a callback ID for later deregistration.
+  CallbackID registerCreateInstrCallback(CreateInstrCallback CB);
+  void unregisterCreateInstrCallback(CallbackID ID);
+  /// Register a callback that gets called when a SandboxIR instruction is about
+  /// to be moved. Note that this will also be called when reverting a move.
+  /// \Returns a callback ID for later deregistration.
+  CallbackID registerMoveInstrCallback(MoveInstrCallback CB);
+  void unregisterMoveInstrCallback(CallbackID ID);
+  // TODO: Add callbacks for instructions inserted/removed if needed.
 } // namespace llvm::sandboxir

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/SandboxIR/Context.cpp b/llvm/lib/SandboxIR/Context.cpp
index 486e935bc35fba..5e5cbbbc4515d2 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/SandboxIR/Context.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/SandboxIR/Context.cpp
@@ -35,17 +35,20 @@ Value *Context::registerValue(std::unique_ptr<Value> &&VPtr) {
   assert(VPtr->getSubclassID() != Value::ClassID::User &&
          "Can't register a user!");
+  Value *V = VPtr.get();
+  [[maybe_unused]] auto Pair =
+      LLVMValueToValueMap.insert({VPtr->Val, std::move(VPtr)});
+  assert(Pair.second && "Already exists!");
   // Track creation of instructions.
   // Please note that we don't allow the creation of detached instructions,
   // meaning that the instructions need to be inserted into a block upon
   // creation. This is why the tracker class combines creation and insertion.
-  if (auto *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(VPtr.get()))
+  if (auto *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(V)) {
+    runCreateInstrCallbacks(I);
+  }
-  Value *V = VPtr.get();
-  [[maybe_unused]] auto Pair =
-      LLVMValueToValueMap.insert({VPtr->Val, std::move(VPtr)});
-  assert(Pair.second && "Already exists!");
   return V;
@@ -660,4 +663,64 @@ Module *Context::createModule(llvm::Module *LLVMM) {
   return M;
+void Context::runEraseInstrCallbacks(Instruction *I) {
+  for (const auto &CBEntry : EraseInstrCallbacks)
+    CBEntry.second(I);
+void Context::runCreateInstrCallbacks(Instruction *I) {
+  for (auto &CBEntry : CreateInstrCallbacks)
+    CBEntry.second(I);
+void Context::runMoveInstrCallbacks(Instruction *I, const BBIterator &WhereIt) {
+  for (auto &CBEntry : MoveInstrCallbacks)
+    CBEntry.second(I, WhereIt);
+// An arbitrary limit, to check for accidental misuse. We expect a small number
+// of callbacks to be registered at a time, but we can increase this number if
+// we discover we needed more.
+static constexpr int MaxRegisteredCallbacks = 16;
+Context::CallbackID Context::registerEraseInstrCallback(EraseInstrCallback CB) {
+  assert(EraseInstrCallbacks.size() <= MaxRegisteredCallbacks &&
+         "EraseInstrCallbacks size limit exceeded");
+  CallbackID ID = NextCallbackID++;
+  EraseInstrCallbacks[ID] = CB;
+  return ID;
+void Context::unregisterEraseInstrCallback(CallbackID ID) {
+  [[maybe_unused]] bool Erased = EraseInstrCallbacks.erase(ID);
+  assert(Erased &&
+         "Callback ID not found in EraseInstrCallbacks during deregistration");
+Context::registerCreateInstrCallback(CreateInstrCallback CB) {
+  assert(CreateInstrCallbacks.size() <= MaxRegisteredCallbacks &&
+         "CreateInstrCallbacks size limit exceeded");
+  CallbackID ID = NextCallbackID++;
+  CreateInstrCallbacks[ID] = CB;
+  return ID;
+void Context::unregisterCreateInstrCallback(CallbackID ID) {
+  [[maybe_unused]] bool Erased = CreateInstrCallbacks.erase(ID);
+  assert(Erased &&
+         "Callback ID not found in CreateInstrCallbacks during deregistration");
+Context::CallbackID Context::registerMoveInstrCallback(MoveInstrCallback CB) {
+  assert(MoveInstrCallbacks.size() <= MaxRegisteredCallbacks &&
+         "MoveInstrCallbacks size limit exceeded");
+  CallbackID ID = NextCallbackID++;
+  MoveInstrCallbacks[ID] = CB;
+  return ID;
+void Context::unregisterMoveInstrCallback(CallbackID ID) {
+  [[maybe_unused]] bool Erased = MoveInstrCallbacks.erase(ID);
+  assert(Erased &&
+         "Callback ID not found in MoveInstrCallbacks during deregistration");
 } // namespace llvm::sandboxir

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/SandboxIR/Instruction.cpp b/llvm/lib/SandboxIR/Instruction.cpp
index d80d10370e32d8..096b827541eeaf 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/SandboxIR/Instruction.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/SandboxIR/Instruction.cpp
@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ void Instruction::removeFromParent() {
 void Instruction::eraseFromParent() {
   assert(users().empty() && "Still connected to users, can't erase!");
+  Ctx.runEraseInstrCallbacks(this);
   std::unique_ptr<Value> Detached = Ctx.detach(this);
   auto LLVMInstrs = getLLVMInstrs();
@@ -100,6 +102,7 @@ void Instruction::moveBefore(BasicBlock &BB, const BBIterator &WhereIt) {
     // Destination is same as origin, nothing to do.
+  Ctx.runMoveInstrCallbacks(this, WhereIt);
   auto *LLVMBB = cast<llvm::BasicBlock>(BB.Val);

diff  --git a/llvm/unittests/SandboxIR/SandboxIRTest.cpp b/llvm/unittests/SandboxIR/SandboxIRTest.cpp
index 97113b303f72e5..99e14292a91b92 100644
--- a/llvm/unittests/SandboxIR/SandboxIRTest.cpp
+++ b/llvm/unittests/SandboxIR/SandboxIRTest.cpp
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 #include "llvm/SandboxIR/Value.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
 #include "gmock/gmock-matchers.h"
+#include "gmock/gmock-more-matchers.h"
 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
 using namespace llvm;
@@ -5962,3 +5963,100 @@ TEST_F(SandboxIRTest, CheckClassof) {
   EXPECT_NE(&sandboxir::CLASS::classof, &sandboxir::Instruction::classof);
 #include "llvm/SandboxIR/Values.def"
+TEST_F(SandboxIRTest, InstructionCallbacks) {
+  parseIR(C, R"IR(
+    define void @foo(ptr %ptr, i8 %val) {
+      ret void
+    }
+  )IR");
+  Function &LLVMF = *M->getFunction("foo");
+  sandboxir::Context Ctx(C);
+  auto &F = *Ctx.createFunction(&LLVMF);
+  auto &BB = *F.begin();
+  sandboxir::Argument *Ptr = F.getArg(0);
+  sandboxir::Argument *Val = F.getArg(1);
+  sandboxir::Instruction *Ret = &BB.front();
+  SmallVector<sandboxir::Instruction *> Inserted;
+  auto InsertCbId = Ctx.registerCreateInstrCallback(
+      [&Inserted](sandboxir::Instruction *I) { Inserted.push_back(I); });
+  SmallVector<sandboxir::Instruction *> Removed;
+  auto RemoveCbId = Ctx.registerEraseInstrCallback(
+      [&Removed](sandboxir::Instruction *I) { Removed.push_back(I); });
+  // Keep the moved instruction and the instruction pointed by the Where
+  // iterator so we can check both callback arguments work as expected.
+  SmallVector<std::pair<sandboxir::Instruction *, sandboxir::Instruction *>>
+      Moved;
+  auto MoveCbId = Ctx.registerMoveInstrCallback(
+      [&Moved](sandboxir::Instruction *I, const sandboxir::BBIterator &Where) {
+        // Use a nullptr to signal "move to end" to keep it single. We only
+        // have a basic block in this test case anyway.
+        if (Where == Where.getNodeParent()->end())
+          Moved.push_back(std::make_pair(I, nullptr));
+        else
+          Moved.push_back(std::make_pair(I, &*Where));
+      });
+  // Two more insertion callbacks, to check that they're called in registration
+  // order.
+  SmallVector<int> Order;
+  auto CheckOrderInsertCbId1 = Ctx.registerCreateInstrCallback(
+      [&Order](sandboxir::Instruction *I) { Order.push_back(1); });
+  auto CheckOrderInsertCbId2 = Ctx.registerCreateInstrCallback(
+      [&Order](sandboxir::Instruction *I) { Order.push_back(2); });
+  Ctx.save();
+  auto *NewI = sandboxir::StoreInst::create(Val, Ptr, /*Align=*/std::nullopt,
+                                            Ret->getIterator(), Ctx);
+  EXPECT_THAT(Inserted, testing::ElementsAre(NewI));
+  EXPECT_THAT(Removed, testing::IsEmpty());
+  EXPECT_THAT(Moved, testing::IsEmpty());
+  EXPECT_THAT(Order, testing::ElementsAre(1, 2));
+  Ret->moveBefore(NewI);
+  EXPECT_THAT(Inserted, testing::ElementsAre(NewI));
+  EXPECT_THAT(Removed, testing::IsEmpty());
+  EXPECT_THAT(Moved, testing::ElementsAre(std::make_pair(Ret, NewI)));
+  Ret->eraseFromParent();
+  EXPECT_THAT(Inserted, testing::ElementsAre(NewI));
+  EXPECT_THAT(Removed, testing::ElementsAre(Ret));
+  EXPECT_THAT(Moved, testing::ElementsAre(std::make_pair(Ret, NewI)));
+  NewI->eraseFromParent();
+  EXPECT_THAT(Inserted, testing::ElementsAre(NewI));
+  EXPECT_THAT(Removed, testing::ElementsAre(Ret, NewI));
+  EXPECT_THAT(Moved, testing::ElementsAre(std::make_pair(Ret, NewI)));
+  // Check that after revert the callbacks have been called for the inverse
+  // operations of the changes made so far.
+  Ctx.revert();
+  EXPECT_THAT(Inserted, testing::ElementsAre(NewI, NewI, Ret));
+  EXPECT_THAT(Removed, testing::ElementsAre(Ret, NewI, NewI));
+  EXPECT_THAT(Moved, testing::ElementsAre(std::make_pair(Ret, NewI),
+                                          std::make_pair(Ret, nullptr)));
+  EXPECT_THAT(Order, testing::ElementsAre(1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2));
+  // Check that deregistration works. Do an operation of each type after
+  // deregistering callbacks and check.
+  Inserted.clear();
+  Removed.clear();
+  Moved.clear();
+  Ctx.unregisterCreateInstrCallback(InsertCbId);
+  Ctx.unregisterEraseInstrCallback(RemoveCbId);
+  Ctx.unregisterMoveInstrCallback(MoveCbId);
+  Ctx.unregisterCreateInstrCallback(CheckOrderInsertCbId1);
+  Ctx.unregisterCreateInstrCallback(CheckOrderInsertCbId2);
+  auto *NewI2 = sandboxir::StoreInst::create(Val, Ptr, /*Align=*/std::nullopt,
+                                             Ret->getIterator(), Ctx);
+  Ret->moveBefore(NewI2);
+  Ret->eraseFromParent();
+  EXPECT_THAT(Inserted, testing::IsEmpty());
+  EXPECT_THAT(Removed, testing::IsEmpty());
+  EXPECT_THAT(Moved, testing::IsEmpty());


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