[llvm] [SYCL][LLVM] Adding property set I/O library for SYCL (PR #110771)
Tom Honermann via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Oct 3 13:50:21 PDT 2024
@@ -90,3 +90,180 @@ llvm::Error llvm::decodeBase64(llvm::StringRef Input,
return Error::success();
+using namespace llvm;
+namespace {
+using byte = std::byte;
+::llvm::Error makeError(const Twine &Msg) {
+ return createStringError(std::error_code{}, Msg);
+class Base64Impl {
+ static constexpr char EncodingTable[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+ "0123456789+/";
+ static_assert(sizeof(EncodingTable) == 65, "");
+ // Compose an index into the encoder table from two bytes and the number of
+ // significant bits in the lower byte until the byte boundary.
+ static inline int composeInd(byte ByteLo, byte ByteHi, int BitsLo) {
+ int Res = (int)((ByteHi << BitsLo) | (ByteLo >> (8 - BitsLo))) & 0x3F;
+ return Res;
+ }
+ // Decode a single character.
+ static inline int decode(char Ch) {
+ if (Ch >= 'A' && Ch <= 'Z') // 0..25
+ return Ch - 'A';
+ if (Ch >= 'a' && Ch <= 'z') // 26..51
+ return Ch - 'a' + 26;
+ if (Ch >= '0' && Ch <= '9') // 52..61
+ return Ch - '0' + 52;
+ if (Ch == '+') // 62
+ return 62;
+ if (Ch == '/') // 63
+ return 63;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // Decode a quadruple of characters.
+ static inline Expected<bool> decode4(const char *Src, byte *Dst) {
+ int BadCh = -1;
+ for (auto I = 0; I < 4; ++I) {
+ char Ch = Src[I];
+ int Byte = decode(Ch);
+ if (Byte < 0) {
+ BadCh = Ch;
+ break;
+ }
+ Dst[I] = (byte)Byte;
+ }
+ if (BadCh == -1)
+ return true;
+ return makeError("invalid char in Base64Impl encoding: 0x" + Twine(BadCh));
+ }
+ static size_t getEncodedSize(size_t SrcSize) {
+ constexpr int ByteSizeInBits = 8;
+ constexpr int EncBitsPerChar = 6;
+ return (SrcSize * ByteSizeInBits + (EncBitsPerChar - 1)) / EncBitsPerChar;
+ }
+ static size_t encode(const byte *Src, raw_ostream &Out, size_t SrcSize) {
+ size_t Off = 0;
+ // Encode full byte triples
+ for (size_t TriB = 0; TriB < SrcSize / 3; ++TriB) {
+ Off = TriB * 3;
+ byte Byte0 = Src[Off++];
+ byte Byte1 = Src[Off++];
+ byte Byte2 = Src[Off++];
+ Out << EncodingTable[(int)Byte0 & 0x3F];
+ Out << EncodingTable[composeInd(Byte0, Byte1, 2)];
+ Out << EncodingTable[composeInd(Byte1, Byte2, 4)];
+ Out << EncodingTable[(int)(Byte2 >> 2) & 0x3F];
+ }
+ // Encode the remainder
+ int RemBytes = SrcSize - Off;
+ if (RemBytes > 0) {
+ byte Byte0 = Src[Off + 0];
+ Out << EncodingTable[(int)Byte0 & 0x3F];
+ if (RemBytes > 1) {
+ byte Byte1 = Src[Off + 1];
+ Out << EncodingTable[composeInd(Byte0, Byte1, 2)];
+ Out << EncodingTable[(int)(Byte1 >> 4) & 0x3F];
+ } else {
+ Out << EncodingTable[(int)(Byte0 >> 6) & 0x3F];
+ }
+ }
+ return getEncodedSize(SrcSize);
+ }
+ static size_t getDecodedSize(size_t SrcSize) { return (SrcSize * 3 + 3) / 4; }
+ static Expected<size_t> decode(const char *Src, byte *Dst, size_t SrcSize) {
+ size_t SrcOff = 0;
+ size_t DstOff = 0;
+ // Decode full quads.
+ for (size_t Qch = 0; Qch < SrcSize / 4; ++Qch, SrcOff += 4, DstOff += 3) {
+ byte Ch[4];
+ Expected<bool> TrRes = decode4(Src + SrcOff, Ch);
+ if (!TrRes)
+ return TrRes.takeError();
+ // Each quad of chars produces three bytes of output.
+ Dst[DstOff + 0] = Ch[0] | (Ch[1] << 6);
+ Dst[DstOff + 1] = (Ch[1] >> 2) | (Ch[2] << 4);
+ Dst[DstOff + 2] = (Ch[2] >> 4) | (Ch[3] << 2);
+ }
+ auto RemChars = SrcSize - SrcOff;
+ if (RemChars == 0)
+ return DstOff;
+ // Decode the remainder; variants:
+ // 2 chars remain - produces single byte
+ // 3 chars remain - produces two bytes
+ if (RemChars != 2 && RemChars != 3)
+ return makeError("invalid encoded sequence length");
+ int Ch0 = decode(Src[SrcOff++]);
+ int Ch1 = decode(Src[SrcOff++]);
+ int Ch2 = RemChars == 3 ? decode(Src[SrcOff]) : 0;
+ if (Ch0 < 0 || Ch1 < 0 || Ch2 < 0)
+ return makeError("invalid characters in the encoded sequence remainder");
+ Dst[DstOff++] = (byte)Ch0 | (byte)((Ch1 << 6));
+ if (RemChars == 3)
+ Dst[DstOff++] = (byte)(Ch1 >> 2) | (byte)(Ch2 << 4);
+ return DstOff;
+ }
+ static Expected<std::unique_ptr<byte[]>> decode(const char *Src,
+ size_t SrcSize) {
+ size_t DstSize = getDecodedSize(SrcSize);
+ std::unique_ptr<byte[]> Dst(new byte[DstSize]);
+ Expected<size_t> Res = decode(Src, Dst.get(), SrcSize);
+ if (!Res)
+ return Res.takeError();
+ return Expected<std::unique_ptr<byte[]>>(std::move(Dst));
+ }
tahonermann wrote:
The only functions that should be defined inside the class body are ones that are intended to be inline functions. In this case, these functions aren't even defined in a header file; there is no reason for them to be defined inline.
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