[llvm] [SYCL][LLVM] Adding property set I/O library for SYCL (PR #110771)

Tom Honermann via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Oct 3 13:50:20 PDT 2024

@@ -90,3 +90,180 @@ llvm::Error llvm::decodeBase64(llvm::StringRef Input,
   return Error::success();
+using namespace llvm;
+namespace {
+using byte = std::byte;
+::llvm::Error makeError(const Twine &Msg) {
+  return createStringError(std::error_code{}, Msg);
+class Base64Impl {
+  static constexpr char EncodingTable[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+                                          "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+                                          "0123456789+/";
+  static_assert(sizeof(EncodingTable) == 65, "");
+  // Compose an index into the encoder table from two bytes and the number of
+  // significant bits in the lower byte until the byte boundary.
+  static inline int composeInd(byte ByteLo, byte ByteHi, int BitsLo) {
+    int Res = (int)((ByteHi << BitsLo) | (ByteLo >> (8 - BitsLo))) & 0x3F;
+    return Res;
+  }
+  // Decode a single character.
+  static inline int decode(char Ch) {
+    if (Ch >= 'A' && Ch <= 'Z') // 0..25
+      return Ch - 'A';
+    if (Ch >= 'a' && Ch <= 'z') // 26..51
+      return Ch - 'a' + 26;
+    if (Ch >= '0' && Ch <= '9') // 52..61
+      return Ch - '0' + 52;
+    if (Ch == '+') // 62
+      return 62;
+    if (Ch == '/') // 63
+      return 63;
+    return -1;
+  }
+  // Decode a quadruple of characters.
+  static inline Expected<bool> decode4(const char *Src, byte *Dst) {
+    int BadCh = -1;
+    for (auto I = 0; I < 4; ++I) {
+      char Ch = Src[I];
+      int Byte = decode(Ch);
+      if (Byte < 0) {
+        BadCh = Ch;
+        break;
+      }
+      Dst[I] = (byte)Byte;
+    }
+    if (BadCh == -1)
+      return true;
+    return makeError("invalid char in Base64Impl encoding: 0x" + Twine(BadCh));
+  }
+  static size_t getEncodedSize(size_t SrcSize) {
+    constexpr int ByteSizeInBits = 8;
+    constexpr int EncBitsPerChar = 6;
+    return (SrcSize * ByteSizeInBits + (EncBitsPerChar - 1)) / EncBitsPerChar;
+  }
+  static size_t encode(const byte *Src, raw_ostream &Out, size_t SrcSize) {
+    size_t Off = 0;
+    // Encode full byte triples
+    for (size_t TriB = 0; TriB < SrcSize / 3; ++TriB) {
+      Off = TriB * 3;
+      byte Byte0 = Src[Off++];
+      byte Byte1 = Src[Off++];
+      byte Byte2 = Src[Off++];
+      Out << EncodingTable[(int)Byte0 & 0x3F];
+      Out << EncodingTable[composeInd(Byte0, Byte1, 2)];
+      Out << EncodingTable[composeInd(Byte1, Byte2, 4)];
+      Out << EncodingTable[(int)(Byte2 >> 2) & 0x3F];
+    }
+    // Encode the remainder
+    int RemBytes = SrcSize - Off;
+    if (RemBytes > 0) {
+      byte Byte0 = Src[Off + 0];
+      Out << EncodingTable[(int)Byte0 & 0x3F];
+      if (RemBytes > 1) {
+        byte Byte1 = Src[Off + 1];
+        Out << EncodingTable[composeInd(Byte0, Byte1, 2)];
+        Out << EncodingTable[(int)(Byte1 >> 4) & 0x3F];
+      } else {
+        Out << EncodingTable[(int)(Byte0 >> 6) & 0x3F];
+      }
+    }
+    return getEncodedSize(SrcSize);
+  }
+  static size_t getDecodedSize(size_t SrcSize) { return (SrcSize * 3 + 3) / 4; }
+  static Expected<size_t> decode(const char *Src, byte *Dst, size_t SrcSize) {
+    size_t SrcOff = 0;
+    size_t DstOff = 0;
+    // Decode full quads.
+    for (size_t Qch = 0; Qch < SrcSize / 4; ++Qch, SrcOff += 4, DstOff += 3) {
+      byte Ch[4];
+      Expected<bool> TrRes = decode4(Src + SrcOff, Ch);
+      if (!TrRes)
+        return TrRes.takeError();
+      // Each quad of chars produces three bytes of output.
+      Dst[DstOff + 0] = Ch[0] | (Ch[1] << 6);
+      Dst[DstOff + 1] = (Ch[1] >> 2) | (Ch[2] << 4);
+      Dst[DstOff + 2] = (Ch[2] >> 4) | (Ch[3] << 2);
+    }
+    auto RemChars = SrcSize - SrcOff;
+    if (RemChars == 0)
+      return DstOff;
+    // Decode the remainder; variants:
+    // 2 chars remain - produces single byte
+    // 3 chars remain - produces two bytes
+    if (RemChars != 2 && RemChars != 3)
+      return makeError("invalid encoded sequence length");
+    int Ch0 = decode(Src[SrcOff++]);
+    int Ch1 = decode(Src[SrcOff++]);
+    int Ch2 = RemChars == 3 ? decode(Src[SrcOff]) : 0;
+    if (Ch0 < 0 || Ch1 < 0 || Ch2 < 0)
+      return makeError("invalid characters in the encoded sequence remainder");
+    Dst[DstOff++] = (byte)Ch0 | (byte)((Ch1 << 6));
+    if (RemChars == 3)
+      Dst[DstOff++] = (byte)(Ch1 >> 2) | (byte)(Ch2 << 4);
+    return DstOff;
+  }
+  static Expected<std::unique_ptr<byte[]>> decode(const char *Src,
+                                                  size_t SrcSize) {
+    size_t DstSize = getDecodedSize(SrcSize);
+    std::unique_ptr<byte[]> Dst(new byte[DstSize]);
+    Expected<size_t> Res = decode(Src, Dst.get(), SrcSize);
+    if (!Res)
+      return Res.takeError();
+    return Expected<std::unique_ptr<byte[]>>(std::move(Dst));
+  }
tahonermann wrote:

While there are occasionally use cases for classes that have all static member functions, this doesn't look like one of them. What is the reason for indirecting the functions below through such an implementation class?


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