[flang] [llvm] [mlir] [llvm][mlir][flang][OpenMP] Emit __atomic_load and __atomic_compare_exchange libcalls for complex types in atomic update (PR #92364)

LLVM Continuous Integration via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Oct 3 01:10:43 PDT 2024

llvm-ci wrote:

LLVM Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder `clang-aarch64-sve-vls-2stage` running on `linaro-g3-02` while building `flang,llvm,mlir` at step 12 "ninja check 2".

Full details are available at: https://lab.llvm.org/buildbot/#/builders/4/builds/2603

<summary>Here is the relevant piece of the build log for the reference</summary>

Step 12 (ninja check 2) failure: stage 2 checked (failure)
******************** TEST 'Flang :: Integration/OpenMP/atomic-capture-complex.f90' FAILED ********************
Exit Code: 1

Command Output (stderr):
RUN: at line 9: /home/tcwg-buildbot/worker/clang-aarch64-sve-vls-2stage/stage2/bin/flang-new -fc1 -emit-llvm -fopenmp /home/tcwg-buildbot/worker/clang-aarch64-sve-vls-2stage/llvm/flang/test/Integration/OpenMP/atomic-capture-complex.f90 -o - | /home/tcwg-buildbot/worker/clang-aarch64-sve-vls-2stage/stage2/bin/FileCheck /home/tcwg-buildbot/worker/clang-aarch64-sve-vls-2stage/llvm/flang/test/Integration/OpenMP/atomic-capture-complex.f90
+ /home/tcwg-buildbot/worker/clang-aarch64-sve-vls-2stage/stage2/bin/flang-new -fc1 -emit-llvm -fopenmp /home/tcwg-buildbot/worker/clang-aarch64-sve-vls-2stage/llvm/flang/test/Integration/OpenMP/atomic-capture-complex.f90 -o -
+ /home/tcwg-buildbot/worker/clang-aarch64-sve-vls-2stage/stage2/bin/FileCheck /home/tcwg-buildbot/worker/clang-aarch64-sve-vls-2stage/llvm/flang/test/Integration/OpenMP/atomic-capture-complex.f90
/home/tcwg-buildbot/worker/clang-aarch64-sve-vls-2stage/llvm/flang/test/Integration/OpenMP/atomic-capture-complex.f90:38:9: error: CHECK: expected string not found in input
!CHECK: store { float, float } %[[VAL_10]], ptr %[[VAL_1]], align 4
<stdin>:32:13: note: scanning from here
.atomic.exit: ; preds = %.atomic.cont
<stdin>:32:13: note: with "VAL_10" equal to "10"
.atomic.exit: ; preds = %.atomic.cont
<stdin>:32:13: note: with "VAL_1" equal to "1"
.atomic.exit: ; preds = %.atomic.cont
<stdin>:34:2: note: possible intended match here
 store { float, float } %.lcssa, ptr %1, align 4

Input file: <stdin>
Check file: /home/tcwg-buildbot/worker/clang-aarch64-sve-vls-2stage/llvm/flang/test/Integration/OpenMP/atomic-capture-complex.f90

-dump-input=help explains the following input dump.

Input was:
           27:  store { float, float } %10, ptr %x.new.val, align 4 
           28:  %11 = call i1 @__atomic_compare_exchange(i64 8, ptr %2, ptr %atomic.temp.load, ptr %x.new.val, i32 2, i32 2) 
           29:  %12 = load { float, float }, ptr %atomic.temp.load, align 4 
           30:  br i1 %11, label %.atomic.exit, label %.atomic.cont 
           32: .atomic.exit: ; preds = %.atomic.cont 
check:38'0                 X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ error: no match found
check:38'1                                            with "VAL_10" equal to "10"
check:38'2                                            with "VAL_1" equal to "1"
           33:  %.lcssa = phi { float, float } [ %10, %.atomic.cont ] 
check:38'0     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
           34:  store { float, float } %.lcssa, ptr %1, align 4 
check:38'0     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
check:38'3      ?                                                possible intended match
           35:  ret void 
check:38'0     ~~~~~~~~~~




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