[llvm] [BOLT] Profile quality stats -- CFG discontinuity (PR #109683)

Maksim Panchenko via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Oct 1 18:23:27 PDT 2024

@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+//===- bolt/Passes/ContinuityStats.cpp - function cfg continuity analysis ---*-
+// C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// Conduct function CFG continuity analysis.
+#include "bolt/Passes/ContinuityStats.h"
+#include "bolt/Core/BinaryBasicBlock.h"
+#include "bolt/Core/BinaryFunction.h"
+#include "bolt/Utils/CommandLineOpts.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
+#include <queue>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#define DEBUG_TYPE "bolt-opts"
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace bolt;
+namespace opts {
+extern cl::opt<unsigned> Verbosity;
+    NumTopFunctions("num-top-functions",
+                    cl::desc("number of hottest functions to print aggregated "
+                             "CFG discontinuity stats of."),
+                    cl::init(1000), cl::ZeroOrMore, cl::Hidden,
+                    cl::cat(BoltOptCategory));
+    PrintBucketedStats("print-bucketed-stats",
+                       cl::desc("print CFG discontinuity stats for the top "
+                                "functions divided into buckets "
+                                "based on their execution counts."),
+                       cl::Hidden, cl::cat(BoltCategory));
+    NumFunctionsPerBucket("num-functions-per-bucket",
+                          cl::desc("maximum number of functions per bucket."),
+                          cl::init(500), cl::ZeroOrMore, cl::Hidden,
+                          cl::cat(BoltOptCategory));
+    MinNumFunctions("min-num-functions",
+                    cl::desc("minimum number of hot functions in the binary to "
+                             "trigger profile CFG continuity check."),
+                    cl::init(5), cl::ZeroOrMore, cl::Hidden,
+                    cl::cat(BoltOptCategory));
+} // namespace opts
+namespace {
+using FunctionListType = std::vector<const BinaryFunction *>;
+using function_iterator = FunctionListType::iterator;
+template <typename T>
+void printDistribution(raw_ostream &OS, std::vector<T> &values,
+                       bool Fraction = false) {
+  if (values.empty())
+    return;
+  // Sort values from largest to smallest and print the MAX, TOP 1%, 5%, 10%,
+  // 20%, 50%, 80%, MIN. If Fraction is true, then values are printed as
+  // fractions instead of integers.
+  std::sort(values.begin(), values.end());
+  auto printLine = [&](std::string Text, double Percent) {
+    int Rank = int(values.size() * (1.0 - Percent / 100));
+    if (Percent == 0)
+      Rank = values.size() - 1;
+    if (Fraction)
+      OS << "  " << Text << std::string(9 - Text.length(), ' ') << ": "
+         << format("%.2lf%%", values[Rank] * 100) << "\n";
+    else
+      OS << "  " << Text << std::string(9 - Text.length(), ' ') << ": "
+         << values[Rank] << "\n";
+  };
+  printLine("MAX", 0);
+  int percentages[] = {1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 80};
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(percentages) / sizeof(percentages[0]); ++i) {
+    printLine("TOP " + std::to_string(percentages[i]) + "%", percentages[i]);
+  }
+  printLine("MIN", 100);
+void printCFGContinuityStats(raw_ostream &OS,
+                             iterator_range<function_iterator> &Functions,
+                             bool Verbose = false) {
+  // Given a perfect profile, every positive-execution-count BB should be
+  // connected to an entry of the function through a positive-execution-count
+  // directed path in the control flow graph.
+  std::vector<size_t> NumUnreachables;
+  std::vector<size_t> SumECUnreachables;
+  std::vector<double> FractionECUnreachables;
+  for (auto it = Functions.begin(); it != Functions.end(); ++it) {
+    const BinaryFunction *Function = *it;
+    if (Function->size() <= 1)
+      continue;
+    // Compute the sum of all BB execution counts (ECs).
+    size_t NumPosECBBs = 0;
+    size_t SumAllBBEC = 0;
+    for (const BinaryBasicBlock &BB : *Function) {
+      size_t BBEC = BB.getKnownExecutionCount();
+      NumPosECBBs += BBEC > 0 ? 1 : 0;
+      SumAllBBEC += BBEC;
+    }
+    // Perform BFS on subgraph of CFG induced by positive weight edges.
+    // Compute the number of BBs reachable from the entry(s) of the function and
+    // the sum of their execution counts (ECs).
+    std::unordered_map<unsigned, const BinaryBasicBlock *> IndexToBB;
+    std::unordered_set<unsigned> Visited;
+    std::queue<unsigned> Queue;
+    for (const BinaryBasicBlock &BB : *Function) {
+      // Make sure BB.getIndex() is not already in IndexToBB.
+      assert(IndexToBB.find(BB.getIndex()) == IndexToBB.end());
+      IndexToBB[BB.getIndex()] = &BB;
+      if (BB.isEntryPoint() && BB.getKnownExecutionCount() > 0) {
+        Queue.push(BB.getIndex());
+        Visited.insert(BB.getIndex());
+      }
+    }
+    while (!Queue.empty()) {
+      unsigned BBIndex = Queue.front();
+      const BinaryBasicBlock *BB = IndexToBB[BBIndex];
+      Queue.pop();
+      auto SuccBIIter = BB->branch_info_begin();
+      for (BinaryBasicBlock *Succ : BB->successors()) {
+        uint64_t Count = SuccBIIter->Count;
+        if (Count == BinaryBasicBlock::COUNT_NO_PROFILE || Count == 0) {
+          ++SuccBIIter;
+          continue;
+        }
+        if (!Visited.insert(Succ->getIndex()).second) {
+          ++SuccBIIter;
+          continue;
+        }
+        Queue.push(Succ->getIndex());
+        ++SuccBIIter;
+      }
+    }
+    size_t NumReachableBBs = Visited.size();
+    // Loop through Visited, and sum the corresponding BBs' execution counts
+    // (ECs).
+    size_t SumReachableBBEC = 0;
+    for (unsigned BBIndex : Visited) {
+      const BinaryBasicBlock *BB = IndexToBB[BBIndex];
+      SumReachableBBEC += BB->getKnownExecutionCount();
+    }
+    size_t NumPosECBBsUnreachableFromEntry = NumPosECBBs - NumReachableBBs;
+    size_t SumUnreachableBBEC = SumAllBBEC - SumReachableBBEC;
+    double FractionECUnreachable = (double)SumUnreachableBBEC / SumAllBBEC;
+    if (opts::Verbosity >= 2 && FractionECUnreachable > 0.1 &&
+        SumUnreachableBBEC > 50) {
+      OS << "Non-trivial CFG discontinuity observed in function "
+         << Function->getPrintName() << "\n";
+      LLVM_DEBUG(Function->dump());
+    }
+    NumUnreachables.push_back(NumPosECBBsUnreachableFromEntry);
+    SumECUnreachables.push_back(SumUnreachableBBEC);
+    FractionECUnreachables.push_back(FractionECUnreachable);
+  }
+  if (!Verbose) {
+    if (FractionECUnreachables.empty()) {
+      OS << "no functions have more than 1 basic block and hence no CFG "
+            "discontinuity.\n";
+      return;
+    }
+    std::sort(FractionECUnreachables.begin(), FractionECUnreachables.end());
+    int Rank = int(FractionECUnreachables.size() * 0.95);
+    OS << format("the TOP 5%% function CFG discontinuity is %.2lf%%",
maksfb wrote:

Is there a reason to capitalize "TOP" here?


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