[llvm] [RISCV][GISEL] Legalize and post-legalize lower G_INSERT_SUBVECTOR (PR #108859)

Thorsten Schütt via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Sep 17 13:38:17 PDT 2024

@@ -41,6 +41,184 @@ namespace {
 #include "RISCVGenPostLegalizeGILowering.inc"
+static LLT getLMUL1Ty(LLT VecTy) {
+  assert(VecTy.getElementType().getSizeInBits() <= 64 &&
+         "Unexpected vector LLT");
+  return LLT::scalable_vector(RISCV::RVVBitsPerBlock /
+                                  VecTy.getElementType().getSizeInBits(),
+                              VecTy.getElementType());
+/// Return the type of the mask type suitable for masking the provided
+/// vector type.  This is simply an i1 element type vector of the same
+/// (possibly scalable) length.
+static LLT getMaskTypeFor(LLT VecTy) {
+  assert(VecTy.isVector());
+  ElementCount EC = VecTy.getElementCount();
+  return LLT::vector(EC, LLT::scalar(1));
+/// Creates an all ones mask suitable for masking a vector of type VecTy with
+/// vector length VL.
+static MachineInstrBuilder buildAllOnesMask(LLT VecTy, const SrcOp &VL,
+                                            MachineIRBuilder &MIB,
+                                            MachineRegisterInfo &MRI) {
+  LLT MaskTy = getMaskTypeFor(VecTy);
+  return MIB.buildInstr(RISCV::G_VMSET_VL, {MaskTy}, {VL});
+/// Gets the two common "VL" operands: an all-ones mask and the vector length.
+/// VecTy is a scalable vector type.
+static std::pair<MachineInstrBuilder, Register>
+buildDefaultVLOps(const DstOp &Dst, MachineIRBuilder &MIB,
+                  MachineRegisterInfo &MRI) {
+  LLT VecTy = Dst.getLLTTy(MRI);
+  assert(VecTy.isScalableVector() && "Expecting scalable container type");
+  Register VL(RISCV::X0);
+  MachineInstrBuilder Mask = buildAllOnesMask(VecTy, VL, MIB, MRI);
+  return {Mask, VL};
+/// Lowers G_INSERT_SUBVECTOR. We know we can lower it here since the legalizer
+/// marked it as legal.
+void lowerInsertSubvector(MachineInstr &MI, const RISCVSubtarget &STI) {
+  GInsertSubvector &IS = cast<GInsertSubvector>(MI);
+  MachineIRBuilder MIB(MI);
+  MachineRegisterInfo &MRI = *MIB.getMRI();
+  Register Dst = IS.getReg(0);
+  Register Src1 = IS.getBigVec();
+  Register Src2 = IS.getSubVec();
+  uint64_t Idx = IS.getIndexImm();
+  LLT BigTy = MRI.getType(Src1);
+  LLT LitTy = MRI.getType(Src2);
+  Register BigVec = Src1;
+  Register LitVec = Src2;
+  // We don't have the ability to slide mask vectors up indexed by their i1
+  // elements; the smallest we can do is i8. Often we are able to bitcast to
+  // equivalent i8 vectors. Otherwise, we can must zeroextend to equivalent i8
+  // vectors and truncate down after the insert.
+  if (LitTy.getElementType() == LLT::scalar(1) &&
+      (Idx != 0 ||
+       MRI.getVRegDef(BigVec)->getOpcode() != TargetOpcode::G_IMPLICIT_DEF)) {
+    auto BigTyMinElts = BigTy.getElementCount().getKnownMinValue();
+    auto LitTyMinElts = LitTy.getElementCount().getKnownMinValue();
+    if (BigTyMinElts >= 8 && LitTyMinElts >= 8) {
+      assert(Idx % 8 == 0 && "Invalid index");
+      assert(BigTyMinElts % 8 == 0 && LitTyMinElts % 8 == 0 &&
+             "Unexpected mask vector lowering");
+      Idx /= 8;
+      BigTy = LLT::vector(BigTy.getElementCount().divideCoefficientBy(8), 8);
+      LitTy = LLT::vector(LitTy.getElementCount().divideCoefficientBy(8), 8);
+      BigVec = MIB.buildBitcast(BigTy, BigVec).getReg(0);
+      LitVec = MIB.buildBitcast(LitTy, LitVec).getReg(0);
+    } else {
+      // We can't slide this mask vector up indexed by its i1 elements.
+      // This poses a problem when we wish to insert a scalable vector which
+      // can't be re-expressed as a larger type. Just choose the slow path and
+      // extend to a larger type, then truncate back down.
+      LLT ExtBigTy = BigTy.changeElementType(LLT::scalar(8));
+      LLT ExtLitTy = LitTy.changeElementType(LLT::scalar(8));
+      auto BigZExt = MIB.buildZExt(ExtBigTy, BigVec);
+      auto LitZExt = MIB.buildZExt(ExtLitTy, LitVec);
+      auto Insert = MIB.buildInsertSubvector(ExtBigTy, BigZExt, LitZExt, Idx);
+      auto SplatZero = MIB.buildSplatVector(
+          ExtBigTy, MIB.buildConstant(ExtBigTy.getElementType(), 0));
+      MIB.buildICmp(CmpInst::Predicate::ICMP_NE, Dst, Insert, SplatZero);
+      MI.eraseFromParent();
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  const RISCVRegisterInfo *TRI = STI.getRegisterInfo();
+  MVT LitTyMVT = getMVTForLLT(LitTy);
+  unsigned SubRegIdx, RemIdx;
+  std::tie(SubRegIdx, RemIdx) =
+      RISCVTargetLowering::decomposeSubvectorInsertExtractToSubRegs(
+          getMVTForLLT(BigTy), LitTyMVT, Idx, TRI);
+  RISCVII::VLMUL SubVecLMUL = RISCVTargetLowering::getLMUL(getMVTForLLT(LitTy));
+  bool IsSubVecPartReg = !RISCVVType::decodeVLMUL(SubVecLMUL).second;
+  // If the Idx has been completely eliminated and this subvector's size is a
+  // vector register or a multiple thereof, or the surrounding elements are
+  // undef, then this is a subvector insert which naturally aligns to a vector
+  // register. These can easily be handled using subregister manipulation.
+  if (RemIdx == 0 && (!IsSubVecPartReg || MRI.getVRegDef(Src1)->getOpcode() ==
+                                              TargetOpcode::G_IMPLICIT_DEF))
+    return;
+  // If the subvector is smaller than a vector register, then the insertion
+  // must preserve the undisturbed elements of the register. We do this by
+  // lowering to an EXTRACT_SUBVECTOR grabbing the nearest LMUL=1 vector type
+  // (which resolves to a subregister copy), performing a VSLIDEUP to place the
+  // subvector within the vector register, and an INSERT_SUBVECTOR of that
+  // LMUL=1 type back into the larger vector (resolving to another subregister
+  // operation). See below for how our VSLIDEUP works. We go via a LMUL=1 type
+  // to avoid allocating a large register group to hold our subvector.
+  // VSLIDEUP works by leaving elements 0<i<OFFSET undisturbed, elements
+  // OFFSET<=i<VL set to the "subvector" and vl<=i<VLMAX set to the tail policy
+  // (in our case undisturbed). This means we can set up a subvector insertion
+  // where OFFSET is the insertion offset, and the VL is the OFFSET plus the
+  // size of the subvector.
+  const LLT XLenTy(STI.getXLenVT());
+  LLT InterLitTy = BigTy;
+  Register AlignedExtract = Src1;
+  unsigned AlignedIdx = Idx - RemIdx;
+  if (TypeSize::isKnownGT(BigTy.getSizeInBits(),
+                          getLMUL1Ty(BigTy).getSizeInBits())) {
+    InterLitTy = getLMUL1Ty(BigTy);
+    // Extract a subvector equal to the nearest full vector register type. This
+    // should resolve to a G_EXTRACT on a subreg.
+    AlignedExtract =
+        MIB.buildExtractSubvector(InterLitTy, BigVec, AlignedIdx).getReg(0);
tschuett wrote:

The odd thing about this pass is that the combines are free-standing functions. For the normal combiner, they are member functions and we get access to LegalizerInfo.


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