[llvm] [offload] Fix link issues when LLVM_LINK_LLVM_DYLIB on (PR #106583)

Joseph Huber via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sat Aug 31 05:51:44 PDT 2024

jhuber6 wrote:

> > Can we fix that then?
> At least in the case of PluginCommon, there's [this comment](https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/fab925651685505906416dca48469fd9f69ba39a/offload/plugins-nextgen/common/CMakeLists.txt#L1-L2):
> ```
> # NOTE: Don't try to build `PluginInterface` using `add_llvm_library` because we
> # don't want to export `PluginInterface` while `add_llvm_library` requires that.
> ```

I don't think this matters since it's a static library now.


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