[llvm] [AArch64] Add @llvm.experimental.vector.match (PR #101974)
David Sherwood via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Aug 27 07:14:23 PDT 2024
@@ -19637,6 +19637,51 @@ are undefined.
+'``llvm.experimental.vector.match.*``' Intrinsic
+This is an overloaded intrinsic. Support for specific vector types is target
+ declare <<n> x i1> @llvm.experimental.vector.match(<<n> x <ty>> %op1, <<n> x <ty>> %op2, <<n> x i1> %mask, i32 <segsize>)
+ declare <vscale x <n> x i1> @llvm.experimental.vector.match(<vscale x <n> x <ty>> %op1, <vscale x <n> x <ty>> %op2, <vscale x <n> x i1> %mask, i32 <segsize>)
+Find elements of the first argument matching any elements of the second.
+The first argument is the search vector, the second argument is the vector of
+elements we are searching for (i.e. for which we consider a match successful),
+and the third argument is a mask that controls which elements of the first
+argument are active. The fourth argument is an immediate that sets the segment
+size for the search window.
+The '``llvm.experimental.vector.match``' intrinsic compares each element in the
+first argument against potentially several elements of the second, placing
+``1`` in the corresponding element of the output vector if any comparison is
+successful, and ``0`` otherwise. Inactive elements in the mask are set to ``0``
+in the output. The segment size controls the number of elements of the second
+argument that are compared against.
+For example, for vectors with 16 elements, if ``segsize = 16`` then each
+element of the first argument is compared against all 16 elements of the second
+argument; but if ``segsize = 4``, then each of the first four elements of the
+first argument is compared against the first four elements of the second
+argument, each of the second four elements of the first argument is compared
+against the second four elements of the second argument, and so forth.
david-arm wrote:
Is there a requirement that is an immediate value? If so, it might be worth documenting that, since it has an impact on scalable vectors where we don't know the total number of elements. For example, what's the expected behaviour if segsize > number of elements?
Alternatively, perhaps could take a value of -1 to indicate all elements should be searched?
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