[lld] [lld][WebAssembly] Fix relocation of Wasm table index with GOT access (PR #104043)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Aug 15 01:20:16 PDT 2024

llvmbot wrote:



Author: Luc Blaeser (luc-blaeser)


Fix `wasm-ld` to handle the relocation of table indices for __shared functions__ in the __code segment__. The table element was not created for the corresponding table index. Moreover, `GOT.func` was missing for the corresponding function.

Full diff: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/104043.diff

4 Files Affected:

- (added) lld/test/wasm/call-indirect-external.s (+27) 
- (added) lld/test/wasm/shared-call-indirect.s (+126) 
- (added) lld/test/wasm/shared-call-indirect64.s (+131) 
- (modified) lld/wasm/Relocations.cpp (+26-3) 

diff --git a/lld/test/wasm/call-indirect-external.s b/lld/test/wasm/call-indirect-external.s
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..e226b891442485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lld/test/wasm/call-indirect-external.s
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=wasm32-unknown-unknown -o %t.o %s
+# RUN: not wasm-ld --experimental-pic -shared %t.o -o /dev/null 2>&1 | \
+# RUN:   FileCheck -check-prefix=ERRUND %s
+# ERRUND: error: {{.*}}.o: relocation R_WASM_TABLE_INDEX_REL_SLEB cannot be used against an undefined symbol `external_func`
+# RUN: not wasm-ld --experimental-pic -shared %t.o -o /dev/null  --unresolved-symbols=report-all 2>&1 | \
+# RUN:   FileCheck -check-prefix=ERRUND %s
+# RUN: not wasm-ld --experimental-pic -shared %t.o -o /dev/null  --warn-unresolved-symbols 2>&1 | \
+# RUN:   FileCheck -check-prefix=ERRUND %s
+# RUN: not wasm-ld --experimental-pic -shared %t.o -o /dev/null  --unresolved-symbols=ignore-all 2>&1 | \
+# RUN:   FileCheck -check-prefix=ERRUND %s
+.globaltype	__table_base, i32, immutable
+.functype external_func () -> ()
+.globl _start
+    .functype _start () -> ()
+    global.get  __table_base
+    i32.const external_func at TBREL
+    i32.add
+    call_indirect () -> ()
+    end_function
diff --git a/lld/test/wasm/shared-call-indirect.s b/lld/test/wasm/shared-call-indirect.s
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..d805670b8513c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lld/test/wasm/shared-call-indirect.s
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=wasm32-unknown-unknown -o %t.o %s
+# RUN: wasm-ld --experimental-pic -shared -o %t.wasm %t.o
+# RUN: obj2yaml %t.wasm | FileCheck %s
+# RUN: llvm-objdump --disassemble-symbols=test_indirect_local_func_call,test_indirect_shared_func_call --no-show-raw-insn --no-leading-addr %t.wasm | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes DIS
+.globaltype	__table_base, i32, immutable
+    .functype test_indirect_local_func_call () -> ()
+    global.get  __table_base
+    i32.const local_func at TBREL
+    i32.add
+    call_indirect () -> ()
+    end_function
+# Test table index relocation in code section for shared functions
+    .functype test_indirect_shared_func_call () -> ()
+    i64.const 12345
+    global.get  __table_base
+    i32.const shared_func at TBREL
+    i32.add
+    call_indirect (i64) -> (i32)
+    drop
+    end_function
+    .functype local_func () -> ()
+    end_function
+.globl shared_func
+    .functype shared_func (i64) -> (i32)
+    local.get 0
+    i32.wrap_i64
+    end_function
+.globl _start
+    .functype _start () -> ()
+    call test_indirect_local_func_call
+    call test_indirect_shared_func_call
+    end_function
+# CHECK:      Sections:
+# CHECK-NEXT:   - Type:            CUSTOM
+# CHECK-NEXT:     Name:            dylink.0
+# CHECK-NEXT:     MemorySize:      0
+# CHECK-NEXT:     MemoryAlignment: 0
+# CHECK-NEXT:     TableSize:       2
+# CHECK-NEXT:     TableAlignment:  0
+# CHECK-NEXT:     Needed:          []
+# CHECK-NEXT:   - Type:            TYPE
+# CHECK:        - Type:            IMPORT
+# CHECK-NEXT:     Imports:
+# CHECK-NEXT:      - Module:          env
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Field:           memory
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Kind:            MEMORY
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Memory:
+# CHECK-NEXT:          Minimum:         0x0
+# CHECK-NEXT:      - Module:          env
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Field:           __indirect_function_table
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Kind:            TABLE
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Table:
+# CHECK-NEXT:          Index:           0
+# CHECK-NEXT:          ElemType:        FUNCREF
+# CHECK-NEXT:          Limits:
+# CHECK-NEXT:            Minimum:         0x2
+# CHECK-NEXT:      - Module:          env
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Field:           __memory_base
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Kind:            GLOBAL
+# CHECK-NEXT:        GlobalType:      I32
+# CHECK-NEXT:        GlobalMutable:   false
+# CHECK-NEXT:      - Module:          env
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Field:           __table_base
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Kind:            GLOBAL
+# CHECK-NEXT:        GlobalType:      I32
+# CHECK-NEXT:        GlobalMutable:   false
+# CHECK-NEXT:      - Module:          GOT.func
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Field:           shared_func
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Kind:            GLOBAL
+# CHECK-NEXT:        GlobalType:      I32
+# CHECK-NEXT:        GlobalMutable:   true
+# CHECK-NEXT:  - Type:            FUNCTION
+# CHECK-NEXT:    FunctionTypes:   [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
+# CHECK-NEXT:  - Type:            EXPORT
+# CHECK-NEXT:    Exports:
+# CHECK-NEXT:      - Name:            __wasm_call_ctors
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Kind:            FUNCTION
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Index:           0
+# CHECK-NEXT:      - Name:            __wasm_apply_data_relocs
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Kind:            FUNCTION
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Index:           1
+# CHECK-NEXT:      - Name:            shared_func
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Kind:            FUNCTION
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Index:           5
+# CHECK-NEXT:      - Name:            _start
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Kind:            FUNCTION
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Index:           6
+# CHECK-NEXT:  - Type:            ELEM
+# CHECK-NEXT:    Segments:
+# CHECK-NEXT:      - Offset:
+# CHECK-NEXT:          Opcode:          GLOBAL_GET
+# CHECK-NEXT:          Index:           1
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Functions:       [ 3, 5 ]
+# DIS: <test_indirect_local_func_call>:
+# DIS-NEXT:               	global.get	1
+# DIS-NEXT:               	i32.const	0
+# DIS-NEXT:               	i32.add 
+# DIS-NEXT:               	call_indirect	 0
+# DIS-NEXT:               	end
+# DIS: <test_indirect_shared_func_call>:
+# DIS-NEXT:               	i64.const	12345
+# DIS-NEXT:               	global.get	1
+# DIS-NEXT:               	i32.const	1
+# DIS-NEXT:               	i32.add 
+# DIS-NEXT:               	call_indirect	 1
+# DIS-NEXT:               	drop
+# DIS-NEXT:               	end
diff --git a/lld/test/wasm/shared-call-indirect64.s b/lld/test/wasm/shared-call-indirect64.s
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..a4c27a8ddf1970
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lld/test/wasm/shared-call-indirect64.s
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=wasm64-unknown-unknown -o %t.o %s
+# RUN: wasm-ld -mwasm64 --experimental-pic -shared -o %t.wasm %t.o
+# RUN: obj2yaml %t.wasm | FileCheck %s
+# RUN: llvm-objdump --disassemble-symbols=test_indirect_local_func_call,test_indirect_shared_func_call --no-show-raw-insn --no-leading-addr %t.wasm | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes DIS
+.globaltype	__table_base, i64, immutable
+    .functype test_indirect_local_func_call () -> ()
+    global.get  __table_base
+    i64.const local_func at TBREL
+    i64.add
+    i32.wrap_i64 # Remove when table64 is supported
+    call_indirect () -> ()
+    end_function
+# Test table index relocation in code section for shared functions
+    .functype test_indirect_shared_func_call () -> ()
+    i32.const 12345
+    global.get  __table_base
+    i64.const shared_func at TBREL
+    i64.add
+    i32.wrap_i64 # Remove when table64 is supported
+    call_indirect (i32) -> (i32)
+    drop
+    end_function
+    .functype local_func () -> ()
+    end_function
+.globl shared_func
+    .functype shared_func (i32) -> (i32)
+    local.get 0
+    end_function
+.globl _start
+    .functype _start () -> ()
+    call test_indirect_local_func_call
+    call test_indirect_shared_func_call
+    end_function
+# CHECK:      Sections:
+# CHECK-NEXT:  - Type:            CUSTOM
+# CHECK-NEXT:    Name:            dylink.0
+# CHECK-NEXT:    MemorySize:      0
+# CHECK-NEXT:    MemoryAlignment: 0
+# CHECK-NEXT:    TableSize:       2
+# CHECK-NEXT:    TableAlignment:  0
+# CHECK-NEXT:    Needed:          []
+# CHECK-NEXT:  - Type:            TYPE
+# CHECK:  - Type:            IMPORT
+# CHECK-NEXT:    Imports:
+# CHECK-NEXT:      - Module:          env
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Field:           memory
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Kind:            MEMORY
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Memory:
+# CHECK-NEXT:          Flags:           [ IS_64 ]
+# CHECK-NEXT:          Minimum:         0x0
+# CHECK-NEXT:      - Module:          env
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Field:           __indirect_function_table
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Kind:            TABLE
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Table:
+# CHECK-NEXT:          Index:           0
+# CHECK-NEXT:          ElemType:        FUNCREF
+# CHECK-NEXT:          Limits:
+# CHECK-NEXT:            Flags:           [ IS_64 ]
+# CHECK-NEXT:            Minimum:         0x2
+# CHECK-NEXT:      - Module:          env
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Field:           __memory_base
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Kind:            GLOBAL
+# CHECK-NEXT:        GlobalType:      I64
+# CHECK-NEXT:        GlobalMutable:   false
+# CHECK-NEXT:      - Module:          env
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Field:           __table_base
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Kind:            GLOBAL
+# CHECK-NEXT:        GlobalType:      I64
+# CHECK-NEXT:        GlobalMutable:   false
+# CHECK-NEXT:      - Module:          GOT.func
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Field:           shared_func
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Kind:            GLOBAL
+# CHECK-NEXT:        GlobalType:      I64
+# CHECK-NEXT:        GlobalMutable:   true
+# CHECK-NEXT:  - Type:            FUNCTION
+# CHECK-NEXT:    FunctionTypes:   [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
+# CHECK-NEXT:  - Type:            EXPORT
+# CHECK-NEXT:    Exports:
+# CHECK-NEXT:      - Name:            __wasm_call_ctors
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Kind:            FUNCTION
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Index:           0
+# CHECK-NEXT:      - Name:            __wasm_apply_data_relocs
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Kind:            FUNCTION
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Index:           1
+# CHECK-NEXT:      - Name:            shared_func
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Kind:            FUNCTION
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Index:           5
+# CHECK-NEXT:      - Name:            _start
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Kind:            FUNCTION
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Index:           6
+# CHECK-NEXT:  - Type:            ELEM
+# CHECK-NEXT:    Segments:
+# CHECK-NEXT:      - Offset:
+# CHECK-NEXT:          Opcode:          GLOBAL_GET
+# CHECK-NEXT:          Index:           1
+# CHECK-NEXT:        Functions:       [ 3, 5 ]
+# DIS: <test_indirect_local_func_call>:
+# DIS-NEXT:               	global.get	1
+# DIS-NEXT:               	i64.const	0
+# DIS-NEXT:               	i64.add 
+# DIS-NEXT:               	i32.wrap_i64 
+# DIS-NEXT:               	call_indirect	 0
+# DIS-NEXT:               	end
+# DIS: <test_indirect_shared_func_call>:
+# DIS-NEXT:               	i32.const	12345
+# DIS-NEXT:               	global.get	1
+# DIS-NEXT:               	i64.const	1
+# DIS-NEXT:               	i64.add 
+# DIS-NEXT:               	i32.wrap_i64 
+# DIS-NEXT:               	call_indirect	 1
+# DIS-NEXT:               	drop
+# DIS-NEXT:               	end
diff --git a/lld/wasm/Relocations.cpp b/lld/wasm/Relocations.cpp
index 6f33a4f28a9d09..bb9c53954d589d 100644
--- a/lld/wasm/Relocations.cpp
+++ b/lld/wasm/Relocations.cpp
@@ -102,13 +102,27 @@ void scanRelocations(InputChunk *chunk) {
     switch (reloc.Type) {
     case R_WASM_TABLE_INDEX_I32:
     case R_WASM_TABLE_INDEX_I64:
+      // These relocations target the data section and are handled
+      // by `generateRelocationCode`. GOT accesses are handled below.
+      if (requiresGOTAccess(sym))
+        break;
+      out.elemSec->addEntry(cast<FunctionSymbol>(sym));
+      break;
-      if (requiresGOTAccess(sym))
-        break;
-      out.elemSec->addEntry(cast<FunctionSymbol>(sym));
+      // These relocations target the code section and can only be resolved
+      // at linking time.
+      if (requiresGOTAccess(sym)) {
+        addGOTEntry(sym);
+      }
+      // The indirect call needs a table element that can only be added
+      // for defined functions.
+      if (sym->isDefined()) {
+        out.elemSec->addEntry(cast<FunctionSymbol>(sym));
+      }
+      // Unresolved symbols are handled below.
     case R_WASM_GLOBAL_INDEX_I32:
@@ -160,6 +174,15 @@ void scanRelocations(InputChunk *chunk) {
               " cannot be used against symbol `" + toString(*sym) +
               "`; recompile with -fPIC");
+        if (sym->isUndefined()) {
+          error(toString(file) + ": relocation " +
+                relocTypeToString(reloc.Type) +
+                " cannot be used against an undefined symbol `" +
+                toString(*sym) + "`");
+        }
+        break;
       case R_WASM_TABLE_INDEX_I32:
       case R_WASM_TABLE_INDEX_I64:
       case R_WASM_MEMORY_ADDR_I32:




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