[clang] [llvm] [Clang] Protect ObjCMethodList assignment operator against self-assignment (PR #97933)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Aug 6 14:09:38 PDT 2024

smanna12 wrote:

> I'm sorry, @smanna12, I misread the code earlier and misled you. That `PunnedPointer` assignment operator I directed you too isn't a copy assignment operator (it takes a `intptr_t`, not a reference or value of `PunnedPointer`). Changing that assignment operator won't affect this issue since it isn't used by the (compiler generated) copy assignment operators of `PointerIntPair` and `ObjCMethodList`.
> In practice, I think the existing code is fine as is. From the perspective of the C++ standard, I'm genuinely unsure whether there is an issue or not. Consider the following example. https://godbolt.org/z/WsYsYr6ob.
> ```
> struct X {
>   char d[257];
> };
> X& f(X &x) {
>   x = x;
>   return x;
> }
> ```
> Under optimization, all four compilers (presumably) recognize the self assignment and optimize away the copy of `x.d`. Without optimization, Clang implements the copy via a call to `memcpy()`, MSVC emits a `rep movsb` instruction, and gcc and icc both omit the copy. According to the C++ standard (via deference to the C standard), `memcpy()` requires non-overlapping source and destination regions. The use of `memcpy()` by Clang therefore results in undefined behavior unless the implementation of `memcpy()` that is called handles overlapping memory (which it likely does in this case).
> The C++ standard does not state whether the compiler generated copy assignment operator is required to handle self assignment for data members of array type. All it says is ([[class.copy.assign]p(12.2)](http://eel.is/c++draft/class.copy.assign#12.2):
> > if the subobject is an array, each element is assigned, in the manner appropriate to the element type;
> I think we should triage the static analysis issue as a false positive and abandon this PR for now. I'll follow up with the WG21 core working group to see if there is a core issue here.

Thanks @tahonermann for detailed explanation. 


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