[llvm] [llvm] Do not use Console API if the output isn't a console device (PR #90230)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Jul 28 01:48:44 PDT 2024

alvinhochun wrote:

So, I just don't like that this patch calls `llvm::sys::Process::UseANSIEscapeCodes` from the `raw_fd_ostream` ctor. I think making the change in `llvm/lib/Support/Windows/Process.inc`, specifically changing `UseANSI` to be initialized to `true` if not outputting to console would be cleaner.

And after that's done, from what I can find the test `llvm/unittests/Support/WithColorTest.cpp` needs to be enabled for Windows (remove `#ifdef LLVM_ON_UNIX`.

This won't change the behaviour of Clang however, because it calls UseANSIEscapeCodes with the option:
I think the best move forward is to dummy out the option and mark it as deprecated, but that is probably best done in a separate patch.


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