[llvm] Optimize fptrunc(x)>=C1 --> x>=C2 (PR #99475)

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Fri Jul 26 05:37:44 PDT 2024

@@ -7888,25 +7894,48 @@ static Instruction *foldFCmpReciprocalAndZero(FCmpInst &I, Instruction *LHSI,
 // Fold trunc(x) < constant --> x < constant if possible.
 static Instruction *foldFCmpFpTrunc(FCmpInst &I, Instruction *LHSI,
                                     Constant *RHSC) {
-  //
   FCmpInst::Predicate Pred = I.getPredicate();
   // Check that predicates are valid.
   if ((Pred != FCmpInst::FCMP_OGT) && (Pred != FCmpInst::FCMP_OLT) &&
       (Pred != FCmpInst::FCMP_OGE) && (Pred != FCmpInst::FCMP_OLE))
     return nullptr;
-  auto *LType = LHSI->getOperand(0)->getType();
-  auto *RType = RHSC->getType();
+  if (ConstantFP *ConstRFp = dyn_cast<ConstantFP>(RHSC)) {
+    Type *LType = LHSI->getOperand(0)->getType();
+    bool lossInfo;
+    APFloat RValue = ConstRFp->getValue();
+    RValue.convert(LType->getFltSemantics(), APFloat::rmNearestTiesToEven,
+                   &lossInfo);
-  if (!(LType->isFloatingPointTy() && RType->isFloatingPointTy() &&
-        LType->getTypeID() >= RType->getTypeID()))
-    return nullptr;
+    return new FCmpInst(Pred, LHSI->getOperand(0),
+                        ConstantFP::get(LType, RValue), "", &I);
+  }
+  if (RHSC->getType()->isVectorTy()) {
+    Type *LVecType = LHSI->getOperand(0)->getType();
+    Type *LEleType = dyn_cast<VectorType>(LVecType)->getElementType();
+    FixedVectorType *VecType = dyn_cast<FixedVectorType>(RHSC->getType());
+    uint64_t EleNum = VecType->getNumElements();
-  auto *ROperand = llvm::ConstantFP::get(
-      LType, dyn_cast<ConstantFP>(RHSC)->getValue().convertToDouble());
+    std::vector<Constant *> EleVec(EleNum);
+    for (uint64_t Idx = 0; Idx < EleNum; ++Idx) {
kissholic wrote:

> You shouldn't have to really worry about the vector case. If you use m_APFloat, it should just work. It will handle scalars and splat vectors

Sorry, i still didn't get the point... It seems that m_APFloat can't cover the non-splat vector cases.

I also read the icmp-trunc optimization code and ran an int vector test case, but it seems not work in the int vector case.

I came up with an idea that FPExtInst may be applied to the constant, and left the optimization to constant extension part 😋 (joking).

Could you give some more hints? Thank you <3


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