[llvm] [Workflows] Enable commit access requests via GitHub issues (PR #100458)

James Henderson via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jul 25 00:14:33 PDT 2024

@@ -476,11 +476,12 @@ Obtaining Commit Access
 We grant commit access to contributors with a track record of submitting high
-quality patches.  If you would like commit access, please send an email to
-`Chris <mailto:clattner at llvm.org>`_ with your GitHub username.  This is true
-for former contributors with SVN access as well as new contributors. If
-approved, a GitHub invitation will be sent to your GitHub account. In case you
-don't get notification from GitHub, go to
+quality patches.  If you would like commit access, please use this `link
+<https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/new?title=Request%20Commit%20Access%20For%20<user>&body=%23%23%23%20Why%20Are%20you%20requesting%20commit%20access%20?>`_ to file
+and issue and request commit access.  Replace the <user> string in the title
jh7370 wrote:

Typo: `and` -> `an`


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