[lld] [ELF] Added `struct Token` and changed `next()` and `peek()` to return Token (PR #100180)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jul 23 12:09:30 PDT 2024

llvmbot wrote:



Author: Hongyu Chen (yugier)


This change is reflecting [one](https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/99921) of the [issues](https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/99920) to replace current linker script lexer with a fully stateful lexer.  

This change:

1. added `struct Token{Kind kind, StringRef val}` 
2. replace `vector<StringRef> tokens` with `vector<Token> tokens`
3. updated function `peek()` and `next()` to return `Token`
4. updated most of StringRef checks for linker script keywords with switch cases by using token kind

This change does not fully reflect the correct symbol/operator kind since our current Lexer is not stateful enough to support it; most of the symbols/operator checks are using StringRef comparison. The next steps:
- add a consume overload to accept Token. The existing consume(StringRef) is be a special case that expects identifier/quoted_string.
- introduce state to remove some unquote and https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/84130 hack 
should be able to support symbol/operator kind once they are done. 


Patch is 48.34 KiB, truncated to 20.00 KiB below, full version: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/100180.diff

4 Files Affected:

- (modified) lld/ELF/ScriptLexer.cpp (+230-34) 
- (modified) lld/ELF/ScriptLexer.h (+17-3) 
- (modified) lld/ELF/ScriptParser.cpp (+195-149) 
- (added) lld/ELF/ScriptToken.h (+177) 

diff --git a/lld/ELF/ScriptLexer.cpp b/lld/ELF/ScriptLexer.cpp
index c8c02ab0f3e09..d4de18c417d8c 100644
--- a/lld/ELF/ScriptLexer.cpp
+++ b/lld/ELF/ScriptLexer.cpp
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ using namespace lld::elf;
 // Returns a whole line containing the current token.
 StringRef ScriptLexer::getLine() {
   StringRef s = getCurrentMB().getBuffer();
-  StringRef tok = tokens[pos - 1];
+  StringRef tok = tokens[pos - 1].val;
   size_t pos = s.rfind('\n', tok.data() - s.data());
   if (pos != StringRef::npos)
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ size_t ScriptLexer::getLineNumber() {
   if (pos == 0)
     return 1;
   StringRef s = getCurrentMB().getBuffer();
-  StringRef tok = tokens[pos - 1];
+  StringRef tok = tokens[pos - 1].val;
   const size_t tokOffset = tok.data() - s.data();
   // For the first token, or when going backwards, start from the beginning of
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ size_t ScriptLexer::getLineNumber() {
 // Returns 0-based column number of the current token.
 size_t ScriptLexer::getColumnNumber() {
-  StringRef tok = tokens[pos - 1];
+  StringRef tok = tokens[pos - 1].val;
   return tok.data() - getLine().data();
@@ -90,6 +90,22 @@ std::string ScriptLexer::getCurrentLocation() {
   return (filename + ":" + Twine(getLineNumber())).str();
+std::string ScriptLexer::joinTokens(size_t begin, size_t end) {
+  auto itBegin = tokens.begin() + begin;
+  auto itEnd = tokens.begin() + end;
+  std::string S;
+  if (itBegin == itEnd)
+    return S;
+  S += (*itBegin).val;
+  while (++itBegin != itEnd) {
+    S += " ";
+    S += (*itBegin).val;
+  }
+  return S;
 ScriptLexer::ScriptLexer(MemoryBufferRef mb) { tokenize(mb); }
 // We don't want to record cascading errors. Keep only the first one.
@@ -106,7 +122,7 @@ void ScriptLexer::setError(const Twine &msg) {
 // Split S into linker script tokens.
 void ScriptLexer::tokenize(MemoryBufferRef mb) {
-  std::vector<StringRef> vec;
+  std::vector<Token> vec;
   StringRef s = mb.getBuffer();
   StringRef begin = s;
@@ -129,20 +145,19 @@ void ScriptLexer::tokenize(MemoryBufferRef mb) {
-      vec.push_back(s.take_front(e + 1));
+      vec.push_back({Kind::Quote, s.take_front(e + 1)});
       s = s.substr(e + 1);
     // Some operators form separate tokens.
     if (s.starts_with("<<=") || s.starts_with(">>=")) {
-      vec.push_back(s.substr(0, 3));
+      vec.push_back(getOperatorToken(s));
       s = s.substr(3);
     if (s.size() > 1 && ((s[1] == '=' && strchr("*/+-<>&^|", s[0])) ||
                          (s[0] == s[1] && strchr("<>&|", s[0])))) {
-      vec.push_back(s.substr(0, 2));
+      vec.push_back(getOperatorToken(s));
       s = s.substr(2);
@@ -155,15 +170,199 @@ void ScriptLexer::tokenize(MemoryBufferRef mb) {
     // A character that cannot start a word (which is usually a
     // punctuation) forms a single character token.
-    if (pos == 0)
+    if (pos == 0) {
       pos = 1;
-    vec.push_back(s.substr(0, pos));
+      vec.push_back(getOperatorToken(s));
+    } else {
+      vec.push_back(getKeywordorIdentifier(s.substr(0, pos)));
+    }
     s = s.substr(pos);
   tokens.insert(tokens.begin() + pos, vec.begin(), vec.end());
+ScriptLexer::Token ScriptLexer::getOperatorToken(StringRef s) {
+  auto createToken = [&](Kind kind, size_t pos) -> Token {
+    return {kind, s.substr(0, pos)};
+  };
+  switch (s.front()) {
+  case EOF:
+    return createToken(Kind::Eof, 0);
+  case '(':
+    return createToken(Kind::BracektBegin, 1);
+  case ')':
+    return createToken(Kind::BracektEnd, 1);
+  case '{':
+    return createToken(Kind::CurlyBegin, 1);
+  case '}':
+    return createToken(Kind::CurlyEnd, 1);
+  case ';':
+    return createToken(Kind::Semicolon, 1);
+  case ',':
+    return createToken(Kind::Comma, 1);
+  case ':':
+    return createToken(Kind::Colon, 1);
+  case '?':
+    return createToken(Kind::Question, 1);
+  case '%':
+    return createToken(Kind::Percent, 1);
+  case '!':
+    if (s.size() > 1 && s[1] == '=')
+      return createToken(Kind::NotEqual, 2);
+    return createToken(Kind::Excalamation, 1);
+  case '*':
+    if (s.size() > 1 && s[1] == '=')
+      return createToken(Kind::MulAssign, 2);
+    return createToken(Kind::Asterisk, 1);
+  case '/':
+    if (s.size() > 1 && s[1] == '=')
+      return createToken(Kind::DivAssign, 2);
+    return createToken(Kind::Slash, 1);
+  case '=':
+    if (s.size() > 1 && s[1] == '=')
+      return createToken(Kind::Equal, 2);
+    return createToken(Kind::Assign, 1);
+  case '+':
+    if (s.size() > 1 && s[1] == '=')
+      return createToken(Kind::PlusAssign, 2);
+    return createToken(Kind::Plus, 1);
+  case '-':
+    if (s.size() > 1 && s[1] == '=')
+      return createToken(Kind::MinusAssign, 2);
+    return createToken(Kind::Minus, 1);
+  case '<':
+    if (s.size() > 2 && s[1] == s[0] && s[2] == '=')
+      return createToken(Kind::LeftShiftAssign, 3);
+    if (s.size() > 1) {
+      if (s[1] == '=')
+        return createToken(Kind::LessEqual, 2);
+      if (s[1] == '<')
+        return createToken(Kind::LeftShift, 2);
+    }
+    return createToken(Kind::Less, 1);
+  case '>':
+    if (s.size() > 2 && s[1] == s[0] && s[2] == '=')
+      return createToken(Kind::RightShiftAssign, 3);
+    if (s.size() > 1) {
+      if (s[1] == '=')
+        return createToken(Kind::GreaterEqual, 2);
+      if (s[1] == '>')
+        return createToken(Kind::RightShift, 2);
+    }
+    return createToken(Kind::Greater, 1);
+  case '&':
+    if (s.size() > 1) {
+      if (s[1] == '=')
+        return createToken(Kind::AndAssign, 2);
+      if (s[1] == '&')
+        return createToken(Kind::AndGate, 2);
+    }
+    return createToken(Kind::Bitwise, 1);
+  case '^':
+    if (s.size() > 1 && s[1] == '=')
+      return createToken(Kind::XorAssign, 2);
+    return createToken(Kind::Xor, 1);
+  case '|':
+    if (s.size() > 1) {
+      if (s[1] == '=')
+        return createToken(Kind::OrAssign, 2);
+      if (s[1] == '|')
+        return createToken(Kind::OrGate, 2);
+    }
+    return createToken(Kind::Or, 1);
+  case '.':
+    return createToken(Kind::Dot, 1);
+  case '_':
+    return createToken(Kind::Underscore, 1);
+  case '0':
+  case '1':
+  case '2':
+  case '3':
+  case '4':
+  case '5':
+  case '6':
+  case '7':
+  case '8':
+  case '9':
+    return createToken(Kind::Decimal, 1);
+  default:
+    return {Kind::Identifier, s};
+  }
+ScriptLexer::Token ScriptLexer::getKeywordorIdentifier(StringRef s) {
+  static const std::unordered_map<std::string, Kind> keywords = {
+      {"ENTRY", Kind::Entry},
+      {"INPUT", Kind::Input},
+      {"GROUP", Kind::Group},
+      {"INCLUDE", Kind::Include},
+      {"MEMORY", Kind::Memory},
+      {"OUTPUT", Kind::Output},
+      {"SEARCH_DIR", Kind::SearchDir},
+      {"STARTUP", Kind::Startup},
+      {"INSERT", Kind::Insert},
+      {"AFTER", Kind::After},
+      {"OUTPUT_FORMAT", Kind::OutputFormat},
+      {"TARGET", Kind::Target},
+      {"ASSERT", Kind::Assert},
+      {"CONSTANT", Kind::Constant},
+      {"EXTERN", Kind::Extern},
+      {"OUTPUT_ARCH", Kind::OutputArch},
+      {"NOCROSSREFS", Kind::Nocrossrefs},
+      {"NOCROSSREFS_TO", Kind::NocrossrefsTo},
+      {"PROVIDE", Kind::Provide},
+      {"HIDDEN", Kind::Hidden},
+      {"PROVIDE_HIDDEN", Kind::ProvideHidden},
+      {"SECTIONS", Kind::Sections},
+      {"BEFORE", Kind::Before},
+      {"EXCLUDE_FILE", Kind::ExcludeFile},
+      {"KEEP", Kind::Keep},
+      {"INPUT_SECTION_FLAGS", Kind::InputSectionFlags},
+      {"OVERLAY", Kind::Overlay},
+      {"NOLOAD", Kind::Noload},
+      {"COPY", Kind::Copy},
+      {"INFO", Kind::Info},
+      {"OVERWRITE_SECTIONS", Kind::OverwriteSections},
+      {"SUBALIGN", Kind::Subalign},
+      {"ONLY_IF_RO", Kind::OnlyIfRO},
+      {"ONLY_IF_RW", Kind::OnlyIfRW},
+      {"FILL", Kind::Fill},
+      {"SORT", Kind::Sort},
+      {"ABSOLUTE", Kind::Absolute},
+      {"ADDR", Kind::Addr},
+      {"ALIGN", Kind::Align},
+      {"ALIGNOF", Kind::Alignof},
+      {"DATA_SEGMENT_ALIGN", Kind::DataSegmentAlign},
+      {"DATA_SEGMENT_END", Kind::DataSegmentEnd},
+      {"DATA_SEGMENT_RELRO_END", Kind::DataSegmentRelroEnd},
+      {"DEFINED", Kind::Defined},
+      {"LENGTH", Kind::Length},
+      {"LOADADDR", Kind::Loadaddr},
+      {"LOG2CEIL", Kind::Log2ceil},
+      {"MAX", Kind::Max},
+      {"MIN", Kind::Min},
+      {"ORIGIN", Kind::Origin},
+      {"SEGMENT_START", Kind::SegmentStart},
+      {"SIZEOF", Kind::Sizeof},
+      {"SIZEOF_HEADERS", Kind::SizeofHeaders},
+      {"FILEHDR", Kind::Filehdr},
+      {"PHDRS", Kind::Phdrs},
+      {"AT", Kind::At},
+      {"FLAGS", Kind::Flags},
+      {"VERSION", Kind::Version},
+      {"REGION_ALIAS", Kind::RegionAlias},
+      {"AS_NEEDED", Kind::AsNeeded},
+      {"CONSTRUCTORS", Kind::Constructors},
+      {"MAXPAGESIZE", Kind::Maxpagesize},
+      {"COMMONPAGESIZE", Kind::Commonpagesize}};
+  auto it = keywords.find(s.str());
+  if (it != keywords.end())
+    return {it->second, s};
+  return {Kind::Identifier, s};
 // Skip leading whitespace characters or comments.
 StringRef ScriptLexer::skipSpace(StringRef s) {
   for (;;) {
@@ -195,37 +394,37 @@ bool ScriptLexer::atEOF() { return errorCount() || tokens.size() == pos; }
 // Split a given string as an expression.
 // This function returns "3", "*" and "5" for "3*5" for example.
-static std::vector<StringRef> tokenizeExpr(StringRef s) {
+std::vector<ScriptLexer::Token> ScriptLexer::tokenizeExpr(StringRef s) {
   StringRef ops = "!~*/+-<>?^:="; // List of operators
   // Quoted strings are literal strings, so we don't want to split it.
   if (s.starts_with("\""))
-    return {s};
+    return {{Kind::Quote, s}};
   // Split S with operators as separators.
-  std::vector<StringRef> ret;
+  std::vector<ScriptLexer::Token> ret;
   while (!s.empty()) {
     size_t e = s.find_first_of(ops);
     // No need to split if there is no operator.
     if (e == StringRef::npos) {
-      ret.push_back(s);
+      ret.push_back({Kind::Identifier, s});
     // Get a token before the operator.
     if (e != 0)
-      ret.push_back(s.substr(0, e));
+      ret.push_back({Kind::Identifier, s.substr(0, e)});
     // Get the operator as a token.
     // Keep !=, ==, >=, <=, << and >> operators as a single tokens.
     if (s.substr(e).starts_with("!=") || s.substr(e).starts_with("==") ||
         s.substr(e).starts_with(">=") || s.substr(e).starts_with("<=") ||
         s.substr(e).starts_with("<<") || s.substr(e).starts_with(">>")) {
-      ret.push_back(s.substr(e, 2));
+      ret.push_back(getOperatorToken(s.substr(e)));
       s = s.substr(e + 2);
     } else {
-      ret.push_back(s.substr(e, 1));
+      ret.push_back(getOperatorToken(s.substr(e, 1)));
       s = s.substr(e + 1);
@@ -242,32 +441,29 @@ static std::vector<StringRef> tokenizeExpr(StringRef s) {
 // This function may split the current token into multiple tokens.
 void ScriptLexer::maybeSplitExpr() {
-  if (!inExpr || errorCount() || atEOF())
-    return;
-  std::vector<StringRef> v = tokenizeExpr(tokens[pos]);
+  std::vector<Token> v = tokenizeExpr(tokens[pos].val);
   if (v.size() == 1)
   tokens.erase(tokens.begin() + pos);
   tokens.insert(tokens.begin() + pos, v.begin(), v.end());
-StringRef ScriptLexer::next() {
-  maybeSplitExpr();
+ScriptLexer::Token ScriptLexer::next() {
   if (errorCount())
-    return "";
+    return {Kind::Error, ""};
   if (atEOF()) {
     setError("unexpected EOF");
-    return "";
+    return {Kind::Eof, ""};
+  if (inExpr)
+    maybeSplitExpr();
   return tokens[pos++];
-StringRef ScriptLexer::peek() {
-  StringRef tok = next();
+ScriptLexer::Token ScriptLexer::peek() {
+  Token tok = next();
   if (errorCount())
-    return "";
+    return {Kind::Error, ""};
   pos = pos - 1;
   return tok;
@@ -283,8 +479,8 @@ bool ScriptLexer::consume(StringRef tok) {
 bool ScriptLexer::consumeLabel(StringRef tok) {
   if (consume((tok + ":").str()))
     return true;
-  if (tokens.size() >= pos + 2 && tokens[pos] == tok &&
-      tokens[pos + 1] == ":") {
+  if (tokens.size() >= pos + 2 && tokens[pos].val == tok &&
+      tokens[pos + 1].val == ":") {
     pos += 2;
     return true;
@@ -296,9 +492,9 @@ void ScriptLexer::skip() { (void)next(); }
 void ScriptLexer::expect(StringRef expect) {
   if (errorCount())
-  StringRef tok = next();
+  Token tok = next();
   if (tok != expect)
-    setError(expect + " expected, but got " + tok);
+    setError(expect + " expected, but got " + tok.val);
 // Returns true if S encloses T.
@@ -312,7 +508,7 @@ MemoryBufferRef ScriptLexer::getCurrentMB() {
   if (pos == 0)
     return mbs.back();
   for (MemoryBufferRef mb : mbs)
-    if (encloses(mb.getBuffer(), tokens[pos - 1]))
+    if (encloses(mb.getBuffer(), tokens[pos - 1].val))
       return mb;
   llvm_unreachable("getCurrentMB: failed to find a token");
diff --git a/lld/ELF/ScriptLexer.h b/lld/ELF/ScriptLexer.h
index d5393818ed553..b98635ef0aeb2 100644
--- a/lld/ELF/ScriptLexer.h
+++ b/lld/ELF/ScriptLexer.h
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
+#include "ScriptToken.h"
 #include "lld/Common/LLVM.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBufferRef.h"
@@ -18,14 +19,22 @@ namespace lld::elf {
 class ScriptLexer {
+  struct Token {
+    Kind kind;
+    StringRef val;
+    inline bool operator==(StringRef other) { return val == other; }
+    inline bool operator!=(StringRef other) { return val != other; }
+  };
   explicit ScriptLexer(MemoryBufferRef mb);
   void setError(const Twine &msg);
   void tokenize(MemoryBufferRef mb);
   StringRef skipSpace(StringRef s);
   bool atEOF();
-  StringRef next();
-  StringRef peek();
+  Token next();
+  Token peek();
   void skip();
   bool consume(StringRef tok);
   void expect(StringRef expect);
@@ -34,7 +43,8 @@ class ScriptLexer {
   MemoryBufferRef getCurrentMB();
   std::vector<MemoryBufferRef> mbs;
-  std::vector<StringRef> tokens;
+  std::vector<Token> tokens;
+  std::string joinTokens(size_t begin, size_t end);
   bool inExpr = false;
   size_t pos = 0;
@@ -46,6 +56,10 @@ class ScriptLexer {
   StringRef getLine();
   size_t getLineNumber();
   size_t getColumnNumber();
+  Token getOperatorToken(StringRef s);
+  Token getKeywordorIdentifier(StringRef s);
+  std::vector<ScriptLexer::Token> tokenizeExpr(StringRef s);
 } // namespace lld::elf
diff --git a/lld/ELF/ScriptParser.cpp b/lld/ELF/ScriptParser.cpp
index 49aa7e6374905..bae5ae3d1e7e7 100644
--- a/lld/ELF/ScriptParser.cpp
+++ b/lld/ELF/ScriptParser.cpp
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class ScriptParser final : ScriptLexer {
   SortSectionPolicy peekSortKind();
   SortSectionPolicy readSortKind();
   SymbolAssignment *readProvideHidden(bool provide, bool hidden);
-  SymbolAssignment *readAssignment(StringRef tok);
+  SymbolAssignment *readAssignment(ScriptLexer::Token tok);
   void readSort();
   Expr readAssert();
   Expr readConstant();
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class ScriptParser final : ScriptLexer {
   void readMemoryAttributes(uint32_t &flags, uint32_t &invFlags,
                             uint32_t &negFlags, uint32_t &negInvFlags);
-  Expr combine(StringRef op, Expr l, Expr r);
+  Expr combine(ScriptLexer::Token op, Expr l, Expr r);
   Expr readExpr();
   Expr readExpr1(Expr lhs, int minPrec);
   StringRef readParenLiteral();
@@ -153,6 +153,12 @@ static StringRef unquote(StringRef s) {
   return s;
+static StringRef unquote(ScriptLexer::Token tok) {
+  if (tok.val.starts_with("\""))
+    return tok.val.substr(1, tok.val.size() - 2);
+  return tok.val;
 // Some operations only support one non absolute value. Move the
 // absolute one to the right hand side for convenience.
 static void moveAbsRight(ExprValue &a, ExprValue &b) {
@@ -201,7 +207,7 @@ void ScriptParser::readDynamicList() {
   if (!atEOF()) {
-    setError("EOF expected, but got " + next());
+    setError("EOF expected, but got " + next().val);
   if (!locals.empty()) {
@@ -216,7 +222,7 @@ void ScriptParser::readDynamicList() {
 void ScriptParser::readVersionScript() {
   if (!atEOF())
-    setError("EOF expected, but got " + next());
+    setError("EOF expected, but got " + next().val);
 void ScriptParser::readVersionScriptCommand() {
@@ -226,14 +232,14 @@ void ScriptParser::readVersionScriptCommand() {
   while (!atEOF() && !errorCount() && peek() != "}") {
-    StringRef verStr = next();
-    if (verStr == "{") {
+    ScriptLexer::Token verTok = next();
+    if (verTok.kind == Kind::CurlyBegin) {
       setError("anonymous version definition is used in "
                "combination with other version definitions");
-    readVersionDeclaration(verStr);
+    readVersionDeclaration(verTok.val);
@@ -245,50 +251,71 @@ void ScriptParser::readVersion() {
 void ScriptParser::readLinkerScript() {
   while (!atEOF()) {
-    StringRef tok = next();
-    if (tok == ";")
+    ScriptLexer::Token tok = next();
+    if (tok.kind == Kind::Semicolon)
-    if (tok == "ENTRY") {
+    switch (tok.kind) {
+    case Kind::Entry:
-    } else if (tok == "EXTERN") {
+      break;
+    case Kind::Extern:
-    } else if (tok == "GROUP") {
+      break;
+    case Kind::Group:
-    } else if (tok == "INCLUDE") {
+      break;
+    case Kind::Include:
-    } else if (tok == "INPUT") {
+      break;
+    case Kind::Input:
-    } else if (tok == "MEMORY") {
+      break;
+    case Kind::Memory:
-    } else if (tok == "OUTPUT") {
+      break;
+    case Kind::Output:
-    } else if (tok == "OUTPUT_ARCH") {
+      break;
+    case Kind::OutputArch:
-    } else if (tok == "OUTPUT_FORMAT") {
+      break;
+    case Kind::OutputFormat:
-    } else if (tok == "OVERWRITE_SECTIONS") {
+      break;
+    case Kind::OverwriteSections:
-    } else if (tok == "PHDRS") {
+      break;
+    case Kind::Phdrs:
-    } else if (tok == "REGION_ALIAS") {
+      break;
+    case Kind::RegionAlias:
-    } else if (tok == "SEARCH_DIR") {
+      break;
+    case Kind::SearchDir:
-    } else if (tok == "SECTIONS") {
+      break;
+    case Kind::Sections:
-    } else if (tok == "TARGET") {
+      break;
+    case Kind::Target:
-    } else if (tok == "VERSION") {
+      break;
+    case Kind::Version:
-    } else if (tok == "NOCROSSREFS") {
+      break;
+    case Kind::Nocrossrefs:
-    } else if (tok == "NOCROSSREFS_TO") {
+      break;
+    case Kind::NocrossrefsTo:
-    } else if (SymbolAssignment *cmd = readAssignment(tok)) {
-      script->sectionCommands.push_back(cmd);
-    } else {
-      setError("unknown directive: " + tok);
+      break;
+    default:
+      if (SymbolAssignment *cmd = readAssignment(tok)) {
+        script->sectionCommands.push_back(cmd);
+      } else {
+        setError("unknown directive: " + tok.val);
+      }
@@ -298,7 +325,7 @@ void ScriptParser::readDefsym(StringRef name) {
   Expr e = readExpr();
   if (!atEOF())
-    setError("EOF expected, but got " + next());
+    setError("EOF expected, but got " + next().val);
   auto *cmd = make<SymbolAssignment>(
       name, e, 0, getCurrentMB().getBufferIdentifier().str());
@@ -376,7 +403,7 @@ void ScriptParser::readAsNeeded() {
 void ScriptParser::readEntry() {
   // -e <symbol> takes predecence over ENTRY(<symbol>).
-  StringRef tok = next();
+  StringRef tok = next().val;
   if (config->entry.empty())
     config->entry = unquote(tok);
@@ -426,7 +453,7 @@ void ScriptParser::readInput() {
 void ScriptParser::readOutput() {
   // -o <file> takes predecence over OUTPUT(<file>).
-  StringRef tok = next();
+  StringRef tok = next().val;
   if (config->outputF...




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