[llvm] [SandboxIR] Implement BranchInst (PR #100063)

Thorsten Schütt via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jul 22 23:01:24 PDT 2024

@@ -617,6 +628,100 @@ class SelectInst : public Instruction {
+class BranchInst : public Instruction {
+  /// Use Context::createBranchInst(). Don't call the constructor directly.
+  BranchInst(llvm::BranchInst *BI, Context &Ctx)
+      : Instruction(ClassID::Br, Opcode::Br, BI, Ctx) {}
+  friend Context; // for BranchInst()
+  Use getOperandUseInternal(unsigned OpIdx, bool Verify) const final {
+    return getOperandUseDefault(OpIdx, Verify);
+  }
+  SmallVector<llvm::Instruction *, 1> getLLVMInstrs() const final {
+    return {cast<llvm::Instruction>(Val)};
+  }
+  unsigned getUseOperandNo(const Use &Use) const final {
+    return getUseOperandNoDefault(Use);
+  }
+  unsigned getNumOfIRInstrs() const final { return 1u; }
+  static BranchInst *create(BasicBlock *IfTrue, Instruction *InsertBefore,
+                            Context &Ctx);
+  static BranchInst *create(BasicBlock *IfTrue, BasicBlock *InsertAtEnd,
+                            Context &Ctx);
+  static BranchInst *create(BasicBlock *IfTrue, BasicBlock *IfFalse,
+                            Value *Cond, Instruction *InsertBefore,
+                            Context &Ctx);
+  static BranchInst *create(BasicBlock *IfTrue, BasicBlock *IfFalse,
+                            Value *Cond, BasicBlock *InsertAtEnd, Context &Ctx);
+  /// For isa/dyn_cast.
+  static bool classof(const Value *From);
+  bool isUnconditional() const {
+    return cast<llvm::BranchInst>(Val)->isUnconditional();
+  }
+  bool isConditional() const {
+    return cast<llvm::BranchInst>(Val)->isConditional();
+  }
+  Value *getCondition() const;
+  void setCondition(Value *V) { setOperand(0, V); }
+  unsigned getNumSuccessors() const { return 1 + isConditional(); }
tschuett wrote:

number + bool?


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