[lld] [lld][InstrProf] Profile guided function order (PR #96268)

Ellis Hoag via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jul 5 10:42:18 PDT 2024

@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+//===- BPSectionOrderer.cpp--------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "BPSectionOrderer.h"
+#include "InputSection.h"
+#include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
+#include "llvm/ProfileData/InstrProfReader.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/BalancedPartitioning.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/TimeProfiler.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/VirtualFileSystem.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/xxhash.h"
+#define DEBUG_TYPE "bp-section-orderer"
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace lld::macho;
+// TODO: Move to StringRef.h
+static bool isNumber(StringRef S) {
+  return !S.empty() && S.find_first_not_of("0123456789") == StringRef::npos;
+/// Symbols can be appended with "(.__uniq.xxxx)?.llvm.yyyy" where "xxxx" and
+/// "yyyy" are numbers that could change between builds. We need to use the root
+/// symbol name before this suffix so these symbols can be matched with profiles
+/// which may have different suffixes.
+static StringRef getRootSymbol(StringRef Name) {
+  auto [P0, S0] = Name.rsplit(".llvm.");
+  if (isNumber(S0))
+    Name = P0;
+  auto [P1, S1] = Name.rsplit(".__uniq.");
+  if (isNumber(S1))
+    return P1;
+  return Name;
+static uint64_t getRelocHash(StringRef kind, uint64_t sectionIdx,
+                             uint64_t offset, uint64_t addend) {
+  return xxHash64((kind + ": " + Twine::utohexstr(sectionIdx) + " + " +
+                   Twine::utohexstr(offset) + " + " + Twine::utohexstr(addend))
+                      .str());
+static uint64_t
+getRelocHash(const Reloc &reloc,
+             const DenseMap<const InputSection *, uint64_t> &sectionToIdx) {
+  auto *isec = reloc.getReferentInputSection();
+  std::optional<uint64_t> sectionIdx;
+  auto sectionIdxIt = sectionToIdx.find(isec);
+  if (sectionIdxIt != sectionToIdx.end())
+    sectionIdx = sectionIdxIt->getSecond();
+  std::string kind;
+  if (isec)
+    kind = ("Section " + Twine(isec->kind())).str();
+  if (auto *sym = reloc.referent.dyn_cast<Symbol *>()) {
+    kind += (" Symbol " + Twine(sym->kind())).str();
+    if (auto *d = dyn_cast<Defined>(sym)) {
+      if (isa_and_nonnull<CStringInputSection>(isec))
+        return getRelocHash(kind, 0, isec->getOffset(d->value), reloc.addend);
+      return getRelocHash(kind, sectionIdx.value_or(0), d->value, reloc.addend);
+    }
+  }
+  return getRelocHash(kind, sectionIdx.value_or(0), 0, reloc.addend);
+static void constructNodesForCompression(
+    const SmallVector<const InputSection *> &sections,
+    const DenseMap<const InputSection *, uint64_t> &sectionToIdx,
+    const SmallVector<unsigned> &sectionIdxs,
+    std::vector<BPFunctionNode> &nodes,
+    DenseMap<unsigned, SmallVector<unsigned>> &duplicateSectionIdxs,
+    BPFunctionNode::UtilityNodeT &maxUN) {
+  TimeTraceScope timeScope("Build nodes for compression");
+  SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, SmallVector<uint64_t>>> sectionHashes;
+  sectionHashes.reserve(sectionIdxs.size());
+  SmallVector<uint64_t> hashes;
+  for (unsigned sectionIdx : sectionIdxs) {
+    const auto *isec = sections[sectionIdx];
+    constexpr unsigned windowSize = 4;
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < isec->data.size(); i++) {
+      auto window = isec->data.drop_front(i).take_front(windowSize);
+      hashes.push_back(xxHash64(window));
+    }
+    for (const auto &r : isec->relocs) {
+      if (r.length == 0 || r.referent.isNull() || r.offset >= isec->data.size())
+        continue;
+      uint64_t relocHash = getRelocHash(r, sectionToIdx);
+      uint32_t start = (r.offset < windowSize) ? 0 : r.offset - windowSize + 1;
+      for (uint32_t i = start; i < r.offset + r.length; i++) {
+        auto window = isec->data.drop_front(i).take_front(windowSize);
+        hashes.push_back(xxHash64(window) + relocHash);
+      }
+    }
+    llvm::sort(hashes);
+    hashes.erase(std::unique(hashes.begin(), hashes.end()), hashes.end());
+    sectionHashes.emplace_back(sectionIdx, hashes);
+    hashes.clear();
+  }
+  DenseMap<uint64_t, unsigned> hashFrequency;
+  for (auto &[sectionIdx, hashes] : sectionHashes)
+    for (auto hash : hashes)
+      ++hashFrequency[hash];
+  // Merge section that are nearly identical
+  SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, SmallVector<uint64_t>>> newSectionHashes;
+  DenseMap<uint64_t, unsigned> wholeHashToSectionIdx;
+  for (auto &[sectionIdx, hashes] : sectionHashes) {
+    uint64_t wholeHash = 0;
+    for (auto hash : hashes)
+      if (hashFrequency[hash] > 5)
+        wholeHash ^= hash;
+    auto [it, wasInserted] =
+        wholeHashToSectionIdx.insert(std::make_pair(wholeHash, sectionIdx));
+    if (wasInserted) {
+      newSectionHashes.emplace_back(sectionIdx, hashes);
+    } else {
+      duplicateSectionIdxs[it->getSecond()].push_back(sectionIdx);
+    }
+  }
+  sectionHashes = newSectionHashes;
+  // Recompute hash frequencies
+  hashFrequency.clear();
+  for (auto &[sectionIdx, hashes] : sectionHashes)
+    for (auto hash : hashes)
+      ++hashFrequency[hash];
+  // Filter rare and common hashes and assign each a unique utility node that
+  // doesn't conflict with the trace utility nodes
+  DenseMap<uint64_t, BPFunctionNode::UtilityNodeT> hashToUN;
+  for (auto &[hash, frequency] : hashFrequency) {
+    if (frequency <= 1 || frequency * 2 > wholeHashToSectionIdx.size())
+      continue;
+    hashToUN[hash] = ++maxUN;
+  }
+  std::vector<BPFunctionNode::UtilityNodeT> uns;
+  for (auto &[sectionIdx, hashes] : sectionHashes) {
+    for (auto &hash : hashes) {
+      auto it = hashToUN.find(hash);
+      if (it != hashToUN.end())
+        uns.push_back(it->second);
+    }
+    nodes.emplace_back(sectionIdx, uns);
+    uns.clear();
+  }
+DenseMap<const InputSection *, size_t> lld::macho::runBalancedPartitioning(
+    size_t &highestAvailablePriority, StringRef profilePath,
+    bool forFunctionCompression, bool forDataCompression) {
+  SmallVector<const InputSection *> sections;
+  DenseMap<const InputSection *, uint64_t> sectionToIdx;
+  StringMap<DenseSet<unsigned>> symbolToSectionIdxs;
+  for (const auto *file : inputFiles) {
+    for (auto *sec : file->sections) {
+      for (auto &subsec : sec->subsections) {
+        auto *isec = subsec.isec;
+        if (!isec || isec->data.empty() || !isec->data.data())
+          continue;
+        unsigned sectionIdx = sections.size();
+        sectionToIdx.try_emplace(isec, sectionIdx);
+        sections.push_back(isec);
+        for (Symbol *sym : isec->symbols)
+          if (auto *d = dyn_cast_or_null<Defined>(sym))
+            symbolToSectionIdxs[d->getName()].insert(sectionIdx);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  StringMap<DenseSet<unsigned>> rootSymbolToSectionIdxs;
+  for (auto &entry : symbolToSectionIdxs) {
+    StringRef name = entry.getKey();
+    auto &sectionIdxs = entry.getValue();
+    name = getRootSymbol(name);
+    rootSymbolToSectionIdxs[name].insert(sectionIdxs.begin(),
+                                         sectionIdxs.end());
+    // Linkage names can be prefixed with "_" or "l_" on Mach-O. See
+    // Mangler::getNameWithPrefix() for details.
+    if (name.consume_front("_") || name.consume_front("l_"))
+      rootSymbolToSectionIdxs[name].insert(sectionIdxs.begin(),
+                                           sectionIdxs.end());
+  }
+  std::vector<BPFunctionNode> nodesForStartup;
+  BPFunctionNode::UtilityNodeT maxUN = 0;
+  DenseMap<unsigned, SmallVector<BPFunctionNode::UtilityNodeT>>
+      startupSectionIdxUNs;
+  std::unique_ptr<InstrProfReader> reader;
+  if (!profilePath.empty()) {
+    auto fs = vfs::getRealFileSystem();
+    auto readerOrErr = InstrProfReader::create(profilePath, *fs);
+    lld::checkError(readerOrErr.takeError());
+    reader = std::move(readerOrErr.get());
+    for (auto &entry : *reader) {
+      // Read all entries
+      (void)entry;
+    }
+    auto &traces = reader->getTemporalProfTraces();
+    // Used to define the initial order for startup functions.
+    DenseMap<unsigned, size_t> sectionIdxToTimestamp;
+    DenseMap<unsigned, BPFunctionNode::UtilityNodeT> sectionIdxToFirstUN;
+    for (size_t traceIdx = 0; traceIdx < traces.size(); traceIdx++) {
+      uint64_t currentSize = 0, cutoffSize = 1;
+      size_t cutoffTimestamp = 1;
+      auto &trace = traces[traceIdx].FunctionNameRefs;
+      for (size_t timestamp = 0; timestamp < trace.size(); timestamp++) {
+        auto [Filename, ParsedFuncName] = getParsedIRPGOName(
+            reader->getSymtab().getFuncOrVarName(trace[timestamp]));
+        ParsedFuncName = getRootSymbol(ParsedFuncName);
+        auto sectionIdxsIt = rootSymbolToSectionIdxs.find(ParsedFuncName);
+        if (sectionIdxsIt == rootSymbolToSectionIdxs.end())
+          continue;
+        auto &sectionIdxs = sectionIdxsIt->getValue();
+        // If the same symbol is found in multiple sections, they might be
+        // identical, so we arbitrarily use the size from the first section.
+        currentSize += sections[*sectionIdxs.begin()]->getSize();
+        // Since BalancedPartitioning is sensitive to the initial order, we need
+        // to explicitly define it to be ordered by earliest timestamp.
+        for (unsigned sectionIdx : sectionIdxs) {
+          auto [it, wasInserted] =
+              sectionIdxToTimestamp.try_emplace(sectionIdx, timestamp);
+          if (!wasInserted)
+            it->getSecond() = std::min<size_t>(it->getSecond(), timestamp);
+        }
+        if (timestamp >= cutoffTimestamp || currentSize >= cutoffSize) {
+          ++maxUN;
+          cutoffSize = 2 * currentSize;
+          cutoffTimestamp = 2 * cutoffTimestamp;
+        }
+        for (unsigned sectionIdx : sectionIdxs)
+          sectionIdxToFirstUN.try_emplace(sectionIdx, maxUN);
+      }
+      for (auto &[sectionIdx, firstUN] : sectionIdxToFirstUN)
+        for (auto un = firstUN; un <= maxUN; ++un)
+          startupSectionIdxUNs[sectionIdx].push_back(un);
+      ++maxUN;
+      sectionIdxToFirstUN.clear();
+    }
+    // These uns should already be sorted without duplicates.
+    for (auto &[sectionIdx, uns] : startupSectionIdxUNs)
+      nodesForStartup.emplace_back(sectionIdx, uns);
+    llvm::sort(nodesForStartup, [&sectionIdxToTimestamp](auto &L, auto &R) {
+      return std::make_pair(sectionIdxToTimestamp[L.Id], L.Id) <
+             std::make_pair(sectionIdxToTimestamp[R.Id], R.Id);
+    });
+  }
+  SmallVector<unsigned> sectionIdxsForFunctionCompression,
+      sectionIdxsForDataCompression;
+  for (unsigned sectionIdx = 0; sectionIdx < sections.size(); sectionIdx++) {
+    if (startupSectionIdxUNs.count(sectionIdx))
+      continue;
+    const auto *isec = sections[sectionIdx];
+    if (isCodeSection(isec)) {
+      if (forFunctionCompression)
+        sectionIdxsForFunctionCompression.push_back(sectionIdx);
+    } else {
+      if (forDataCompression)
+        sectionIdxsForDataCompression.push_back(sectionIdx);
+    }
+  }
+  std::vector<BPFunctionNode> nodesForFunctionCompression,
+      nodesForDataCompression;
+  // Map a section index (to be ordered for compression) to a list of duplicate
+  // section indices (not ordered for compression).
+  DenseMap<unsigned, SmallVector<unsigned>> duplicateFunctionSectionIdxs,
+      duplicateDataSectionIdxs;
+  constructNodesForCompression(
+      sections, sectionToIdx, sectionIdxsForFunctionCompression,
+      nodesForFunctionCompression, duplicateFunctionSectionIdxs, maxUN);
+  constructNodesForCompression(
+      sections, sectionToIdx, sectionIdxsForDataCompression,
+      nodesForDataCompression, duplicateDataSectionIdxs, maxUN);
+  // Sort nodes by their Id (which is the section index) because the input
+  // linker order tends to be not bad
+  llvm::sort(nodesForFunctionCompression,
+             [](auto &L, auto &R) { return L.Id < R.Id; });
+  llvm::sort(nodesForDataCompression,
+             [](auto &L, auto &R) { return L.Id < R.Id; });
+  {
+    TimeTraceScope timeScope("Balanced Partitioning");
+    BalancedPartitioningConfig config;
+    BalancedPartitioning bp(config);
+    bp.run(nodesForStartup);
+    bp.run(nodesForFunctionCompression);
+    bp.run(nodesForDataCompression);
+  }
+  unsigned numStartupSections = 0;
+  unsigned numCodeCompressionSections = 0;
+  unsigned numDuplicateCodeSections = 0;
+  unsigned numDataCompressionSections = 0;
+  unsigned numDuplicateDataSections = 0;
+  SetVector<const InputSection *> orderedSections;
+  // Order startup functions,
+  for (auto &node : nodesForStartup) {
+    const auto *isec = sections[node.Id];
+    if (orderedSections.insert(isec))
+      ++numStartupSections;
+  }
+  // then functions for compression,
+  for (auto &node : nodesForFunctionCompression) {
+    const auto *isec = sections[node.Id];
+    if (orderedSections.insert(isec))
+      ++numCodeCompressionSections;
+    auto It = duplicateFunctionSectionIdxs.find(node.Id);
+    if (It == duplicateFunctionSectionIdxs.end())
+      continue;
+    for (auto dupSecIdx : It->getSecond()) {
+      const auto *dupIsec = sections[dupSecIdx];
+      if (orderedSections.insert(dupIsec))
+        ++numDuplicateCodeSections;
+    }
+  }
+  // then data for compression.
+  for (auto &node : nodesForDataCompression) {
+    const auto *isec = sections[node.Id];
+    if (orderedSections.insert(isec))
+      ++numDataCompressionSections;
+    auto It = duplicateDataSectionIdxs.find(node.Id);
+    if (It == duplicateDataSectionIdxs.end())
+      continue;
+    for (auto dupSecIdx : It->getSecond()) {
+      const auto *dupIsec = sections[dupSecIdx];
+      if (orderedSections.insert(dupIsec))
+        ++numDuplicateDataSections;
+    }
+  }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
ellishg wrote:

I've added `--verbose-bp-section-orderer`, but I'm open to other names.


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