[llvm] [AMDGPU] Update EXECZ retention in SIPreEmitPeephole for GFX11/12 (PR #97676)

Carl Ritson via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jul 4 02:54:58 PDT 2024

perlfu wrote:

> > Update EXECZ retention in SIPreEmitPeephole for GFX11/12
> I don't think any of this was new in GFX11 was it? But you could perhaps add s_wait_event as another wait-y thing, which _was_ new in GFX11.

Yes my bad, I really meant GFX10/GFX12 as we didn't add any coverage of S_WAITCNT_(VSCNT|EXPCNT|VMCNT|LGKMCNT) with GFX10.

I was unsure whether to add s_wait_event, but probably.


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