[llvm] [MLGO] Add ability to extract IR from bazel using aquery (PR #96964)

Mircea Trofin via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jun 27 14:05:51 PDT 2024

@@ -316,6 +316,27 @@ def make_spec(obj_file: str):
     return [make_spec(path) for path in paths]
+def load_bazel_aquery(aquery_json, obj_base_dir: str, output_dir: str):
+    """Creates an object file array by looking at the JSON output of bazel aquery.
+    Args:
+      aquery_json: The JSON-formatted output of the bazel aquery command for
mtrofin wrote:

Is there a link we can put here for what that format is?


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