[lld] [llvm] [llvm-readobj][ELF] Alter JSON/LLVM output on note sections to allow for multiple notes per section in JSON (PR #96813)

Paul Kirth via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jun 27 08:43:59 PDT 2024

@@ -7915,22 +7915,27 @@ static void printCoreNoteLLVMStyle(const CoreNote &Note, ScopedPrinter &W) {
 template <class ELFT> void LLVMELFDumper<ELFT>::printNotes() {
   ListScope L(W, "Notes");
ilovepi wrote:

Maybe this should be `NoteSections` or `NoteSectionList` to disambigutate? @jh7370's suggestion also seems fine, but this seems to be the convention we normally use: to name the list as the plural of the type being listed. I'm fine either way, as long as we're outputting something reasonable, though.


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