[llvm] [WebAssembly] Update generic and bleeding-edge CPUs (PR #96584)

Heejin Ahn via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jun 25 15:09:12 PDT 2024

aheejin wrote:

Sorry, apparently there are tests to be updated 😅

https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/96584/commits/3186ad74e147067895983c7b322833df1ab26b57 updates tests in a way that, if a test has separate `RUN` lines for a reference-types test and a non-reference-types test, I added `-mattr=-reference-types` to the no-reftype test's `RUN` command line. I didn't delete existing `-mattr=+reference-types` lines in reftype tests because having it helps readability.

Also, when tests is not really about reference-types but they have to updated because they happen to contain `call_indirect` lines because now `call_indirect` will take `__indirect_function_table` as an argument, I just added the table argument to the expected output.

I think https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/main/llvm/test/CodeGen/WebAssembly/target-features.ll better be updated separately... Will upload a PR for that and land this after that one lands.


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