[llvm] [BOLT][DWARF][NFC] Replace usages of GDBIndex functions (PR #94701)

Alexander Yermolovich via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jun 7 11:30:40 PDT 2024

@@ -731,7 +735,8 @@ void DWARFRewriter::updateDebugInfo() {
   auto TheTriple = std::make_unique<Triple>(File->makeTriple());
   std::unique_ptr<DIEStreamer> Streamer =
       createDIEStreamer(*TheTriple, *ObjOS, "TypeStreamer", DIEBlder, *this);
ayermolo wrote:

createDIEStreamer creates DIEStreamer which takes/stores DIEBulldr, etc. So same way pass in GDBIndexSection, so then in emitTypeUnitHeader we can call it like we do DIEBldr


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