[llvm] [GOFF] Refactor writing GOFF records (PR #93855)
Kai Nacke via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jun 7 10:19:07 PDT 2024
@@ -62,119 +63,90 @@ ZerosImpl zeros(const size_t NumBytes) { return ZerosImpl{NumBytes}; }
// The GOFFOstream is responsible to write the data into the fixed physical
// records of the format. A user of this class announces the start of a new
-// logical record and the size of its payload. While writing the payload, the
-// physical records are created for the data. Possible fill bytes at the end of
-// a physical record are written automatically.
-class GOFFOstream : public raw_ostream {
+// logical record, and writes the full logical block. The physical records are
+// created while the content is written to the underlying stream. Possible fill
+// bytes at the end of a physical record are written automatically.
+// The implementation aims at simplicity, not speed.
+class GOFFOStream {
- explicit GOFFOstream(raw_ostream &OS)
- : OS(OS), LogicalRecords(0), RemainingSize(0), NewLogicalRecord(false) {
- SetBufferSize(GOFF::PayloadLength);
- }
- ~GOFFOstream() { finalize(); }
+ explicit GOFFOStream(raw_ostream &OS)
+ : OS(OS), CurrentType(GOFF::RecordType(-1)) {}
- void makeNewRecord(GOFF::RecordType Type, size_t Size) {
- fillRecord();
- CurrentType = Type;
- RemainingSize = Size;
- if (size_t Gap = (RemainingSize % GOFF::PayloadLength))
- RemainingSize += GOFF::PayloadLength - Gap;
- NewLogicalRecord = true;
- ++LogicalRecords;
+ GOFFOStream &operator<<(StringRef Str) {
+ write(Str);
+ return *this;
- void finalize() { fillRecord(); }
- uint32_t logicalRecords() { return LogicalRecords; }
+ void newRecord(GOFF::RecordType Type) { CurrentType = Type; }
// The underlying raw_ostream.
raw_ostream &OS;
- // The number of logical records emitted so far.
- uint32_t LogicalRecords;
- // The remaining size of this logical record, including fill bytes.
- size_t RemainingSize;
// The type of the current (logical) record.
GOFF::RecordType CurrentType;
- // Signals start of new record.
- bool NewLogicalRecord;
- // Return the number of bytes left to write until next physical record.
- // Please note that we maintain the total number of bytes left, not the
- // written size.
- size_t bytesToNextPhysicalRecord() {
- size_t Bytes = RemainingSize % GOFF::PayloadLength;
- return Bytes ? Bytes : GOFF::PayloadLength;
- }
// Write the record prefix of a physical record, using the current record
// type.
- static void writeRecordPrefix(raw_ostream &OS, GOFF::RecordType Type,
- size_t RemainingSize,
- uint8_t Flags = Rec_Continuation) {
- uint8_t TypeAndFlags = Flags | (Type << 4);
- if (RemainingSize > GOFF::RecordLength)
- TypeAndFlags |= Rec_Continued;
- OS << binaryBe(static_cast<unsigned char>(GOFF::PTVPrefix))
- << binaryBe(static_cast<unsigned char>(TypeAndFlags))
- << binaryBe(static_cast<unsigned char>(0));
- }
+ void writeRecordPrefix(uint8_t Flags);
- // Fill the last physical record of a logical record with zero bytes.
- void fillRecord() {
- assert((GetNumBytesInBuffer() <= RemainingSize) &&
- "More bytes in buffer than expected");
- size_t Remains = RemainingSize - GetNumBytesInBuffer();
- if (Remains) {
- assert((Remains < GOFF::RecordLength) &&
- "Attempting to fill more than one physical record");
- raw_ostream::write_zeros(Remains);
- }
- flush();
- assert(RemainingSize == 0 && "Not fully flushed");
- assert(GetNumBytesInBuffer() == 0 && "Buffer not fully empty");
- }
+ // Write a logical record.
+ void write(StringRef Str);
- // See raw_ostream::write_impl.
- void write_impl(const char *Ptr, size_t Size) override {
- assert((RemainingSize >= Size) && "Attempt to write too much data");
- assert(RemainingSize && "Logical record overflow");
- if (!(RemainingSize % GOFF::PayloadLength)) {
- writeRecordPrefix(OS, CurrentType, RemainingSize,
- NewLogicalRecord ? 0 : Rec_Continuation);
- NewLogicalRecord = false;
- }
- assert(!NewLogicalRecord &&
- "New logical record not on physical record boundary");
- size_t Idx = 0;
- while (Size > 0) {
- size_t BytesToWrite = bytesToNextPhysicalRecord();
- if (BytesToWrite > Size)
- BytesToWrite = Size;
- OS.write(Ptr + Idx, BytesToWrite);
- Idx += BytesToWrite;
- Size -= BytesToWrite;
- RemainingSize -= BytesToWrite;
- if (Size) {
- writeRecordPrefix(OS, CurrentType, RemainingSize);
- }
- }
+void GOFFOStream::writeRecordPrefix(uint8_t Flags) {
+ uint8_t TypeAndFlags = Flags | (CurrentType << 4);
+ OS << binaryBe(static_cast<unsigned char>(GOFF::PTVPrefix))
+ << binaryBe(static_cast<unsigned char>(TypeAndFlags))
+ << binaryBe(static_cast<unsigned char>(0));
+void GOFFOStream::write(StringRef Str) {
+ // The flags are determined by the flags of the prvious record, and by the
+ // remaining size of data.
+ uint8_t Flags = 0;
+ size_t Ptr = 0;
redstar wrote:
Sure, changed.
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