[llvm] Add code to handle #debug_values in SROA. (PR #94068)

Shubham Sandeep Rastogi via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jun 6 13:35:23 PDT 2024

rastogishubham wrote:

@SLTozer @adrian-prantl since the similar funcitons that exists do not have any unit tests, I don't think this code needs it either, though I agree with the sentiment of having unit tests for code that exists in a separate commit. I only separated out this code to make it easier to review. Since LLVM has moved to github, there is no correct way of doing stacked patches, if it is alright with the both of you, the PR that succeeds this PR (https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/94070) is the only one I would like to upstream, and I can squash the two commits into one when that patch is approved. Does that work for everyone?


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