[llvm] [GOFF] Refactor writing GOFF records (PR #93855)

James Henderson via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jun 6 02:37:02 PDT 2024

@@ -62,119 +63,90 @@ ZerosImpl zeros(const size_t NumBytes) { return ZerosImpl{NumBytes}; }
 // The GOFFOstream is responsible to write the data into the fixed physical
 // records of the format. A user of this class announces the start of a new
-// logical record and the size of its payload. While writing the payload, the
-// physical records are created for the data. Possible fill bytes at the end of
-// a physical record are written automatically.
-class GOFFOstream : public raw_ostream {
+// logical record, and writes the full logical block. The physical records are
+// created while the content is written to the underlying stream. Possible fill
+// bytes at the end of a physical record are written automatically.
+// The implementation aims at simplicity, not speed.
+class GOFFOStream {
-  explicit GOFFOstream(raw_ostream &OS)
-      : OS(OS), LogicalRecords(0), RemainingSize(0), NewLogicalRecord(false) {
-    SetBufferSize(GOFF::PayloadLength);
-  }
-  ~GOFFOstream() { finalize(); }
+  explicit GOFFOStream(raw_ostream &OS)
+      : OS(OS), CurrentType(GOFF::RecordType(-1)) {}
jh7370 wrote:

`-1` is a bit of a magic number. Would it be possible to define a constant/enum value for this instead?


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