[lld] [ELF] Orphan placement: remove hasInputSections condition (PR #93761)

Fangrui Song via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jun 5 09:37:25 PDT 2024

@@ -16,22 +16,21 @@
 ## The output file must include all sections.
 # RUN: llvm-readelf -S %t/a.elf | FileCheck %s
-# CHECK:      There are 12 section headers, starting at offset 0x2140:
+# CHECK:      There are 12 section headers, starting at offset 0x2138:
 # CHECK:      [Nr] Name         Type      Address          Off    Size   ES Flg Lk Inf Al
 # CHECK-NEXT: [ 0]              NULL      0000000000000000 000000 000000 00     0  0   0
 # CHECK-NEXT: [ 1] .nonalloc    PROGBITS  0000000000000000 001064 001000 00 W   0  0   1
-# CHECK-NEXT: [ 2] .comment     PROGBITS  0000000000000000 {{.*}} {{.*}} 01 MS  0  0   1
-# CHECK-NEXT: [ 3] .symtab      SYMTAB    0000000000000000 {{.*}} {{.*}} 18     5  1   8
-# CHECK-NEXT: [ 4] .shstrtab    STRTAB    0000000000000000 {{.*}} {{.*}} 00     0  0   1
-# CHECK-NEXT: [ 5] .strtab      STRTAB    0000000000000000 {{.*}} {{.*}} 00     0  0   1
-# CHECK-NEXT: [ 6] .dat         PROGBITS  0000000000000000 002137 000004 00 W   0  0   1
-# CHECK-NEXT: [ 7] .intvec0_out PROGBITS  0000000000000000 00213b 000000 00 W   0  0   1
-# CHECK-NEXT: [ 8] .intvec1_out PROGBITS  0000000000000000 00213b 000000 00 W   0  0   1
-# CHECK-NEXT: [ 9] .intvec2_out PROGBITS  0000000000000000 00213b 000000 00 W   0  0   1
+# CHECK-NEXT: [ 2] .dat         PROGBITS  0000000000000000 002064 000004 00 W   0  0   1
+# CHECK-NEXT: [ 3] .intvec0_out PROGBITS  0000000000000000 002068 000000 00 W   0  0   1
+# CHECK-NEXT: [ 4] .intvec1_out PROGBITS  0000000000000000 002068 000000 00 W   0  0   1
+# CHECK-NEXT: [ 5] .intvec2_out PROGBITS  0000000000000000 002068 000000 00 W   0  0   1
+# CHECK-NEXT: [ 6] .comment     PROGBITS  0000000000000000 {{.*}} {{.*}} 01 MS  0  0   1
MaskRay wrote:

Agreed. I was thinking of a special case at the `while (nonScriptI != e)` (near Writer.cpp:1313) loop that we keep non-SHF_ALLOC orphan at the end.

It is probably still worth doing.


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