[llvm] [VPlan] Perform interleaving as VPlan-to-VPlan transform. (PR #94339)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jun 4 23:21:08 PDT 2024

ayalz wrote:

Great to see this materialize, and the amount of clean-up it brings!

Can the patch be split into two main parts:
1. introducing the VPlanTransform::interleave() pass, reusing existing code-gen with UF reset to 1
2. retiring support for UF > 1 in code-gen, across execute()'s and VPTransformState?
plus separating independent clang-format's.

Rebasing on top of #93396 will surely reduce the overall size, but enough would remain for such a breakdown to be useful.


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