[clang] [llvm] [AArch64] Decouple feature dependency expansion. (PR #94279)

Alexandros Lamprineas via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jun 4 05:57:56 PDT 2024

@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ void undefined(uint32x2_t v2i32, uint32x4_t v4i32, uint16x8_t v8i16, uint8x16_t
   vrnd_f16(v4f16); // expected-error {{always_inline function 'vrnd_f16' requires target feature 'fullfp16'}}
   vmaxnm_f16(v4f16, v4f16); // expected-error {{always_inline function 'vmaxnm_f16' requires target feature 'fullfp16'}}
   vrndi_f16(v4f16); // expected-error {{always_inline function 'vrndi_f16' requires target feature 'fullfp16'}}
-  // fp16fml
-  vfmlal_low_f16(v2f32, v4f16, v4f16); // expected-error {{always_inline function 'vfmlal_low_f16' requires target feature 'fp16fml'}}
+  // fp16fml depends on fp-armv8
+  vfmlal_low_f16(v2f32, v4f16, v4f16); // expected-error {{always_inline function 'vfmlal_low_f16' requires target feature 'fp-armv8'}}
labrinea wrote:

In a future patch it is perhaps worth filtering all these diagnostics with targetFeatureToExtension() since I don't see the point in reporting an internal feature name to the user. We should be diagnosing the corresponding Extension.


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