[llvm] DXIL: Use correct type ID when writing ValueAsMetadata. (PR #94337)

Tim Besard via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jun 4 05:08:17 PDT 2024

maleadt wrote:

A similar case for loading pointer values:

define void @kernel(ptr %0) {
  %box = alloca ptr addrspace(1)
  %x = load ptr addrspace(1), ptr %box, align 8
  ret void

This currently throws a `Mismatch in load/store type: expected i8* but found i8 addrspace(1)*` when reading the bitcode because the `load` type is set to `i8*`, while `i8 addrspace(1)*` is expected. Passing the instruction along similarly to the change proposed here makes this work:

diff --git a/llvm/lib/Bitcode/Writer50/BitcodeWriter50.cpp b/llvm/lib/Bitcode/Writer50/BitcodeWriter50.cpp
index c5c52932512f..20b58f7d1846 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Bitcode/Writer50/BitcodeWriter50.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Bitcode/Writer50/BitcodeWriter50.cpp
@@ -2845,7 +2845,7 @@ void ModuleBitcodeWriter50::writeInstruction(const Instruction &I,
       if (!pushValueAndType(I.getOperand(0), InstID, Vals)) // ptr
-    Vals.push_back(getTypeID(I.getType()));
+    Vals.push_back(getTypeID(I.getType(), &I));
     if (cast<LoadInst>(I).isAtomic()) {


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