[llvm] [DAG] Fold fdiv X, c2 -> fmul X, 1/c2 without AllowReciprocal if exact (PR #93882)

David Green via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jun 3 01:42:21 PDT 2024

@@ -17258,26 +17258,29 @@ SDValue DAGCombiner::visitFDIV(SDNode *N) {
   if (SDValue V = combineRepeatedFPDivisors(N))
     return V;
-  if (Options.UnsafeFPMath || Flags.hasAllowReciprocal()) {
-    // fold (fdiv X, c2) -> fmul X, 1/c2 if losing precision is acceptable.
-    if (auto *N1CFP = dyn_cast<ConstantFPSDNode>(N1)) {
-      // Compute the reciprocal 1.0 / c2.
-      const APFloat &N1APF = N1CFP->getValueAPF();
-      APFloat Recip(N1APF.getSemantics(), 1); // 1.0
-      APFloat::opStatus st = Recip.divide(N1APF, APFloat::rmNearestTiesToEven);
-      // Only do the transform if the reciprocal is a legal fp immediate that
-      // isn't too nasty (eg NaN, denormal, ...).
-      if ((st == APFloat::opOK || st == APFloat::opInexact) && // Not too nasty
-          (!LegalOperations ||
-           // FIXME: custom lowering of ConstantFP might fail (see e.g. ARM
-           // backend)... we should handle this gracefully after Legalize.
-           // TLI.isOperationLegalOrCustom(ISD::ConstantFP, VT) ||
-           TLI.isOperationLegal(ISD::ConstantFP, VT) ||
-           TLI.isFPImmLegal(Recip, VT, ForCodeSize)))
-        return DAG.getNode(ISD::FMUL, DL, VT, N0,
-                           DAG.getConstantFP(Recip, DL, VT));
-    }
+  // fold (fdiv X, c2) -> (fmul X, 1/c2) if there is no loss in precision, or
+  // the loss is acceptable with AllowReciprocal.
+  if (auto *N1CFP = dyn_cast<ConstantFPSDNode>(N1)) {
+    // Compute the reciprocal 1.0 / c2.
+    const APFloat &N1APF = N1CFP->getValueAPF();
+    APFloat Recip(N1APF.getSemantics(), 1); // 1.0
+    APFloat::opStatus st = Recip.divide(N1APF, APFloat::rmNearestTiesToEven);
+    // Only do the transform if the reciprocal is a legal fp immediate that
+    // isn't too nasty (eg NaN, denormal, ...).
+    if (((st == APFloat::opOK && !Recip.isDenormal()) ||
davemgreen wrote:

There are now specific tests in the fdiv-const.ll test file, including some vectors.

We could change it to fold denormals in more cases, but it would require some additional changes for the fixed-point lowering we have under Arm/AArch64. I don't believe that multiplying by a denormal is ever a problem under Arm/AArch64 but I'm not sure about other architectures.


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