[llvm] [DXIL] Model DXIL Class specification of DXIL Ops in DXIL.td (PR #87803)

Justin Bogner via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri May 31 13:09:01 PDT 2024

@@ -308,14 +308,15 @@ Type *DXILOpBuilder::getOverloadTy(dxil::OpCode OpCode, FunctionType *FT) {
-  // Prop->OverloadParamIndex is 0, overload type is FT->getReturnType().
+  // Consider FT->getReturnType() as default overload type, unless
+  // Prop->OverloadParamIndex != 0.
bogner wrote:

This comment just repeats what the code does, which isn't useful. Better to word it at a higher level like "We use the return type as the overload type unless a specific parameter is specified" or something


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