[llvm] [GOFF] Add writing text records to yaml2obj (PR #93863)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu May 30 12:03:56 PDT 2024

llvmbot wrote:



Author: Kai Nacke (redstar)


- **[GOFF] Refactor writing GOFF records**
- **[GOFF] Add writing text records to yaml2obj**


Patch is 34.29 KiB, truncated to 20.00 KiB below, full version: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/93863.diff

15 Files Affected:

- (modified) llvm/include/llvm/BinaryFormat/GOFF.h (+6) 
- (modified) llvm/include/llvm/ObjectYAML/GOFFYAML.h (+91-12) 
- (modified) llvm/lib/ObjectYAML/GOFFEmitter.cpp (+132-153) 
- (modified) llvm/lib/ObjectYAML/GOFFYAML.cpp (+102-18) 
- (removed) llvm/test/tools/yaml2obj/GOFF/GOFF-header-settings.yaml (-26) 
- (removed) llvm/test/tools/yaml2obj/GOFF/GOFF-no-header.yaml (-7) 
- (added) llvm/test/tools/yaml2obj/GOFF/end-amode-const.yaml (+15) 
- (added) llvm/test/tools/yaml2obj/GOFF/end-long-name.yaml (+70) 
- (added) llvm/test/tools/yaml2obj/GOFF/end-only.yaml (+22) 
- (renamed) llvm/test/tools/yaml2obj/GOFF/header-end.yaml (+8-6) 
- (added) llvm/test/tools/yaml2obj/GOFF/header-only.yaml (+18) 
- (added) llvm/test/tools/yaml2obj/GOFF/invalid-record.yaml (+7) 
- (added) llvm/test/tools/yaml2obj/GOFF/text-default.yaml (+15) 
- (added) llvm/test/tools/yaml2obj/GOFF/text-only.yaml (+22) 
- (added) llvm/test/tools/yaml2obj/GOFF/text-style-const.yaml (+15) 

diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/BinaryFormat/GOFF.h b/llvm/include/llvm/BinaryFormat/GOFF.h
index 443bcfc9479a8..9a5637d0abe5f 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/BinaryFormat/GOFF.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/BinaryFormat/GOFF.h
@@ -157,6 +157,12 @@ enum ESDAlignment : uint8_t {
   ESD_ALIGN_4Kpage = 12,
+enum TXTRecordStyle : uint8_t {
+  TXT_TS_Byte = 0,
+  TXT_TS_Structured = 1,
+  TXT_TS_Unstructured = 2,
 enum ENDEntryPointRequest : uint8_t {
   END_EPR_None = 0,
   END_EPR_EsdidOffset = 1,
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ObjectYAML/GOFFYAML.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ObjectYAML/GOFFYAML.h
index f9bf45e95bd3a..1308422b9d3fa 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ObjectYAML/GOFFYAML.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ObjectYAML/GOFFYAML.h
@@ -25,25 +25,104 @@ namespace llvm {
 // to use yaml::IO, we use these structures which are closer to the source.
 namespace GOFFYAML {
-struct FileHeader {
-  uint32_t TargetEnvironment = 0;
-  uint32_t TargetOperatingSystem = 0;
-  uint16_t CCSID = 0;
-  StringRef CharacterSetName;
-  StringRef LanguageProductIdentifier;
-  uint32_t ArchitectureLevel = 0;
-  std::optional<uint16_t> InternalCCSID;
-  std::optional<uint8_t> TargetSoftwareEnvironment;
+// The GOFF format uses different kinds of logical records. The format imposes
+// some rules on those records (e.g. the module header must come first, no
+// forward references to records, etc.). However, to be able to specify invalid
+// GOFF files, we treat all records the same way.
+struct RecordBase {
+  enum RecordBaseKind {
+    RBK_ModuleHeader,
+    RBK_RelocationDirectory,
+    RBK_Symbol,
+    RBK_Text,
+    RBK_DeferredLength,
+    RBK_EndOfModule
+  };
+  const RecordBaseKind Kind;
+  RecordBase(RecordBaseKind Kind) : Kind(Kind) {}
+  RecordBaseKind getKind() const { return Kind; }
+using RecordPtr = std::unique_ptr<RecordBase>;
+struct ModuleHeader : public RecordBase {
+  ModuleHeader() : RecordBase(RBK_ModuleHeader) {}
+  uint32_t ArchitectureLevel;
+  uint16_t PropertiesLength;
+  std::optional<yaml::BinaryRef> Properties;
+  static bool classof(const RecordBase *S) {
+    return S->getKind() == RBK_ModuleHeader;
+  }
+struct Text : public RecordBase {
+  Text() : RecordBase(RBK_Text) {}
+  uint32_t ESDID;
+  uint32_t Offset;
+  uint32_t TrueLength;
+  uint16_t Encoding;
+  uint16_t DataLength;
+  std::optional<yaml::BinaryRef> Data;
+  static bool classof(const RecordBase *S) { return S->getKind() == RBK_Text; }
+struct EndOfModule : public RecordBase {
+  EndOfModule() : RecordBase(RBK_EndOfModule) {}
+  uint32_t RecordCount;
+  uint32_t ESDID;
+  uint32_t Offset;
+  uint16_t NameLength;
+  StringRef EntryName;
+  static bool classof(const RecordBase *S) {
+    return S->getKind() == RBK_EndOfModule;
+  }
 struct Object {
-  FileHeader Header;
-  Object();
+  // A GOFF file is a sequence of records.
+  std::vector<RecordPtr> Records;
 } // end namespace GOFFYAML
 } // end namespace llvm
+namespace llvm {
+namespace yaml {
+template <> struct CustomMappingTraits<GOFFYAML::RecordPtr> {
+  static void inputOne(IO &IO, StringRef Key, GOFFYAML::RecordPtr &Elem);
+  static void output(IO &IO, GOFFYAML::RecordPtr &Elem);
+} // namespace yaml
+} // namespace llvm
diff --git a/llvm/lib/ObjectYAML/GOFFEmitter.cpp b/llvm/lib/ObjectYAML/GOFFEmitter.cpp
index 345904407e1d2..e8fa37dbbd1d8 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/ObjectYAML/GOFFEmitter.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/ObjectYAML/GOFFEmitter.cpp
@@ -11,11 +11,12 @@
-#include "llvm/ADT/IndexedMap.h"
-#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/ObjectYAML.h"
+#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/GOFF.h"
+#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/GOFFYAML.h"
 #include "llvm/ObjectYAML/yaml2obj.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/ConvertEBCDIC.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
 using namespace llvm;
@@ -25,10 +26,10 @@ namespace {
 // Common flag values on records.
 enum {
   // Flag: This record is continued.
-  Rec_Continued = 1,
+  Rec_Continued = 1 << 0,
   // Flag: This record is a continuation.
-  Rec_Continuation = 1 << (8 - 6 - 1),
+  Rec_Continuation = 1 << 1,
 template <typename ValueType> struct BinaryBeImpl {
@@ -62,119 +63,91 @@ ZerosImpl zeros(const size_t NumBytes) { return ZerosImpl{NumBytes}; }
 // The GOFFOstream is responsible to write the data into the fixed physical
 // records of the format. A user of this class announces the start of a new
-// logical record and the size of its payload. While writing the payload, the
-// physical records are created for the data. Possible fill bytes at the end of
-// a physical record are written automatically.
-class GOFFOstream : public raw_ostream {
+// logical record, and writes the full logical block. The physical records are
+// created while the content is written to the underlying stream. Possible fill
+// bytes at the end of a physical record are written automatically.
+// The implementation aims at simplicity, not speed.
+class GOFFOStream {
-  explicit GOFFOstream(raw_ostream &OS)
-      : OS(OS), LogicalRecords(0), RemainingSize(0), NewLogicalRecord(false) {
-    SetBufferSize(GOFF::PayloadLength);
-  }
-  ~GOFFOstream() { finalize(); }
+  explicit GOFFOStream(raw_ostream &OS)
+      : OS(OS), CurrentType(GOFF::RecordType(-1)) {}
-  void makeNewRecord(GOFF::RecordType Type, size_t Size) {
-    fillRecord();
-    CurrentType = Type;
-    RemainingSize = Size;
-    if (size_t Gap = (RemainingSize % GOFF::PayloadLength))
-      RemainingSize += GOFF::PayloadLength - Gap;
-    NewLogicalRecord = true;
-    ++LogicalRecords;
+  GOFFOStream &operator<<(StringRef Str) {
+    write(Str);
+    return *this;
-  void finalize() { fillRecord(); }
-  uint32_t logicalRecords() { return LogicalRecords; }
+  void newRecord(GOFF::RecordType Type) { CurrentType = Type; }
   // The underlying raw_ostream.
   raw_ostream &OS;
-  // The number of logical records emitted so far.
-  uint32_t LogicalRecords;
-  // The remaining size of this logical record, including fill bytes.
-  size_t RemainingSize;
   // The type of the current (logical) record.
   GOFF::RecordType CurrentType;
-  // Signals start of new record.
-  bool NewLogicalRecord;
-  // Return the number of bytes left to write until next physical record.
-  // Please note that we maintain the total number of bytes left, not the
-  // written size.
-  size_t bytesToNextPhysicalRecord() {
-    size_t Bytes = RemainingSize % GOFF::PayloadLength;
-    return Bytes ? Bytes : GOFF::PayloadLength;
-  }
   // Write the record prefix of a physical record, using the current record
   // type.
-  static void writeRecordPrefix(raw_ostream &OS, GOFF::RecordType Type,
-                                size_t RemainingSize,
-                                uint8_t Flags = Rec_Continuation) {
-    uint8_t TypeAndFlags = Flags | (Type << 4);
-    if (RemainingSize > GOFF::RecordLength)
-      TypeAndFlags |= Rec_Continued;
-    OS << binaryBe(static_cast<unsigned char>(GOFF::PTVPrefix))
-       << binaryBe(static_cast<unsigned char>(TypeAndFlags))
-       << binaryBe(static_cast<unsigned char>(0));
-  }
+  void writeRecordPrefix(uint8_t Flags);
-  // Fill the last physical record of a logical record with zero bytes.
-  void fillRecord() {
-    assert((GetNumBytesInBuffer() <= RemainingSize) &&
-           "More bytes in buffer than expected");
-    size_t Remains = RemainingSize - GetNumBytesInBuffer();
-    if (Remains) {
-      assert((Remains < GOFF::RecordLength) &&
-             "Attempting to fill more than one physical record");
-      raw_ostream::write_zeros(Remains);
-    }
-    flush();
-    assert(RemainingSize == 0 && "Not fully flushed");
-    assert(GetNumBytesInBuffer() == 0 && "Buffer not fully empty");
-  }
+  // Write a logical record.
+  void write(StringRef Str);
-  // See raw_ostream::write_impl.
-  void write_impl(const char *Ptr, size_t Size) override {
-    assert((RemainingSize >= Size) && "Attempt to write too much data");
-    assert(RemainingSize && "Logical record overflow");
-    if (!(RemainingSize % GOFF::PayloadLength)) {
-      writeRecordPrefix(OS, CurrentType, RemainingSize,
-                        NewLogicalRecord ? 0 : Rec_Continuation);
-      NewLogicalRecord = false;
-    }
-    assert(!NewLogicalRecord &&
-           "New logical record not on physical record boundary");
-    size_t Idx = 0;
-    while (Size > 0) {
-      size_t BytesToWrite = bytesToNextPhysicalRecord();
-      if (BytesToWrite > Size)
-        BytesToWrite = Size;
-      OS.write(Ptr + Idx, BytesToWrite);
-      Idx += BytesToWrite;
-      Size -= BytesToWrite;
-      RemainingSize -= BytesToWrite;
-      if (Size) {
-        writeRecordPrefix(OS, CurrentType, RemainingSize);
-      }
-    }
+void GOFFOStream::writeRecordPrefix(uint8_t Flags) {
+  uint8_t TypeAndFlags = Flags | (CurrentType << 4);
+  OS << binaryBe(static_cast<unsigned char>(GOFF::PTVPrefix))
+     << binaryBe(static_cast<unsigned char>(TypeAndFlags))
+     << binaryBe(static_cast<unsigned char>(0));
+void GOFFOStream::write(StringRef Str) {
+  // The flags are determined by the flags of the prvious record, and by the
+  // remaining size of data.
+  uint8_t Flags = 0;
+  size_t Ptr = 0;
+  size_t Size = Str.size();
+  while (Size >= GOFF::RecordContentLength) {
+    if (Flags) {
+      Flags |= Rec_Continuation;
+      if (Size == GOFF::RecordContentLength)
+        Flags &= ~Rec_Continued;
+    } else
+      Flags |= (Size == GOFF::RecordContentLength) ? 0 : Rec_Continued;
+    writeRecordPrefix(Flags);
+    OS.write(&Str.data()[Ptr], GOFF::RecordContentLength);
+    Size -= GOFF::RecordContentLength;
+    Ptr += GOFF::RecordContentLength;
+  if (Size) {
+    Flags &= ~Rec_Continued;
+    writeRecordPrefix(Flags);
+    OS.write(&Str.data()[Ptr], Size);
+    OS.write_zeros(GOFF::RecordContentLength - Size);
+  }
+// A LogicalRecord buffers the data of a record.
+class LogicalRecord : public raw_svector_ostream {
+  GOFFOStream &OS;
+  SmallVector<char, 0> Buffer;
+  void anchor() override {};
-  // Return the current position within the stream, not counting the bytes
-  // currently in the buffer.
-  uint64_t current_pos() const override { return OS.tell(); }
+  LogicalRecord(GOFFOStream &OS) : raw_svector_ostream(Buffer), OS(OS) {}
+  ~LogicalRecord() override { OS << str(); }
+  LogicalRecord &operator<<(yaml::BinaryRef B) {
+    B.writeAsBinary(*this);
+    return *this;
+  }
 class GOFFState {
-  void writeHeader(GOFFYAML::FileHeader &FileHdr);
-  void writeEnd();
+  void writeHeader(GOFFYAML::ModuleHeader &ModHdr);
+  void writeText(GOFFYAML::Text &Txt);
+  void writeEnd(GOFFYAML::EndOfModule &EndMod);
   void reportError(const Twine &Msg) {
@@ -185,8 +158,6 @@ class GOFFState {
             yaml::ErrorHandler ErrHandler)
       : GW(OS), Doc(Doc), ErrHandler(ErrHandler), HasError(false) {}
-  ~GOFFState() { GW.finalize(); }
   bool writeObject();
@@ -194,72 +165,80 @@ class GOFFState {
                         yaml::ErrorHandler ErrHandler);
-  GOFFOstream GW;
+  GOFFOStream GW;
   GOFFYAML::Object &Doc;
   yaml::ErrorHandler ErrHandler;
   bool HasError;
-void GOFFState::writeHeader(GOFFYAML::FileHeader &FileHdr) {
-  SmallString<16> CCSIDName;
-  if (std::error_code EC =
-          ConverterEBCDIC::convertToEBCDIC(FileHdr.CharacterSetName, CCSIDName))
-    reportError("Conversion error on " + FileHdr.CharacterSetName);
-  if (CCSIDName.size() > 16) {
-    reportError("CharacterSetName too long");
-    CCSIDName.resize(16);
-  }
-  SmallString<16> LangProd;
-  if (std::error_code EC = ConverterEBCDIC::convertToEBCDIC(
-          FileHdr.LanguageProductIdentifier, LangProd))
-    reportError("Conversion error on " + FileHdr.LanguageProductIdentifier);
-  if (LangProd.size() > 16) {
-    reportError("LanguageProductIdentifier too long");
-    LangProd.resize(16);
-  }
+void GOFFState::writeHeader(GOFFYAML::ModuleHeader &ModHdr) {
+  GW.newRecord(GOFF::RT_HDR);
+  LogicalRecord LR(GW);
+  LR << zeros(45)                          // Reserved.
+     << binaryBe(ModHdr.ArchitectureLevel) // The architecture level.
+     << binaryBe(ModHdr.PropertiesLength)  // Length of module properties.
+     << zeros(6);                          // Reserved.
+  if (ModHdr.Properties)
+    LR << *ModHdr.Properties; // Module properties.
-  GW.makeNewRecord(GOFF::RT_HDR, GOFF::PayloadLength);
-  GW << binaryBe(FileHdr.TargetEnvironment)     // TargetEnvironment
-     << binaryBe(FileHdr.TargetOperatingSystem) // TargetOperatingSystem
-     << zeros(2)                                // Reserved
-     << binaryBe(FileHdr.CCSID)                 // CCSID
-     << CCSIDName                               // CharacterSetName
-     << zeros(16 - CCSIDName.size())            // Fill bytes
-     << LangProd                                // LanguageProductIdentifier
-     << zeros(16 - LangProd.size())             // Fill bytes
-     << binaryBe(FileHdr.ArchitectureLevel);    // ArchitectureLevel
-  // The module propties are optional. Figure out if we need to write them.
-  uint16_t ModPropLen = 0;
-  if (FileHdr.TargetSoftwareEnvironment)
-    ModPropLen = 3;
-  else if (FileHdr.InternalCCSID)
-    ModPropLen = 2;
-  if (ModPropLen) {
-    GW << binaryBe(ModPropLen) << zeros(6);
-    if (ModPropLen >= 2)
-      GW << binaryBe(FileHdr.InternalCCSID ? *FileHdr.InternalCCSID : 0);
-    if (ModPropLen >= 3)
-      GW << binaryBe(FileHdr.TargetSoftwareEnvironment
-                         ? *FileHdr.TargetSoftwareEnvironment
-                         : 0);
-  }
+void GOFFState::writeText(GOFFYAML::Text &Txt) {
+  GW.newRecord(GOFF::RT_TXT);
+  LogicalRecord LR(GW);
+  LR << binaryBe(uint8_t(Txt.Style)) // Text record style.
+     << binaryBe(
+            Txt.ESDID) // ESDID of the element/part to which this data belongs.
+     << zeros(4)       // Reserved.
+     << binaryBe(Txt.Offset)      // Starting offset from element/part.
+     << binaryBe(Txt.TrueLength)  // True length if encoded.
+     << binaryBe(Txt.Encoding)    // Encoding.
+     << binaryBe(Txt.DataLength); // Total length of data.
+  if (Txt.Data)
+    LR << *Txt.Data; // Data.
+  else
+    LR << zeros(Txt.DataLength);
-void GOFFState::writeEnd() {
-  GW.makeNewRecord(GOFF::RT_END, GOFF::PayloadLength);
-  GW << binaryBe(uint8_t(0)) // No entry point
-     << binaryBe(uint8_t(0)) // No AMODE
-     << zeros(3)             // Reserved
-     << binaryBe(GW.logicalRecords());
-  // No entry point yet. Automatically fill remaining space with zero bytes.
-  GW.finalize();
+void GOFFState::writeEnd(GOFFYAML::EndOfModule &EndMod) {
+  SmallString<16> EntryName;
+  if (std::error_code EC =
+          ConverterEBCDIC::convertToEBCDIC(EndMod.EntryName, EntryName))
+    reportError("Conversion error on " + EndMod.EntryName);
+  GW.newRecord(GOFF::RT_END);
+  LogicalRecord LR(GW);
+  LR << binaryBe(uint8_t(EndMod.Flags)) // The flags.
+     << binaryBe(uint8_t(EndMod.AMODE)) // The addressing mode.
+     << zeros(3)                        // Reserved.
+     << binaryBe(EndMod.RecordCount)    // The record count.
+     << binaryBe(EndMod.ESDID)          // ESDID of the entry point.
+     << zeros(4)                        // Reserved.
+     << binaryBe(EndMod.Offset)         // Offset of entry point.
+     << binaryBe(EndMod.NameLength)     // Length of external name.
+     << EntryName;                      // Name of the entry point.
 bool GOFFState::writeObject() {
-  writeHeader(Doc.Header);
-  if (HasError)
-    return false;
-  writeEnd();
+  for (auto &RecPtr : Doc.Records) {
+    auto *Rec = RecPtr.get();
+    switch (Rec->getKind()) {
+    case GOFFYAML::RecordBase::RBK_ModuleHeader:
+      writeHeader(*static_cast<GOFFYAML::ModuleHeader *>(Rec));
+      break;
+    case GOFFYAML::RecordBase::RBK_Text:
+      writeText(*static_cast<GOFFYAML::Text *>(Rec));
+      break;
+    case GOFFYAML::RecordBase::RBK_EndOfModule:
+      writeEnd(*static_cast<GOFFYAML::EndOfModule *>(Rec));
+      break;
+    case GOFFYAML::RecordBase::RBK_RelocationDirectory:
+    case GOFFYAML::RecordBase::RBK_Symbol:
+    case GOFFYAML::RecordBase::RBK_DeferredLength:
+      llvm_unreachable(("Not yet implemented"));
+    }
+    if (HasError)
+      return false;
+  }
   return true;
diff --git a/llvm/lib/ObjectYAML/GOFFYAML.cpp b/llvm/lib/ObjectYAML/GOFFYAML.cpp
index ae857980a521b..d3c8b02bcb6a3 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/ObjectYAML/GOFFYAML.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/ObjectYAML/GOFFYAML.cpp
@@ -12,34 +12,118 @@
 #include "llvm/ObjectYAML/GOFFYAML.h"
 #include "llvm/BinaryFormat/GOFF.h"
-#include <string.h>
 namespace llvm {
-namespace GOFFYAML {
-Object::Object() {}
+namespace yaml {
-} // namespace GOFFYAML
+void ScalarEnumerationTraits<GOFFYAML::GOFF_AMODE>::enumeration(
+#define ECase(X) IO.enumCase(Value, #X, GOFF::ESD_##X)
+  ECase(AMODE_None);
+  ECase(AMODE_24);
+  ECase(AMODE_31);
+  ECase(AMODE_ANY);
+  ECase(AMODE_64);
+  ECase(AMODE_MIN);
+#undef ECase
+  IO.enumFallback<Hex8>(Value);
-namespace yaml {
+void ScalarEnumerationTraits<GOFFYAML::GOFF_TXTRECORDSTYLE>::enumeration(
+#define ECase(X) IO.enumCase(Value, #X, GOFF::TXT_##X)
+  ECase(TS_Byte);
+  ECase(TS_Structured);
+  ECase(TS_Unstructured);
+#undef ECase
+  IO.enumFallback<Hex8>(Value);
+void ScalarEnumerationTraits<GOFFYAML::GOFF_ENDFLAGS>::enumeration(
+#define ECase(X) IO.enumCase(Value, #X, unsigned(GOFF::END_##X) << 6)
+  ECase(EPR_None);
+  ECase(EPR_EsdidOffset);
+  ECase(EPR_ExternalName);
+  ECase(EPR_Reserved);
+#undef ECase
+  IO.enumFallback<Hex8>(Value);
+void MappingTraits<GOFFYAML::ModuleHeader>::mapping(
+    IO &IO, GOFFYAML::ModuleHeader &ModHdr) {
+  IO.mapOptional("ArchitectureLevel", ModHdr.ArchitectureLevel, 0);
+  IO.mapOptional("PropertiesLength", ModHdr.PropertiesLength, 0);
+  IO.mapOptional("Properties", ModHdr.Properties);
+void MappingTraits<GOFFYAML::Text>::mapping(IO &IO, GOFFYAML::Text &Txt) {
+  IO.mapOptional("TextStyle", Txt.Style, GOFF::TXT_TS_Byte);
+  IO.mapOptional("ESDID", Txt.ESDID, 0);
+  IO.mapOptional("Offset", Txt.Offset, 0);
+  IO.mapOptional("TrueLength", Txt.TrueLength, 0);
+  IO.mapOptional("TextEncoding", Txt.Encoding, 0);
+  IO.mapOptional("DataLength", Txt.DataLength, 0);
+  IO.mapOptional("Data", Txt.Data);
+void MappingTraits<GOFFYAML::EndOfModule>::mapping(IO &IO,
+                                                   GOFFYAML::EndOfModule &End) {
+  IO.mapOptional("Flags", End.Flags, 0);
+  IO.mapOptional("AMODE", End.AMODE, 0);
+  IO.mapOptional("RecordCount", End.RecordCount, 0);
+  IO.mapOptional("ESDID", End.ESDID, 0);
+  IO.mapOptional("Offset", End.Offset, 0);
+  IO.mapOptional("NameLength", End.NameLength, 0);
+  IO.mapOptional("EntryName", End.EntryName);
+void CustomMappingTraits<GOFFYAML::RecordPtr>::inputOne(
+    IO &IO, StringRef Key, GOFFYAML::RecordPtr &Elem) {
+  if (Key == "ModuleHeader") {
+    GOFFYAML::ModuleHeader ModHdr;
+    IO.mapRequired("ModuleHeader", ModHdr);
+    Elem = std::make_unique<GOFFYAML::ModuleHeader>(std::move(ModHdr));
+  } else if (Key == "Text") {
+    GOFFYAML::Text Txt;
+    IO.mapRequired("Text", Txt);
+    Elem = std::make_unique<GOFFYAML::Text>(std::move(Txt));
+  } else if (Key ...




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