[llvm] [SampleFDO] Stale profile call-graph matching (PR #92151)

Lei Wang via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed May 29 22:38:26 PDT 2024

@@ -590,14 +617,304 @@ void SampleProfileMatcher::computeAndReportProfileStaleness() {
-void SampleProfileMatcher::runOnModule() {
-  ProfileConverter::flattenProfile(Reader.getProfiles(), FlattenedProfiles,
-                                   FunctionSamples::ProfileIsCS);
+void SampleProfileMatcher::findNewIRFunctions(
+    StringMap<Function *> &NewIRFunctions) {
+  // TODO: Support MD5 profile.
+  if (FunctionSamples::UseMD5)
+    return;
+  StringSet<> NamesInProfile;
+  if (auto NameTable = Reader.getNameTable()) {
+    for (auto Name : *NameTable)
+      NamesInProfile.insert(Name.stringRef());
+  }
   for (auto &F : M) {
-    if (skipProfileForFunction(F))
+    // Skip declarations, as even if the function can be recognized renamed, we
+    // have nothing to do with it.
+    if (F.isDeclaration())
-    runOnFunction(F);
+    StringRef CanonFName = FunctionSamples::getCanonicalFnName(F.getName());
+    const auto *FS = getFlattenedSamplesFor(F);
+    if (FS)
+      continue;
+    // For extended binary, functions are fully inlined may not be loaded in the
+    // top-level profile, so check the NameTable which has the all symbol names
+    // in profile.
+    if (NamesInProfile.count(CanonFName))
+      continue;
+    // For extended binary, non-profiled function symbols are in the profile
+    // symbol list table.
+    if (PSL && PSL->contains(CanonFName))
+      continue;
+    LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Function " << CanonFName
+                      << " is not in profile or symbol list table.\n");
+    NewIRFunctions[CanonFName] = &F;
+void SampleProfileMatcher::findNewIRCallees(
+    Function &Caller, const StringMap<Function *> &NewIRFunctions,
+    std::vector<Function *> &NewIRCallees) {
+  for (auto &BB : Caller) {
+    for (auto &I : BB) {
+      const auto *CB = dyn_cast<CallBase>(&I);
+      if (!CB || isa<IntrinsicInst>(&I))
+        continue;
+      Function *Callee = CB->getCalledFunction();
+      if (!Callee || Callee->isDeclaration())
+        continue;
+      StringRef CalleeName =
+          FunctionSamples::getCanonicalFnName(Callee->getName());
+      if (NewIRFunctions.count(CalleeName))
+        NewIRCallees.push_back(Callee);
+    }
+  }
+std::pair<Function *, bool> SampleProfileMatcher::findOrMatchFunction(
wlei-llvm wrote:

Good catch, changed to `ProfFunc`


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