[compiler-rt] [scudo] Apply filling option when realloc grows a block in-place too (PR #93212)

Fabio D'Urso via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon May 27 05:12:27 PDT 2024

@@ -374,7 +384,18 @@ SCUDO_TYPED_TEST(ScudoCombinedTest, PatternOrZeroFill) {
           ASSERT_TRUE(V == scudo::PatternFillByte || V == 0);
+      // Fill with a known pattern different from PatternFillByte.
       memset(P, 0xaa, Size);
+      // Shrink and then grow by one byte, verifying that it gets re-filled in
+      // the process. We assume that changing the size by just 1 is done in
+      // place.
+      ASSERT_EQ(Allocator->reallocate(P, Size - 1), P);
+      ASSERT_EQ(Allocator->reallocate(P, Size), P);
+      EXPECT_EQ((reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(P))[Size - 1],
+                scudo::PatternFillByte);
fabio-d wrote:

I'm seeing that there's already a similar assumption in `ScudoCombinedDeathTest::ReallocateSame`, so another possibility could maybe be to extend that test instead of having to maintain a new config. What about this?
 SCUDO_TYPED_TEST(ScudoCombinedDeathTest, ReallocateSame) {
   auto *Allocator = this->Allocator.get();
   // Check that reallocating a chunk to a slightly smaller or larger size
   // returns the same chunk. This requires that all the sizes we iterate on use
   // the same block size, but that should be the case for MaxSize - 64 with our
   // default class size maps.
   constexpr scudo::uptr ReallocSize =
       TypeParam::Primary::SizeClassMap::MaxSize - 64;
   void *P = Allocator->allocate(ReallocSize, Origin);
   const char Marker = 'A';
   memset(P, Marker, ReallocSize);
+  Allocator->setFillContents(scudo::PatternOrZeroFill);
   for (scudo::sptr Delta = -32; Delta < 32; Delta += 8) {
     const scudo::uptr NewSize =
         static_cast<scudo::uptr>(static_cast<scudo::sptr>(ReallocSize) + Delta);
     void *NewP = Allocator->reallocate(P, NewSize);
     EXPECT_EQ(NewP, P);

+    // Verify that existing contents have been preserved.
     for (scudo::uptr I = 0; I < ReallocSize - 32; I++)
       EXPECT_EQ((reinterpret_cast<char *>(NewP))[I], Marker);
+    // Verify that, if we have grown the allocation, new bytes have been set
+    // according to FillContentsMode.
+    for (scudo::uptr I = ReallocSize - 32; I < NewSize; I++)
+      EXPECT_EQ((reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(NewP))[I],
+                scudo::PatternFillByte);

     checkMemoryTaggingMaybe(Allocator, NewP, NewSize, 0);
   Allocator->deallocate(P, Origin);


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