[llvm] c1ac6d2 - [AMDGPU] Add amdgpu-as MMRA for fences (#78572)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon May 27 03:17:08 PDT 2024

Author: Pierre van Houtryve
Date: 2024-05-27T12:17:04+02:00
New Revision: c1ac6d2dd4ad3b15756d53b4b294843de4c141c2

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/c1ac6d2dd4ad3b15756d53b4b294843de4c141c2
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/c1ac6d2dd4ad3b15756d53b4b294843de4c141c2.diff

LOG: [AMDGPU] Add amdgpu-as MMRA for fences (#78572)

Using MMRAs, allow `builtin_amdgcn_fence` to emit fences that only
target one or more address spaces, instead of fencing all address spaces
at once.

This is done through a `amdgpu-as` MMRA. Currently focused on OpenCL
fences, but can very easily support more AS names and codegen on more
than just fences.




diff  --git a/clang/docs/LanguageExtensions.rst b/clang/docs/LanguageExtensions.rst
index a09c409f8f91a..46f99d0bbdd06 100644
--- a/clang/docs/LanguageExtensions.rst
+++ b/clang/docs/LanguageExtensions.rst
@@ -4403,6 +4403,7 @@ immediately after the name being declared.
 For example, this applies the GNU ``unused`` attribute to ``a`` and ``f``, and
 also applies the GNU ``noreturn`` attribute to ``f``.
 .. code-block:: c++
   [[gnu::unused]] int a, f [[gnu::noreturn]] ();
@@ -4412,6 +4413,42 @@ Target-Specific Extensions
 Clang supports some language features conditionally on some targets.
+AMDGPU Language Extensions
+``__builtin_amdgcn_fence`` emits a fence.
+* ``unsigned`` atomic ordering, e.g. ``__ATOMIC_ACQUIRE``
+* ``const char *`` synchronization scope, e.g. ``workgroup``
+* Zero or more ``const char *`` address spaces names.
+The address spaces arguments must be one of the following string literals:
+* ``"local"``
+* ``"global"``
+If one or more address space name are provided, the code generator will attempt
+to emit potentially faster instructions that order access to at least those
+address spaces.
+Emitting such instructions may not always be possible and the compiler is free
+to fence more aggressively.
+If no address spaces names are provided, all address spaces are fenced.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  // Fence all address spaces.
+  __builtin_amdgcn_fence(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, "workgroup");
+  __builtin_amdgcn_fence(__ATOMIC_ACQUIRE, "agent");
+  // Fence only requested address spaces.
+  __builtin_amdgcn_fence(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, "workgroup", "local")
+  __builtin_amdgcn_fence(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, "workgroup", "local", "global")
 ARM/AArch64 Language Extensions
@@ -5602,4 +5639,4 @@ Compiling 
diff erent TUs depending on these flags (including use of
 ``std::hardware_constructive_interference`` or
 ``std::hardware_destructive_interference``)  with 
diff erent compilers, macro
 definitions, or architecture flags will lead to ODR violations and should be
\ No newline at end of file

diff  --git a/clang/include/clang/Basic/BuiltinsAMDGPU.def b/clang/include/clang/Basic/BuiltinsAMDGPU.def
index efa652eee9901..433c7795325f0 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/Basic/BuiltinsAMDGPU.def
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Basic/BuiltinsAMDGPU.def
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ BUILTIN(__builtin_amdgcn_sched_group_barrier, "vIiIiIi", "n")
 BUILTIN(__builtin_amdgcn_iglp_opt, "vIi", "n")
 BUILTIN(__builtin_amdgcn_s_dcache_inv, "v", "n")
 BUILTIN(__builtin_amdgcn_buffer_wbinvl1, "v", "n")
-BUILTIN(__builtin_amdgcn_fence, "vUicC*", "n")
+BUILTIN(__builtin_amdgcn_fence, "vUicC*.", "n")
 BUILTIN(__builtin_amdgcn_groupstaticsize, "Ui", "n")
 BUILTIN(__builtin_amdgcn_wavefrontsize, "Ui", "nc")

diff  --git a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CGBuiltin.cpp b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CGBuiltin.cpp
index 0549afa12e430..5edf8c7970913 100644
--- a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CGBuiltin.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CGBuiltin.cpp
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
 #include "llvm/IR/IntrinsicsX86.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/MDBuilder.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/MatrixBuilder.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/MemoryModelRelaxationAnnotations.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/ConvertUTF.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/ScopedPrinter.h"
@@ -18327,6 +18328,29 @@ Value *CodeGenFunction::EmitHLSLBuiltinExpr(unsigned BuiltinID,
   return nullptr;
+void CodeGenFunction::AddAMDGPUFenceAddressSpaceMMRA(llvm::Instruction *Inst,
+                                                     const CallExpr *E) {
+  constexpr const char *Tag = "amdgpu-as";
+  LLVMContext &Ctx = Inst->getContext();
+  SmallVector<MMRAMetadata::TagT, 3> MMRAs;
+  for (unsigned K = 2; K < E->getNumArgs(); ++K) {
+    llvm::Value *V = EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(K));
+    StringRef AS;
+    if (llvm::getConstantStringInfo(V, AS)) {
+      MMRAs.push_back({Tag, AS});
+      // TODO: Delete the resulting unused constant?
+      continue;
+    }
+    CGM.Error(E->getExprLoc(),
+              "expected an address space name as a string literal");
+  }
+  llvm::sort(MMRAs);
+  MMRAs.erase(llvm::unique(MMRAs), MMRAs.end());
+  Inst->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_mmra, MMRAMetadata::getMD(Ctx, MMRAs));
 Value *CodeGenFunction::EmitAMDGPUBuiltinExpr(unsigned BuiltinID,
                                               const CallExpr *E) {
   llvm::AtomicOrdering AO = llvm::AtomicOrdering::SequentiallyConsistent;
@@ -18997,7 +19021,10 @@ Value *CodeGenFunction::EmitAMDGPUBuiltinExpr(unsigned BuiltinID,
   case AMDGPU::BI__builtin_amdgcn_fence: {
                             EmitScalarExpr(E->getArg(1)), AO, SSID);
-    return Builder.CreateFence(AO, SSID);
+    FenceInst *Fence = Builder.CreateFence(AO, SSID);
+    if (E->getNumArgs() > 2)
+      AddAMDGPUFenceAddressSpaceMMRA(Fence, E);
+    return Fence;
   case AMDGPU::BI__builtin_amdgcn_atomic_inc32:
   case AMDGPU::BI__builtin_amdgcn_atomic_inc64:

diff  --git a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.h b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.h
index 5f3ee7eb943f9..45585361a4fc9 100644
--- a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.h
+++ b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.h
@@ -4635,6 +4635,9 @@ class CodeGenFunction : public CodeGenTypeCache {
   llvm::Value *EmitHexagonBuiltinExpr(unsigned BuiltinID, const CallExpr *E);
   llvm::Value *EmitRISCVBuiltinExpr(unsigned BuiltinID, const CallExpr *E,
                                     ReturnValueSlot ReturnValue);
+  void AddAMDGPUFenceAddressSpaceMMRA(llvm::Instruction *Inst,
+                                      const CallExpr *E);
   void ProcessOrderScopeAMDGCN(llvm::Value *Order, llvm::Value *Scope,
                                llvm::AtomicOrdering &AO,
                                llvm::SyncScope::ID &SSID);

diff  --git a/clang/test/CodeGenCXX/builtin-amdgcn-fence.cpp b/clang/test/CodeGenCXX/builtin-amdgcn-fence.cpp
index 630e416b893f4..3af5a21ba0cd5 100644
--- a/clang/test/CodeGenCXX/builtin-amdgcn-fence.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/CodeGenCXX/builtin-amdgcn-fence.cpp
@@ -1,22 +1,111 @@
+// NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_cc_test_checks.py UTC_ARGS: --version 4
 // REQUIRES: amdgpu-registered-target
 // RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -emit-llvm -O0 -o - \
-// RUN:   -triple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa  | opt -S | FileCheck %s
+// RUN:   -triple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK-LABEL: define dso_local void @_Z25test_memory_fence_successv(
+// CHECK-SAME: ) #[[ATTR0:[0-9]+]] {
+// CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
+// CHECK-NEXT:    fence syncscope("workgroup") seq_cst
+// CHECK-NEXT:    fence syncscope("agent") acquire
+// CHECK-NEXT:    fence seq_cst
+// CHECK-NEXT:    fence syncscope("agent") acq_rel
+// CHECK-NEXT:    fence syncscope("workgroup") release
+// CHECK-NEXT:    ret void
 void test_memory_fence_success() {
-  // CHECK-LABEL: test_memory_fence_success
-  // CHECK: fence syncscope("workgroup") seq_cst
   __builtin_amdgcn_fence(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, "workgroup");
-  // CHECK: fence syncscope("agent") acquire
   __builtin_amdgcn_fence(__ATOMIC_ACQUIRE, "agent");
-  // CHECK: fence seq_cst
   __builtin_amdgcn_fence(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, "");
-  // CHECK: fence syncscope("agent") acq_rel
   __builtin_amdgcn_fence(4, "agent");
-  // CHECK: fence syncscope("workgroup") release
   __builtin_amdgcn_fence(3, "workgroup");
+// CHECK-LABEL: define dso_local void @_Z10test_localv(
+// CHECK-SAME: ) #[[ATTR0]] {
+// CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
+// CHECK-NEXT:    fence syncscope("workgroup") seq_cst, !mmra [[META3:![0-9]+]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:    fence syncscope("agent") acquire, !mmra [[META3]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:    fence seq_cst, !mmra [[META3]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:    fence syncscope("agent") acq_rel, !mmra [[META3]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:    fence syncscope("workgroup") release, !mmra [[META3]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:    ret void
+void test_local() {
+  __builtin_amdgcn_fence( __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, "workgroup", "local");
+  __builtin_amdgcn_fence(__ATOMIC_ACQUIRE, "agent", "local");
+  __builtin_amdgcn_fence(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, "", "local");
+  __builtin_amdgcn_fence(4, "agent", "local");
+  __builtin_amdgcn_fence(3, "workgroup", "local");
+// CHECK-LABEL: define dso_local void @_Z11test_globalv(
+// CHECK-SAME: ) #[[ATTR0]] {
+// CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
+// CHECK-NEXT:    fence syncscope("workgroup") seq_cst, !mmra [[META4:![0-9]+]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:    fence syncscope("agent") acquire, !mmra [[META4]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:    fence seq_cst, !mmra [[META4]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:    fence syncscope("agent") acq_rel, !mmra [[META4]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:    fence syncscope("workgroup") release, !mmra [[META4]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:    ret void
+void test_global() {
+  __builtin_amdgcn_fence( __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, "workgroup", "global");
+  __builtin_amdgcn_fence(__ATOMIC_ACQUIRE, "agent", "global");
+  __builtin_amdgcn_fence(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, "", "global");
+  __builtin_amdgcn_fence(4, "agent", "global");
+  __builtin_amdgcn_fence(3, "workgroup", "global");
+// CHECK-LABEL: define dso_local void @_Z10test_imagev(
+// CHECK-SAME: ) #[[ATTR0]] {
+// CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
+// CHECK-NEXT:    fence syncscope("workgroup") seq_cst, !mmra [[META3]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:    fence syncscope("agent") acquire, !mmra [[META3]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:    fence seq_cst, !mmra [[META3]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:    fence syncscope("agent") acq_rel, !mmra [[META3]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:    fence syncscope("workgroup") release, !mmra [[META3]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:    ret void
+void test_image() {
+  __builtin_amdgcn_fence( __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, "workgroup", "local");
+  __builtin_amdgcn_fence(__ATOMIC_ACQUIRE, "agent", "local");
+  __builtin_amdgcn_fence(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, "", "local");
+  __builtin_amdgcn_fence(4, "agent", "local");
+  __builtin_amdgcn_fence(3, "workgroup", "local");
+// CHECK-LABEL: define dso_local void @_Z10test_mixedv(
+// CHECK-SAME: ) #[[ATTR0]] {
+// CHECK-NEXT:  entry:
+// CHECK-NEXT:    fence syncscope("workgroup") seq_cst, !mmra [[META5:![0-9]+]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:    fence syncscope("workgroup") seq_cst, !mmra [[META5]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:    ret void
+void test_mixed() {
+  __builtin_amdgcn_fence( __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, "workgroup", "local", "global");
+  __builtin_amdgcn_fence( __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, "workgroup", "local", "local", "global", "local", "local");
+// CHECK: [[META3]] = !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+// CHECK: [[META4]] = !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+// CHECK: [[META5]] = !{[[META4]], [[META3]]}

diff  --git a/clang/test/SemaOpenCL/builtins-amdgcn-error.cl b/clang/test/SemaOpenCL/builtins-amdgcn-error.cl
index b044763edcf00..7a550f026bc1b 100644
--- a/clang/test/SemaOpenCL/builtins-amdgcn-error.cl
+++ b/clang/test/SemaOpenCL/builtins-amdgcn-error.cl
@@ -155,8 +155,8 @@ void test_ds_fmaxf(local float *out, float src, int a) {
 void test_fence() {
   __builtin_amdgcn_fence(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST + 1, "workgroup"); // expected-warning {{memory order argument to atomic operation is invalid}}
   __builtin_amdgcn_fence(__ATOMIC_ACQUIRE - 1, "workgroup"); // expected-warning {{memory order argument to atomic operation is invalid}}
-  __builtin_amdgcn_fence(4); // expected-error {{too few arguments to function call, expected 2}}
-  __builtin_amdgcn_fence(4, 4, 4); // expected-error {{too many arguments to function call, expected 2}}
+  __builtin_amdgcn_fence(4); // expected-error {{too few arguments to function call, expected at least 2, have 1}}
+  __builtin_amdgcn_fence(4, 4, 4); // expected-error {{incompatible integer to pointer conversion passing 'int' to parameter of type 'const char *'}}
   __builtin_amdgcn_fence(3.14, ""); // expected-warning {{implicit conversion from 'double' to 'unsigned int' changes value from 3.14 to 3}}
   __builtin_amdgcn_fence(__ATOMIC_ACQUIRE, 5); // expected-error {{incompatible integer to pointer conversion passing 'int' to parameter of type 'const char *'}}
   const char ptr[] = "workgroup";

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/SIMemoryLegalizer.cpp b/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/SIMemoryLegalizer.cpp
index 62306fa667b36..24f8788683ed7 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/SIMemoryLegalizer.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/SIMemoryLegalizer.cpp
@@ -18,9 +18,11 @@
 #include "GCNSubtarget.h"
 #include "MCTargetDesc/AMDGPUMCTargetDesc.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/BitmaskEnum.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
 #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineBasicBlock.h"
 #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunctionPass.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/DiagnosticInfo.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/MemoryModelRelaxationAnnotations.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/AtomicOrdering.h"
 #include "llvm/TargetParser/TargetParser.h"
@@ -678,6 +680,49 @@ class SIMemoryLegalizer final : public MachineFunctionPass {
   bool runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) override;
+static const StringMap<SIAtomicAddrSpace> ASNames = {{
+    {"global", SIAtomicAddrSpace::GLOBAL},
+    {"local", SIAtomicAddrSpace::LDS},
+void diagnoseUnknownMMRAASName(const MachineInstr &MI, StringRef AS) {
+  const MachineFunction *MF = MI.getMF();
+  const Function &Fn = MF->getFunction();
+  SmallString<128> Str;
+  raw_svector_ostream OS(Str);
+  OS << "unknown address space '" << AS << "'; expected one of ";
+  ListSeparator LS;
+  for (const auto &[Name, Val] : ASNames)
+    OS << LS << '\'' << Name << '\'';
+  DiagnosticInfoUnsupported BadTag(Fn, Str.str(), MI.getDebugLoc(), DS_Warning);
+  Fn.getContext().diagnose(BadTag);
+/// Reads \p MI's MMRAs to parse the "amdgpu-as" MMRA.
+/// If this tag isn't present, or if it has no meaningful values, returns \p
+/// Default. Otherwise returns all the address spaces concerned by the MMRA.
+static SIAtomicAddrSpace getFenceAddrSpaceMMRA(const MachineInstr &MI,
+                                               SIAtomicAddrSpace Default) {
+  static constexpr StringLiteral FenceASPrefix = "amdgpu-as";
+  auto MMRA = MMRAMetadata(MI.getMMRAMetadata());
+  if (!MMRA)
+    return Default;
+  SIAtomicAddrSpace Result = SIAtomicAddrSpace::NONE;
+  for (const auto &[Prefix, Suffix] : MMRA) {
+    if (Prefix != FenceASPrefix)
+      continue;
+    if (auto It = ASNames.find(Suffix); It != ASNames.end())
+      Result |= It->second;
+    else
+      diagnoseUnknownMMRAASName(MI, Suffix);
+  }
+  return (Result != SIAtomicAddrSpace::NONE) ? Result : Default;
 } // end namespace anonymous
 void SIMemOpAccess::reportUnsupported(const MachineBasicBlock::iterator &MI,
@@ -2535,12 +2580,17 @@ bool SIMemoryLegalizer::expandAtomicFence(const SIMemOpInfo &MOI,
   bool Changed = false;
+  // Refine fenced address space based on MMRAs.
+  //
+  // TODO: Should we support this MMRA on other atomic operations?
+  auto OrderingAddrSpace =
+      getFenceAddrSpaceMMRA(*MI, MOI.getOrderingAddrSpace());
   if (MOI.isAtomic()) {
     if (MOI.getOrdering() == AtomicOrdering::Acquire)
-      Changed |= CC->insertWait(MI, MOI.getScope(), MOI.getOrderingAddrSpace(),
-                                SIMemOp::LOAD | SIMemOp::STORE,
-                                MOI.getIsCrossAddressSpaceOrdering(),
-                                Position::BEFORE);
+      Changed |= CC->insertWait(
+          MI, MOI.getScope(), OrderingAddrSpace, SIMemOp::LOAD | SIMemOp::STORE,
+          MOI.getIsCrossAddressSpaceOrdering(), Position::BEFORE);
     if (MOI.getOrdering() == AtomicOrdering::Release ||
         MOI.getOrdering() == AtomicOrdering::AcquireRelease ||
@@ -2552,8 +2602,7 @@ bool SIMemoryLegalizer::expandAtomicFence(const SIMemOpInfo &MOI,
       /// generate a fence. Could add support in this file for
       /// barrier. SIInsertWaitcnt.cpp could then stop unconditionally
       /// adding S_WAITCNT before a S_BARRIER.
-      Changed |= CC->insertRelease(MI, MOI.getScope(),
-                                   MOI.getOrderingAddrSpace(),
+      Changed |= CC->insertRelease(MI, MOI.getScope(), OrderingAddrSpace,
@@ -2565,8 +2614,7 @@ bool SIMemoryLegalizer::expandAtomicFence(const SIMemOpInfo &MOI,
     if (MOI.getOrdering() == AtomicOrdering::Acquire ||
         MOI.getOrdering() == AtomicOrdering::AcquireRelease ||
         MOI.getOrdering() == AtomicOrdering::SequentiallyConsistent)
-      Changed |= CC->insertAcquire(MI, MOI.getScope(),
-                                   MOI.getOrderingAddrSpace(),
+      Changed |= CC->insertAcquire(MI, MOI.getScope(), OrderingAddrSpace,
     return Changed;

diff  --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/AMDGPU/memory-legalizer-fence-mmra-global.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/AMDGPU/memory-legalizer-fence-mmra-global.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..da9bc6b331134
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/AMDGPU/memory-legalizer-fence-mmra-global.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,1716 @@
+; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_llc_test_checks.py
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -O0 -mcpu=gfx600 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=GFX6 %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -O0 -mcpu=gfx700 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=GFX7 %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -O0 -mcpu=gfx1010 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=GFX10-WGP %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -O0 -mcpu=gfx1010 -mattr=+cumode < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=GFX10-CU %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdpal -O0 -mcpu=gfx700 -amdgcn-skip-cache-invalidations < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=SKIP-CACHE-INV %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -O0 -mcpu=gfx90a < %s | FileCheck -check-prefixes=GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -O0 -mcpu=gfx90a -mattr=+tgsplit < %s | FileCheck -check-prefixes=GFX90A-TGSPLIT %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -O0 -mcpu=gfx940 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefixes=GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -O0 -mcpu=gfx940 -mattr=+tgsplit < %s | FileCheck -check-prefixes=GFX940-TGSPLIT %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -O0 -mcpu=gfx1100 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=GFX11-WGP %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -O0 -mcpu=gfx1100 -mattr=+cumode < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=GFX11-CU %s
+define amdgpu_kernel void @workgroup_acquire_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: workgroup_acquire_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: workgroup_acquire_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_acquire_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: workgroup_acquire_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: workgroup_acquire_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_acquire_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_acquire_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_acquire_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_acquire_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc0
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_acquire_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: workgroup_acquire_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("workgroup") acquire, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @workgroup_release_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: workgroup_release_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: workgroup_release_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_release_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: workgroup_release_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: workgroup_release_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_release_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_release_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_release_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_release_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_release_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: workgroup_release_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("workgroup") release, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @workgroup_acq_rel_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: workgroup_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: workgroup_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: workgroup_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: workgroup_acq_rel_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc0
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: workgroup_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("workgroup") acq_rel, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @workgroup_seq_cst_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: workgroup_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: workgroup_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: workgroup_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: workgroup_seq_cst_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc0
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: workgroup_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("workgroup") seq_cst, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @workgroup_one_as_acquire_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc0
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("workgroup-one-as") acquire, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @workgroup_one_as_release_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_release_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("workgroup-one-as") release, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @workgroup_one_as_acq_rel_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc0
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("workgroup-one-as") acq_rel, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @workgroup_one_as_seq_cst_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc0
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("workgroup-one-as") seq_cst, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @agent_acquire_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: agent_acquire_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: agent_acquire_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: agent_acquire_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: agent_acquire_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: agent_acquire_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_acquire_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_acquire_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_acquire_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc1
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_acquire_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc1
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: agent_acquire_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: agent_acquire_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("agent") acquire, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @agent_release_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: agent_release_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: agent_release_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: agent_release_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: agent_release_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: agent_release_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_release_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_release_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_release_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2 sc1
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_release_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2 sc1
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: agent_release_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: agent_release_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("agent") release, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @agent_acq_rel_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: agent_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: agent_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: agent_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: agent_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: agent_acq_rel_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2 sc1
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc1
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2 sc1
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc1
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: agent_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: agent_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("agent") acq_rel, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @agent_seq_cst_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: agent_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: agent_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: agent_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: agent_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: agent_seq_cst_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2 sc1
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc1
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2 sc1
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc1
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: agent_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: agent_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("agent") seq_cst, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @agent_one_as_acquire_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: agent_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: agent_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: agent_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: agent_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: agent_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc1
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc1
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: agent_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: agent_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("agent-one-as") acquire, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @agent_one_as_release_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: agent_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: agent_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: agent_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: agent_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: agent_one_as_release_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2 sc1
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2 sc1
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: agent_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: agent_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("agent-one-as") release, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @agent_one_as_acq_rel_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: agent_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: agent_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: agent_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: agent_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: agent_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2 sc1
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc1
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2 sc1
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc1
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: agent_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: agent_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("agent-one-as") acq_rel, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @agent_one_as_seq_cst_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: agent_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: agent_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: agent_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: agent_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: agent_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2 sc1
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc1
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2 sc1
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc1
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: agent_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: agent_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("agent-one-as") seq_cst, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @system_acquire_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: system_acquire_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: system_acquire_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: system_acquire_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: system_acquire_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: system_acquire_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_acquire_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_invl2
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_acquire_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_invl2
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_acquire_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc0 sc1
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_acquire_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc0 sc1
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: system_acquire_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: system_acquire_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence acquire, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @system_release_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: system_release_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: system_release_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: system_release_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: system_release_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: system_release_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_release_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_release_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_release_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2 sc0 sc1
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_release_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2 sc0 sc1
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: system_release_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: system_release_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence release, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @system_acq_rel_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: system_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: system_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: system_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: system_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: system_acq_rel_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_invl2
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_invl2
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2 sc0 sc1
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc0 sc1
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2 sc0 sc1
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc0 sc1
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: system_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: system_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence acq_rel, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @system_seq_cst_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: system_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: system_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: system_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: system_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: system_seq_cst_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_invl2
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_invl2
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2 sc0 sc1
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc0 sc1
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2 sc0 sc1
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc0 sc1
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: system_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: system_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence seq_cst, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @system_one_as_acquire_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: system_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: system_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: system_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: system_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: system_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_invl2
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_invl2
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc0 sc1
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc0 sc1
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: system_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: system_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("one-as") acquire, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @system_one_as_release_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: system_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: system_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: system_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: system_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: system_one_as_release_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2 sc0 sc1
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2 sc0 sc1
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: system_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: system_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("one-as") release, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @system_one_as_acq_rel_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: system_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: system_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: system_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: system_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: system_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_invl2
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_invl2
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2 sc0 sc1
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc0 sc1
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2 sc0 sc1
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc0 sc1
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: system_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: system_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("one-as") acq_rel, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @system_one_as_seq_cst_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: system_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: system_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: system_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: system_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: system_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_invl2
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_invl2
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbinvl1_vol
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2 sc0 sc1
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc0 sc1
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_wbl2 sc0 sc1
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    buffer_inv sc0 sc1
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: system_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: system_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt_vscnt null, 0x0
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl1_inv
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    buffer_gl0_inv
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("one-as") seq_cst, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"global"}
+  ret void

diff  --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/AMDGPU/memory-legalizer-fence-mmra-local.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/AMDGPU/memory-legalizer-fence-mmra-local.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..601a6a60fe7b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/AMDGPU/memory-legalizer-fence-mmra-local.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,1296 @@
+; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_llc_test_checks.py
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -O0 -mcpu=gfx600 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=GFX6 %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -O0 -mcpu=gfx700 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=GFX7 %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -O0 -mcpu=gfx1010 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=GFX10-WGP %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -O0 -mcpu=gfx1010 -mattr=+cumode < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=GFX10-CU %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdpal -O0 -mcpu=gfx700 -amdgcn-skip-cache-invalidations < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=SKIP-CACHE-INV %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -O0 -mcpu=gfx90a < %s | FileCheck -check-prefixes=GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -O0 -mcpu=gfx90a -mattr=+tgsplit < %s | FileCheck -check-prefixes=GFX90A-TGSPLIT %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -O0 -mcpu=gfx940 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefixes=GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -O0 -mcpu=gfx940 -mattr=+tgsplit < %s | FileCheck -check-prefixes=GFX940-TGSPLIT %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -O0 -mcpu=gfx1100 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=GFX11-WGP %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -O0 -mcpu=gfx1100 -mattr=+cumode < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=GFX11-CU %s
+define amdgpu_kernel void @workgroup_acquire_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: workgroup_acquire_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: workgroup_acquire_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_acquire_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: workgroup_acquire_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: workgroup_acquire_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_acquire_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_acquire_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_acquire_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_acquire_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_acquire_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: workgroup_acquire_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("workgroup") acquire, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @workgroup_release_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: workgroup_release_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: workgroup_release_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_release_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: workgroup_release_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: workgroup_release_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_release_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_release_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_release_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_release_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_release_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: workgroup_release_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("workgroup") release, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @workgroup_acq_rel_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: workgroup_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: workgroup_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: workgroup_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: workgroup_acq_rel_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: workgroup_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("workgroup") acq_rel, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @workgroup_seq_cst_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: workgroup_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: workgroup_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: workgroup_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: workgroup_seq_cst_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: workgroup_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("workgroup") seq_cst, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @workgroup_one_as_acquire_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("workgroup-one-as") acquire, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @workgroup_one_as_release_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_release_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("workgroup-one-as") release, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @workgroup_one_as_acq_rel_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("workgroup-one-as") acq_rel, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @workgroup_one_as_seq_cst_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: workgroup_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("workgroup-one-as") seq_cst, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @agent_acquire_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: agent_acquire_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: agent_acquire_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: agent_acquire_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: agent_acquire_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: agent_acquire_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_acquire_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_acquire_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_acquire_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_acquire_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: agent_acquire_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: agent_acquire_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("agent") acquire, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @agent_release_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: agent_release_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: agent_release_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: agent_release_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: agent_release_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: agent_release_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_release_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_release_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_release_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_release_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: agent_release_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: agent_release_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("agent") release, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @agent_acq_rel_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: agent_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: agent_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: agent_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: agent_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: agent_acq_rel_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: agent_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: agent_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("agent") acq_rel, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @agent_seq_cst_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: agent_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: agent_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: agent_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: agent_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: agent_seq_cst_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: agent_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: agent_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("agent") seq_cst, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @agent_one_as_acquire_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: agent_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: agent_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: agent_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: agent_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: agent_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: agent_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: agent_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("agent-one-as") acquire, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @agent_one_as_release_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: agent_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: agent_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: agent_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: agent_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: agent_one_as_release_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: agent_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: agent_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("agent-one-as") release, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @agent_one_as_acq_rel_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: agent_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: agent_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: agent_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: agent_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: agent_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: agent_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: agent_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("agent-one-as") acq_rel, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @agent_one_as_seq_cst_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: agent_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: agent_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: agent_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: agent_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: agent_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: agent_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: agent_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: agent_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("agent-one-as") seq_cst, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @system_acquire_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: system_acquire_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: system_acquire_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: system_acquire_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: system_acquire_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: system_acquire_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_acquire_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_acquire_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_acquire_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_acquire_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: system_acquire_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: system_acquire_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence acquire, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @system_release_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: system_release_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: system_release_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: system_release_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: system_release_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: system_release_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_release_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_release_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_release_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_release_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: system_release_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: system_release_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence release, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @system_acq_rel_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: system_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: system_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: system_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: system_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: system_acq_rel_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: system_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: system_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence acq_rel, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @system_seq_cst_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: system_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: system_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: system_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: system_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: system_seq_cst_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: system_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: system_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence seq_cst, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @system_one_as_acquire_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: system_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: system_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: system_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: system_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: system_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: system_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: system_one_as_acquire_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("one-as") acquire, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @system_one_as_release_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: system_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: system_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: system_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: system_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: system_one_as_release_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: system_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: system_one_as_release_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("one-as") release, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @system_one_as_acq_rel_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: system_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: system_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: system_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: system_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: system_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: system_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: system_one_as_acq_rel_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("one-as") acq_rel, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+  ret void
+define amdgpu_kernel void @system_one_as_seq_cst_fence() {
+; GFX6-LABEL: system_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX6:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX6-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX7-LABEL: system_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX7:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX7-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-WGP-LABEL: system_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX10-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX10-CU-LABEL: system_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX10-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX10-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-LABEL: system_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; SKIP-CACHE-INV-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX90A-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-NOTTGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-LABEL: system_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX940-TGSPLIT-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-WGP-LABEL: system_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX11-WGP:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-WGP-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+; GFX11-CU-LABEL: system_one_as_seq_cst_fence:
+; GFX11-CU:       ; %bb.0: ; %entry
+; GFX11-CU-NEXT:    s_endpgm
+  fence syncscope("one-as") seq_cst, !mmra !{!"amdgpu-as", !"local"}
+  ret void


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