[lld] [lld-macho][ObjC] Implement category merging into base class (PR #92448)

Kyungwoo Lee via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri May 17 14:40:41 PDT 2024

@@ -1302,3 +1336,96 @@ void objc::mergeCategories() {
 void objc::doCleanup() { ObjcCategoryMerger::doCleanup(); }
+void ObjcCategoryMerger::mergeCategoriesIntoBaseClass(
+    const Defined *baseClass, std::vector<InfoInputCategory> &categories) {
+  assert(categories.size() >= 1 && "Expected at least one category to merge");
+  // Collect all the info from the categories
+  ClassExtensionInfo extInfo(catLayout);
+  for (auto &catInfo : categories) {
+    parseCatInfoToExtInfo(catInfo, extInfo);
+  }
+  // Get metadata for the base class
+  Defined *metaRo = getClassRo(baseClass, /*getMetaRo=*/true);
+  ConcatInputSection *metaIsec = dyn_cast<ConcatInputSection>(metaRo->isec());
+  Defined *classRo = getClassRo(baseClass, /*getMetaRo=*/false);
+  ConcatInputSection *classIsec = dyn_cast<ConcatInputSection>(classRo->isec());
+  // Now collect the info from the base class from the various lists in the
+  // class metadata
+  parseProtocolListInfo(classIsec, roClassLayout.baseProtocolsOffset,
+                        extInfo.protocols);
+  parsePointerListInfo(metaIsec, roClassLayout.baseMethodsOffset,
+                       extInfo.classMethods);
+  parsePointerListInfo(metaIsec, roClassLayout.basePropertiesOffset,
+                       extInfo.classProps);
+  parsePointerListInfo(classIsec, roClassLayout.baseMethodsOffset,
+                       extInfo.instanceMethods);
+  parsePointerListInfo(classIsec, roClassLayout.basePropertiesOffset,
+                       extInfo.instanceProps);
+  // Erase the old lists - these will be generated and replaced
+  eraseSymbolAtIsecOffset(metaIsec, roClassLayout.baseMethodsOffset);
+  eraseSymbolAtIsecOffset(metaIsec, roClassLayout.baseProtocolsOffset);
+  eraseSymbolAtIsecOffset(metaIsec, roClassLayout.basePropertiesOffset);
+  eraseSymbolAtIsecOffset(classIsec, roClassLayout.baseMethodsOffset);
+  eraseSymbolAtIsecOffset(classIsec, roClassLayout.baseProtocolsOffset);
+  eraseSymbolAtIsecOffset(classIsec, roClassLayout.basePropertiesOffset);
+  // Emit the newly merged lists - first into the meta RO then into the class RO
+  emitAndLinkPointerList(metaRo, roClassLayout.baseMethodsOffset, extInfo,
+                         extInfo.classMethods);
+  // Protocols are a special case - the single list is referenced by both the
+  // class RO and meta RO. Here we emit it and link it into the meta RO
+  Defined *protoListSym = emitAndLinkProtocolList(
+      metaRo, roClassLayout.baseProtocolsOffset, extInfo, extInfo.protocols);
+  emitAndLinkPointerList(metaRo, roClassLayout.basePropertiesOffset, extInfo,
+                         extInfo.classProps);
+  emitAndLinkPointerList(classRo, roClassLayout.baseMethodsOffset, extInfo,
+                         extInfo.instanceMethods);
+  // If we emitted a new protocol list, link it to the class RO also
+  if (protoListSym) {
kyulee-com wrote:

nit: you can drop `{`.


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