[lld] [llvm] [Symbolizer] Support for Missing Line Numbers. (PR #82240)

Paul T Robinson via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri May 17 12:40:12 PDT 2024

pogo59 wrote:

> My reading of DWARF suggests that this is legal as there's nothing to disallow two contiguous sequences AFAICS.

The DWARF standard doesn't say anything about how two sequences relate to each other. While the intent of a sequence is to cover all contiguous instructions, nothing in the spec mandates this.

I suspect that llvm-mc is unlikely to generate multiple sequences for the same section, and for different sections it will of course use zero as the starting offset. An explicit line table in the assembly source, such as @bd1976bris proposed, will let you have multiple sequences in the same section, and therefore a non-zero starting point, in a single relocatable object. This means the linker is not required.


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