[llvm] [InstrProf] Evaluate function order using test traces (PR #92451)

Kyungwoo Lee via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri May 17 12:00:59 PDT 2024

@@ -1002,46 +1002,57 @@ void InstrProfRecord::addValueData(uint32_t ValueKind, uint32_t Site,
     ValueSites.emplace_back(VData, VData + N);
-std::vector<BPFunctionNode> TemporalProfTraceTy::createBPFunctionNodes(
-    ArrayRef<TemporalProfTraceTy> Traces) {
+void TemporalProfTraceTy::createBPFunctionNodes(
+    ArrayRef<TemporalProfTraceTy> Traces, std::vector<BPFunctionNode> &Nodes) {
   using IDT = BPFunctionNode::IDT;
   using UtilityNodeT = BPFunctionNode::UtilityNodeT;
-  // Collect all function IDs ordered by their smallest timestamp. This will be
-  // used as the initial FunctionNode order.
-  SetVector<IDT> FunctionIds;
-  size_t LargestTraceSize = 0;
-  for (auto &Trace : Traces)
-    LargestTraceSize =
-        std::max(LargestTraceSize, Trace.FunctionNameRefs.size());
-  for (size_t Timestamp = 0; Timestamp < LargestTraceSize; Timestamp++)
-    for (auto &Trace : Traces)
-      if (Timestamp < Trace.FunctionNameRefs.size())
-        FunctionIds.insert(Trace.FunctionNameRefs[Timestamp]);
-  const int N = Log2_64(LargestTraceSize) + 1;
+  UtilityNodeT MaxUN = 0;
+  DenseMap<IDT, size_t> IdToFirstTimestamp;
+  DenseMap<IDT, UtilityNodeT> IdToFirstUN;
+  DenseMap<IDT, SmallVector<UtilityNodeT>> IdToUNs;
   // TODO: We need to use the Trace.Weight field to give more weight to more
   // important utilities
-  DenseMap<IDT, SmallVector<UtilityNodeT, 4>> FuncGroups;
-  for (size_t TraceIdx = 0; TraceIdx < Traces.size(); TraceIdx++) {
-    auto &Trace = Traces[TraceIdx].FunctionNameRefs;
-    for (size_t Timestamp = 0; Timestamp < Trace.size(); Timestamp++) {
-      for (int I = Log2_64(Timestamp + 1); I < N; I++) {
-        auto FunctionId = Trace[Timestamp];
-        UtilityNodeT GroupId = TraceIdx * N + I;
-        FuncGroups[FunctionId].push_back(GroupId);
+  for (auto &Trace : Traces) {
+    size_t CutoffTimestamp = 1;
+    for (size_t Timestamp = 0; Timestamp < Trace.FunctionNameRefs.size();
+         Timestamp++) {
+      IDT Id = Trace.FunctionNameRefs[Timestamp];
+      auto [It, WasInserted] = IdToFirstTimestamp.try_emplace(Id, Timestamp);
+      if (!WasInserted)
+        It->getSecond() = std::min<size_t>(It->getSecond(), Timestamp);
+      if (Timestamp >= CutoffTimestamp) {
+        ++MaxUN;
+        CutoffTimestamp = 2 * Timestamp;
+      IdToFirstUN.try_emplace(Id, MaxUN);
+    for (auto &[Id, FirstUN] : IdToFirstUN)
+      for (auto UN = FirstUN; UN <= MaxUN; ++UN)
+        IdToUNs[Id].push_back(UN);
+    ++MaxUN;
+    IdToFirstUN.clear();
-  std::vector<BPFunctionNode> Nodes;
-  for (auto Id : FunctionIds) {
-    auto &UNs = FuncGroups[Id];
-    llvm::sort(UNs);
-    UNs.erase(std::unique(UNs.begin(), UNs.end()), UNs.end());
+  DenseMap<UtilityNodeT, unsigned> UNFrequency;
+  for (auto &[Id, UNs] : IdToUNs)
+    for (auto &UN : UNs)
+      ++UNFrequency[UN];
+  // Filter out rare and common utility nodes to make BalancedPartitioning more
kyulee-com wrote:

Initially I felt these wording `rare and common` seem contradictory.
Looking at the code below, you appear to avoid the case where UM appears only 1 function or more than half of total functions. Perhaps suggest the wording something like `too infrequent or too prevalent`?


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