[llvm] [DebugCounter] Add support for non-continous ranges. (PR #89470)

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Fri May 17 01:56:36 PDT 2024

Ralender wrote:

Thanks for reviewing. I will address you comments soon. I just wanted to answer some of you questions. I didn't yet update formatting and test failure because I didn't know if there was going to be interest.

The reason I named it delta-driver and not intrinsically linked to debug counters. because what it does is drive delta debugging logic on a chunk list. this can be applied to more than debug counters.

the bisector is one of the other uses of the delta-driver to find which translation unit or set of translation unit are needed to reproduce an issue. this is what I use locally to minimize a miss-complie in a multi-file project to 1 translation unit. I guess everyone has one of these so I don't know if there is interest on upstreaming one.


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