[llvm] [ExceptionDemo] Transition example from MCJIT to ORC and fix compiling errors (PR #92504)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri May 17 00:19:06 PDT 2024

epitavy wrote:

./bin/ExceptionDemo 2 3 7 -1

Begin Test:

Gen: About to throw exception type <2> in throwFunct.
Gen: Exception type <2> received (stack unwound)  in innerCatchFunct.
Gen: Executing catch block typeInfo2 in innerCatchFunct
Gen: Executing finally block finally in innerCatchFunct
Gen: In end block: exiting in innerCatchFunct.
Gen: No exception in outerCatchFunct!
Gen: Executing finally block finally in outerCatchFunct
Gen: In end block: exiting in outerCatchFunct.

Gen: About to throw exception type <3> in throwFunct.
Gen: Exception type <3> received (stack unwound)  in innerCatchFunct.
Gen: Executing finally block finally in innerCatchFunct
Gen: Exception type <3> received (stack unwound)  in outerCatchFunct.
Gen: Executing catch block typeInfo3 in outerCatchFunct
Gen: Executing finally block finally in outerCatchFunct
Gen: In end block: exiting in outerCatchFunct.

Gen: About to throw exception type <7> in throwFunct.
Gen: Exception type <7> received (stack unwound)  in innerCatchFunct.
Gen: Executing finally block finally in innerCatchFunct
Gen: Exception type <7> received (stack unwound)  in outerCatchFunct.
Gen: Executing finally block finally in outerCatchFunct

runExceptionThrow(...):In C++ catch all.

Gen: About to throw exception type <-1> in throwFunct.
Gen: Foreign exception received.
Gen: Executing finally block finally in innerCatchFunct
Gen: Foreign exception received.
Gen: Executing finally block finally in outerCatchFunct

runExceptionThrow(...):In C++ catch OurCppRunException with reason: thrown by throwCppException(...).

End Test:


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