[llvm] [RISCV] Move RISCVInsertVSETVLI to after phi elimination (PR #91440)

Luke Lau via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu May 16 21:36:53 PDT 2024

lukel97 wrote:

> ProcessImplicitDefs should run after InitUndef and add back the undef flag though, otherwise RISCVInsertVSETVLI would never consider any passthrus as undef.

I confused myself here and forgot about the PseudoRVVInitUndef pseudos.

But it turns out we only insert the undef pseudos on non-tied operands, i.e. never the passthru. RISCVInsertVSETVLI conveniently only checks for undef on the passthrus, so we don't need to worry about them.


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